Illahay ba kugu dharshee kuwas ba dhaacad ah 

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You loose all credibility when you support an incumbent C/Yusuf guarded in Baidoa by Ethiopians, calling those warlords wrecking havoc in Mogadishu terrorists, which he later recruited and brought back to the city, this is Qanyare, Qeybdiid, Hussein Ceydiid, Muse Suudi Yalaxow, Mohamed Dheere
What you are really saying is that you supported all those warlords, the man who brought them back with Ethiopian backing, this is lunatic qabyaalad on steroids. The whole movement was born to get rid of these warlords, which the dude you supported squatting in Baidoa with Ethiopians couldn't do.
That tells me somewhere deep in your heart, like most of your fellow people, you don't want 'peace', in fact from the ensuing chaos 2 decades no one benefited more then your bermuda triangle, every port was closed and everyone up until mandheere was using Bosaaso, I understand the game.
A handshake with a women doesn't take one out of the fold of Islam, he has no choice in the situations he was in, the Ethiopian's were calling him a radical, your leaders were doing the same, lots of blood was spilled, he didn't fall into the trap, nit picking others sins is a major sin itself and to argue it's hypocrisy you become a khariijite
Don't talk about religion or sin when your on the side of Warlords, Xabashi's and C/Yusuf, your comment about them not being inclusive is a joke, were ever a movement starts, the locals at first dominate, ICU was mostly Abgaal/Ceyr//Ogadeen then MX joined, the fast majority of those that died on the ground in the battle of Mogadishu were HAG, with my sub-clan (Sacad) the most casualties as they were fighting on both sides, few ICU camp and most Qeybdiid camp, the same case in Baandiradley., so to accuse me of support due to clan, is a futile argument, because majority were against it.
@Inquisitive_ I was by no means belittling the ICU. I know how these guys started off as merely Islamic courts and then somehow reached a level where they could challenge the all powerful warlords. I have no doubt in my mind that they could have at least conquered the whole somalia with ease.
Even some white researcher named Markus Hoehne that spent most of his time in SL doing research admits that what happened to the ICU. It's a dame shame what happened. They weren't even given the chance to make a lasting difference. They were promptly attacked by the warlords, then AY with his army and the with the habesh.
A shame? They were nothing more than thugs dressed as scholars and all Somalis are better off without them
Look at all these terrorist apologist
I am sending a notice to each of your respective spy agencies![]()
Lol. These people are nothing like alshabab. Don't get confused saxib, they are worlds apart. Al-shabab is just this cruel oppressive group that use a distorted islam for political gain. The ICU on the other hand was an union of Islamic courts who's mission was to bring the stability needed to establish of a functioning government.
If anything report the guy who supports ahlu sunnah. I will give you his name when my pms open up. That nigga needs help.
Terrorists?A shame? They were nothing more than thugs dressed as scholars and all Somalis are better off without them
Look at all these terrorist apologist
If anything report the guy who supports ahlu sunnah.
Those were cheap claims by warlords to loot the IC for arms.
The ICU were designated as terrorists by the UN and the US, yet you support them and say that it's cheap claims by warlords.Explain to me how ahlu sunnah are terrorists when they are allied to the FG and receive backing from the UN and AU?
The ICU were designated as terrorists by the UN and the US, yet you support them and say that it's cheap claims by warlords.
And at the same time you support Ahlu Sunnah and say that they aren't terrorists because they are backed by the same people who called the ICU terrorists?
Pick 1.
Who said I support Ahlu Sunnah?you support Ahlu Sunnah
Do you condemn Hassan dahir awees for deceiving the masses by dressing up as ICU by day & Al shabaab by night?@Junior
Without any involvement from Western Empires, make no mistake, the ICU would have conquered the whole of East Africa and set up a caliphate .
I remember during that time, man were growing their beards in Garowe and Burco looked like it was going to have an uprising, they almost even assassinated their president with a car bomb.
After the Somali peninsula, all the Muslims in Ethiopia and Kenya would be setting up courts as far as Tanzania, this is why it had to be stopped, because once the bush fires start, there is no taking the fire out anymore.
This will happen again inshaallah once the inevitable collapse of the empire, Somali's will be at the heart of it, do not give a shit what tribe he is unlike @Cognitivedissonance I will follow, just as I followed ICU despite most of my clan being opposed to them after brutal fights.
