Story From Mogadishu


Veni Vidi Vici
Walal. I'm not a homeless Marehan and Dhulbahante. I have a home of my own.

We have our land, and that is Galguduud and most of Gedo. DH I do not know


Veni Vidi Vici
@Calaf got cucked first by his erectile dysfunction
and now a farax rapist taxi driver :dead: @Pipit

You had an opportunity to express pure violence and you decided to sit in a car :deadpeter:
For the last time, I do not have erectile dysfunction, I am a money man!!!
I was not cucked in anyway whatsoever!
@Calaf got cucked first by his erectile dysfunction
and now a farax rapist taxi driver :dead: @Pipit

You had an opportunity to express pure violence and you decided to sit in a car :deadpeter:
Nahhhh man paid him 15$ after raping a girl :dead: @Calaf stop acting like a cadaan tourist waryaa “I ain't no hero, and I have no intention to get shot for no reason by a Somali man“ kulaha niggas back home are skinny asf and can’t afford a gun


Veni Vidi Vici
Nahhhh man paid him 15$ after raping a girl :dead: @Calaf stop acting like a cadaan tourist waryaa
I paid him for the ride to the destination. I do not condone this behavior at all, but man took me to my destination!

Macalin M

Out here
I paid him for the ride to the destination. I do not condone this behavior at all, but man took me to my destination!
Sorry akh but I’m agreeing with these two homies. If you had a feeling she was being raped you shouldn’t have even had to think twice. Furthermore you shouldn’t have even let her get out the car first. Should have been stubborn and insisted the nigga take your money. Instead you just sat back while she got raped. Rape is no joke sxb it changes the girls life forever
I came away like a fuley yes, but I know why, and I am not risking it at all. I maybe seemed as a coward, but better to be a dead hero!
Don't be a coward bro.. We will all die one day.. Stand up against injustice and never fear anything but Allah.. When your time comes you'll go.


Veni Vidi Vici
I made a horrendous error people. Yes, I should not have paid. I was baffled guy and did not know what to do. I paid like the coward I am, but mark my words!!

But know that I will and I already have, took some actions, to at least ease my conscious, I made a mistake, a grave one, but wallahi, and I swear that I will do something about it. I will not commit a bigger sin, but I will do something about it.

High Ranking authority, the guy that employs him and also of the local security guards know about it. The Head of the Airport, the General knows, and it will be dealt with!

I will do something and Wallahi I will not let it go.


This thread will hunt me for the rest of my life. Now imagine the coward who sat like the peace of shit he is in the car while the honor of a muslim girl was being violated. CALAF WILL ANSWER TO ALLAH FOR HIS COWARNESS PERIOD.

If i was you in that situation i would be a shaheed by now. Aint no way i would let those memories haunt me for the rest of my life when i can just die like a hero and ALLAH IS WITNESS TO MY BRAVERY.


Veni Vidi Vici
This thread will hunt me for the rest of my life. Now imagine the coward who sat like the peace of shit he is in the car while the honor of a muslim girl was being violated. CALAF WILL ANSWER TO ALLAH FOR HIS COWARNESS PERIOD.

If i was you in that situation i would be a shaheed by now. Aint no way i would let those memories haunt me for the rest of my life when i can just die like a hero and ALLAH IS WITNESS TO MY BRAVERY.
No. You would not. I indeed repented, but I am sorry, I have seen murders and bombings, was I a coward for not stopping those. Why would I RISK MY OWN LIFE FOR SOMEONE ELSES ERROR. I INDEED STATED THE FACT THAT I MADE A MISTAKE, But blaming me for the drivers shit is just low. In the glorious west that most of you live in, why do you not get involved when someone is being stabbed or shot, why not help them, why when you hear about rapes in the town, you don't do shit about it. I indeed made one error, but why do i deserve this backlash?

Is it my fault she came on a CAR with 2 MALES IN IT?

Everybody wants to be an hero, but never is when it comes to the time

Imagine it was another person not me on it. They would accept this behavior, heck, they might join IN on this HORRENDOUS AND ATROCIOUS ACT.

What I never did, I will repent for it, and indeed I will do something about it. DID I JUST LEAVE IT THERE. No!

But once again, lets look at the bigger picture here. Is it normal IN Somalia and if so why!
I went back to Mogadishu for a couple of days to visit.

This morning, I was on route to Darusalam from Decale Airport Hotel. I got a taxi from the Hotel since it was far for a bajjaj to go and I had luggage to take. The taxi took also took a sister who works in the hotel and was heading there to visit her uncle. Now, the taxi fare was $15, since taxis are more expensive then bajjaj and it is in a way more quicker and comfortable. The trip took around 45 Mins. Before we reached the gates and was on the Jidka Tarabuunka, he asked for the payments. Now for 2 passengers, he would have got $30.But the girl worker only gave him $11 and said she would pay the rest later. Now, I offered to pay the whole fare at first, but the driver refused and said she had to pay.

Now, she was $4 short, so instead, I gave her the change. The driver refused and he pulled her from the seat and took her outside. I knew this guy wanted something else from her but I cannot fight or do anything or I would have been involved and I cannot risk the risk of being shot or even worse, so I just remained in the car, and tried to see what occurred Now, they went away from eyesight and I do not know what happened, but she comes back crying , and he went on to the journey. I assume that it was the worst thing, and I paid him the $15 dollar and never thought about it again!

People, stay safe, especially the girls. Somalia is still Somalia and every time you see something stupid or sad like this!!!!

Yes, I should have stopped it or helped in a way, but I offered to pay. I ain't no hero, and I have no intention to get shot for no reason by a Somali man, just because I tried to be a hero!

What Was the point of telling us this horrible story ? Now I’m mad Damn. Exiting this thread .


Veni Vidi Vici
What Was the point of telling us this horrible story ? Now I’m mad Damn. Exiting this thread .
I am informing of this "heaven" the Somalis in Mogadishu are in and the issues still in the country!!


ALLAH gave you a soul which means probably this shit will haunt you for the rest of your life. At least I did my part after reading this story that is why i wrote what i wrote because my mind could not handle the trauma and i dont want to be complicit in bullshit when i have my own sins i have to make up for in front of ALLAH.

But brother a peace of you has died in that scene and you are not even recognizing it. Trust me you will never be the same in your life. You will never look your sister the same way or your daughter the same way or even your wife the same way. Something will always be wrong with you. Something will always be missing. SHIT IS TRAUMATIC.


Veni Vidi Vici
ALLAH gave you a soul which means probably this shit will haunt you for the rest of your life. At least I did my part after reading this story that is why i wrote what i wrote because my mind could not handle the trauma and i dont want to be complicit in bullshit when i have my own sins i have to make up for in front of ALLAH.

But brother a peace of you has died in that scene and you are not even recognizing it. Trust me you will never be the same in your life. You will never look your sister the same way or your daughter the same way or even your wife the same wife. Something will always be wrong with you. Something will always be missing. SHIT IS TRAUMATIC.
I get your point, but I once again seen worster stuff. I may be young, but I have seen shit that is just life changing. I will repent and make up for my other sins, but seeing this opened my mind more into issues of Somalia and our people.

But, what I seen from my trip in Mogadishu, can never be explained and changed!


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