Sudan Conflict Updates: Army vs RSF

You're right, best not to stretch yourself thin. Especially with reports of Dinka men raping Baggara women that were left behind by their men in the RSF. And the majority of North Kordofan is Baggara, but even if they weren't does that justify stealing from them?

You keep crying about the secession of South Sudan. Your desert homeland has not a single permanent river and no access to the sea which is why you need their land for pasture :silanyolaugh: Be thankful that Ja'alins gave you savages guns to butcher Black Darfurians with more fertile land. Pray to whatever shaytan you believe in that those Ja'alin bogeymen don't arm those same Black Darfurians that are already getting their revenge.

Dinka men raping Baggara women? Never heard of that. Last reports I read it were baggara abusing Dinka but feel free to share those reports. Overall though, I don’t like talking about rape or making rape jokes but isn’t it your Jaali women who are getting raped in Khartoum in front of their men and army by those out of control baggara soldiers?? Focus more on keeping your own women safe for now 🤙
stealing is happening all over Sudan most of it got nothing to do with RSF even Jaalin we’re stealing from each other in crises looool

also don’t mistaken our homeland to yours
you are the ones from the real desert who actually need a river around 🤣🤣🤣🤣 our lands are fine



Looool Jaalin giving us guns? It was a good partnership in 2003 and don’t know why you made the dreadful mistake of going against us. Now you cannot even return to Khartoum 🥲🤣🤣🤣 anyways relax, the RSF yes gold mines and partnership with the UAE to get modern and real weapons that we used to teach you a big lesson 🔥

I think the Jaalin right now should worry more about keeping their own butts safe before worrying about helping the black darfuris. Minni and jibril who know very well they don’t stand a chance against the RSF and that is why they are watching your army suffering in pain alone and are refusing to get involved 🤣🤣🤣 you army is already 90% fur and Nuba and they not doing exactly any good on the Field.
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it’s kinda sad to see what Sudan has come to… up until April this year I was just Sudani just like the others here. The country really has gone down hill 🙃
Heavy fighting between the RSF and Sudanese (terrorist/Islamist) army this morning in El Obeid, capital of North Kordofan 🙌
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Dinka men raping Baggara women? Never heard of that. Last reports I read it were baggara abusing Dinka but feel free to share those reports. Overall though, I don’t like talking about rape or making rape jokes but isn’t it your Jaali women who are getting raped in Khartoum in front of their men and army by those out of control baggara soldiers?? Focus more on keeping your own women safe for now 🤙
stealing is happening all over Sudan most of it got nothing to do with RSF even Jaalin we’re stealing from each other in crises looool

also don’t mistaken our homeland to yours
you are the ones from the real desert who actually need a river around 🤣🤣🤣🤣 our lands are fine

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Looool Jaalin giving us guns? It was a good partnership in 2003 and don’t know why you made the dreadful mistake of going against us. Now you cannot even return to Khartoum 🥲🤣🤣🤣 anyways relax, the RSF yes gold mines and partnership with the UAE to get modern and real weapons that we used to teach you a big lesson 🔥

I think the Jaalin right now should worry more about keeping their own butts safe before worrying about helping the black darfuris. Minni and jibril who know very well they don’t stand a chance against the RSF and that is why they are watching your army suffering in pain alone and are refusing to get involved 🤣🤣🤣 you army is already 90% fur and Nuba and they not doing exactly any good on the Field.
Just because you missed the report doesn’t mean it never happened. Smart of you to claim anti-rape on your new account but also dumb of you to insert that sneaky contradictory comment. Didn’t you claim that Ja’alins fled Khartoum at the beginning of the war? Now it’s poor immigrant and Nubawi women getting raped by RSF while their Baggara sisters get gang raped by Dinka looters.

Loool Rizeigat from Southwest Sudan and not the desert of North Darfur? Who made that map? :mjlol: I don’t care about Misseirya, Ta’isha, and other slaves of Rizeigat, their proximity to South Sudan is why they got looted and raped. Either way after the war it would be best for them to join their masters in Hemedti’s new capital “Zurrug” (who chose that name? 😭) so they aren’t sandwiched between the Nilotic pastoralists and farmers that want to butcher them
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Just because you missed the report doesn’t mean it never happened. Smart of you to claim anti-rape on your new account but also dumb of you to insert that sneaky contradictory comment. Didn’t you claim that Ja’alins fled Khartoum at the beginning of the war? Now it’s poor immigrant and Nubawi women getting raped by RSF while their Baggara sisters get gang raped by Dinka looters.

Loool Rizeigat from Southwest Sudan and not the desert of North Darfur? Who made that map? :mjlol: I don’t care about Misseirya, Ta’isha, and other slaves of Rizeigat, their proximity to South Sudan is why they got looted and raped. Either way after the war it would be best for them to join their masters in Hemedti’s new capital “Zurrug” (who chose that name? 😭) so they aren’t sandwiched between the Nilotic pastoralists and farmers that want to butcher them
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it sure sounds like you going through some form of rape therapy considering the number of rape references your making… are you ok? 🧐 “rape” is not a fun topic and lying about rape won’t save your cause

Khartoum is a city of nearly 10 million, many of the poor jalabis left behind are getting raped continuously by the janjaweed and the whole world knows it.

