The Digital Sisterhood officially CANCELLED #filthysisterhood

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Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
those trolls/troll whatever guys who started this are pathetic. one day they’re pretending to be zionists, next day race realists, next day they’re super religious. aspurgus/sonofcimmeria is the most pathetic of all. i know you browse here: evola is so 2016 & BAP is a j^w who can’t write. grow up. embarrassing group who are obsessed with somali women.

These niggas are gonna try dox me since I’ve exposed them on SSpot.

Little do they know, I have nothing to hide. I’m very a politically correct person online.

Since reading @Qeelbax and @Farahslayer info on the story.

The issue about the young girl is different than reported. She was straight up abused into giving consent.

Naaah, the way some of you made it look like it was consensual and she regretted it. I can’t believe I fell for it.


I honestly suggest you listen to it yourself.

The girl actually does not say much and gives almost no details. Because that podcast isn't about sex, but actually the aftermath of these things and how often girls go into hiding and the self-loathing that happens. It's not even about the guy.

Basically this was a 15 year old girl who had a crush on an older guy. He started with an unconsensensual kiss in public to gauge her reaction. She ignored her instincts and fell into the flattery, but quickly realized that he wanted and thought if she didn't comply he would ruin her reputation. She gives descriptions of him physically grabbing her so much that she was constantly bruised and couldn't wear baatis at home. Again she didn't tell anyone for fear and shame. Slowly she described him taking it to the ‘next level’ if full on sex and fighting him off fruitlessly only to threaten him that she is going to scream which was how she escaped. Which he obviously spreads the rumours of her sleeping with him and of course she receives the ostracization.

Rapists, groomers and abusers use the power of shame as well as violence to silence their victims.

It's really to encourage girls who are in these situations to stay away from older men and men who are looking for physicality and to speak to someone and never turn your back on Allah

I personally disagree with some of the advice because the best advice is to push back against the shaming of girls and women.
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the sea
Since reading @Qeelbax and @Farahslayer info on the story.

The issue about the young girl is different than reported. She was straight up abused into giving consent.

Naaah, the way some of you made it look like it was consensual and she regretted it. I can’t believe I fell for it.

nahh cause i was starting to believe what AMusee and others were saying. why are people trying to minimise what this poor girl went through.
I’m not warya and yes it was a scheme. His followers are young impressionable men who are either in school or have minimum wage jobs and he also wanted to create lingerie for Muslim women uff
ofc your name aint warya :heh:

my point still stands
he got cancelled on twitter way worse then the podcast getting cancelled.
now people don't trust him anymore
when did she say he was a minor. she said sometimes minors cant consent with each other. which is true in some cases. like in many states, you cant consent with another minor if youre <16
bruh watch the clips on twitter

she was a minor and so was the guy.
she wanted it first and then ended up in a fucked up situation
-talked to a minor about zina
-agreed on the zina with the minor boy
-trusted this whole thing a one point
-she didn't even ask the minor boy that she is scared now but from her answer "he was agressive and force"

sure she get assaulted in the end however she needs to hold accountable for her action as well.
why is talking to a male about haram stuff ?
why did she agree on this first ?

the way u girls on the SS are defending her like she never did anything wrong :dead:
The honest tea talk criticism was fairly correct i understand preferring to have a monogamy relationship than polygamy there's nothing wrong with it. But how the sisters spoke in such hate of polygamy was the issue they never went deep into when polygamy is done the wrong
So, they clearly mentioned that they were talking about when polygamy is practiced wrong, but your issue is that they weren’t clear how exactly? Do not see how you’re nitpicking?
way but in fact the idea of polygamy was spiritual abuse and one sister said something like. " why has something allah allowed brought me so much pain" and Something about females arnt property when talking about polygamy by the african lady.
These women made it clear that polygamy practiced correctly is perfectly halal. They said it time and time again.

They were clearly talking about situations in which men abuse polygamy and it is common. They were clearly talking about polygamy in their respective cultures with one being Somali and yes, polygamy is very much abused in our culture. I think it is a perfect example as to how the words of women are micromanaged to a scary point in which they constantly have to be very concise in case a brother wants to attack them.

