Syria Updates: The Fall of Bashar al-Assad


“Those people” the normal people in Jilib and Shabaab held territories do not dance and enjoy whenever the regime their hold hostage under kills their brother and sisters. The number one victims of Shabaab are they, whose sons are indoctrinated and kidnapped to fight and whose daughters are given away like livestock to breed with Khawarij scum. Taxed to death to feed fat “emirs” as they languish in poverty not seen anywhere else in the country.

As a god fearing people how could we ever advocate for indiscriminate Asad like bombing? It would only confirm to them the Shabaab narrative. Allah SWT has given us codes of conducts in time of war, where does it say to throw those away when the opponent does? Nowhere!
There were no planes back then, military technology is radically different from 200 years ago, let alone 1.4k years ago. We’re currently in the fifth generation of warfare, whilst they used bow and arrows. So we cannot easily apply the codes of conducts in time of war from their time, into our time.
you mean when isis was publishing their burning cages videos every week
The hate started before the rise of ISIS in 2012, with calls to ban halal and mosques, hate speech against Muslims in parliament on a weekly basis, only allowing Syrian refugees who are Christian or part of an ethnic religious minority and weekly rallies against Islam.




An interview with Hamas official Talal Nasser, aired on Dec 2, regarding recent developments in Syria.

He voiced strong support for the Syrian revolutionaries' advances and dismissed all claims that Syria's revolution is Zionist.

He revealed that Hamas received $20 million in one month alone from the Syrian Revolutionaries and that Hamas was in regular contact with them.

He also revealed that the Syrian Revolutionaries freed several political prisoners who had been imprisoned in Aleppo Prison by Bashar al-Assad.

0:09 - You are backstabbing the Palestinians
1:15 - You support a murderer
2:30 - Salute to the Syrian Revolution
4:20 - Bashar and Israel
4:48 - The Viral Aleppo Citadel Image
5:51 - The timing of the offensive
7:00 - The lie regarding cutting off supply lines
7:42 - Why did they not defend Lebanon?
9:42 - Free Syrians gave us $20 million in a month
10:09 - Was this a Zionist Revolution?
10:21 - Is Bashar Resistance?
13:02 - Palestinian prisoners were liberated
13:48 - Why did you not fight Israel the same way?
14:23 - We are against you in Syria
15:25 - We believe in one Ummah
15:37 - On barrel bombs


Hope Syria wins and stays United on a single front as people and nation. Typical zionists ploy of dividing yet another muslim country, weakening it to the point of yet another anexation of land. You see the enemies of muslims winning yet we have muslims killing and fighting each other. Weakening each other.

What is the point of overtrowing a functioning government and opening pandoras box, look at Lybia and Sudan. Heck even Somalia is struggling to regroup after 30+ years of chaotic civil war. Muslims learn lessons of history and stop going after their governments regardless of much you disagree. It is very hard to rebuild after you bring your country to ground zero.

Whats the point of coming to power when you realize the devils rule the world behind the scenes (illuminati one eyed false god). Every muslim president who come to power to gain the believers find himself being told to surrender by big brother or else they ruin it for him and make people rebel. Look no further than the only muslim country with nukes like Pakistan directy under enemy thumb, they arrested and put into jail PM Imran Khan.

Remember what happened to elected Morsi in Egypt? Whats the point of rebelling against your muslim leader when you come into power the devils who rule the world show up and tell you go along with them or they ruin it for you.
Bashar in a kaffirs by the juma' of scholars of the ummah so a kaffirs cannot rule muslims


