South African woman claims Somalis bring nothing to the advancement of Africa while Ethiopia does


Entitled uppity East African
We’ve become the boogeyman of anti blackness ffs. It’s exhausting trying to prove how I’m not anti black 🙄
It’s crazy we’ve become the face of anti-blackness Africa and yet SAns get a slide they get called xenophobic instead of anti-black but still :jcoleno:
We should just be kind and polite. And when we see weirdo Somalis, tell them off

Respectability politics doesn’t work, many of them already come with a built-in prejudice that stretches back years. Somalis just need to make sure they acquire undeniable power, wealth and influence like the Cadaan. We can do that with our natural resources, by turning Somalia into an African Oman and by having a diaspora that fills up the top universities, companies, and high ranking government positions in major economies. You can see glimpses of this here and there, but its still a work in progress.
Respectability politics doesn’t work, many of them already come with a built-in prejudice that stretches back years. Somalis just need to make sure they acquire undeniable power, wealth and influence like the Cadaan. We can do that with our natural resources, by turning Somalia into an African Oman and by having a diaspora that fills up the top universities, companies, and high ranking government positions in major economies. You can see glimpses of this here and there, but its still a work in progress.

We can do both. But it's important to have a good image, so that our people aren't at risk of genocide all over the globe.
We can do both. But it's important to have a good image, so that our people aren't at risk of genocide all over the globe.

Our grandparents and parents’ generations literally supported this woman’s country with training, funding and military hardware to liberate her subjugated people from Apartheid South Africa, and still she has nothing but smoke for us because of a couple of internet trolls.

The only way not to be at risk of genocide is to have leverage, and the only way to acquire that is through power, wealth and influence. Its why her people are meek towards the Cadaan in her country that control 70+% of farmlands in South Africa.
Respectability politics doesn’t work, many of them already come with a built-in prejudice that stretches back years. Somalis just need to make sure they acquire undeniable power, wealth and influence like the Cadaan. We can do that with our natural resources, by turning Somalia into an African Oman and by having a diaspora that fills up the top universities, companies, and high ranking government positions in major economies. You can see glimpses of this here and there, but its still a work in progress.

This an being extremely isolationist in regards to the rest of the continent and the arab world. no citizenships being given away or pr, also half breeds aren't allowed to inherit land or get position of power (in government)
For some reason the last several weeks I haven't able to watch any of the tiktoks on the forum does anybody know how I can fix this?


Somalis just want to be left the f*ck alone that all we ask.

Its always petty shots at somalis until somalis react and then its anti-black.
Tbh we will be left alone the moment we stop being unhinged talking about somali business on social media. I'm tired of Cadaans knowing every single beef in our community
They spiritually own them, a lot of Madows are Christians and influenced by the charismatic Methodist or baptist preachers who tell tales of the black king of Zion and Israel and how Ethiopia is their modern day descendant etc etc, that and the Rastafarian movement too.
Fell out with a childhood friend because of bullshit like this, he was from ivory coast and a rasta


Entitled uppity East African
Because Somali people are more open and brazen with their racism and anti blackness hence why they aren’t attacked in South Africa what does antagonizing Africans do for Somalis except hurt our people back home y’all worried about hair texture as if that is all we bring to the table.
Huh I’m confused are you saying Somalis aren’t attacked in South Africa because people?!?! Also most of the people online who are perpetrating anti blackness are the same 30 loudmouthed trolls who all follow eachother…Nobody is worried about hair texture what are you on?!?
Huh I’m confused are you saying Somalis aren’t attacked in South Africa because people?!?! Also most of the people online who are perpetrating anti blackness are the same 30 loudmouthed trolls who all follow eachother…Nobody is worried about hair texture what are you on?!?
No I was saying Ethiopians aren’t targeted like we are and Somalis being anti black online is just gonna increase the murder and hate of Somalis in those countries talking about our hair texture is better as if that is all we have to offer the world.
South Africa are immigrants in their own country. What do they even own? Without the yt man South Africa would just have been like congo.
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