Syria Updates: The Fall of Bashar al-Assad

I’ve been holding back on saying this for a long time, but I feel it needs to be addressed. I first thought that some of the people on this site claiming to be Somali and supporting Shias were simply trolling or trying to provoke reactions. However, even after the horrifying discovery of those detained and slaughtered in Bashar al-Assad’s prisons (may Allah deal with him and his family justly) I continue to see comment after comment filled with anti-Sunni rhetoric and pro-Shia sentiments.

Wallahi, you remind me of the Zionists. The difference is that I have no expectations from them, but from you, as fellow Muslims, it is disappointing.

How can you align yourselves with those who have committed such atrocities against our Sunni brothers and sisters in places like Syria, Iraq, and beyond? Supporting evil oppressors, or even justifying their actions goes against islam.

I sincerely hope you reflect on this before it is too late. May Allah guide us all. Aamin.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Famous Salafi Scholar Sheikh Ahmed Jibriil xafidallulah calls the new regime in Syria a bunch of taghuut. May Allah preserve him for exposing the farce.

I’ve been holding back on saying this for a long time, but I feel it needs to be addressed. I first thought that some of the people on this site claiming to be Somali and supporting Shias were simply trolling or trying to provoke reactions. However, even after the horrifying discovery of those detained and slaughtered in Bashar al-Assad’s prisons (may Allah deal with him and his family justly) I continue to see comment after comment filled with anti-Sunni rhetoric and pro-Shia sentiments.

Wallahi, you remind me of the Zionists. The difference is that I have no expectations from them, but from you, as fellow Muslims, it is disappointing.

How can you align yourselves with those who have committed such atrocities against our Sunni brothers and sisters in places like Syria, Iraq, and beyond? Supporting evil oppressors, or even justifying their actions goes against islam.

I sincerely hope you reflect on this before it is too late. May Allah guide us all. Aamin.

Somali Shias exist now, just saying.

homer simpson episode 6 GIF



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Oh he is Salafi miyaa? not nacalad Wahaabi you curse all the time lmao
Wahaabis are the ones who support Saudi Arabia and UAE and recognize them as legitimate governments. They are the ones sponspering the Israeli-Zionist rebels. The true culumah dont support such backstabbers.


I’ve been holding back on saying this for a long time, but I feel it needs to be addressed. I first thought that some of the people on this site claiming to be Somali and supporting Shias were simply trolling or trying to provoke reactions. However, even after the horrifying discovery of those detained and slaughtered in Bashar al-Assad’s prisons (may Allah deal with him and his family justly) I continue to see comment after comment filled with anti-Sunni rhetoric and pro-Shia sentiments.

Wallahi, you remind me of the Zionists. The difference is that I have no expectations from them, but from you, as fellow Muslims, it is disappointing.

How can you align yourselves with those who have committed such atrocities against our Sunni brothers and sisters in places like Syria, Iraq, and beyond? Supporting evil oppressors, or even justifying their actions goes against islam.

I sincerely hope you reflect on this before it is too late. May Allah guide us all. Aamin.

A lot of them have an issue with Islam and Muslims. It shows on other topics as well. So it should not be surprising, we are online after all, you never know.


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
Israel wanted a forever war. This is the worst case scenario for them.

The winner from this are the Syrian people and Turkey
Now Israel doesn’t have controlled opposition it’s vulnerable. Nothing good can come of Syria developing for Israel, whether it’s an inclusive government, increasing trade and what not, the country’s too far gone to become secular like turkey and there’s too much animosity over historical wars, border skirmishes and occupied lands. (Golan heights) it would be more preferential for Israel to have Assad in power as now nationalism is at an all time high. There’s hope for economic development, and the repatriation of Syrian refugees. I agree that this is a worst case scenario for Israel. Mossad agents are probably cooking up a plan to destroy the new gov, or destabilise Syria in any way possible


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Allahuakbar, Syrian Arab Republic officers declare war on terrorists and say they are ready to continue the fight to save their nation. They are currently on the Lebanese border and will be supported by Hezbollah. Inshallah guul

Allahuakbar, Syrian Arab Republic officers declare war on terrorists and say they are ready to continue the fight to save their nation. They are currently on the Lebanese border and will be supported by Hezbollah. Inshallah guul

"I will shoot myself before you capture me!"

Allahuakbar, Syrian Arab Republic officers declare war on terrorists and say they are ready to continue the fight to save their nation. They are currently on the Lebanese border and will be supported by Hezbollah. Inshallah guul

:mjlol: Aad baan uga xumahay xaaladaada maskaxeed, ilahay haku caafiyo si deg deg ah, xanuunkaan dad badan uu saameyey.

May Allah protect us all from this persistent Axis of Resistance cudur.


Garaad Awal

Former African
Allahuakbar, Syrian Arab Republic officers declare war on terrorists and say they are ready to continue the fight to save their nation. They are currently on the Lebanese border and will be supported by Hezbollah. Inshallah guul

Afweynists & Assadists (fatherless orphans of dictators)

Shake Hands Friends GIF by DefyTV

