The feminisation of the black man

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You defeat Portugal why you didn't defeat Bantu :liberaltears:

"Before the expansion of Bantu-speaking farmers, Central, Southern and Southeast Africa were populated by Pygmy foragers, Khoisan-speaking hunter-gatherers, Nilo-Saharan-speaking herders, and Cushitic-speaking pastoralists." :drakelaugh:

Central, Southern, and South East Africa had your people now this is you.

Niggas damn near pushed you into the ocean :jaynerd:.

No Monkey. Our ancestral home has always been the Horn of Africa before Negros existed. you recently just moved there or were brought through Arab slavery. You came from west Africa and spread throughout central and southeast. We have compassion and see you as fellow Africans that’s why we don’t put you through shit. We only fought Europeans, but if you act funny we will beat the living monkey out of you Negro.
No Monkey. Our ancestral home has always been the Horn of Africa before Negros existed. you recently just moved there or were brought through Arab slavery. You came from west Africa and spread throughout central and southeast. We have compassion and see you as fellow Africans that’s why we don’t put you through shit. We only fought Europeans, but if you act funny we will beat the living monkey out of you Negro.

"Before the expansion of Bantu-speaking farmers, Central, Southern and Southeast Africa were populated by Pygmy foragers, Khoisan-speaking hunter-gatherers, Nilo-Saharan-speaking herders, and Cushitic-speaking pastoralists."
"Before the expansion of Bantu-speaking farmers, Central, Southern and Southeast Africa were populated by Pygmy foragers, Khoisan-speaking hunter-gatherers, Nilo-Saharan-speaking herders, and Cushitic-speaking pastoralists."

Those Cushitic pastoralists were not somalis they’re azanians from Mozambique and Tutsis from Rwanda. Those were more peaceful in their inclinations and not warlike like Somalis. There’s a reason they got wiped out. We fought and defeated all the worlds empires, while you were in west Africa chasing zebras and throwing shit at each other :ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:.
Hi brother I just wanted to tell you that most Somalis are nothing like these people. We are pro black. You can see our history of helping other Africans throw out crackers. If you come to a Somali neighborhood no one will look at you funny or think negatively about you. Most of the people on this forum are selfhaters and I hope that you don't believe that Somalis are actually like this.
"Before the expansion of Bantu-speaking farmers, Central, Southern and Southeast Africa were populated by Pygmy foragers, Khoisan-speaking hunter-gatherers, Nilo-Saharan-speaking herders, and Cushitic-speaking pastoralists."
I think something like macawis is more masculine,its better for men actually let your instruments hang loose and fell the breeze,thight jeans are just gay,youll see a skinny brother in thight jeans it so annoying,
Scots and the irish have kilts and some people use to walk around naked less than a century ago,
But for AAs according to their culture its feminine wearing a “skirt”i think,so it auto makes them fruitty


"Before the expansion of Bantu-speaking farmers, Central, Southern and Southeast Africa were populated by Pygmy foragers, Khoisan-speaking hunter-gatherers, Nilo-Saharan-speaking herders, and Cushitic-speaking pastoralists."

You retard. Somalis never lived anywhere near southeast Africa or central Afirca. You only wiped out Southern Cushites that once dominated southeast Africa, that's it. Somalis are East Cushitic meaning they always lived in the Horn.

But ethnic Somalis homeland was in the north and they were able to conquer vast territories across the horn as you can see from this map.


Not to mention Bantus were Somali victims since Somalis would regularly raid and loot Bantus and even enslave them so they can work on Somali farms or be sold to Arabia or Persia.
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While that is fascinating Bantus didn't kill the Cushites or the other ethnicities in Central and East Africa. They only mixed with them. Somalis also enslaved Habesha, Oromos and other ethnicities on that evil market. Swahili Bantus also owned Oromos, other Bantus and Habsha. It was Muslim vs Non Muslim not Bantu vs Cushite.
You retard. Somalis never lived anywhere near southeast Africa or central Afirca. You only wiped out Southern Cushites that once dominated southeast Africa, that's it. Somalis are East Cushitic meaning they always lived in the Horn.

But ethnic Somalis homeland was in the north and they were able to conquer vast territories across the horn as you can see from this map.


Not to mention Bantus were Somali victims since Somalis would regularly raid and loot Bantus and even enslave them so they can work on Somali farms or be sold to Arabia or Persia.
Hi brother I just wanted to tell you that most Somalis are nothing like these people. We are pro black. You can see our history of helping other Africans throw out crackers. If you come to a Somali neighborhood no one will look at you funny or think negatively about you. Most of the people on this forum are selfhaters and I hope that you don't believe that Somalis are actually like this.

Shut your ass up punk. Are you another dumb monkey in disguise
Shut the f*ck up selfhating . No Somali has an unreasonable hate for Bantus. Kenya borders us to the South and they're going to be one of our biggest business partners in the future. Only someone that doesn't want to capitalize would be talking shit. Dumbass.
Shut your ass up punk. Are you another dumb monkey in disguise
Shut the f*ck up selfhating . No Somali has an unreasonable hate for Bantus. Kenya borders us to the South and they're going to be one of our biggest business partners in the future. Only someone that doesn't want to capitalize would be talking shit. Dumbass.

