The Curse of Somali Meetings

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Bal eeg beenta :icon lol:

We have always lived in Gaalkacyo, the prime grazing land in Sarjimaale, which is more than 50km north of the city, belong to my subclan of Sacad.

We live in Gaalkacyo by force not by some magical love you have for us.

If anyone is a guest its you.:icon lol:

Shacabkii Majeerten Oo Ka Qaxay Galkacayo oo yidhi Falastiinin Ayaanu ka Nahay Galkacayoโ€Iyagoona Daarood U Qeylo Dhaansaday

Know your place, palestinian.

Bal eeg beenta :icon lol:
Abdullahi Yusuf came running to Caydiid in Xamar after his entire militia was crushed in 6 hours during Nus Qiyaamo.
How can a homeless man welcome anyone to a city he doesn't even control?:icon lol:

Just look at him in the bushes.

Stop changing the topic.

This is Balanbal



Galmudug Unity is Holy.
Galmudug is not a qabiil, Galmudug is Dawlad.

How can my tribe be "somalidiid" and against governance when we were the ones who founded the first Somali Republic and government?

You're the cancer who's been holding Somalia back for the past 25 years. The only thing you could do with a cancer is to cut it off & that's what's going to happen in galkacyo in sha Allah.

Most of your land is not in the hands of galmudug dhuusomareeb=Ahyl sunnah cabudwaaq, balanbal & many parts are controlled by al shabaab yet out of jealousy you want to destroy what puntland has built.

The only to deal with your kind is to fight fire with Fire insha Allah kuli waa Ina laa buufinayaa in sha Allah. Somalia will not be held hostage by moryaans for another 25 years.
The qabyalad made @Inquisitive_ lie about Abdullahi yusuf raising a flag of Ethiopia on Somali soil in order to slander his good name smh what a qabiliste bakhti die with your cuqdad.

No need to make it personal. I have my disagreements with him but I respect since I have seen him come after the criminals of his tribe before.

I do believe this narrative that there are external factors messing around in Somalia, external players that have very sinister intentions for us. Today it is not only the usual Ethiopian and Kenyan. It is especially worrying given the nature of our government and the calibre of the people that are a part of it. We stand to loose a lot if things don't change.

However for the most part I blame Somalis for our current situation. Some people have allowed the most greedy and power hungry to lead them, resulting in only disastrous consequences.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
No need to make it personal. I have my disagreements with him but I respect since I have seen him come after the criminals of his tribe before.

I do believe this narrative that there are external factors messing around in Somalia, external players that have very sinister intentions for us. Today it is not only the usual Ethiopian and Kenyan. It is especially worrying given the nature of our government and the calibre of the people that are a part of it. We stand to loose a lot if things don't change.

However for the most part I blame Somalis for our current situation. Some people have allowed the most greedy and power hungry to lead them, resulting in only disastrous consequences.
I haven't seen him go against the people of his tribe but I wholeheartedly agree with everything else you've said. It's our own doing we made it so that other nations can dictate to us when we could hold elections cause he who pays the piper picks the tune, it's a sad state of affairs :wow:
I haven't seen him go against the people of his tribe but I wholeheartedly agree with everything else you've said. It's our own doing we made it so that other nations can dictate to us when we could hold elections cause he who pays the piper picks the tune, it's a sad state of affairs :wow:

I have been following the politics for a year now, and have been learning about Somali history on my spare time for a good 2 years. When I gained a good understanding of the politics I became very disheartened from it. I don't follow it with the same enthusiasm anymore. Sometimes we take a step forward and take two steps back. Regular village warfare, stupid gaffes. Recurring clan conflicts. Treachery and corruption. Very sad.

I would stop reading it all together if it wasn't for this UAE and Turkey stuff. This stuff is pretty interesting.


Your superior
Brothers time to admit that both hawiye and darod aren't nationalist and they both want power for their respective clans. These two clans sold your country's sea. Very sad for the dir, raxanwayn and other clans in Somalia, it's a shame they couldn't be part of SL, home of Somali culture, heritage and history
Brothers time to admit that both hawiye and darod aren't nationalist and they both want power for their respective clans. These two clans sold your country's sea. Very sad for the dir, raxanwayn and other clans in Somalia, it's a shame they couldn't be part of SL, home of Somali culture, heritage and history

Impressive. I thought you only comment with stupid one liners. I didn't know you could string more than 2 sentences at a time. It's a damn shame though, nothing that ever comes out of your mouth has any value and could never provide any substance to any debate. I guess you tried?


Your superior
Impressive. I thought you only comment with stupid one liners. I didn't know you could string more than 2 sentences at a time. It's a damn shame though, nothing that ever comes out of your mouth has any value and could never provide any substance to any debate. I guess you tried?

Instead of moaning and crying how you actually reply to my comment. What i said the the blunt truth.

Sxb take the emotions out, what happened in balanbale as part of SSDF and raising the Ethiopian flag on Somali soil, everybody with a bit of knowledge knows about it, this is the first time I have seen someone deny it, it's ok your a young dude that is unaware of history, I understand, even recent history with ICU you were confused between al-itihad and al-shabab, it's fine, I get it.

