Story From Mogadishu


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
That is madness, but it was not your fault. It was a new situation and anything is possible. You could have got your head blown off for lesser things.

Most of these females blaming you would have done nothing in the same situation if it was reversed. Its just shaming tactics.

Its good that you made a thread about it.
Like you would do something. :drakelaugh:
You come across as those soft dudes, you would probably be raped before your wife and give in willingly because you are coward.

Oh really, that is interesting, all of that from a few exchanges on a strange forum.

You need to stop jumping to crazy conclusions young lady.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I did my best to stop it, but Sorry I ain't getting shot because of him.
It is a society issue, and imagine I got involved and "surprise surprise" I get shot by a "trigger-happy" Somali Man

Would you get involved if you have seen a sister get harassed in Mogadishu by a man?
Wallahi I would. I would rather die defending the helpless.
u should've told him hold up niga I have a few questions for u, is she ur wife or relatives? if not what's the problem? and try to de-escalate the situation if it didn't work u should said I have no time u if leave the car am not going to pay u.

remember guys u r responsible for ur own safety u shouldn't rely on anybody to protect u even police. that's why i advice to take ur self defense class, never go to stupid places; with stupid people; at stupid time and carry anything that can help u to defend urself.
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Oh give me a break, you would say this now, but if it had been you, well, I do not think you would have done jack. I did something, and yes the aftermath was not as accepted.

Certain men would have joined or even accepted the driver. I tried to pay for her. And why would you board a taxi knowing that you cannot afford it.

Let's say I became the hero, and protect her. This crackhead may have shot both of us, leaving the dead bodies there. I am sorry, I have a family to bill for and a wife to take care of. I have my priorities and that is to keep safe. I already had 2 near death experiences here. I ain't making it a 3rd

I am no typical Somali man, This was wrong and unjust, But if it was my sister, well let me make it clear, She would not board a taxi with 2 man in the first place. Simple as. Mogadishu as well.

Call me a coward or whatever. But I did what I can in a climate where you risk your life!
I edited my reply after rethinking it. I still think you should’ve tried to intervene in some way, like demanding you go with them, or demanding why he was taking her away. What days he even had a gun, you saw no evidence for it. I don’t think you should’ve intervened had he had a gun, but you should’ve done more than you did. I don’t think you should’ve mindlessly jumped in, but you should’ve done more than you did. I regret saying the thing about you not intervening even if it was your sister, but I stand by calling you a coward. You are a coward, but that’s okay. Cowards live longer


Veni Vidi Vici
Do taxis have numbers in Somalia? Is there a way to report him? I’m sure the girl comes from a family that could do something about this ass hole, god forbid but imagine if that girl was your sister? You would want someone to protect her, remember what goes around comes around. I refused to believe you couldn’t do anything, did he have a gun on you? If you stepped out of the car and threatened his ass maybe he would have stopped the fact that you didn’t do anything, you be haunted by that believe me, that’s if you have any conscience.
Somalia. Taxis having numbers. Nope, no way. Yes, I am guilty, but what sholud I do?
Go on a rampage and find him. As you said, what goes around comes around, so his daughter or his sisters could face the same fate as what happened.
Remember that @Calaf is pretty young (19-20, I believe) before you judge.

Now, if he just wanted money, you could have strongly insisted to pay for the rest. But aside from that, I don't think you did anything wrong

People on here like to act like heroes when IRL they would have meekly done the same thing you did. 50% of people on this forum haven't even gone to Somalia, what do they know of genuine fear of death? Also, why would you risk a bullet for a girl who you don't even know?

You did nothing wrong, @Calaf.


Veni Vidi Vici
I edited my reply after rethinking it. I still think you should’ve tried to intervene in some way, like demanding you go with them, or demanding why he was taking her away. What days he even had a gun, you saw no evidence for it. I don’t think you should’ve intervened had he had a gun, but you should’ve done more than you did. I don’t think you should’ve mindlessly jumped in, but you should’ve done more than you did. I regret saying the thing about you not intervening even if it was your sister, but I stand by calling you a coward. You are a coward, but that’s okay. Cowards live longer
Why did I take the assumption he had a gun. Well 1 reason. All taxi drivers has it. Even Bajjaj drivers are starting to get the pistols. Its Mogadishu.

