Syria Updates: The Fall of Bashar al-Assad


Rebels have flanked Hama. In Aleppo they all routed, now they don't have the luxury, Hama controls the road to the Alawite homeland of Latakia, cut that off and I can see general panic starting to set in.


Crypto shia
Being a Sunni doesn’t mean you’re against the family of the Prophet (saw). Saying there is no Ali(ra) and Hussain (ra) in our lands is a blasphemous statement as hating Ali is a sign of hypocrisy, and loving him is a part of faith.



The offspring of Yazeed may allah curse them

Are you shia? Why would you post an obscure singular video to try to make Syrians look bad? You know that is not representative of Sunnis. Do you know how many sectarian shia videos could be shared here? I noticed religious Sunnis trigger you, it is a strange trend with you.


Being a Sunni doesn’t mean you’re against the family of the Prophet (saw). Saying there is no Ali(ra) and Hussain (ra) in our lands is a blasphemous statement as hating Ali is a sign of hypocrisy, and loving him is a part of faith.
he burnt the flag and said we should only want to raise the word La Ilaha Illa Allah. ahlu sunnah dont worship ali radiyAllahu canhu.
Being a Sunni doesn’t mean you’re against the family of the Prophet (saw). Saying there is no Ali(ra) and Hussain (ra) in our lands is a blasphemous statement as hating Ali is a sign of hypocrisy, and loving him is a part of faith.

He clearly meant their (i.e shias) creed is unwelcome not the actual persons


he burnt the flag and said we should only want to raise the word La Ilaha Illa Allah. ahlu sunnah dont worship ali radiyAllahu canhu.
Doesn’t matter, you can’t say “we don’t want Ali or Hussain in our lands go to Iraq for that”

This is a statement of hypocrisy, a statement that would only come out of the tongue of a nawasib. We must prevent Syria from falling back to their early Ummayad history.

Ibn Hajr:
“Then it was the matter of Ali and a group of people fought against him, then the situation got more complicated and they began to belittle him and they made cursing Ali from the pulpits, a regular habit”

Source - Fath al-Bari Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 7 page 57

Al-Awzai said: ‘We didn’t obtain gifts until we testified that Ali was a hypocrite and declared our disavowal towards him”.

Source - Siyar A’lam al-Nubala, Volume 7 page 130

“From Abdillah al-Mazini who said: ‘When Muawiya left Kufa he employed al-Mughirah ibn Shubah. ’He said: al-Mughirah hired orators to insult Ali’.”

Source - Musnad Ahmad, Volume 3 page 185

“The Governor of Medina who was one of the members of the house of Marwan called Sahl Ibn Sa’d, and ordered him to curse Ali. But Sahl refused to do so. The governor said: “If you don’t want to curse Ali, just say God curse Abu Turab (the nickname of Ali).” Sahl said: “Ali did not like any name for himself better than Abu Turab, and Ali used to become very happy when somebody would call him Abu Turab.”

Source - Sahih Muslim, Chapter of Virtues of Companions, Section of Virtues of Ali, Arabic version, v4, p1874, Tradition #38

“The statement of Mu’awyia to Sa’d bin Abi Waqas “What prevents you from cursing Abu Turab” indicates that the first generation of Bani Umayya would abuse and belittle Ali.”

Source - Al-Mufhim, Volume 20 page 25


He clearly meant their (i.e shias) creed is unwelcome not the actual persons
You can be against Shia creed, doesn’t mean you can be against Ali(ra) and Hussain(ra). They are the family of the Prophet. There’s no difference between saying we don’t want Abu Bakr in our lands or we don’t want Ali in our lands.


US is bombing shia militia and assadist loyalists that were approaching their proxy kurd forces territory. It is being reported that US is bombing in support of "rebels", they mean in support of the SDF/Kurdish forces who were allied with Assad against the Sunni rebels.

You can be against Shia creed, doesn’t mean you can against Ali(ra) and Hussain(ra). They are the family of the Prophet. There’s no difference between saying we don’t want Abu Bakr in our lands or we don’t want Ali in our lands.

He said "Husaaain!" obviously he's quoting their chants and saying take it to Iraq. Saying he's disrespecting them is a very uncharitable interpretation :ufdup:


@World are you shia now? what do you think of these shia at the grave of emir ul mumineen muawiyah.

According to Salafis, this grave is haram and must be destroyed, what’s the difference between these shia and the salafis? Either you’re against graves/shrines or you support them but don’t pick and choose.


According to Salafis, this grave is haram and must be destroyed, what’s the difference between these shia and the salafis? Either you’re against graves/shrines or you support them but don’t pick and choose.
thanks you for subtly telling us you support them rafidha doing that to muawiyahs grave. drop the taqiyyah.


thanks you for subtly telling us you support them rafidha doing that to muawiyahs grave. drop the taqiyyah.
I’m against grave worshipping, many Sufis probably went to Muawiyahs grave and committed shirk. We should only call upon Allah.


I’m against grave worshipping, many Sufis probably went to Muawiyahs grave and committed shirk. We should only call upon Allah.
thank your for telling us you are shia. since you wont condemn what they do at muawiyahs grave.