Taliban performs humiliation ritual on USA

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
unfortunately, Taliban is known for being anti women's education. I think it is because of their own policies. Islam is not only for one gender- whether we try to make everything about men or we try to make every about women. This is wrong. Allah is the right Judge between all different peoples irrespective of things like race and gender.

I fundamentally disagree with the Taliban on a number of issues. And I don't agree with feminism but I don't wish to be the opposite extreme either like Andrew Tate. The right way I believe is somewhere in the middle.

Western degeneracy to me is one extreme and Afghanistan to me is the other exteme, at least as far as that policy- if they really are interfering with girls education.

Zulm is a very serious sin. Many girls I agree don't really need all that much education- though I think it should be there if she wants it.

Anyways, even Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah noted that there are women who are particularly intelligent.

Some random average girl I don't believe needs a phd in chemical engineering. what on earth is she going to do with that? we have men who are into that kind of thing and men have to support their families. but the thing that disturbs me because I think it would clearly be wrong- you do have exceptional girls and women who are genuinely talented. I can't agree with preventing them from pursuing education.

I mean for example the daughter of Sheikh Muqbil ibn Hadi al Wadi.

now I grant- we don't need any more fake intellectuals pretending they are geniuses because they're developing a watered down liberal Islam based on feminism. what mt calls "bint fiqh". the bint fiqh theorists of the world are making a negative contribution.

but if you read the work of Sheikh Muqbil's daughter... I think she goes by Umm Muqbil... she is a real true legitimate scholar. her work isn't some endless feminist monologue- she's a genuine scholar. women who are scholars- genuine not fake ones- they have existed throughout Islamic history.

if you have some genuinely talented girl and who wants to pursue education... I think it would be zulm to go out of the way to stop her.

mass scale education produces... I mean for example college educated liberal women.... who believe in a bajillion genders.

there are deviations in aqeedah and there are other issues. the Deobandis have serious deviations in aqeedah. as for the anti women's education thing... I wouldn't say it's an aqeedah topic... this would be fiqh... but this I believe a difference between whoever it is the Taliban are following- and the proper Salafi approach. Sheikh Ibn Baz was fine with women's education.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
also, educating women when it comes to the dīn is from the sunnah. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ set aside time specifically to educate women on the dīn. I don't believe Islam is against the education of women. I don't know of anything in Quran and Sunnah against educating women. But there is much in Quran and Sunnah that encourages Muslims to seek knowledge and seeking knowledge is obligatory on both men and women. but of course the obligatory knowledge is things like tawheed. I think it's a particularity of modern times that ordinary people are given college educations. I don't think it's obligatory in a religious sense to go to college but I don't think it's prohibited either.
btw in case anyone thinks I'm waffling here- I've heard wildly different things as to the girl's/women's education topic as far as what's going on there and it's very confusing.
That's what western curriculum teach, and obviously that's what the Afghan's needs in order to develop.o_O

Some random average girl I don't believe needs a phd in chemical engineering. what on earth is she going to do with that? we have men who are into that kind of thing and men have to support their families. =


You think of women being an extension/help-mate of a man, instead of being a human being, who has agency and responsibilities. Not all women are destined to marry and be provided for, not all women will have a husband that lives long enough to pay bills and so forth. Not to mention, what happens upon divorce? Or if a husband becomes sick/disabled? In fact, there are women who don't even want to get married, asexuals etc.

Some of you really can't wrap your head around what a woman is, and why women are on earth. And these are the images you all insist on spreading to the world.
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The Taliban are cavemen, who shame the image of Islam. But Muslim men don't care, because their egos are more important than fulfilling their duties and doing what is right. Keep flexing your physical strength in this dunya, as a means to control women. Even going as far as to make excuses as to why girls shouldn't be educated, as if we are your slaves, and you can tell us what to do.

All you Taliban fanboys and defenders:
On the day of judgement, you will all be shaking in fear, and I hope us women, get a front-row seat when you get tortured for how you speak of and treat women. I just feel sorry that women had to birth you insolent, ungrateful, backstabbers.
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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
That's what western curriculum teach:

There is no doubt the Western education should erased- in terms of the methodology used. It should be erased and rebuilt from the ground up. Allah told us to prepare what we are able to of strength. And science and technology is from that. Some liberal psuedointellectual woman who believes there's a million genders- they are making a negative contribution. Same with "bint fiqh" theorists. But a woman who genuinely is talented in technology and who develops technology which strengthens the Muslims- that is a real contribution.

I think the education must promote deep faith in Allah and in Islam and also be capable of training imams of the technology world (I don't mean religious imams but what I mean is leaders in tech).

I wouldn't want the education to push tech on girls who aren't interested in it. I think by nature more boys will be drawn to tech.

But in any case, I believe education has to be reformed- whereas I think what's going on with some Afghans is actually depriving people of education. I believe in reforming education, not removing. How could proud Muslims want their education to be a copy of Western education? I believe the answer is reforming education, not doing away with it.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

You think of women being an extension/help-mate of a man, instead of being a human being, who has agency and responsibilities. Not all women are destined to marry and be provided for, not all women will have a husband that lives long enough to pay bills and so forth. Not to mention, what happens upon divorce? Or if a husband becomes sick/disabled? In fact, there are women who don't even want to get married, asexuals etc.

