god forbid2025 is the year of Al Shabab's conquest unfortunately, i can already predict it.
god forbid2025 is the year of Al Shabab's conquest unfortunately, i can already predict it.
are you good wallahi2025 is the year of Al Shabab's conquest unfortunately, i can already predict it.
These madkhalis are hilarious. I guess they got the green light from MBS to praise the Syrian Rebels
Entire somaliweyn is cooked, first it was iraq then afghanistan now its syria leaving the club and only somalis remain.syria is now recovering faster than the amisom protectorate.
Indeed Turkey comes out as the clear mastermind and history will prove it made the right decision and will be recorded in the right side of history. Turkey has a chip on its shoulder, a burden as some would call it, the responsibility of all billions of believers fall on Turkish hand because last Caliphate collapsed bearing turkish name, ottoman empire. Turkey will and must correct its image and restore if not completly but at least implement the blueprint on which to build the future islamic empire on. This century is Islamic so might as well turn it Turkish century if arabs are not interesting in taking the lead.
Mukhtar Robow is the Somali Jolani. Both got 15+ year Al Qaeda work experience, and both became woke liberals that pander to the international community.Unfortunately for Somalis there is no Joulani alternative. Those Black Kabaabs are Straight A students of the school of Al Qaeda. If people think IEA is terrible with the banning of female education, Kabaab are 1000x times worse