The Dysfunctional Somali Diaspora Household: A Analysis

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Some of these are pretty spot on especially the "religious" mother and absentee father. The religious mother has some redeeming qualities though. She is trying her best and is likely using religion as a way to cope in a foreign country. The absentee father is absolutely useless and should be sterilized.
Both neglect their kids in different ways. Imagine having both as your parents :faysalwtf:
I pray for anyone in this situation

@AussieHustler is in this situation- no wonder he is so emotionally stunted



Edo Ugaaso aka Edo Eye Witness News

If there is one thing Edo Eye Witness News loves doing, it’s talking….about other people’s business. She lives and breathes Somali gossip, and she has even created a job for herself to literally go house to house selling gossip. Actually, she does not sell gossip but clothes and dahyo which she carries around in a big black garbage bag, but sometimes it seems selling this stuff is secondary to her work of spreading scandalous gossip house to house. She is called “Eye Witness News” because she reports on the freshest gossip at each house she visits. She can spread out on someone's coach, drink shaah, and talk gossip for hours at a time. Edo Eye Witness News especially loves to talk about which young people are smoking hookah, dating, or who are part of “gangs” —and if she doesn’t know, it’s not above her to make things up. Other people’s marital problems are also her bread and butter. Edo Eye Witness News recently learned about Snapchat and considers it a paradigm shifting technology for her passion of gossip , if only she could figure out how to use it. The last technology to revolutionize her life was unlimited cell-phone talk plans. Edo Eye Witness News is most feared by Religious Somali Mom, who is terrified that her big mouth may damage the social reputation of her children (or herself), who she desperately wants to be pious—or at least seen that by way by the community. Religious Somali Mom constantly tells her kids, if “Edo Eye Witness News comes, DON’T TELL HER ANYTHING.” In addition to gossip, Edo Eye Witness News is known for qabyaalad, and can spend hours talking about this reer or that reer. Her Son, Gangster Mo, Edo Eye Witness News has shipped off to China to become a “medical doctor,” although in reality Gangster Mo is partying and fucking Mandarin Girls with the money she sends him monthly. Although she now wears a big jilbaab and makes a show of deen, Edo Eye Witness News still loves listening to Somali heeso and was in her day, a lady who knew how to have fun. Although generally harmless, Edo Eye Witness New's big mouth causes a lot of conflicts in Somali households, and many young people fear becoming the subject of her latest newscast.

This is definitely @Basra

Wannabe Arab Abdirahman (Abdi)

Wannabe Arab Abdi loves, just loves the Arab world. He can often be found wearing Arabian robes, especially the Saudi kind, even while doing mundane day-to-day activities. Sometimes he wears a khamis to his high school or community college, for what purpose nobody knows. Unsurprisingly, Wannabe Arab Abdi spends a lot of time listening to nasheeds, following Arab militia groups on twitter, and sometimes when he’s not feeling lazy he’ll take (and usually drop) a course in formal Arabic. If you want to trigger Wannabe Arab Abdi, tell him Somalis are black and not Arab—he’ll blow a fuse. If you want to know who’s responsible for the almost daily Arab-related threads on SSpot, it’s Wannabe Arab Abdi. The thing that hurts him the most is the rejection and racism he feels from Arabs—something which he’s lucidly aware of, but sometimes in denial over. Wannabe Arab Abdi may have been visited a few times by the Alphabet Boys over his tendency to visit extremist websites and romanticize Arab rebel groups like Hezbollah and ISIS, but this individual is not always so religious. He can just be as readily found in hookah lounges. If the protest involves Palestine, Syria, or some lighter-complexion Muslim group, Wannabe Arab Abdi will drop everything to attend, but if it involves Somalia or Somalis—don’t expect to catch him there. He’s generally embarrassed and disinterested in Somalia, although if the discussion involves Somalia’s interaction with Islam or Arabs, he’ll usually jump in aggressively to defend Arab interests and viewpoints. Because of his love for Arabs and Arab-things, he can be mistaken for a deeply religious individual and may therefore make a more preferable child for Religious Somali Mom over personalities like Socially Woke Safia. Wannabe Arab Abdirahman share a lot of similarities with Servile Sahra and Obedient Abdullahi, but he’s generally less attached to tradition and more self-centered. Wannabe Arab Abdirahman contributes to Somali diaspora dysfunction primarily by embarrassing the rest of us. He is currently employed part-time at a warehouse (or as a security guard) and lives with his mother. Despite this, he thinks he's too good to marry a Somali girl and is looking for an "ukhti." It's not beyond him to fantasize about marrying Syrian refugee girls—he's generally misogynistic and will say things like, "their meher is really cheap right now." Wannabe Arab Arab's lifelong dream is to visit and live in the Middle East. He will give his children Arab names and continue the trend of erasing Somali culture in favor of Arab culture.