C/Yusuf was not a qabiilist, he wanted to rule by any means necessary, even if that means thousands of dead people and inviting foreign enemy into the country, his last interview before his death on BBC somali, he lamented how the Ethiopian's betrayed him and are taking over the country, even while he was President they attacked him, his relationship with them is very rich, from SSDF, to the fight against Al-Itihad in the 90's, to 2007 debacle.

I find it incredible your attack on Barre, again it's classic lack of history knowledge, your 2 biggest source of revenue today and the past few decades are Bosaaso port, and Gaalkacayo airport, both of them he built for you, the port was supposed to be Hobyo, the Italian's had the contract, but your elders convinced Barre using qabyaalad arguments, it made no sense to have it up North because we already had Berbera there, he made the injustice happen.

That's also not forgetting much of the institutions and buildings he left behind for you in Northern Gaalkacayo, that's more then 80% revenue, without those government assets granted, you would be nothing today, you live in the most hostile barren region, this conversations wouldn't take place either, to diss the man that made this possible, is treachery and a slap in his face, your whole progress is a result of those two things alone.
Instead of moaning and crying how you actually reply to my comment. What i said the the blunt truth.

You have like 20k posts between 2 forums. Are you telling me you troll with this unsophisticated method all this time? Are you autistic or do you not have a life? Or do you get high every waking hour of everyday?


Your superior
You have like 20k posts between 2 forums. Are you telling me you troll with this unsophisticated method all this time? Are you autistic or do you not have a life? Or do you get high every waking hour of everyday?

You are very emotional, take a seat and calm down dear.

Sxb take the emotions out, what happened in balanbale as part of SSDF and raising the Ethiopian flag on Somali soil, everybody with a bit of knowledge knows about it, this is the first time I have seen someone deny it, it's ok your a young dude that is unaware of history, I understand, even recent history with ICU you were confused between al-itihad and al-shabab, it's fine, I get it.

C/Yusuf was not a qabiilist, he wanted to rule by any means necessary, even if that means thousands of dead people and inviting foreign enemy into the country, his last interview before his death on BBC somali, he lamented how the Ethiopian's betrayed him and are taking over the country, even while he was President they attacked him, his relationship with them is very rich, from SSDF, to the fight against Al-Itihad in the 90's, to 2007 debacle.

I find it incredible your attack on Barre, again it's classic lack of history knowledge, your 2 biggest source of revenue today and the past few decades are Bosaaso port, and Gaalkacayo airport, both of them he built for you, the port was supposed to be Hobyo, the Italian's had the contract, but your elders convinced Barre using qabyaalad arguments, it made no sense to have it up North because we already had Berbera there, he made the injustice happen.

That's also not forgetting much of the institutions and buildings he left behind for you in Northern Gaalkacayo, that's more then 80% revenue, without those government assets granted, you would be nothing today, you live in the most hostile barren region, this conversations wouldn't take place either, to diss the man that made this possible, is treachery and a slap in his face, your whole progress is a result of those two things alone.

Smooth. The first time I heard of the old Hobyo port plans was when the recent hobyo port plan was conceptualized. I noticed it when I saw some Minster on Twitter claim it was going to be 'reconstructed'. I have a hard time believing Barre colluded with Reer Bari given the way he had been treating them. He wouldn't let them export camels from their natural ports on small boats, rather forcing them to Hargeisa port. Back then he was still regarding MJs as a threat.

Do you have any historical documents by any chance. I have documents from Bosaso port construction.


Your superior
Smooth. The first time I heard of the old Hobyo port plans was when the recent hobyo port plan was conceptualized. I noticed it when I saw some Minster on Twitter claim it was going to be 'reconstructed'. I have a hard time believing Barre colluded with Reer Bari given the way he had been treating them. He wouldn't let them export camels from their natural ports on small boats, rather forcing them to Hargeisa port. Back then he was still regarding MJs as a threat.

Do you have any historical documents by any chance. I have documents from Bosaso port construction.

Hargeisa doesn't have a port kkkkk

Sxb ignore that buffoon, much of the conflict today has nothing to do with clan, both mudug conflict the recent one was instigated by the NGO's, the one before was instigated by the UAE, let me tell you how they did it, because I get the information flow daily from it.

The NGO (nothing more then a destabilisation CIA arm) granted Galmudug some livestock project to build a facility for Xoolaha, they designated a land that was best suitable which they wanted to build upon, they specifically clandestinely selected a land that was heavily disputed between Sacad/Lealkase, this is done by design, because they wanted them to fight each other over it.

However to their astonishment both clan's came to an agreement as the money involved was to big to bicker over, this sent shock-waves to them, because that's not what they wanted, they somehow got P/land administration involved in this, you know what happens when a few millions can be made, the situation started to become tense, there was a standoff.

The NGO then did a U turn and granted the Project to an Arab Salaax Pro P/land guy, remember this is done deliberately to get a war started, the whole clause was to construct it on the same disputed area, you could imagine what happened next, it escalated into an armed conflict as a result of this, that's the inside story, but on the outside it's portrayed as a Qabiil war because of old hatred and federal states, it's all BS.