Once again they may have good intentions but why do they think everything allah has willed may or may not bring hardship why did they go after scholars and made it seem like what the sheikhs preach are immoral by drawing a line.
polygamy that isn’t practiced properly most definitely brings hardship and polygamy for some women is indeed a test. That is the reason why men who can’t treat women equally and those that can’t afford it are not allowed to practice it.

Even the Prophet s.a.w thought that Ali marrying again will bring hardship for Fatima even though he obviously would have given her and a co-wife their rights. There is an actual Hadith and scholarly commentary which talks about this. I will provide it for you in a bit.

That was the issue u cant attack people with no proof especially a large mass. they were very not specific and spoke on wide range of things which they shouldnt as they used no hadiths or verses to back their point
Hardly any of the men on the dawah scene like Ali Dawah and the men attacking them have in depth knowledge and they talk about a range of issues and also add their own opinions as well, yet hardly anyone attacks them? There is a clear agenda of wanting women to not express themselves if they’re not parroting what the men want.

Those women were talking about the polygamous unions they see in the community. Polygamy isn’t a pillar in Islam. When men attack monogamy in favor of polygamy why is that allowed? Men routinely talk about the issues of Mehr in the community despite Mehr for women being wajib whilst polygamy isn’t. Can I then critique them of hating Mehr?

The kufr claim was crazy tbf
The whole argument was crazy and there is no way anyone can spin it.

-women have a right to talk about polygamy being hard for them provided they acknowledge it is halal.

Men can acknowledge that paying Mehr is hard but women can’t acknowledge how hard polygamy is??! The double standards are insane.
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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

I am sure George Soros Open Society is funding this notice how on their website they focus on “Muslim women of colour” a common liberal talking point.
These women made it clear that polygamy practiced correctly is perfectly halal. They were clearly talking about situations in which men abuse polygamy and it is common. They were clearly talking about polygamy in their respective cultures with one being Somali and yes, polygamy is very much abused in our culture. I think it is a perfect example as to how the words of women are micromanaged to a scary point in which they constantly have to be very concise in case a brother wants to attack them

polygamy that isn’t practiced properly most definitely brings hardship and polygamy for some women is indeed a test. That is the reason why men who can’t treat women equally and those that can’t afford it are not allowed to practice it.

Even the Prophet s.a.w thought that Ali marrying again will bring hardship for Fatima even though he obviously would have given her and a co-wife their rights. There is an actual Hadith and scholarly commentary which talks about this. I will provide it for you in a bit.

Hardly any of the men on the dawah scene like Ali Dawah and the men attacking them have in depth knowledge and they talk about a range of issues and also add their own opinions as well, yet hardly anyone attacks them? There is a clear agenda of wanting women to not express themselves if they’re not parroting what the men want.

Those women were talking about the polygamous unions they see in the community. Polygamy isn’t a pillar in Islam. Men routinely talk about the issues of Mehr in the community despite Mehr for women being wajib whilst polygamy isn’t. So what is going on?

The whole argument was crazy and there is no way anyone can spin it.

-women have a right to talk about polygamy being hard for them provided they acknowledge it is halal.

Men can acknowledge that paying Mehr is hard but women can’t acknowledge how hard polygamy is??! The double standards are insane.
feminism and incelism has no place in islam
I honestly suggest you listen to it yourself.

The girl actually does not say much and gives almost no details. Because that podcast isn't about sex, but actually the aftermath of these things and how often girls go into hiding and the self-loathing that happens. It's not even about the guy.

Basically this was a 15 year old girl who had a crush on an older guy. He started with an unconsensensual kiss in public to gauge her reaction. She ignored her instincts and fell into the flattery, but quickly realized that he wanted and thought if she didn't comply he would ruin her reputation. She gives descriptions of him physically grabbing her so much that she was constantly bruised and couldn't wear baatis at home. Again she didn't tell anyone for fear and shame. Slowly she described him taking it to the ‘next level’ if full on sex and fighting him off fruitlessly only to threaten him that she is going to scream which was how she escaped. Which he obviously spreads the rumours of her sleeping with him and of course she receives the ostracization.

