The Digital Sisterhood officially CANCELLED #filthysisterhood

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so are you a feminist? (not trying to be offensive)
Perfect example of what I’m talking about. You simply don’t like my views and feel my views go against your world views, hence you want to call me a feminist or ask because in your mind any woman that contradicts you must be a feminist.

you also don’t have the range of level of coherency to tell me why you disagree with, hence her comes the classic feminist trope.
Where is your daleel of polygamy or even marriage to be any man or woman’s Islamic right?

Polygamy is permissible under very stringent circumstances and is never any man’s right. Any woman can divorce their husband if they do not wish to be in a polygamous marriage. Not to mention scholars have given it lower status than monogamous marriage.

21st century salafis have risen it to a level superior than monogamous marriage with no evidence.
When did I say it was Mans rights. Your asking daleel for things I haven’t even claimed are you alright.
“ And let those who find not the financial means for marriage keep themselves chaste, until Allah enriches them of His Bounty.” [al-Nur 24:33 – interpretation of the meaning]

In this verse, Allah commands those who are able to get married but cannot find the financial means, to remain chaste. One such example is not having enough money to pay the mahr (dowry) and not being able to spend on one’s wife. (al-Mufassal fi Ahkam al-Marah, part 6, p. 286).
What does that have to do with my point?
Where is the spiritual abuse sister there are clear guidelines if a man goes against it he is the one doing the abuse this is not something allah has willed please take back what you said.
It is spiritual abuse to not give someone their rights and then force them to endure it by manipulatively claiming this is from Islam.

the biggest issue is that you don’t know what spiritual abuse is. Spiritual abuse is when someone uses the religion against you to take away your rights. It is when someone manipulates the deen.
Also there’s more verses about treatment if you want I can send them
That has nothing to do with my point walal. I’m fully aware of that.
If sisters want to speak on trauma and struggles when polygamy is done wrong go ahead

but execute it properly
You seemed to have misunderstood everything I’ve been saying and not taken into consideration the crux of my point.
Perfect example of what I’m talking about. You simply don’t like my views and feel my views go against your world views, hence you want to call me a feminist or ask because in your mind any woman that contradicts you must be a feminist.

you also don’t have the range of level of coherency to tell me why you disagree with, hence her comes the classic feminist trope.
i have nothing against feminists tbh just like i have nothing against incels, if your feminist i just want to say dont be one. hating men or hating women aint it
When did I say it was Mans rights. Your asking daleel for things I haven’t even claimed are you alright.
You and the ones criticizing the honest talk show podcast are indirectly treating polygamy as some sort of Islamic pillar that is wajib for every man and I don’t think you realize this.

Here are the facts:

-The women made it clear that polygamy is halal.

-They were clearly talking about when polygamy isn’t practiced properly.

yet these women have been attacked for not being specific. Would anyone attack a brother for not being specific about monogamy especially when Salafi brothers talk about the down sides of monogamy also?!

If I was to say monogamy isn’t great for everyone and there are issues with the way monogamy is practiced in society would I be attacked? No I wouldn’t. No one would bat an eyelid.
What does that have to do with my point?

It is spiritual abuse to not give someone their rights and then force them to endure it by manipulatively claiming this is from Islam.

the biggest issue is that you don’t know what spiritual abuse is. Spiritual abuse is when someone uses the religion against you to take away your rights. It is when someone manipulates the deen.

That has nothing to do with my point walal. I’m fully aware of that.

You seemed to have misunderstood everything I’ve been saying and not taken into consideration the crux of my point.
Haye let’s just agree to disagree
You and the ones criticizing the honest talk show podcast are indirectly treating polygamy has some sort of Islamic pillar that a man has a right to and I don’t think you realize this.

Here are the facts:

-The women made it clear that polygamy is halal.

-They were talking about when polygamy isn’t practiced properly.

yet these women have been attacked for not being specific. Would anyone attack a brother for not being specific about monogamy especially when Salafi brothers talk about the down sides of monogamy also?!

If I was to say monogamy isn’t great for everyone and there are issues with the way monogamy is practiced in society would I be attacked? No I wouldn’t. No one would bat an eyelid.

i will give the podcast one more listen since you are this adamant


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
He is clearly a troll. He called them a Fasiq and filthy. He is questioning why she is wearing a niqab. No sane person can take him seriously when his attacks are horrendously personal and goes against Islamic boundaries.
Another brother exposes #FilthySisterhood

I don’t know why she agreed or what she agreed to first but she said she backed out of it before any zina occurred. She said she tried to back out but was forced into it.

Why do you guys fight what she is saying? Were you there? You do know she could be telling the truth. She didn’t mention anything specific, so I don’t see how it’s bad to talk about.

She’s a student and I’m assuming based on the “grooming” part he’s older and a staff.

“That’s what they all say”, I’m sure you think most women are lying about r@pe too.

“She sounds chill”, this was a long time ago based on her now being a grown adult and this happening when she was underage to a man, while she was a GIRL.


Just whatever. Don’t quote me again with nonsense. Just know the rate of women lying vs telling the truth about these things is 1 to 99. Far far more men get away with assault/r@pe then their are women falsely accusing men of it.

It depends. If the person she been with was staff than he was technically an adult raping a minor @16. She should name and press charges against the teacher/staff and the whole school instead of talking on podcast.

