The Digital Sisterhood officially CANCELLED #filthysisterhood

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East Africa UNUKA LEH
"i said yes in the beginning "

she agreed the whole thing before the men started acting agressive when she got very uncomfortable so she got no way out of this now.

let me ask u a question
why did she agree on this first ?
I don’t know why she agreed or what she agreed to first but she said she backed out of it before any zina occurred. She said she tried to back out but was forced into it.

Why do you guys fight what she is saying? Were you there? You do know she could be telling the truth. She didn’t mention anything specific, so I don’t see how it’s bad to talk about.

She’s a student and I’m assuming based on the “grooming” part he’s older and a staff.
Thats what they all say thats bait.

That man did not force her she sounds very chill about the whole thing
“That’s what they all say”, I’m sure you think most women are lying about r@pe too.

“She sounds chill”, this was a long time ago based on her now being a grown adult and this happening when she was underage to a man, while she was a GIRL.


Just whatever. Don’t quote me again with nonsense. Just know the rate of women lying vs telling the truth about these things is 1 to 99. Far far more men get away with assault/r@pe then their are women falsely accusing men of it.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
-somali women was part of this space too :gaasdrink:

but again
imagine the amount listeners who watched the episode of the podcast ?
crazy amount of sins like rappers huh
The men were fighting the women in there.

Say that podcast episode was wrong, which I don’t believe it is based on the clips posted here, who are the ones spreading it? Sins aren’t one way. Point a finger and there’s 3 more pointing back at you.
I don’t know why she agreed or what she agreed to first but she said she backed out of it before any zina occurred. She said she tried to back out but was forced into it.

Why do you guys fight what she is saying? Were you there? You do know she could be telling the truth. She didn’t mention anything specific, so I don’t see how it’s bad to talk about.

She’s a student and I’m assuming based on the “grooming” part he’s older and a staff.

the problem is that she agreed the whole thing which caused all of this.
lets just say zina happens to take apart in the guy house
she went to the guy house and now she is tight situation where she can't get out cuz the guy would force it on her. The whole problem started when she agreed on this or rather speaking a male about this nonsense.

" Why do you guys fight what she is saying? Were you there? You do know she could be telling the truth. She didn’t mention anything specific, so I don’t see how it’s bad to talk about."

-you're right cuz what if she lied about the men forcing on her so she can feel the being the victim ? one thing i know that is truth is that she was too horny.

here a link of a vid of the same podcast
i will let u hear the vid before i comment on this
These incels really reduced the “her name is hana” episode down to promotion of suicide.

This story was so sad and was about depression/suicide awareness. A story of a somali hoyo who was depressed and attempted suicide. By allah swt she survived and died of stomach infection instead

how evil do you have to be to do someone like that?

these incels were slandering the hoyo.

@hamar_oo_iidil @Siren95 @truenature
Subhanallah they were slandering the Hoyo? How fucked up do you have to be to even bring an innocent dead woman into this? These men are sick in the head and have pure hatred in their hearts. It’s not about cancelling the podcast, it’s for their chance to slander and insult Somali women
The men were fighting the women in there.

Say that podcast episode was wrong, which I don’t believe it is based on the clips posted here, who are the ones spreading it? Sins aren’t one way. Point a finger and there’s 3 more pointing back at you.
"who are the ones spreading it? "
-ofc those who spread it and slander them gets a sin (each of them and they've 6 hours to repent to allah or else)

but the person who gets the most sin is the women who exposed herself :gaasdrink:

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Everyone from my nation will be forgiven except those who sin in public. Among them is a man who commits an evil deed in the night that Allah has hidden for him, then in the morning he says: O people, I have committed this sin! His Lord had hidden it during the night, but in the morning he reveals what Allah has hidden.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6069, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2990
im not saying cancel the goddamn podcast rather advise them as her sister in islam.
they (the people who love it or watches it daily ) could've told them about sin and cut that moment out of the episode
Some Somali girls are trying to normalise people publicising unIslamic behaviours and personal sins under the guise of "raising awareness". Its against our deen to publicise your own sins.

Throwing around words like coercion and grooming after the fact does not make it any better. Rather than speaking to young girls about the importance of not being alone with non muhram men, this woman is being told that her actions of being alone with a non muhram man is the "will of Allah". Where is the call for accountability? Are we Christians with their wish wash believes where everything is going to get forgiving anyways?

This is extremely harmful to society and other sane sisters should call this exploitative, Jerry Springer lite behaviour out before it gets worse.
The more I observe the behaviors, patterns and habits of “educated” Somali females.
The more I realize the importance of positive male guidance in women’s lives.

“women left to their own devices will self destruct” and since misery seeks company they will misguide as many as they can on their way out.

Protect your female relatives from these Jezebels, or watch them suffer the same fate.


Proud American
This had me dying yesterday. I’m shaking with anger kulaha



Astaghfirullah is this what the Muslim women are listening to? All they do is publicly expose peoples sins which is a major sin in of itself. Nobody should be listening to this rubbish smh

she’s from canada, what do you expect? i’ve never heard of a religious muslim from canada. i have never heard of a somali with a tattoo until i came across canadan faraxs and xalimos.


Regret, depression, despair after the fact because the dude didn't pursue a relationship doesn't retroactively make the act SA.

A guy spitting game (saying he loves you, he'll marry you, etc.) to get head isn't coercion.

Unfortunately you got played, you're only exposing yourself.
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