Rapists, groomers and abusers use the power of shame as well as violence to silence their victims.

It's really to encourage girls who are in these situations to stay away from older men and men who are looking for physicality and to speak to someone and never turn your back on Allah

I personally disagree with some of the advice because the best advice is to push back against the shaming of girls and women.
Sis there is an agenda going on. As of late, there has been a lot of cases of Islamic speakers grooming young women and hardly any of them have been getting attacked the way these girls with podcasts have been by these so called ‘brothers’.

I’ve not listened to the podcast yet, but if what you say is true and it was about the effects of being manipulated and groomed ect then it clearly shows how sick our community is. They’re more angry at the idea of young women having these important and tough conversations so that other women can learn from this and wise up than the actual men in our community who use their position to take advantage of women.
These women made it clear that polygamy practiced correctly is perfectly halal. They were clearly talking about situations in which men abuse polygamy and it is common. They were clearly talking about polygamy in their respective cultures with one being Somali and yes, polygamy is very much abused in our culture. I think it is a perfect example as to how the words of women are micromanaged to a scary point in which they constantly have to be very concise in case a brother wants to attack them

polygamy that isn’t practiced properly most definitely brings hardship and polygamy for some women is indeed a test. That is the reason why men who can’t treat women equally and those that can’t afford it are not allowed to practice it.

Even the Prophet s.a.w thought that Ali marrying again will bring hardship for Fatima even though he obviously would have given her and a co-wife their rights. There is an actual Hadith and scholarly commentary which talks about this. I will provide it for you in a bit.

Hardly any of the men on the dawah scene like Ali Dawah and the men attacking them have in depth knowledge and they talk about a range of issues and also add their own opinions as well, yet hardly anyone attacks them? There is a clear agenda of wanting women to not express themselves if they’re not parroting what the men want.

Those women were talking about the polygamous unions they see in the community. Polygamy isn’t a pillar in Islam. Men routinely talk about the issues of Mehr in the community despite Mehr for women being wajib whilst polygamy isn’t. So what is going on?

The whole argument was crazy and there is no way anyone can spin it.

-women have a right to talk about polygamy being hard for them provided they acknowledge it is halal.

Men can acknowledge that paying Mehr is hard but women can’t acknowledge how hard polygamy is??! The double standards are insane.
First of all idc about dawah man we can’t jump into another discussion lol.

Polygamy is undoubtedly hard and emotionally exhausting this is not the issue.

It’s how they portray polygamy If they said okay why is my husband putting me through abuse by marrying another lady and not giving me attention that’s fair and correct

Saying what allah has willed is bringing me spiritual abuse is a whole different dilemma.

Also if you have criticism you bring proof evidence you don’t randomly say something negative and act like it is commonly known this is for anyone male or female.

once again they may have had good intentions but the execution was very poor
First of all idc about dawah man we can’t jump into another discussion lol.

Polygamy is undoubtedly hard and emotionally exhausting this is not the issue.

It’s how they portray polygamy If they said okay why is my husband putting me through abuse by marrying another lady and not giving me attention that’s fair and correct

Saying what allah has willed is bringing me spiritual abuse is a whole different dilemma.
Practicing polygamy when you can’t afford it or aren’t treating your wives equally but then using the deen to suggest a woman must accept it is indeed spiritual abuse. There is nothing haram for a woman to say that. That is why the women made it clear that polygamy practiced properly is completely halal and isn’t spritual abuse. I think it is clear to see here that a lot of men are intentionally trying to misunderstand them simply because they don’t like the idea of women having these conversations.

