Syria Updates: The Fall of Bashar al-Assad


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Meanwhile Israel has annexed their land

Yaab badana
What a fools they are! Insulting Ahlu Bayt and praising Yazid and others who brutally slaughtered Ahlu Bayt.

Meanwhile they are slaughtering supporters of Nasrallah (rahimahullah) the same man who dedicated his life to fighting Yahuud. There is no doubt they are the enemies of Islam.



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Subhanallah! They are attacking the holy grave of sahabiyat Zainab (RA) and disrespecting her resting place! Yaa khaabith! Yaa Ahlul Kilaab! Allah is watching wallahi, and the followers of Ahlu Bayt will certainly take their revenge on the nawaasib. This makes me so angry:kendrickcry:



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
- not a sahabiyyah
- nobody insulted the shrine or it's supposed occupant unless u think saying the ummayads and sons of muawiyah are back is an insult lol
I suggest you brush up on history and who challenged Ali RA and persecuted his sons.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Israel raises its flag on new captured Syrian territory. Isnt Golan the homeland of the new “Amir” Jolaani? :kendrickcry:



بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
That escalated quickly.

Dave Chapelle What GIF
The first thing "Israel" did is destroy all of the Russian and Soviet military infrastructure built up over the course of decades that actually protected Syria.

They were waiting like vultures for this opportunity. They didn't even wait for a second.

Syria has been castrated and humiliated and the supposed transitional goverment has done nothing, they've yet to acknowledge the borders of Syria have been further violated and that "Israeli" tanks and artillery postion are stationed 40kms from Damascus.

Syria will never again have control over it's sovereign airspace, they are the new Lebanon and worse they have no one to protect them. Not Iran, Not Hezbollah, not Houthis. No One.

In less than three days Syria has been set back decades in terms of millitary technology and advancement.

Where are all the terrorist and rebel cheerleaders now?
f*ck off you piece of shit.

The syrian people got rid of fascist bloodthirsty dictatorship and lost thousands of lives in the process

Who the f*ck are you To tell them how to respond to netanyahu and his gangs? If you want to fight Israel ask your buddies khamenei to fight.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
f*ck off you piece of shit.

The syrian people got rid of fascist bloodthirsty dictatorship and lost thousands of lives in the process

Who the f*ck are you To tell them how to respond to netanyahu and his gangs? If you want to fight Israel ask your buddies khamenei to fight.
I'm only pointing out the truth, your terrorist friends have destroyed ALL of Syria's millitary capabilities in less than a week. Is it sheer incompetence and stupidity or a planned operation?

The Taliban after the fall of the Afghan goverment immediately moved to secure ALL important millitary and security assets, the terrorists and rebels of Syria were too busy knocking down statues and looting palaces to get on with the work of a proper goverment hence me claiming this was the beginning on a descent into anarchy.

Every problem these rebels have created you and your kind respond "muh dictatorship" and other nonsense. The free Syria you wanted will now be carved up between Israel, the US and Turkey and perhaps Russia in Latakia and the coast.


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