My allegiance is to the Deen, and if there is no such movement, it's towards Somalinimo.
Do you condemn Hassan dahir awees for deceiving the masses by dressing up as ICU by day & Al shabaab by night?
Ethiopia didn't need to intervene cause the people of that region are capable of defending themselves & don't rely on foreign troops rather they have their own troops which. The people of puntland don't take kindly to khawarij who issue takfir on Muslims tankale the MJ's that were there were little boys who have been duped & most even drugged cause no one in their right frame of mind would attack their own family & neighbours except a moryaan who has no remorse nor empathy, compassion for their fellow man.@Cognitivedissonance
You don't know much about ICU, and equating Dahir aweys with al-shabab (whom almost killed him) shows you know nothing about the group, let me explain to you, the ICU fighting wing consisted mainly of 3, the strongest block was Dahir Aweys 'Al-Ithihad' wing which Hasan Turki (O.G) was also a big player, some of the commanders were MJ, the same ones that took over P/land in the 90's until the Ethiopian's intervened, and the same group that captured C/Yusuf and let him go.
The second most powerful block was the regular ICU, these were mainly conscripts, in terms of number they were the largest but experience wise the least, then you had the smallest hard-core group led by Ceyrow (al-shabab), I am talking about ICU in it's infancy after they took control of Xamar/Kismaayo.
The Al-Shabab block only rose to prominence after the full-fledged Ethiopian invasion, these focused mostly dismantling the Itihad/ICU blocks, leaving alone the hard-core fraction, killing it's leader through drone strikes, then putting in Godane as a patsy, same tactics Assad used, releasing all radicals from prisons leaving ISIS to flourish kill FSA, so he could frame the conflict as Government Vs Extreme Radicals narrative, which is why he is winning support so much.
Al-shabab different, they were simply taken over by American/Ethiopian intelligence afterwards to carry out their interests, they don’t qualify as Khawaarij, they are outright Kufar agents.
I don't know where you got your 'bitter' comments from, if you go to Xamar today, most people have no clue about clan's, it's the most cosmopolitan place, the people that started the whole qabyaalad and continue until this day is the bermuda triangle and the Isaaq community, much of the rest of Somalis have moved on from it. I travelled to Hargaisa, Garowe, Burco and transit in Bosaaso, in fact Bosaaso was the least I have seen. Gaalkacayo is just as bad too.
Within the Bermuda triangle your clan is the most wadani of them and your leaders far better. However your argument about Gaalkacayo shows a deep lack of history, and you’re just regurgitating what an Omar Mohamoud Odeey told you.
In Somalia, clan’s moved around, no one stuck to a single place, our father Hiraab is buried in Berbera, during those days most Somali’s were all situated what is called Somaliland today, they then slowly migrated all over the place. 1000 years before that they came from Egypt and ruled that place as part of the Cushitic empire.
Hence my father was born in Gaalkayo, my grandfather Beledweyne, the one before Hobyo, the one before Lower Shabelle, then back to Hobyo etc. Today sub-clan is scattered everywhere.
You see, the moment you evoke the name ‘Baraxleey’, which is the name of a famous ‘well’ we drank from, built in the 50’s in Southern Gaalkacayo, you acknowledge my presence in Gaalkacayo for 70 years already.
This takes us back to the colonial times, if your argument is who was there first in ‘just’ the last 100 years only, I will concede it was your tribe, but we did not come through invitation but brutal conquest which I don’t take any pride in, hence the Italian famous green-line in Gaalkacayo which they enforced with tanks, exist until this day was to halt that conquest.
Those people living in Northern Gaalkacayo originally settled in a place not far from Hobyo 100 years ago, the disputes were over grazing rights and water, which lead to a prolonged tribal battle, your civilian’s kept moving up North, and we followed until the green-line in Gaalkacayo, that’s the 100 year history in a nutshell.
The idea that a clan invites another by their thousands as a permission to settle in a place, is fiction and unheard off, few hundred years before that you had Keenadid and his Arab musketeers take over the fort in Hobyo inflicting massacres, the conflict goes back several hundred years, the idea of invitations is laughable and makes no logical sense.
You said you supported Geedi because he was part of the TFG.I choose Abdullahi yusuf & Ali Mohamed geedi who's an abgaal anyday over those who parade as shiekh by day & siyaasin by night. It's not about tribe for me.