Also if you have criticism you bring proof evidence you don’t randomly say something negative and act like it is commonly known this is for anyone male or female.
Proof of what? Why is polygamy being treated like a pillar in Islam? Muslim men routinely talk about monogamy and say that polygamy is better as monogamy is supposedly filled with cheating ect. Women are often asked, would you be okay with your husband cheating, so why are you not okay with him taking a 2nd wife? Like that is the only two options Authobillah. Yet there doesn’t seem to be any in depth critique from men. Why is that?
Also, where is their proof for them to say such a thing? According to two madhabs monogamy is just as much of a Sunnah or even seen as better by Imam Shafi yet ridiculing monogamy like it is a new Western concept is rife in the Dawah scenes.

once again they may have had good intentions but the execution was very poor
It was a talk show for women talking about the trials of polygamy which most women can relate to. Ali Dawah was clearly running out of content which is why he felt the need to run to YouTube and attack them and get lots of views especially when his attacks were incoherent and baseless. This is it seems a money game.
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the caadan man/producer comment is hilarious considering his mutuals tweet obsessively about caadan women. shouldn’t he be policing them? him and the group i mentioned earlier are all shameless trolls who have cuqdad towards somali girls. targeting his own people to get a few laughs from ajnabi’s who would never let a somali guy speak like this about their own.
Practicing polygamy when you can’t afford it or aren’t treating your wives equally but then using the deen to suggest a woman must accept it is indeed spiritual abuse.

Proof of what? Why is polygamy being treated like a pillar in Islam? Muslim men routinely talk about monogamy and say that polygamy is better has monogamy is filled with cheating ect. Where is their proof then? According to two madhabs monogamy is just as much of a Sunnah or even seen as better by Imam Shafi yet ridiculing monogamy like it is a Western concept is rife in the Dawah scenes.

It was a talk show for women talking about the trials of polygamy which most women can relate to. Ali Dawah was clearly running out of content which is why he felt the need to run to YouTube and attack them and get lots of views especially when his attacks were incoherent and baseless. This is it seems a money game.
you contradicted yourself lol, you say that he called him fasiq and filthy yet you say ali dawah is doing it for money, only Allah swt knows whats in their hearts
you contradicted yourself lol, you say that he called him fasiq and filthy yet you say ali dawah is doing it for money, only Allah swt knows whats in their hearts
Calling someone fasiq and filthy is 10 times worse than accusing someone of attacking someone to get views. It is indeed a fact that Ali could have easily have messaged the podcast to confirm their views before attacking and racking in hundreds of thousands of views.

not even comparable. But that is the logic that I have to deal with I suppose.
Calling someone fasiq and filthy is 10 times worse than accusing someone of attacking someone to get views. It is indeed a fact that Ali could have easily have messaged the podcast to confirm their views before attacking and racking in hundreds of thousands of views.

not even comparable. But that is the logic that I have to deal with I suppose.
so are you a feminist? (not trying to be offensive)
First of all idc about dawah man we can’t jump into another discussion lol.

Polygamy is undoubtedly hard and emotionally exhausting this is not the issue.

It’s how they portray polygamy If they said okay why is my husband putting me through abuse by marrying another lady and not giving me attention that’s fair and correct

Saying what allah has willed is bringing me spiritual abuse is a whole different dilemma.

Also if you have criticism you bring proof evidence you don’t randomly say something negative and act like it is commonly known this is for anyone male or female.

once again they may have had good intentions but the execution was very poor
Where is your daleel of polygamy or even marriage to be any man or woman’s Islamic right?

Polygamy is permissible under very stringent circumstances and is never any man’s right. Any woman can divorce their husband if they do not wish to be in a polygamous marriage. Not to mention scholars have given it lower status than monogamous marriage.

21st century salafis have risen it to a level superior than monogamous marriage with no evidence.
Practicing polygamy when you can’t afford it or aren’t treating your wives equally but then using the deen to suggest a woman must accept it is indeed spiritual abuse.
“ And let those who find not the financial means for marriage keep themselves chaste, until Allah enriches them of His Bounty.” [al-Nur 24:33 – interpretation of the meaning]

In this verse, Allah commands those who are able to get married but cannot find the financial means, to remain chaste. One such example is not having enough money to pay the mahr (dowry) and not being able to spend on one’s wife. (al-Mufassal fi Ahkam al-Marah, part 6, p. 286).

Where is the spiritual abuse sister there are clear guidelines if a man goes against it he is the one doing the abuse this is not something allah has willed please take back what you said.

Also there’s more verses about treatment if you want I can send them

If sisters want to speak on trauma and struggles when polygamy is done wrong go ahead

but execute it properly
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