@Lolalola @government and @Lum
Sxbiyaal, ninka iska qabtaa.



Servile Sahra and Obedient Abdullahi

Servile Sahra and Obedient Abdullahi love tradition, authority, and are cautious and dutiful. When it comes to being brainwashed by excessive religion and fooled by self-serving invocations of dhaqan iyo diin , servile Sahra and Obedient Abdullahi are second to none. They inherently lack an ability to think independently for themselves, and are thus dependent on authority figures for guidance on what to think, say and do—regardless of how illogical that guidance is. Sadly for them, the main authority figures in the dysfunctional Somali diaspora are Sheikh Abu Omar and Religious Somali Mom—not exactly ideal characters to emulate. As a result of this influence, Servile Sahra and Obedient Abdullahi tend to be homophobic, narrow-minded, anti-secular, xenophobic, religious chauvinistic, anti-democratic—even if they grew up in liberal host country environments. For some, growing up in a liberal host-country causes an unresolved psychological tension between which authority to respect—the household Somali one, or the broader secular one—but while the host-country may temper the extremity of their traditional views, the home view will generally win as it appeals to the ultimate authority: religion (in many dysfunctional Somali households, this religion is Wahabi Islam--not moderate, compassionate, reasonable Islam). Despite these broader similarities, Servile Sahra and Obedient Abdullahi personalities can range dramatically in how they present themselves. Some are very aggressive and enjoy officiously enforcing traditional views on other Somali youths, both in real-life and online (perennial example: attacking a Somali girl for not hearing a hijab). On Somali online forums such as SSpot, these more aggressive types can generally be found attacking free thinkers such as @AussieHustler and @IslamIsTheAnswer . These aggressive types are also the ones more naturally prone to qabyaalad---not the joking, online trolling qabyaalad, but the real thing—, as tribalism essentially demands blind love of tradition/group and hostility toward non-conformists and outsiders—which comes easily to them. Servile Sahra and Obedient Abdullahi also have more docile versions that can be found catering to the whims of religious Somali mom and the other authority figures in their homes. The upside to this version is they are generally good to their families and communities, however narrow-minded their views. In my view, Servile Sahra and Obedient Abdullahi make up around 40-45% of Somali diaspora youth. They contribute to wider dysfunction by being close-minded, cold/actively hostile toward free thinkers, and glued to dysfunctional and useless traditions and authorities despite their long and obvious track-record of failure.
I think this is a more general description of first gen refugees or immigrants of pervasive 3rd world cultures caught between their background culture and their host country.

You have a flair for writing btw.
Where is the Gaal raac abdirashid and dhaqan celis cawo


Gaal raac abdirashid and dhaqan celis cawo are a new invasive species that entered the Somali biome pretty recently due to the ongoing troubles in the Somali eco system.
First of let's talk about the Gaal raac abdirashid as he's in my opinion more dangerous than the dhaqan celis cawo.
The Gaal raac abdirashid has a deep hatred for himself, he wishes that he was born as a white man who he deems as the pinnacle of the human race. He will often try to fit in with whites as much as he can going as far as Whiting his Somali name to make it easier for his masters to pronounce, for example changing his name from zakaria to zack or from samatar to sam.
The Gaal raac abdirashid also loves to look down on his own culture deeming inferior to the xaar ma iska dhaq white culture, you'll see him roaming in Somali forums either shit talking the current generation or reminiscing about the 30 year dictatorship of said bare, and despite being born after the civil war he will still lecture people who were imprisoned by siad bare about how great and free those times were because women didn't wear the hijab (we'll find that being cucked is a recurring theme in the gaal raac abdirashid's life).
Another thing the Gaal raac abdirashid loves to talk about is his biggest nemesis the wahhabis like the Jews in 1930s Germany the wahhabis are vilified to no end within the Gaal raac abdirashid species, and despite not reading abd al wahabs book the Gaal raac seems to be an expert on what abd al wahab said. The wahhabis in the abdirashid's ethos are a group of highly influential people having their headquarters in saudia Arabia who are trying to convert the whole world into accepting Arab culture they often go to piss poor countries like Somalia and knock on people's doors forcing them to wear jilbaabs and to speak Arabic only, ofcourse our Gaal raac abdirashid believes he's the only one that could stop the evil of the wahhabis coming up with genius ideas like: bombing the middle east, killing all the arabs, banning the Arab language, leaving the Arab league and many other sensible ideas.
On the next episode we will cover more species inside the Somali biome like the pseudo intellectual ilyas
The geneticist Jamaal
The cushite Abdi
And many many more
The dhaqan celis cawo
The dhaqan celis cawo like the Gaal raac abdirashid is a new invasive species in the Somali biome.