You are confusing the era of mistrust (after SSDF), to the area of friendship which was before, the portrayal he was in conflict with the whole of MJ is false it was only C/Yusuf fraction, Morgan was on barre side.

I made a lengthy post on Somnet 2006 with those documents, including a famous video of a Baraanbur when Barre visited Hobyo, were the women called him out on it, and Barre laughed and responded 'your men are building Kenya', all the archives in somnet have since been deleted, it was an Italian document, and I remember how long it took me to find it, I will look for it again when I get some time.

Even they were flabbergasted why have 2 ports up North so close to each other, while the entire central region has nothing, it wasn't the Bari Odayaal's that convinced him but the Mudug, it was scaremongering and qabyaalad 101, even the Italian's were surprised.

Sxb ignore that buffoon, much of the conflict today has nothing to do with clan, both mudug conflict the recent one was instigated by the NGO's, the one before was instigated by the UAE, let me tell you how they did it, because I get the information flow daily from it.

The NGO (nothing more then a destabilisation CIA arm) granted Galmudug some livestock project to build a facility for Xoolaha, they designated a land that was best suitable which they wanted to build upon, they specifically clandestinely selected a land that was heavily disputed between Sacad/Lealkase, this is done by design, because they wanted them to fight each other over it.

However to their astonishment both clan's came to an agreement as the money involved was to big to bicker over, this sent shock-waves to them, because that's not what they wanted, they somehow got P/land administration involved in this, you know what happens when a few millions can be made, the situation started to become tense, there was a standoff.

The NGO then did a U turn and granted the Project to an Arab Salaax Pro P/land guy, remember this is done deliberately to get a war started, the whole clause was to construct it on the same disputed area, you could imagine what happened next, it escalated into an armed conflict as a result of this, that's the inside story, but on the outside it's portrayed as a Qabiil war because of old hatred and federal states, it's all BS.

I know most fighting is driven by greed and hunger for power. When you look at the actions of the warlords, the likes of caydiid and mahdi who couldn't establish a government. And for some cabdullahi yusuf and his invasion of Mog. If it was about qabiil Marehan wouldn't be a satellite hawiye clan, garden wouldn't have sides with hawiye for jubbaland concessions, and the usc wouldn't have turned on each other as soon they toppled the Barre regime. I will admit that qabiil was once a major theme in the war. Especially when you Look at how some clans have confederated and you look at the justification of the past mass killings.

From what I noticed anyway the only people that harbour animosity are the ones that lost family members, typically people from the diaspora. However for the most part Somalis do not harbour hatred to other clans, unless they have some sort of grievance of course.

You are confusing the era of mistrust (after SSDF), to the area of friendship which was before, the portrayal he was in conflict with the whole of MJ is false it was only C/Yusuf fraction, Morgan was on barre side.

I made a lengthy post on Somnet 2006 with those documents, including a famous video of a Baraanbur when Barre visited Hobyo, were the women called him out on it, and Barre laughed and responded 'your men are building Kenya', all the archives in somnet have since been deleted, it was an Italian document, and I remember how long it took me to find it, I will look for it again when I get some time.

Even they were flabbergasted why have 2 ports up North so close to each other, while the entire central region has nothing, it wasn't the Bari Odayaal's that convinced him but the Mudug, it was scaremongering and qabyaalad 101, even the Italian's were surprised.

I am keen to see it if you can recover it. I'll have a look for it myself in the meantime, I can pm you on somnet if I find it. I am assuming it is In english, yes?
I am keen to see it if you can recover it. I'll have a look for it myself in the meantime, I can pm you on somnet if I find it. I am assuming it is In english, yes?

It's in Italian the document.

The whole HAG/Darood was a myth, USC second in command was an Ogadeen, the first rebel group that rose up was SSDF (MJ), this unity never existed, not even for a brief time, there was never a time in history that each was united.

Hence I always laugh when people call for it, and it's usually the elitist in Garowe that call for it for their own personal interests, but people are were awake to this, and everyone pursued their own interest in the past, now it's all Geopolitics, and everyone is divided in those 2 blocks today
It's in Italian the document.

The whole HAG/Darood was a myth, USC second in command was an Ogadeen, the first rebel group that rose up was SSDF (MJ), this unity never existed, not even for a brief time, there was never a time in history that each was united.

Hence I always laugh when people call for it, and it's usually the elitist in Garowe that call for it for their own personal interests, but people are were awake to this, and everyone pursued their own interest in the past, now it's all Geopolitics, and everyone is divided in those 2 blocks today

We have never seen such a thing in history before, nobody has ever worked together at that level. The closest was the USC as a Hawiye organisation but that didn't last very long at all, it was as if they were only there because their goals had all aligned. If any of these people had any long term visions Daroodism and Hawiyeism could very much be real things, but we are too greedy and short sighted for that ever to become a reality.

Is that OG commander the Cumar Jees guy?
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