The feminisation of the black man

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
This is one of the most selfhating individuals on this website. Allah made you a black man like Adam and you must be proud of it. Stop posting black music if you're such a selfhater.
I listen to black music for entertainment Likewise i listen to white music Are you going to tell me to stop listening to white music too?

as for me being black first of all i am somali tge word black is an english word which has many negative connatations in the english language.

My mother tongue is somali so why would i refer to myself as black which is an english word? Why would I allow other to brand me using an english language like a slave when I am a sovereign man who has inalienable God given rights?

To call myself black would be to deny my religion, tribe, ethnicity, history, culture, heritage, country and way of life.

I identify myself by my tribe i am MJ
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Google "Bantu Expansion" and see what happened to your "Cushitic" people :pachah1:

Google "South Africa burning Somalis" and see whats going on with your people :drakelaugh:

Somalis are not united yet and dont have a strong government and we still do damage to. Our expansion still hasn’t yet started. Your history is slavery which means being a submissive to another race so be quiet Bantu boy.
Somalis are not united yet and dont have a strong government and we still do damage to. Our expansion still hasn’t yet started. Your history is slavery which means being a submissive to another race so be quiet Bantu boy.

:salute:I actually respect you mods for putting in the work.

The black man is the most moral man in the world. White people have always been gay and dirty. Africans have never been gay like whites so they are trying to poison our minds. After 400 years of whites in Africa we still dislike homosexuality. I hope we will not submit to their propaganda.

Yes thats why african politicians are the best. Nice logic.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Haha, you can't convince me that black men are becoming effeminate, the 'men' who dress and act like women are a minuscule percentage in the african men community.
It's like seeing a black chicken and yelling out all the chicken are turning black.:pachah1::camby:

I have to AGREE with u! Black men are very far from being Effeminate majority thanks to their lack of "civilization"! U see u need to be educated to be effeminate. To be educated is to conform, to compare to polite white people. and then to start snapping finger like shaniqua! It is a credit to the black Americans to be savages. It protects them from being effeminate

Living in the west under the slave bantu got all that anger pent up huh?

I left you a banana in the post above :mjlol:

I ain’t pissed just reminding you of history. You’re a little nigga. I’d put a cap in your head if you ever f*ck with me lil monkey :pachah1: Say hello to your brother
You a little nigga. Let me say it in your monkey language. UGA BUGA UGA BUGA SUCK DICKA. OOH OOH AH AH


Yeah you mad.
And by your typing you prolly one of those AA or Jamaican acting ones:chrisfreshhah: all your friends prolly AA or Jamaican you the only somalian in the group :chrisfreshhah:

Nigga got all that jealousy and envy in his heart, triggered when someone said the niggas who he follow and emulate still masculine. :chrisfreshhah:

Damn fool :drakelaugh:

Yeah you mad.
And by your typing you prolly one of those AA or Jamaican acting ones:chrisfreshhah: all your friends prolly AA or Jamaican you the only somalian in the group :chrisfreshhah:

Nigga got all that jealousy and envy in his heart, triggered when someone said the niggas who he follow and emulate still masculine. :chrisfreshhah:

Damn fool :drakelaugh:

It’s actually funny those are your comebacks because really and truly it’s fucking pathetic and weak. Any ass who copies monkeys whether they be AA or Jamaican is a punk ass gay . Real Somalis are low in numbers keep in mind. Your a slave who’s grandfather had his nuts cut off and was gangbanged by white guys 2 in the mouth and one in the ass. Masculinity is in the nuts, but you had those cut off and you accepted like true es. so how the f*ck can you be copied.
It’s actually funny those are your comebacks because really and truly it’s fucking pathetic and weak. Any ass who copies monkeys whether they be AA or Jamaican is a punk ass gay . Real Somalis are low in numbers keep in mind. Your a slave who’s grandfather had his nuts cut off and was gangbanged by white guys 2 in the mouth and one in the ass. Masculinity is in the nuts, but you had those cut off and you accepted like true es. so how the f*ck can you be copied.

Im done with going back and fourth with you. You was saying "nigga this" "nigga that" now you talking all intellectual, talking about "Real Somalis" :drakelaugh:

You are also going deep with this homosexual speech at the same time trying to act tough :chrisfreshhah:

I think its you who wants to get bent over and fucked. Don't reply back :camby:
Im done with going back and fourth with you. You was saying "nigga this" "nigga that" now you talking all intellectual, talking about "Real Somalis" :drakelaugh:

You are also going deep with this homosexual speech at the same time trying to act tough :chrisfreshhah:

I think its you who wants to get bent over and fucked. Don't reply back :camby:

No I’m saying white people used to do gay shit to your ancestors for 400 years and you didn’t fight back while my ancestors defeated Portugal which was the biggest superpower at the time so how can you argue with me :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:. You are a descendant of embarrassment stop talking slave . Clean my feet
No I’m saying white people used to do gay shit to your ancestors for 400 years and you didn’t fight back while my ancestors defeated Portugal which was the biggest superpower at the time so how can you argue with me :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:. You are a descendant of embarrassment stop talking slave . Clean my feet

You defeat Portugal why you didn't defeat Bantu :liberaltears:

"Before the expansion of Bantu-speaking farmers, Central, Southern and Southeast Africa were populated by Pygmy foragers, Khoisan-speaking hunter-gatherers, Nilo-Saharan-speaking herders, and Cushitic-speaking pastoralists." :drakelaugh:

Central, Southern, and South East Africa had your people now this is you.

Niggas damn near pushed you into the ocean :jaynerd:.
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