The Curse of Somali Meetings

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
He was never al-shabab, he was always al-itihad, since the 90's, he fled for his life from them and is under house arrest in Xamar, he is the only man that stuck to his principles and ideology until the very end.

Al-Itihad are more allied to the Muslim Brotherhood, al-shabab is the opposite (at the beginning), now it's just an agent of UAE-America and Ethiopia, these two never liked each other.
Hassan dahir awees was a khawarij just like atom in puntland we kill al shabaab out in nuclear apocalyptic moryaan triangle you welcome them like that terrorist atom.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You said you supported Geedi because he was part of the TFG.
Would you also be willing to support Qeybdiid since he also part of the TFG?
No qeybdiid is a moryaan qabqable with much blood on his hands I would argue for a summary execution of him & Morgan, muse bixi & many others.
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
There goes your credibility then. :icon lol::icon lol:

What about Hussein Aideed would you be willing to support him?

Mise your support is only to create hate between Hiraab & Hawiye?:icon lol:
I have no issues with Hussein aideed, a qabqable he wasn't good nor bad in my books so there goes your hiraab hate that you speak of.

You didn't read my lengthy post giving you the break down of ICU, and how al-shabab fraction was the smallest, your still equating Dahir aweys with al-shabab which is foolish, if your going to attack the group at least know about it, plus your entire credibility is shattered the moment you ally with C/Yusuf, all the warlords and Ethiopians.

You also don't understand the situation in the country that time, C/Yusuf was in Baidoa for 2 years while the warlord were running loose in Xamar for over a decade supported by Ethiopia/America, the were arresting random sheikhs for money, which lead to the rise of ICU, he didn't do anything about it, neither was he able to do anything or much in Baidoa without the Ethiopian's, but he brought them all back, this destroys your entire argument.

I explained the situations in gaalkacayo in the previous post, you didn't read it, no Somali welcomes another Somalia tribe by their thousands, some video of one of your nabadoon's doesn't change that, I am well versed in the history in Mudug.

Again your taking pride Ethiopian tanks and Qeybdiid that took him to Villa Somalia, AbdiQasim government was there before, at least he was able to stay in Xamar, I wouldn't take pride in such a thing sxb. I reject Qeybiid that is directly related to me, you accept C/yusuf that is not.

Bermuda triangle is just Mohamoud Saleeban, don't frame the conversation into HAG/Darood or even P/land G/mudug, I have nothing against all the other tribes, neither any hate towards bermuda, I have several relatives, how can I hate cousins of mine? I call them that because of their exclusive alliance, which today is kinda broken.

I'll concede one thing, whenever Cusman Mohamoud lead it, like Cadde Muuse, there was never any problems, in general Cusman Mohamoud from CC his father (AUN) and the rest of their MP's I have seen, are good, diplomatic, well spoken wadani people, even Ilhan Omar visited Galmudug and we both know whom the people that attacked her the most are, as well as the ones that killed CC father, and oppose him the most.

This support you have for C/Yusuf which most Cusman Mohamoud I know distance themselves from, is weird, it's out of character, I expect better from you sxb, a crook is a crook.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

You didn't read my lengthy post giving you the break down of ICU, and how al-shabab fraction was the smallest, your still equating Dahir aweys with al-shabab which is foolish, if your going to attack the group at least know about it, plus your entire credibility is shattered the moment you ally with C/Yusuf, all the warlords and Ethiopians.

You also don't understand the situation in the country that time, C/Yusuf was in Baidoa for 2 years while the warlord were running loose in Xamar for over a decade supported by Ethiopia/America, the were arresting random sheikhs for money, which lead to the rise of ICU, he didn't do anything about it, neither was he able to do anything or much in Baidoa without the Ethiopian's, but he brought them all back, this destroys your entire argument.

I explained the situations in gaalkacayo in the previous post, you didn't read it, no Somali welcomes another Somalia tribe by their thousands, some video of one of your nabadoon's doesn't change that, I am well versed in the history in Mudug.

Again your taking pride Ethiopian tanks and Qeybdiid that took him to Villa Somalia, AbdiQasim government was there before, at least he was able to stay in Xamar, I wouldn't take pride in such a thing sxb. I reject Qeybiid that is directly related to me, you accept C/yusuf that is not.

Bermuda triangle is just Mohamoud Saleeban, don't frame the conversation into HAG/Darood or even P/land G/mudug, I have nothing against all the other tribes, neither any hate towards bermuda, I have several relatives, how can I hate cousins of mine? I call them that because of their exclusive alliance, which today is kinda broken.

I'll concede one thing, whenever Cusman Mohamoud lead it, like Cadde Muuse, there was never any problems, in general Cusman Mohamoud from CC his father (AUN) and the rest of their MP's I have seen, are good, diplomatic, well spoken wadani people, even Ilhan Omar visited Galmudug and we both know whom the people that attacked her the most are, as well as the ones that killed CC father, and oppose him the most.