The dhadha celis cawo usually comes from a dysfunctional family she has incredible lust and libido when compared to the normal Somali girl. You will often see her in her natural habitat the night club grinding on a Madow or a cadaans , she does not discriminate at all taking all kind of except the Somali one which she never touches her. The looks of the dhaqan celis cawo vary, there is the
chameleon dhaqan celis cawo who looks like your regular Somali female those are the most dangerous as you can not tell that they are s from the outside, these chameleons put hadith on their Twitter in the morning and are doing zina at night wal ciiyatho biilaah. They often trick unsuspecting Somali males to marry them once they start getting closer to hitting their 30s.
The other kind of dhaqan celis cawo are more easy to spot having only the bare minimum to cover their bodies, you'll often seem them wearing a weave a device made to hide Madow hair, they'll often claim to be jamaicans or Nigerian even though these people absolutely despise them.
They'll do everything to appease these people from calling themselves racist to changing Somali history in order for them to fit better with these people. An easy way to spot a dhaqan celis cawo is to look at their Twitter profile and see how many Madow flags she has on her bio the more she has the more dhaqan celis she is.
Where is the Gaal raac abdirashid and dhaqan celis cawo
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Gaal raac abdirashid and dhaqan celis cawo are a new invasive species that entered the Somali biome pretty recently due to the ongoing troubles in the Somali eco system.
First of let's talk about the Gaal raac abdirashid as he's in my opinion more dangerous than the dhaqan celis cawo.
The Gaal raac abdirashid has a deep hatred for himself, he wishes that he was born as a white man who he deems as the pinnacle of the human race. He will often try to fit in with whites as much as he can going as far as Whiting his Somali name to make it easier for his masters to pronounce, for example changing his name from zakaria to zack or from samatar to sam.
The Gaal raac abdirashid also loves to look down on his own culture deeming inferior to the xaar ma iska dhaq white culture, you'll see him roaming in Somali forums either shit talking the current generation or reminiscing about the 30 year dictatorship of said bare, and despite being born after the civil war he will still lecture people who were imprisoned by siad bare about how great and free those times were because women didn't wear the hijab (we'll find that being cucked is a recurring theme in the gaal raac abdirashid's life).
Another thing the Gaal raac abdirashid loves to talk about is his biggest nemesis the wahhabis like the Jews in 1930s Germany the wahhabis are vilified to no end within the Gaal raac abdirashid species, and despite not reading abd al wahabs book the Gaal raac seems to be an expert on what abd al wahab said. The wahhabis in the abdirashid's ethos are a group of highly influential people having their headquarters in saudia Arabia who are trying to convert the whole world into accepting Arab culture they often go to piss poor countries like Somalia and knock on people's doors forcing them to wear jilbaabs and to speak Arabic only, ofcourse our Gaal raac abdirashid believes he's the only one that could stop the evil of the wahhabis coming up with genius ideas like: bombing the middle east, killing all the arabs, banning the Arab language, leaving the Arab league and many other sensible ideas.
On the next episode we will cover more species inside the Somali biome like the pseudo intellectual ilyas
The geneticist Jamaal
The cushite Abdi
And many many more
Good additions @government :cryinglaughsmiley:


maxamuud incel


Maxamuud incel is a 27 year old gamer from Hounslow in London who has crushes on his female relatives. So angry at the lack of female attention he receives that he spends most of his time writing abusive messages to Somali social media influencers on twitter telling them to cover up whilst he masturbates over their pictures. He is enabled by his well meaning but naive mother local gossip eedo eye witness. She continuously knocks house to house looking for xalimos for her son who are way out of his league. Maxamuud camouflages his hatred for women who he blames for his poor mental health, as religious and cultural concern.