Lol I can right now say that the Dinka raped thousands of shamaliya women in South Sudan without having a report or article to back my claims Einstein 😂 lying isn’t gonna save your broke ass today - they pleasured your men in the bushes during the civil war so what’s to stop them from your women? 🤣

Ah man you too much 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Baggara are primarily south darfur and south Darfur is one of the first states to fall 🤣🤣🤣 its fur and and zaghawa who are from north Darfur so much for being educated 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the misseireyah are in Abyei and Kordofan looool not the flat ugly deserts of your shamaliya homelands

Taisha, misseireyah, rezeigat all of them are together stamping on your people and army looool it’s funny seeing how desperate the Jalaba are getting after getting whooped hard by the RSF 😝

enjoy the sands of the north or cross the borders into Egypt and become the slaves of Egypt. You had no issues selling yourselves as slaves to the Egyptians in the past to not get invaded so it be just like old ancient times 😭😭😭😭 does baqt treaty ring a bell??

enjoy the sands of your dead northern lands, you won’t step foot in Khartoum anytime soon again 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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RSF resuming the attacks on the army headquarters and karari base using multi Launch rocket systems🔥🔥🔥
Also reports of attacks in Wadi Seydna airbase

the boys are doing a good job downing the terrorist government 👍

جاهزية سرعة حسم 🙌
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Janjashit self hating negro says after we're done from the army we will start slaughtering all the abeed in sudan such as bargo and nuba people.

We really need to put these arab worshiping cucks in their place. 1 nuba man is worth more than your entire tribe

Loooool calm your breasts nigga and come to the field instead of sending the Nuba and and fur to fight for you 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 aren’t you the same people who been calling them abeed on a daily basis ?? Loool

the jalaba are the biggest Arab booty licking wanna be slaves on earth…. Your dumbness made you lose South Sudan idiot
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What passport situation? My relatives in Port Sudan said they’re starting to print passports, latest will be by the end of the month.

I doubt this war will make it to October, let alone the next year. At least not in Khartoum state which is starting to see a gradual return to normalcy in areas that were once fighting hotspots.

LoooooL epic fail 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 so much for October and being delusional
He is delusional in the sense he believes 3 million baggara who are largely illiterate and uneducated can take over Sudan as a sort of elite. Which is nothing but delusion.

His position is really just cope. The baggara have bitten off more than they can chew
Hmmmm let’s check Sudans state after 60 years of Northern rule, what’s been happening?

First civil war
Second civil war (2 million deaths predominantly south Sudanese after a fake Jihad)
Darfur civil war 400k deaths (Bashir and other northern leaders wanted by the ICC)
Sudan named a terrorist country and been on the state sponsor of terrorism list for 25+ years
Decades of western sanctions battering the life out of the Sudanese economy
The independence of South Sudan losing 80% of oil when it was valuable
The bombing of the Nuba mountains and innocent civilians for 10+ years
Total collapse of the Sudanese economy with 1 dollar getting 450 Sudanese pounds (before the war)
Total collapse of the GDP with Sudan being poorer than most of Africa
Sudan considered a failed state in all standards

I am pretty sure an illiterate person with common sense would do a better job running Sudan than the failures of northerners loooool

the baggara haven’t even started yet, the real party is yet to begin 🔥
06/10/2023 when the RSF took over Aylafoun area south east of Khartoum, it’s funny how the terrorist regime is crying because they lost Aylafoun… the RSF took control of major oil installations which would stop oil from reaching port Sudan for export I.e. bankrupting the Sudanese army and government even more 🤣🤣🤣

Why would they start a war that they can’t handle??? 😂
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Their greedy miscalculation will lead to the rest of Sudan rallying behind Black Darfurians. Even before this war the Janjaweed were disliked but those that were indifferent now hate them. Anyways I feel weird specifying that they're black considering Darfurian Arabs like this delusional Misseriya dude can be blacker than them 💀

really enjoying reading these comments, I wonder where the love of northers for dark skinned people suddenly came from, wasn’t it you who called southerners and Nuba abeed for 50+ years? 🤣

talking about dark skin, they come in all Sudani tribes. Check out your dark skinned northern uncles , exactly how do they differ from south Sudanese? And don’t pretend to me as if they are a small portion of northerners looool




Sudanese army



Rapid support forces (Baggara)



stop pretending like you love dark skinned sudanis, you only loving them now because you need their protection from the RSF🤣🔥

Respect and love for people of all colours 🙌
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it sure sounds like you going through some form of rape therapy considering the number of rape references your making… are you ok? 🧐 “rape” is not a fun topic and lying about rape won’t save your cause

Khartoum is a city of nearly 10 million, many of the poor jalabis left behind are getting raped continuously by the janjaweed and the whole world knows it.

Lol I can right now say that the Dinka raped thousands of shamaliya women in South Sudan without having a report or article to back my claims Einstein 😂 lying isn’t gonna save your broke ass today - they pleasured your men in the bushes during the civil war so what’s to stop them from your women? 🤣

Ah man you too much 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Baggara are primarily south darfur and south Darfur is one of the first states to fall 🤣🤣🤣 its fur and and zaghawa who are from north Darfur so much for being educated 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the misseireyah are in Abyei and Kordofan looool not the flat ugly deserts of your shamaliya homelands

Taisha, misseireyah, rezeigat all of them are together stamping on your people and army looool it’s funny seeing how desperate the Jalaba are getting after getting whooped hard by the RSF 😝

enjoy the sands of the north or cross the borders into Egypt and become the slaves of Egypt. You had no issues selling yourselves as slaves to the Egyptians in the past to not get invaded so it be just like old ancient times 😭😭😭😭 does baqt treaty ring a bell??

enjoy the sands of your dead northern lands, you won’t step foot in Khartoum anytime soon again 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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You must not know any Misseirya or Rizeigat, just call and ask they'll confirm that this happened.

Baqt treaty facilitated the trans-saharan slave trade which affected Nubawis and your Darfurian ancestors :silanyolaugh:

Both are land are desert. Only difference is we have a river and sea while you have nothing. Hence why your people failed to produce any civilization.