This support you have for C/Yusuf which most Cusman Mohamoud I know distance themselves from, is weird, it's out of character, I expect better from you sxb, a crook is a crook.
We are going to have to agree to disagree cause I believe Abdullahi yusuf has been far bet

You didn't read my lengthy post giving you the break down of ICU, and how al-shabab fraction was the smallest, your still equating Dahir aweys with al-shabab which is foolish, if your going to attack the group at least know about it, plus your entire credibility is shattered the moment you ally with C/Yusuf, all the warlords and Ethiopians.

You also don't understand the situation in the country that time, C/Yusuf was in Baidoa for 2 years while the warlord were running loose in Xamar for over a decade supported by Ethiopia/America, the were arresting random sheikhs for money, which lead to the rise of ICU, he didn't do anything about it, neither was he able to do anything or much in Baidoa without the Ethiopian's, but he brought them all back, this destroys your entire argument.

I explained the situations in gaalkacayo in the previous post, you didn't read it, no Somali welcomes another Somalia tribe by their thousands, some video of one of your nabadoon's doesn't change that, I am well versed in the history in Mudug.

Again your taking pride Ethiopian tanks and Qeybdiid that took him to Villa Somalia, AbdiQasim government was there before, at least he was able to stay in Xamar, I wouldn't take pride in such a thing sxb. I reject Qeybiid that is directly related to me, you accept C/yusuf that is not.

Bermuda triangle is just Mohamoud Saleeban, don't frame the conversation into HAG/Darood or even P/land G/mudug, I have nothing against all the other tribes, neither any hate towards bermuda, I have several relatives, how can I hate cousins of mine? I call them that because of their exclusive alliance, which today is kinda broken.

I'll concede one thing, whenever Cusman Mohamoud lead it, like Cadde Muuse, there was never any problems, in general Cusman Mohamoud from CC his father (AUN) and the rest of their MP's I have seen, are good, diplomatic, well spoken wadani people, even Ilhan Omar visited Galmudug and we both know whom the people that attacked her the most are, as well as the ones that killed CC father, and oppose him the most.

This support you have for C/Yusuf which most Cusman Mohamoud I know distance themselves from, is weird, it's out of character, I expect better from you sxb, a crook is a crook.
we are going to have to agree to disagree, personally I believe Abdullahi yusuf to be more wadani & stands up for somalinimo more than Caade muuse & CCC combined in my book he'll always go down as a freedom fighter.
Hawiye siiba sacad your kinfolk were welcomed into galkacyo
Bal eeg beenta :icon lol:

We have always lived in Gaalkacyo, the prime grazing land in Sarjimaale, which is more than 50km north of the city, belong to my subclan of Sacad.

We live in Gaalkacyo by force not by some magical love you have for us.

If anyone is a guest its you.:icon lol:

Shacabkii Majeerten Oo Ka Qaxay Galkacayo oo yidhi Falastiinin Ayaanu ka Nahay Galkacayo”Iyagoona Daarood U Qeylo Dhaansaday

Know your place, palestinian.
then again by Abdullahi yusuf but it seems like all you know is bloodshed & carnage pillaging & plundering.
Bal eeg beenta :icon lol:
Abdullahi Yusuf came running to Caydiid in Xamar after his entire militia was crushed in 6 hours during Nus Qiyaamo.
How can a homeless man welcome anyone to a city he doesn't even control?:icon lol:

Just look at him in the bushes.

What never seases to amaze me is the fact that balanbal is not in galmudug hands likewise cabudwaaq & you have some of hobyo
Stop changing the topic.

This is Balanbal



Galmudug Unity is Holy.
Galmudug is not a qabiil, Galmudug is Dawlad.

, if any tribe is somalidiid it's those who sympathiser with al shabaab & are opposed to any form of governance.

How can my tribe be "somalidiid" and against governance when we were the ones who founded the first Somali Republic and government?

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You lost all credibility with your statement, it's ironic you mentioned balanbale which is the town C/Yusuf hang the first ever Ethiopian Flag on Somali Soil in the 80's, the first recorded act of treachery, Barre was so incensed he offered Ceydiid weapons to exterminate you all, which he refused.

I cannot believe your slander against Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, murdered by your own, just because he was prepared to go in 50/50 with S/land as per union agreement, you loose all your credibility with such a stance, Siilaanyo is more wadani then C/Yusuf.
@Inquisitive_ what do you think of the so called 'ahlu sunnah sufi' group. Are they not the scourge of Galguduud? I thought they were even causing the galmudug admin problems.

They were funded by Iran financially and logistically Ethiopia, joining Galmudug would piss of their donars and they would loose all the money, that keeps them afloat and risks their regular dhikri saint belly dancing theatrics.

