The Digital Sisterhood officially CANCELLED #filthysisterhood

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East Africa UNUKA LEH
"not somali, you took it as kaafir" tf u mean ? :dead:
“She wasn’t a person who was all that interested in marriage in the first place”, you took it as she wants to be free from marriage and be in a haram relationship."


u SS somali girls are lost

also back to the topic before about the girl who committed zina
-she agreed on the haram stuff
-she trusted the haram thing at point
-she never said NO start until to the end of sex
-the guy was minor too

at this point she making her self look stupid
I don’t fully agree with her here but she’s not speaking about herself, she’s speaking generally.

Anyway, I hope you don’t treat your family members like this if they told you they got SAed.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
So she gave him head, she agreed to do so and he got her consent, she obviously regrets it but wants to make herself out to be a victim.

Like she can't just admit she made a mistake? Instead of regretting it and moving on, she wants some sympathy and tell everyone about sexual actions she engaged in, which she consented to.

It's all ridiculous.

Changing your mind or regretting doing anything sexual with someone is not rape, you just made a bad decision.

Learn from it and move on.
Where are y’all getting this plot from?
May allah swt be with the mentally unwell


East Africa UNUKA LEH
From the clip, she said she agreed to it, the question is why are you blaming the guy if he has gotten consent? He can't read her mind, he can only go by what she says.
No she said she initially agreed to whatever was going on then she got uncomfortable and tried to back out but was scared of him and then X happened.

I don’t fully agree with her here but she’s not speaking about herself, she’s speaking generally.
:fittytousand:won the convo
point was too stop dickriding these fool while blaming on the incels
accept they did a mistake.

Anyway, I hope you don’t treat your family members like this if they told you they got SAed.
believe me i would handle it much better then them
in fact i would never expose the sin she committed lets start there
Imagine giving birth, raising a child in unknown land and going through difficulty of being a refuge separated from your family, just to find out your daughters a from age 15 onwards disgracing the family on a podcast for free saying she's a w/hore


East Africa UNUKA LEH
:fittytousand:won the convo
point was too stop dickriding these fool while blaming on the incels
accept they did a mistake.

believe me i would handle it much better then them
in fact i would never expose the sin she committed lets start there
Warya don’t play games with me. You and the rest of the fags here are discrediting a womans SA story to fit your narrative. f*ck off
Those Somali guys who created this bridged of cancelling the podcast deep down know that they aren’t cancelling because they feel anger towards the podcast, it’s because they’re bitter that Somali women have created a successful podcast that caters towards women, especially Muslim women. I don’t see these men having anger towards the likes of Ali dawah or dawah men, the latter who tried to scam his Muslim followers by creating this ponzu scheme in order to be successful and Ali dawah who openly complimented a transgender Muslim. The girl who spoke about her regrets on committing sexual acts I have sympathy for her because I know girls who were around my age that committed sexual acts with guys and they became deeply ashamed and regretted their actions, whereas the men didn’t face any consequences. I agree that Muslims in general shouldn’t speak about their sins but unfortunately more and more Muslims are speaking about their sins openly.
Warya don’t play games with me. You and the rest of the fags here are discrediting a womans SA story to fit your narrative. f*ck off
"fit your narrative"

what narrative ? :wtf:
she aint your goddamn mother or sister or even cousin for u defending her this hard.
Wallahi in the name of god i wouldn't defend this the way u defend her if this comes from my brother, dad or even cousin.
u womens dont really hold accountability
These females use feelings to know whats right and wrong and not the deen

This podcast should be spread around and be aware of this trojan house to the ummah abroad should be reported

- not enough knowledge to speak and educate on islam

- a platform to speak on promiscuity and haram acts of the past to empower other females and themselves 0 accountability instead of staying away from haram they blame the abuser with no proof.

- 0 shame and also are relatable to the common haram we see in the west and try to normalize like we are Christians and that jesus died for our sins

- when has it became empowering to listen to haram acts and sob stories
Those Somali guys who created this bridged of cancelling the podcast deep down know that they aren’t cancelling because they feel anger towards the podcast, it’s because they’re bitter that Somali women have created a successful podcast that caters towards women, especially Muslim women. I don’t see these men having anger towards the likes of Ali dawah or dawah men, the latter who tried to scam his Muslim followers by creating this ponzu scheme in order to be successful and Ali dawah who openly complimented a transgender Muslim. The girl who spoke about her regrets on committing sexual acts I have sympathy for her because I know girls who were around my age that committed sexual acts with guys and they became deeply ashamed and regretted their actions, whereas the men didn’t face any consequences. I agree that Muslims in general shouldn’t speak about their sins but unfortunately more and more Muslims are speaking about their sins openly.
"dawah men, the latter who tried to scam his Muslim followers by creating this ponzu scheme in order to be successful "

warya u speaking stuff u dont know
that nigga got cancelled on twitter
A mans responsibility?
Sex is between a man and woman. A man and a woman are responsible.
Why wouldn’t we speak on it you sicko. Sex is for everyone. #SEX

You guys are so behind in female sexuality. I don’t know how you as a muslim are stuck in pre-Islam arabia when you are a somali muslim male, your head should be in the time frame that Islan existed because this misogyny is so obscure
If you think we’re gonna be bossed around in our own bedrooms you got us messed up, let me redirect you to pre-islam arab women
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East Africa UNUKA LEH
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Aside from you triple confirming your low IQ, what makes you believe this? Islam is very open about sex and it’s clear that SEX is not only equal but equitable. What makes the man the “owner” of sex? What did you do to own “sex”?

I know you didn’t just compare it to customer and owner.

@Keep it a boqol 💯 @Periplus @Angelina @citrus_samurai @Siren95 @senor chang
Come look at this shit
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