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Gaal raac abdirashad has now changed his name to Michael Banks, is an Australian somali immigrant who regularly booty claps for cadans. He has a google notification set to any news items which make cadan Australians look good and Somalis bad. He keeps a spreadsheet available of all the stats that prove Somalis are babaric imbeciles to Make his measly accomplishments in life, look good. Michael Banks likes to think of himself as a ‘free thinker’ because he follows what ever Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins say. Michael is hoping to follow the foot steps of Ayan Hersi and Maajid Nawaz by throwing his community under the bus for money but unfortunately the media do not want to work with him because of his bad breath. He is currently in a long term relationship with Becky Good day mate who enjoys taboo sex with him where she calls him a Slave and a terrorist.
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East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
An Analysis of its constituent parts and how they contribute to dysfunction


There are two types of Somali mothers, the religious one and the non-religious one. Let us focus on the religious-one as she is typically the source of the greatest dysfunction. The religious Somali mother spends her time listening to muxaadaro, participating in Wahabi WhatsApp chat groups, acting sanctimonious, and hounding her children to practice Islam with ever greater rigid conformity and obedience. She hardly knows the contents of her children's grade report cards, and is quite suspicious of her children's' school teachers, assuming she has not put the kids in Islamic school, but religious Somali mom spares no expense on dugsi-quran, quran saar, and other religious expenses. Despite having lived in a Western country for many years, religious Somali mom is deeply suspicious of the West, rejects foundational liberal principles such as secularism, democracy, and equality under the law, and is an unrelenting antagonist to her children's peaceful assimilation into their adopted homelands. Religious Somali mom has fucked up many children's childhoods by doggedly opposing healthy teenage Western behavior, such as dating, listening to music, attending parties and other mixed-gender, mixed-group social events and is willing to throw the harmony of the entire household into complete upheaval to force her religious chauvinism onto her children. Because of her potent ability to create a toxic childhood, and to stunt her children's healthy upbringing and socialization, religious Somali mom is a key character in the dysfunctional Somali diaspora household.

(other parts coming)
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Gaal raac abdirashad has now changed his name to Michael Banks, is an Australian somali immigrant who regularly booty claps for cadans. He has a google notification set to any news items which make cadan Australians look good and Somalis bad. He keeps a spreadsheet available of all the stats that prove Somalis are babaric imbeciles to Make his measly accomplishments in life, look good. Michael Banks likes to think of himself as a ‘free thinker’ because he follows what ever Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins day. Michael is hoping to follow the foot steps of Ayan Hersi and Maajid Nawaz by throwing his community under the bus for money but unfortunately the media do not want to work with him because of his bad breath. He is currently in a long term relationship with Becky Good day mate who enjoys violent sex with him where she calls him a Slave and a terrorist.
The biggest fear of Michael banks is that part in government paperwork that asks of any previous names he has had :siilaanyolaugh: that's why he does all his paperwork in his house imagine if a friend of his sees him writing down his original name :lolbron:
@Schematics from your qashin rating I’m guessing one of these fits you :ummhmsmiley:

Quite the opposite. Everyone on sspot including trashy you who is negative, engages in Somali culture bashing, Somali religion bashing, never posts anything they are proud of about themselves as Somalis, and who perpetuate clan bigotry, hate and dysfunction among Somalis online are the ones who fit this thread.

You can always guarantee such negative losers about somalis to be:

- Atheists
- Alcoholics
- Drug addicts
- On Welfare even though they are able bodied

This place is a trash collection and anyone looking to meet the worst in our society has to visit this website. Most of you on here are the type we warn the kids not to emulate and avoid becoming. Most of you are what Somali parents worry about and fear their kids to become. Waste of Somali sperm.

Few of you on here are respectable. I see nothing on here but losers in life reflecting their failures on Somali society.
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