I’m not Bantu so how the f*ck am I self hating you little dumb . Don’t talk about shit you don’t know. It’s not about hating them, if they are peaceful towards me I will be peaceful towards them. But if they start flexing talking about “ We WuZ kangz” and Bantu expansion then Imma punk the f*ck out of them. And there ain’t shit your gonna do about it ya punk ass neef.
I’m not Bantu so how the f*ck am I self hating you little dumb . Don’t talk about shit you don’t know. It’s not about hating them, if they are peaceful towards me I will be peaceful towards them. But if they start flexing talking about “ We WuZ kangz” and Bantu expansion then Imma punk the f*ck out of them. And there ain’t shit your gonna do about it ya punk ass neef.

Nikka really think he was killing shit :deadmanny:

I just got tired of going back n forth over some shit I don't care about. Im not bantu, Im not west africa n. That shit belong to you ape ass africans :mjlol:. You just as much of a bootyscratcher to me as a nigerian
You apes have an entire continent and absolutely nothing to show for it. Somali is a war torn shithole with a bunch of islamic arab worshipping s. That war shit I was posting just show how dumb you are, africans fighting over christianity and islam :mjlol:. Black Americans would've had and been a lot farther had this country not purposely undermined us, now we have to share ghetto with worthless s who had an entire continent to themselves and still couldn't do shit coming on here talking tough. The african is more obsessed with what black americans are doing then his own :mjlol:. Don't worry we will figure it out, but when we come to Africa you going under the jurisdiction just like Liberia :chrisfreshhah:
You apes have an entire continent and absolutely nothing to show for it. Somali is a war torn shithole with a bunch of islamic arab worshipping s. That war shit I was posting just show how dumb you are, africans fighting over christianity and islam :mjlol:. Black Americans would've had and been a lot farther had this country not purposely undermined us, now we have to share ghetto with worthless s who had an entire continent to themselves and still couldn't do shit coming on here talking tough. The african is more obsessed with what black americans are doing then his own :mjlol:. Don't worry we will figure it out, but when we come to Africa you going under the jurisdiction just like Liberia :chrisfreshhah:

Some black American folks are cool most are losers that always talk about slavery. Man up and just take it, it’s not like you can go back in history and change it. I didn’t sell you into slavery so I don’t owe you shit negro.
Some black American folks are cool most are losers that always talk about slavery. Man up and just take it, it’s not like you can go back in history and change it. I didn’t sell you into slavery so I don’t owe you shit negro.

Who is any you for anything refugee? We all know you don't have a pot to piss in. I'm 100% sure AAs aint asking you for sh*t so go sit down and continue to eat off your hooyoo's welfare check.

Some black American folks are cool most are losers that always talk about slavery. Man up and just take it, it’s not like you can go back in history and change it. I didn’t sell you into slavery so I don’t owe you shit negro.

Tend to your fellow somalians, you have a country and a continent that you should be exploiting, get your mind of THAT. I should be learning game from you. I should not come on this site and see the obsession of Black Americans/Carribeans that I do. In your country you obsessed with Arabs, now in the west, us. I don't give a damn about your ape history and bantu this bantu that Im just trolling, that is your ape world, only reason I joined this site because I was surprised about the obsession these muslim arabian asskissers have with people who are literally the opposite of them and don't even have much dealings with them.
Tend to your fellow somalians, you have a country and a continent that you should be exploiting, get your mind of THAT. I should be learning game from you. I should not come on this site and see the obsession of Black Americans/Carribeans that I do. In your country you obsessed with Arabs, now in the west, us. I don't give a damn about your ape history and bantu this bantu that Im just trolling, that is your ape world, only reason I joined this site because I was surprised about the obsession these muslim arabian asskissers have with people who are literally the opposite of them and don't even have much dealings with them.

Cool. Have a nice one
Dumbass. Only crackers use We Wuz and even if AAs say they are from ancient empires how does that affect you dumbass? Dumbass people like you are such begs. Your hate for AAs and Bantus should be redirected at people who have actually harmed Somalia like Ethiopians and crackers.
I’m not Bantu so how the f*ck am I self hating you little dumb . Don’t talk about shit you don’t know. It’s not about hating them, if they are peaceful towards me I will be peaceful towards them. But if they start flexing talking about “ We WuZ kangz” and Bantu expansion then Imma punk the f*ck out of them. And there ain’t shit your gonna do about it ya punk ass neef.
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Dumbass. Only crackers use We Wuz and even if AAs say they are from ancient empires how does that affect you dumbass? Dumbass people like you are such begs. Your hate for AAs and Bantus should be redirected at people who have actually harmed Somalia like Ethiopians and crackers.

Shutup you dumb . Did I hurt your siil. Do something about it instead of whining like a little
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