This is done by design, let me ask you in another way, would you give up your 10 million a year career, just to join your brothers, and loose all? 99.9% of people won't, regardless of background. Every conflict is about business and money my friend.

Now the game changed because UAE blocked the Iranian funds, and put up conditions to join the administration, because its in her interest to serve as a counterweight to Guleed, hence why they joined, they are nothing more then political prostitutes that follow the money with no morals, like every other Somali group.

Faroole and gaas are divided as well over the same issue, one is with UAE, the other with Turkey-Qatar, the same in Somaliland as well with Kulmiye and Wadani, each has different sponsors, and will do as they are told with no morals or ethics.

Luckily for us, the Turkey-Qatar axis is best for our country, they are building our SNA, build our critical infrastructure, but things are being made difficult by the UAE-America destabilisation axis.

In the end we should never forget, that it's all in the hands of Allah, if he intends Good for us, we will come out on top regardless of the list of enemies, if he doesn't, we deserve whatever we get. I see more hope in our people today, then I did the last 15 years.
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They were funded by Iran financially and logistically Ethiopia, joining Galmudug would piss of their donars and they would loose all the money, that keeps them afloat and risks their regular dhikri saint belly dancing theatrics.

This is done by design, let me ask you in another way, would you give up your 10 million a year career, just to join your brothers, and loose all? 99.9% of people won't, regardless of background. Every conflict is about business and money my friend.

Now the game changed because UAE blocked the Iranian funds, and put up conditions to join the administration, because its in her interest to serve as a counterweight to Guleed, hence why they joined, they are nothing more then political prostitutes that follow the money with no morals, like every other Somali group.

Faroole and gaas are divided as well over the same issue, one is with UAE, the other with Turkey-Qatar, the same in Somaliland as well with Kulmiye and Wadani, each has different sponsors, and will do as they are told with no morals or ethics.

Luckily for us, the Turkey-Qatar axis is best for our country, they are building our SNA, build our critical infrastructure, but things are being made difficult by the UAE-America destabilisation axis.

In the end we should never forget, that it's all in the hands of Allah, if he intends Good for us, we will come out on top regardless of the list of enemies, if he doesn't, we deserve whatever we get. I see more hope in our people today, then I did the last 15 years.

Makes sense. I always wondered why they were always mysteriously on the same side when it came to Puntland.

Isn't this Iran narrative just used to drag the Iranian name through the dirt. I have heard many time that the give weapons to the competing forces in Somalia and that they profiteer from the arms trade in Somalia. What interests do they have in Somalia if all this is true?
Makes sense. I always wondered why they were always mysteriously on the same side when it came to Puntland.

Isn't this Iran narrative just used to drag the Iranian name through the dirt. I have heard many time that the give weapons to the competing forces in Somalia and that they profiteer from the arms trade in Somalia. What interests do they have in Somalia if all this is true?

The same they did in Nigeria, there proselytising since their revolution gave birth to 5 million Shia's in Nigeria today, these people are not like us or the dumb Arabs that can't think beyond our next meal, they think very long term and the Turks are no different, with their schools/scholarships and programs.

They had their own empire not long ago, the last time we had one was more then 3000 years ago, they think long-term, their first objectivity is to spread their religion, this will give them influence in the region, they were the first to come to our aid during the famine, and the reason has nothing to do with saving babies, it's brownie points to seduce fickle Somali's, luckily the Turks were also there.

If you do not think about this from an empire Shia crescent type of view, you will be baffled by this, today they are running Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, parts of Yemen with huge influence in Bahrain, Eastern Saudi and friendship with the Egyptian's, the geopolitical battles today are all taking in place in Africa, all the big and middle players are vying for it, setting up economic forums.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
they were the first to come to our aid during the famine, and the reason has nothing to do with saving babies, it's brownie points to seduce fickle Somali's, luckily the Turks were also there.
Why do the Turks care about Iran's influence in Somalia, but not any where else in the world?
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The same they did in Nigeria, there proselytising since their revolution gave birth to 5 million Shia's in Nigeria today, these people are not like us or the dumb Arabs that can't think beyond our next meal, they think very long term and the Turks are no different, with their schools/scholarships and programs.

They had their own empire not long ago, the last time we had one was more then 3000 years ago, they think long-term, their first objectivity is to spread their religion, this will give them influence in the region, they were the first to come to our aid during the famine, and the reason has nothing to do with saving babies, it's brownie points to seduce fickle Somali's, luckily the Turks were also there.

If you do not think about this from an empire Shia crescent type of view, you will be baffled by this, today they are running Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, parts of Yemen with huge influence in Bahrain, Eastern Saudi and friendship with the Egyptian's, the geopolitical battles today are all taking in place in Africa, all the big and middle players are vying for it, setting up economic forums.

