Tensions in Ceerigaabo

As for Haragwaafi

Garxajis are the only clan to be shot in the ass, and castrated in the 21st century

Midgaan midgaan ugu weyn

Warya why do you have to go to GX isn't your conflict with Muuse Ismaacil ?? is that twitter account yours cuz his calcal is similar to yours kkk 😂

What's more humiliating is that you're probably the only somali clan where your men were put in open air holding pen like sheeps 😂😂


Last there was gunfight inside Ceerigaabo city. Police shot a little child, AUN he just passed away. One policeman is injured.



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@Ximan iyo Xadeed if hy cry for dir waqoyi it's an obligation on Hartis march in but ur banking elders will resolve it before it escalates. I think muse wants another war front so he can get extension or at least get re elected saying he is saving somaliland
Thats what im thinking aswell, it might be a goojacade 2.0


@Libaax-Joore these isaaqs dandansi bay wadan, they killed dhulbahante business man in erigavo and khatumo responded by killing hy nomads, then muse bihi got his opportunity to escalate the conflict and is rushing in weapons and Hartis r like if he dares escalate the conflict, wallahi habar yonis will be living in idp camps.
I knew waving that imaginary Makhir flags in Mogadishu was going to upset the rest of Harti sun-clans . Warsan getting attacked by MJ and Dhulos non-stop , which is what exactly Hargaisa and Hutus want. Warsan and MJ are generally aligned politically , but their social media influencers ( Shiine , Foodcade and Aarka Sanaag) totally hijacked the peaceful alliance
@Libaax-Joore this duli najis @Haragwaafi and @Yazi nabadi macana oo lagu wada noola waa diiday and his following muse bihi orders and isaaqnimo, the war has escalated and Puntland is rushing into erigavo to remind habar yonis of their place. @TekNiKo

Reminds like the last time when MJ militia left Bosasso for Ceerigaabo and then lost their way and went back to their home. When you grow some balls and dare to attack Ceerigaabo markas kaale afkaga fuur oo hadal curiyaan yahow Dr Majnoon.
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