Terrorist Adam Saleh kicked off a plane, starts whining

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
The people on the back were saying "goodbye " :chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::deadmanny::dead1:

I dislike this midget


Accomplished Saaxir
@LondonMo If you say Somalis are descendants of Arabs then you must also claim the same for the Oromo and Harar people.

Because, facts show that we're most closely related to them not Arabs.
@LondonMo If you say Somalis are descendants of Arabs then you must also claim the same for the Oromo and Harar people.

Because, facts show that we're most closely related to them not Arabs.
Nagadhaaf sheekodis he's either trolling or he is a hopeless bootyclapper. If it's the latter, I suggest that he stays away from Somalis and marries and Arab woman
I'm sick and tired of these islam hating Somalis here who booty clap for the whites.

Whether you like it or not, A LOT of us are Arab, and the Arabs were the ones who built MOST of our cities whilst we were simply nomads. How can you have so much hate for people you should be grateful for?

Wallahi I don't understand. I don't reject my lineage and I am grateful that the Arabs were hospitable for us to build our cities. Even the non Arab Somalis (like Hawiye) are welcome in the Arab world for you too are culturally an Arab.
Have a read of this http://anthromadness.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/the-interestingly-fraudulent-nature-of.html?m=1

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
@LondonMo If you say Somalis are descendants of Arabs then you must also claim the same for the Oromo and Harar people.

Because, facts show that we're most closely related to them not Arabs.
there is no such thing as harar people either, thats not an ethnicity its a location. Oromos may be close to us since they were our slaves and have somali baby daddies.

Arabs are our true ancestors and this is proven through the major qabils and their oral traditions. As for these dna tests, then i believe most of them are fake and a plot by the kuffar to introduce diseases to us like what they done to the native americans.

Me and you are both Somalis, as we are citizens of the Somali republic, but the difference between me and @Adheer Warsame is like the difference between bantus and white people. We are completely different races. I am an arab and he's hawiye.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I don't see Arabs hating on us. They don't even care whereas you are obsessed with them. This kid isn't even that religious and they calling him isis sympathizer

Found the Saleh stan.

Why do I get the feeling you were part of the horde of Somali girls that stormed this midget when he landed in London



Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
there is no such thing as harar people either, thats not an ethnicity its a location. Oromos may be close to us since they were our slaves and have somali baby daddies.

Arabs are our true ancestors and this is proven through the major qabils and their oral traditions. As for these dna tests, then i believe most of them are fake and a plot by the kuffar to introduce diseases to us like what they done to the native americans.

Me and you are both Somalis, as we are citizens of the Somali republic, but the difference between me and @Adheer Warsame is like the difference between bantus and white people. We are completely different races. I am an arab and he's hawiye.

DNA and science are a kuffar conspiracy


Okay Ahmed Jones

I thought you'd forget your Arabic after leaving Islam :drakekidding:

Nah man that shit is useful. Anytime someone claims I knw nothing about the deen I can whip out the quran and translate it right there for them. U need to know the language of ur enemies:reallymaury:

Kkkk but in all seriously i like knowing many languages, it's useful and makes u very marketable. I might pick up another altho i need to refresh the ones I already know, I'm starting to forget :tocry:


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Nah man that shit is useful. Anytime someone claims I knw nothing about the deen I can whip out the quran and translate it right there for them. U need to know the language of ur enemies:reallymaury:

Kkkk but in all seriously i like knowing many languages, it's useful and makes u very marketable. I might pick up another altho i need to refresh the ones I already know, I'm starting to forget :tocry:

Enemies huh :mugshotman:

Adam is a bloody attention seeker, he's done similar videos before, infact he faked a racial profiling social experiment and also a video of him sopposedely going to Sydney through his luggage bag which was found to be fake. I highly doubt he was simply speaking Arabic to his mum cos no one would give a f*ck he obviously was shouting and trying to make it suspicious on purpose in order to make a controversial video in order to get views. The only people who would defend him are horny hijabis (probably the same ones running to him when he came to London)Also he was reported because he did a fake prank in the airport before ( the one where he said he travelled to Sydney on a suitcase).
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