Coward or not, I made 1 error and I regret it. I failed to help, but it was a case of "flight or fight"
I get that you were scared, I mean I would also contemplate for a brief moment to stay out of it, but I would forever have the image the girl being raped near my sight. Therefore, I would react calm and offer him 100 dollars to see if that stops this daylight rape from unfolding. If he refuses I would keep doubling the amount to an amount I think I can forgo. If he still refuses I would beg him to stop taking her. If all that fails then sxb I will get physical even if it means I will wind up dead.


Veni Vidi Vici
Now, if he just wanted money, you could have strongly insisted to pay for the rest. But aside from that, I don't think you did anything wrong
I offered to pay continuously. I did offer him the full $30, he refused and this is what he said "Kaga dooni maayo adiga, kaliya iga sii $ 15. WAXAAN RABBAHAY IN AAN I SIIYO MARKAAN $ 15, MA $ 11"

I gave her $4, but he refused it from her as well. He knew he wanted something else from her!


"You are your best thing"
Somalia. Taxis having numbers. Nope, no way. Yes, I am guilty, but what sholud I do?
Go on a rampage and find him. As you said, what goes around comes around, so his daughter or his sisters could face the same fate as what happened.
Calaf an innocent woman was raped in your presence, I’m sorry that I’m being hard on you but you are guilty for not doing anything. I understand that muqdisho is not safe but I have families there and I know that guy wouldn’t just shoot you, you come from a family he’s not stupid to just shoot you for some ass. He raped a woman and then you proceeded to ride with him and even pay him? So much is wrong with that, I’m not saying you should’ve fought the guy but you could’ve and should’ve done something to intervene, fuckers like him would continue raping until they are stopped.
I offered to pay continuously. I did offer him the full $30, he refused and this is what he said "Kaga dooni maayo adiga, kaliya iga sii $ 15. WAXAAN RABBAHAY IN AAN I SIIYO MARKAAN $ 15, MA $ 11"

I gave her $4, but he refused it from her as well. He knew he wanted something else from her!
Are you positive he had a weapon on him? Could you have overpowered him physically?
Why did I take the assumption he had a gun. Well 1 reason. All taxi drivers has it. Even Bajjaj drivers are starting to get the pistols. Its Mogadishu.

Coward or not, I made 1 error and I regret it. I failed to help, but it was a case of "flight or fight"
I kinda sorta half way see your point of view, but can you tell me why you didn’t speak up? Not like actually get physical but why didn’t you use your words to say something? Was it fear? Shock? Moment went too quick? When he got you to your location did you think to tell the people around what he did and call the police?
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This is soo barbaric. I can't begin to accept the story is true. If he is that sexually frustrated why not ask the community to find him xalal wife?
Females should learn martial arts, and be armed if they want real protection. This is a solution for all the toxic females in here who think shaming tactics are acceptable.


Veni Vidi Vici
Calaf an innocent woman was raped in your presence, I’m sorry that I’m being hard on you but you are guilty for not doing anything. I understand that muqdisho is not safe but I have families there and I know that guy wouldn’t just shoot you, you come from a family he’s not stupid to just shoot you for some ass. He raped a woman and then you proceeded to ride with him and even pay him? So much is wrong with that, I’m not saying you should’ve fought the guy but you could’ve and should’ve done something to intervene, fuckers like him would continue raping until they are stopped.
Now, let imagine this was a court. Did I witness it. No. So could I classify it as a rape, just because a girl was crying. No. So, if I hit him and had a fight, and he shot me, but he never did anything then??

I ain't a guy to say shit about Somalis or talk ill about Mogadishu. But, let me give you some context. We went on our way, and he asks where I am from. I would never say the west or asia, but I say Oman, because It would make me less suspicious, incase he is aligned with AS. He asks about my tribe, and I say my tribe mx. He does not say anything to her. He becomes silent. He continues and then stops. Like he may had hatred for me or something. I never got involved for the only reason and that is he might shoot.

I know that he might not shoot, but I am not taking the chance. Even if he does, so what, he dies and that is it. No benefit for anyone.

I paid him, because, whatever he did, he did his duty, and I paid. Simple as. So lets say he picks me up later, what should I do, kill him or something.

My conscience is feeling guilty, but I am the overall loser here, I did nothing and she may have been violated. I am the coward fine, but I am showing to the people of the diaspora that shit like this still happens!


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