I have to look into the Nigerian shia thing, didn't know they existed. It must be the same deal for pakistan, they have large numbers of shias too.

I do remember a few years back that shia clerics were arrested in Somalia for spreading their Islam. Not too surprising I guess. Neither is what is taking place in the middle east. Hezbollah is the most powerful force in Lebanon, and Bachar has essentially won the war and secured Syria for the shia.

I respect their country and their people though. They have achieved great things even when the whole world is against them.
Why do the Turks care about Iran's influence in Somalia, but not any where else in the world?

They do care, there is a intense rivalry ongoing in Iraq with the whole bashiqa camp they set up and talks of 'Tigris shield', were the Iranian run Baghdad government is trying to get them out, Erdogan even threatened them regarding Tal Afar and Mosul, that he will not allow Shia PMU taking over or be involved in the battle.

The same warfare is happening in Iraqi Kurdistan, Turks support Barzani fraction in charge currently, the Iranian support the opposite. The same is happening in Syria under "Euphrates shield', part of the peace deal with the Russian's, is to get the Iranian militia's out of the place. They pretty much run things on the ground.

Turkey is also very close to Bahrain government to keep the Iranian influence out, these are just a few examples on their doorsteps, the same battle is taking place in Azerbaijan which they won, despite large Shia population, which lead the Iranian's to support Armenia their bitter enemies.

Both are involved in bitter geopolitical chess game in the Eurasia sphere, it's not just Somalia, the Iranian's are out for now because the Arab's have woken up, however Turkey is in a bitter struggle against the UAE in Somalia.

The sanctions have helped them become very self sufficient, they produce everything themselves, they are a people of culture, hard work just like the Turks, this rivalry is natural, it hasn't yet turned into animosity unlike the one with the GCC, whom are straight up bufoons.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane

You lost all credibility with your statement, it's ironic you mentioned balanbale which is the town C/Yusuf hang the first ever Ethiopian Flag on Somali Soil in the 80's, the first recorded act of treachery, Barre was so incensed he offered Ceydiid weapons to exterminate you all, which he refused.

I cannot believe your slander against Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, murdered by your own, just because he was prepared to go in 50/50 with S/land as per union agreement, you loose all your credibility with such a stance, Siilaanyo is more wadani then C/Yusuf.
I reject that blatant slander about Abdullahi yusuf placing the flag of Ethiopia in Somali soil. Barre always tried to have Mohamud saleeban exterminated but he failed miserably even placing an embargo on the port of kismayo & bosaso yet he couldn't stop us so what gives you the impression that hawiye could do the job the army of Somalia failed to do?

As for Abdirashid Ali Shar'marke, he was killed by his relative Cali saleeban so what? Brothers kill brothers there ain't nothing new under the sun & for your information it had nothing to do with British somaliland. If siilanyo is more wadani cause he's IRIR right but guess what can you go & preach somalinimo in burco or hargaisa miise berbera? Kkk why beg it? If you're not on the side of Abdullahi yusuf who restored governance then you're on the side of the terrorists who are still till this day reeking havoc.
I reject that blatant slander about Abdullahi yusuf placing the flag of Ethiopia in Somali soil. Barre always tried to have Mohamud saleeban exterminated but he failed miserably even placing an embargo on the port of kismayo & bosaso yet he couldn't stop us so what gives you the impression that hawiye could do the job the army of Somalia failed to do?

As for Abdirashid Ali Shar'marke, he was killed by his relative Cali saleeban so what? Brothers kill brothers there ain't nothing new under the sun & for your information it had nothing to do with British somaliland. If siilanyo is more wadani cause he's IRIR right but guess what can you go & preach somalinimo in burco or hargaisa miise berbera? Kkk why beg it? If you're not on the side of Abdullahi yusuf who restored governance then you're on the side of the terrorists who are still till this day reeking havoc.

He never stuck an Ethiopian flag on Somali territory. It was the reason why he spent many years in an Ethiopian jail, only to escape when the regime fell.

There was a book I was meant to read about the assassination of Shermarme. It suggested some sort of collusion with the Soviets. It's at my uni library, I better have a look at it.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Illahay ba kugu dharshee what have habar gidir contributed to Somalia in the past 25 years except murder, pillaging, plundering, rape, suicide bombings, taking hostages, isbaaro, destroying buildings never building anything & you have the audacity to talk you're no different than Cali beysteen :susp:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
He never stuck an Ethiopian flag on Somali territory. It was the reason why he spent many years in an Ethiopian jail, only to escape when the regime fell.

There was a book I was meant to read about the assassination of Shermarme. It suggested some sort of collusion with the Soviets. It's at my uni library, I better have a look at it.
The qabyalad made @Inquisitive_ lie about Abdullahi yusuf raising a flag of Ethiopia on Somali soil in order to slander his good name smh what a qabiliste bakhti die with your cuqdad.
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