Story From Mogadishu


Veni Vidi Vici
It's like @TekNiKo said, my aunt from the UK moved back to Xamar and her Bajjaj driver was my half brother's first cousin who someone known. You only travel with certified drivers who are close family. There was one time a group of 4 men came out of salaada dhuhrka and then robbed a guy who also prayed in the masjid:ileycry:
When my sister and my female family members goes, we only have one driver and they do not go on anybody else car, except his. Him and him only, and he is a family member as well!

They don't even use bajjajs at all, and once they go home, nobody comes in or out and the security guards are all Family members or clan member as well!


Veni Vidi Vici
Sxb, as a woman in Xamar, she should not have hailed a taxi with a stranger all by herself

Nor should she have asked the driver to take her knowing she could not pay for the fare

However you behaved like a fuley sxb, somebody was raped in your presence while you remained in the taxi too afraid to act

It is not about being a hero, it is about having principles you stand for
I came away like a fuley yes, but I know why, and I am not risking it at all. I maybe seemed as a coward, but better to be a dead hero!

Samaalic Era

When my sister and my female family members goes, we only have one driver and they do not go on anybody else car, except his. Him and him only, and he is a family member as well!

They don't even use bajjajs at all, and once they go home, nobody comes in or out and the security guards are all Family members or clan member as well!
That how things are done in Xamar. These precautions are necessary and those who fail to put them in place, pay the price.

Xamar is no place for women moving around alone
It’s okay @Calaf , don’t beat yourself up over it too much. It happens, as long as you learned from it and regret your actions/lack there of. You didn’t commit the crime. If he’s capable of that, god knows what else he’s capable of.


Veni Vidi Vici
It’s okay @Calaf , don’t beat yourself up over it too much. It happens, as long as you learned from it and regret your actions/lack there of. You didn’t commit the crime. If he’s capable of that, god knows what else he’s capable of.
I did inform certain authority so It will be alright inshallah!

Samaalic Era

Women should carry firearms for protection in my opinion.

No point being a sitting duck.
I never really went around Xamar well but my cousin who stayed in Xamar longer when he visited some relatives, had AKs at home. One time, my aunt told him where a spare AK in the house was and she was armed along with sons and husband.

Another cousin of mine wanted to join the government and was given a pistol as self defense whilst he is in Xamar

The thing, these women who do dumb shit like jumping on random cars don't have the mental strength to protect themselves


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Nothing calaf of all qabils you had to be MX, @TekNiKo is already bad example here for us but anyways you are feeling guilty because you are good person and maybe you froze in the moment, if I were you would find a way to report this incident and maybe even bribe them to do something about it.
You are not even Marehan, Rer Kooshin ya ka tahay? Stop claiming us.:sitdown:
I never really went around Xamar well but my cousin who stayed in Xamar longer when he visited some relatives, came AKs at home. One time, my aunt told him where a spare AK in the house was and she was armed along with sons and husband.

Another cousin of mine wanted to join the government and was given a pistol as self defense whilst he is in Xamar

The only way against this kind of violence is to train the females in self defence. Toxic shaming tactics against innocent males not associated or responsible for another persons safety solves nothing.

If these rapists notice more and more females are armed or can defend themselves very well. The word will go around, and any potential scumbag will think twice before trying anything.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Are u F Crazy?
Why take taxi?
And if u dont have fam there, why go there? Are u suicidal?

That place is cursed forlife. I survived it because of Qatarta Allah and Fam.

If i came originally from other city, i would never go to Xamar.

Alhamdulilah i came out alive from that hellhole. InshaAllah i go back when rule of law is restored and Alshabab is defeated.


Veni Vidi Vici
Are u F Crazy?
Why take taxi?
And if u dont have fam there, why go there? Are u suicidal?

That place is cursed forlife. I survived it because of Qatarta Allah and Fam.

If i came originally from other city, i would never go to Xamar.

Alhamdulilah i came out alive from that hellhole. InshaAllah i go back when rule of law is restored and Alshabab is defeated.
Nah, I got family here, I own land here and also a house in Darusalam, I am well connected here allahimudllah.

Taxi is normal if your going far out of Xamar, there was no other option I could have done on the spot!
I survived many thing Alx, but at the end of the day it is my county and my capital city, whatever happens!
Oh give me a break, you would say this now, but if it had been you, well, I do not think you would have done jack. I did something, and yes the aftermath was not as accepted.

Certain men would have joined or even accepted the driver. I tried to pay for her. And why would you board a taxi knowing that you cannot afford it.

Let's say I became the hero, and protect her. This crackhead may have shot both of us, leaving the dead bodies there. I am sorry, I have a family to bill for and a wife to take care of. I have my priorities and that is to keep safe. I already had 2 near death experiences here. I ain't making it a 3rd

I am no typical Somali man, This was wrong and unjust, But if it was my sister, well let me make it clear, She would not board a taxi with 2 man in the first place. Simple as. Mogadishu as well.

Call me a coward or whatever. But I did what I can in a climate where you risk your life!
This is Somalia. Isn't everybody like 90 lbs and built like qorfe. Beat his ass doqonyahaw


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Nah, I got family here, I own land here and also a house in Darusalam, I am well connected here allahimudllah.

Taxi is normal if your going far out of Xamar, there was no other option I could have done on the spot!
I survived many thing Alx, but at the end of the day it is my county and my capital city, whatever happens!

How expensive is the land there and also the house in Darussalam?


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Depends, it is expensive with average at nearly 100k and can go up to 2 million, it is not cheap and the house was $63k in Darusallam

Alhamdulilah i own piece of land there.

But iam saving up money for another house.

Its gonna be good Post-Alshabab InshaALLAH:banderas:


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