Here were it gets murky if he was a another student in similar age (or a year older) than it's on her. They're both underage students who agreed to have sex. Now she regrets and feel used and shamed for what happened. She should have taken it to the grave.
Here were it gets murky if he was an another student in similar age (or a year older) than it's on her. They're both underage students who agreed to have sex. Now she regrets and feel used and shamed for what happened. She should have taken it to the grave.

This is why sex education is important and tbh your response and many others responses scare me. It genuinely makes me worried for young somali

I’m guessing you never listen to the podcast so I will again repeat, Sabreen was 15 and the guy was 17-18 maybe a little older. Also a student.

In the legal sense this girl was sexually assaulted multiple times through use of coercion and violence. The guy also attempted to rape her and she was physically able to escape.

If you have to grab and pin someone down, that’s assault whether they were attracted to you at one point or not. If you have to use threats of exposing nudes or exposing lies to the public, that is also illegal. The law is crystal clear.

A rapist cannot use the defence of ‘she thought I was cute and got into my car’. That’s not going to hold up in a court of law.
This is why sex education is important and tbh your response and many others responses scare me. It genuinely makes me worried for young somali

I’m guessing you never listen to the podcast so I will again repeat, Sabreen was 15 and the guy was 17-18 maybe a little older. Also a student.

In the legal sense this girl was sexually assaulted multiple times through use of coercion and violence. The guy also attempted to rape her and she was physically able to escape.

If you have to grab and pin someone down, that’s assault whether they were attracted to you at one point or not. If you have to use threats of exposing nudes or exposing lies to the public, that is also illegal. The law is crystal clear.

A rapist cannot use the defence of ‘she thought I was cute and got into my car’. That’s not going to hold up in a court of law.

I assume you listened to the podcast in full. How old was the other student when it happened?
Well one of the main contributors is a guy who pays for prostitutes in south Anerica and encourages other Somalis too. Even includes video of him committing zina. Not to mention lying on the Twitter space pretending to be an ex husband. And obviouksy not praying their slash just so they can back bit for hours.

So lemme ask you do you think they're coming from a genuine place?

I'm not surprised, like I said some of these guys are clear trolls. I've come across trolls who use the deen in their trolling and in other contexts talk about inappropriate/unIslamic things exposing their true character. They don't care about the religion, they just want to troll and people fall for it.

Also it's interesting how outdated this forum is with this podcast from a year ago when this week there's a video of around six being raped by a Somali man, shot like a o to distillate the average Somali pedo.

Where did this happen?
I've just listened to the podcast, I regret it and wouldn't recommend to listen to.

Firstly she tries to insinuate men can't be r worded, highly problematic

Secondly, essentially at the end admits she had a relationship with a man and then he started to tell his friends what they were doing privately, she got embarrassed, tried to commit su-ide, stopped praying or doing anything a Muslim is required to do, then started to accuse the guy of r word randomly to deflect

You know sometimes as women we need to just acknowledge when we do wrong, we're not victims in everything, and Allah is going to judge us the same as men for our sins, r word is a big word just like her friends warned her before she tried to accuse him and we make it harder for actual victims when we lie out of shame, acknowledging I messed up doesn't mean your absolute from forgiveness

If it's true like this girl alleged that women are the only ones who can be manipulated by men's sweet talk, then doesn't that support the Islamic requirement of mahrams being present even moreso, Feminists can no longer have an issue with it


East Africa UNUKA LEH
It depends. If the person she been with was staff than he was technically an adult raping a minor @16. She should name and press charges against the teacher/staff and the whole school instead of talking on podcast.
Why can’t she talk about her experiences when it’s an episode to prevent this things from happening? It’s her life and her lived experience. She should be quiet and never speak on it? So another person can end up in the same situation? These episodes are an hour plus long, people taking out 30 seconds of it, are just pushing a narrative. She didn’t even go into any details.
You and the ones criticizing the honest talk show podcast are indirectly treating polygamy as some sort of Islamic pillar that is wajib for every man and I don’t think you realize this.

Here are the facts:

-The women made it clear that polygamy is halal.

-They were clearly talking about when polygamy isn’t practiced properly.

yet these women have been attacked for not being specific. Would anyone attack a brother for not being specific about monogamy especially when Salafi brothers talk about the down sides of monogamy also?!

If I was to say monogamy isn’t great for everyone and there are issues with the way monogamy is practiced in society would I be attacked? No I wouldn’t. No one would bat an eyelid.
There is no ideological backing for attacking monogamy so those examples are not analagous. The primary contention for these salafi types I believe is how these xalimos represent views that are aligned with progressive liberals, and not matrimonial relationships specifically.
Please stop spreading misinformation. I don’t want to get deeper.
And you don’t need to, because it ain’t a woman’s area of responsibility.

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you’re not a woman, married or a health care provider. Hence, just stop it. If you have experience in that department, your zina filled experiences are useless.
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@Qeelbax you’re a naag and therefor you say a lot of goofy stuff, I was wrong in attacking your character. Instead of answering your questions.

You’ve my apology.
There is no ideological backing for attacking monogamy so those examples are not analagous. The primary contention for these salafi types I believe is how these xalimos represent views that are aligned with progressive liberals, and not matrimonial relationships specifically.

"Salafi types" why are you deflecting? Is it a contention for you?
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