Syria Updates: The Fall of Bashar al-Assad


I’ve been holding back on saying this for a long time, but I feel it needs to be addressed. I first thought that some of the people on this site claiming to be Somali and supporting Shias were simply trolling or trying to provoke reactions. However, even after the horrifying discovery of those detained and slaughtered in Bashar al-Assad’s prisons (may Allah deal with him and his family justly) I continue to see comment after comment filled with anti-Sunni rhetoric and pro-Shia sentiments.

Wallahi, you remind me of the Zionists. The difference is that I have no expectations from them, but from you, as fellow Muslims, it is disappointing.

How can you align yourselves with those who have committed such atrocities against our Sunni brothers and sisters in places like Syria, Iraq, and beyond? Supporting evil oppressors, or even justifying their actions goes against islam.

I sincerely hope you reflect on this before it is too late. May Allah guide us all. Aamin.
It’s just geopolitics, stop forcing us to view the world through your secretarian lenses. It’s just realpolitik.

A U.N. panel of experts has accused Iran, Syria and Lebanon's Hezbollah militia of providing weapons, training and financing to Islamic militants in Somalia. VOA's Peter Heinlein at the U.N. reports the panel describes conditions in the east African nation as "volatile," with competing forces engaged in a rapid military buildup.

In a dramatic 86-page report, the panel of weapons and financial experts accuses 10 countries and militant groups of fueling a military buildup in the Horn of Africa.

The report delivered to the U.N. Security Council tells of large cargo aircraft and ocean-going vessels making clandestine weapons deliveries almost daily, in violation of a 1992 arms embargo.

It says rival Somali factions are obtaining surface-to-air missiles and motor vehicles designed for use as mobile weapons platforms.
Authors of the report underscore the rapid transition in Somalia over the past five months. They note that the opposition alliance formerly based in Mogadishu no longer exists, and that the Islamic Courts Union has become the main force in Somalia's central and southern regions.
The ICU, as it is known, is said to be receiving strong support from seven countries, including Iran, Syria, Libya, and Eritrea as well as from militant groups such as Lebanon's Hezbollah.



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
$8000 for furniture
$6000 for 1 year rent ($500 a month)
And they will rebuild the homes destroyed as well.
Mashallah wa tabarakallah, meanwhile the Wahaabist elements in Syria are looting Syria’s central bank forget about helping the fuqurah.

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The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
This is all obamas fault he armed Isis to over throw the secular dictators of Syria and Iraq who were fighting the same people he was fighting in Afghanistan
Here is Dave smith explaining it


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Israel just bombed Syrian vital port to smitheerens. They would never dare do this under Bashar. Cucked rebels indeed.

Israel just bombed Syrian vital port to smitheerens. They would never dare do this under Bashar. Cucked rebels indeed.


Israel's continuous strikes on Assad's military installations, MIC, IRGC and Hezbollah personnel... is partly why the rebels prevailed

Russia's preoccupation with Ukraine was the other major reason

The attenuating and all prevailing corruption (and its impact on morale) is ultimately why there was no resistance to the rebels
According to Syrian Media, Damascus has as of next Sunday, revoked the Syrian nationality for approximately 700,000 people from Iraq and Iran who obtained Syrian nationality during the "Syrian revolution" period.

Syria will cleanse the country from any remnants of Iranian stains, good riddance!