Some of you really can't wrap your head around what a woman is, and why women are on earth. And these are the images you all insist on spreading to the world.

asexuals?? I'm supposed to think of asexuals as being the norm?? yes, an asexual to me is not what I regard as the norm.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

You think of women being an extension/help-mate of a man, instead of being a human being, who has agency and responsibilities. Not all women are destined to marry and be provided for, not all women will have a husband that lives long enough to pay bills and so forth. Not to mention, what happens upon divorce? Or if a husband becomes sick/disabled? In fact, there are women who don't even want to get married, asexuals etc.

Some of you really can't wrap your head around what a woman is, and why women are on earth. And these are the images you all insist on spreading to the world.

also I've specifically said I'm for women's education. yes I think a woman should be able to get education and support herself if she doesn't have a husband or doesn't get married or is asexual or her husband dies or whatever it is.

but does your average woman need a phd in petroleum engineering?? is your average woman an asexual petroleum engineer? I'm not meaning disrespect to that demographic but I don't think that's the average.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

You think of women being an extension/help-mate of a man, instead of being a human being, who has agency and responsibilities. Not all women are destined to marry and be provided for, not all women will have a husband that lives long enough to pay bills and so forth. Not to mention, what happens upon divorce? Or if a husband becomes sick/disabled? In fact, there are women who don't even want to get married, asexuals etc.

Some of you really can't wrap your head around what a woman is, and why women are on earth. And these are the images you all insist on spreading to the world.

"Some random average girl I don't believe needs a phd in chemical engineering."

That is what I said. Your stance is that your average woman needs a phd in chemical engineering?? My stance wouldn't be that an average man needs that.
also I've specifically said I'm for women's education. yes I think a woman should be able to get education and support herself if she doesn't have a husband or doesn't get married or is asexual or her husband dies or whatever it is.

but does your average woman need a phd in petroleum engineering?? is your average woman an asexual petroleum engineer? I'm not meaning disrespect to that demographic but I don't think that's the average.

Why do you care if an average woman wants a Phd?? Yes, there are plenty of women that I know, that are highly educated, and have plans to collect even more degrees. Why do you care what women want to study.
"Some random average girl I don't believe needs a phd in chemical engineering."

That is what I said. Your stance is that your average woman needs a phd in chemical engineering?? My stance wouldn't be that an average man needs that.

The average person, has the right to dream, and pursue what they want in life. And Muslims should ALL be encouraged to all get highly educated, so that they are not weak puppets, who can't even fix things, without being beholden to Western companies (who have ulterior political motives)

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
what I'm against is the idea that average ordinary people man or woman need phds. your average person I do not believe needs to study eight years of advanced math or whatever. this was never normal historically.
what I'm against is the idea that average ordinary people man or woman need phds. your average person I do not believe needs to study eight years of advanced math or whatever. this was never normal historically.

And this lack of motivation is why the Muslim world, has fallen far behind the rest. Why do you think Muslim countries and leaders can't defend themselves? Because they don't own anything, and they need to beg for help, even with the basics, no matter how much wealth they have.

Muslims should struggle to attain everything possible, to get the most education and wealth, no matter the gender, invent and OWN. Instead of being the weakest links.
How embarrassing. How do these people pay taxes and look at themselves in the mirror. Pathetic! I equate this to some guy posting you your wife's onlyfans videos with him as the guest star and charging you a fee.

America tax payer when Biden gave free military equipment :liberaltears:

Tailban :deargod:
The trouble with Muslims, is that Muslim men are busy obsessing over women, instead of trying to become world leaders in all aspects. Go to any forum, podcast dominated by men, and count how many times they talk about what how many women they can marry, what women should do, wear etc. The 'Islamic' state of Taliban, what does it do? Kick girls and women out of education. That was top of their priority list.

Their main obsession and hobby in life is WOMEN; how to collect them, how to control them.

It's not hard to figure out why Muslim men are the weakest links, the laughing stock of the world.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Why do you care if an average woman wants a Phd??

I don't think you're understanding what I mean. I'm not saying she has to be born from a noble caste or something. What I am saying is- would it be logical to enroll the average woman of a population into becoming a Phd (not one average woman, I could 50% total of the population)? If you are trying to genocide the population.... I am meaning if you literally got 50% to go that route... the Jews could just do that to the Palestinians and they'd do away with a lot of Palestinians with a lot less international outcry... anyways, given what the consequences would be for a society and given the abnormality it represents, it would make sense that it raises my eyebrow... what would be normal is if some gifted talented boy or girl got put in the PHD program... but given 50% of the males or 50% of the females PHds would be insane...

the masses are not meant for that kind of thing.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
when historically did 50% of males or 50% of females receive PHD or PHD level education? that has never been normal and that would be abnormal and against nature.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
And this lack of motivation is why the Muslim world, has fallen far behind the rest. Why do you think Muslim countries and leaders can't defend themselves? Because they don't own anything, and they need to beg for help, even with the basics, no matter how much wealth they have.

Muslims should struggle to attain everything possible, to get the most education and wealth, no matter the gender, invent and OWN. Instead of being the weakest links.

50 percent of women being PHds is not world conquering. it would be racial sucide. it would be South Korea. let women pursue phds if they really want it but your average person on their own is not going to pursue that level of education.


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