The main reason black men end up with white women.


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
My point is, if black women are the issue why is it that when white women marry black men, they have incredible high rates of divorce and for black women married to white men have low rates? You didn’t address this.

I answered this. These are almost always low quality white women pairing with low quality Black men. The Black women who married out are of high quality; I'm sure only 1 or 2% of attached Black women are with men from other races. The data shows people of other races prefer their own kind and place Black men and women as their last or never option. You're not going to find a low quality Black woman with someone from another race. Even white wife/white husband marriages have much higher divorce rates than Black wife/white husband. Why did you leave that out? We are talking about literally the other 99%. That's your problem, @Angelina. You always focus on extreme, rare examples. That 1 or 2% will be judges and CEOs and business leaders.


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
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White women get picked and make better partners. No one who can afford having the lady stay home wants to wife an angry Black woman full of negative emotions. Imagine coming home to that every night when you make good money. The only majority Black women who don't fit that are Eritreans and Ethiopians and older angelic Somali women and such. The angry black woman is the woman version of the aggressive Black man. I'm sure you would avoid him.

I would also like to add Sudanese (all kinds), "0.5" Somali women too are added in the calm and sweet Black women list.
I’ve got white friends who didn’t have jobs when they started dating their girlfriends right after they finished high school. They don't even want to date white women who don't work, or any women for that matter. Most European couples work and split their finances evenly in Europe; I don’t know about America. But in Western Europe, it’s the norm for couples to split their finances evenly, including rent and car bills. There’s no ‘me, me, me’ mentality within white Europeans; it’s both of them contributing. The Desi Muslims I know have a culture where the parents look for a girl who works in certain sectors, and one of the requirements for the girl is to have a university education. If she doesn’t, they’ll pass on her.


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
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I’ve got white friends who didn’t have jobs when they started dating their girlfriends right after they finished high school. They don't even want to date white women who don't work, or any women for that matter. Most European couples work and split their finances evenly in Europe; I don’t know about America. But in Western Europe, it’s the norm for couples to split their finances evenly, including rent and car bills. There’s no ‘me, me, me’ mentality within white Europeans; it’s both of them contributing. The Desi Muslims I know have a culture where the parents look for a girl who works in certain sectors, and one of the requirements for the girl is to have a university education. If she doesn’t, they’ll pass on her.

Their cultures and way their thinking is rational.

It's very common for Black women to expect average or higher Black men to pay 100% and also do 50-100% of the chores. Shouldn't it be 100% of payments and 0% chores? Or 50/50 pay and 50/50 chores? I hear of Black men who are or were in this former situation. Average or higher Black men are held to much higher expectations.
Their cultures and way their thinking is rational.

It's very common for Black women to expect average or higher Black men to pay 100% and also do 50-100% of the chores. Shouldn't it be 100% of payments and 0% chores? Or 50/50 pay and 50/50 chores? I hear of Black men who are or were in this former situation. Average or higher Black men are held to much higher expectations.
Again that’s a lie. Look at the statistics for the average home. It’s very common for black women to be the main breadwinner in marriages or out earn their husbands.

Again, you’re talking from a place of emotions.
I answered this. These are almost always low quality white women pairing with low quality Black men. The Black women who married out are of high quality; I'm sure only 1 or 2% of attached Black women are with men from other races. The data shows people of other races prefer their own kind and place Black men and women as their last or never option. You're not going to find a low quality Black woman with someone from another race. Even white wife/white husband marriages have much higher divorce rates than Black wife/white husband. Why did you leave that out? We are talking about literally the other 99%. That's your problem, @Angelina. You always focus on extreme, rare examples. That 1 or 2% will be judges and CEOs and business leaders.

Your whole premise is that black men end up with white women due to being of a higher quality. You literally go against your whole argument and now you’re claiming that the white women who are with black men are lower quality. You’re going against the against the argument of this thread. You’re a walking contradiction.


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
Again that’s a lie. Look at the statistics for the average home. It’s very common for black women to be the main breadwinner in marriages or out earn their husbands.

Again, you’re talking from a place of emotions.

The average Black home is where the woman is the head of the household. Of course they're going to be the main breadwinner. Who else would be?

Did you know the percentage of Black men making over $100K is higher than the percentage of Black women (the gap is even wider for Somali men from my experience)? You have claimed on countless occasions that Black women don't have men at their level when this is demonstrably false.
Hats off to Angelina for rebutting lies, but I fear the same anti-black women tropes will be reprised in a very short period of time
I’m a stickler for facts. If they’re going to claim something, they need to back it up. These men are purely motivated by their lack of attraction for black women. As for @AbdiFreedom he’s homosexual hence I believe his argument comes from a place of disliking all black people including the men.

Also, a point I need to add is, working class people generally have higher divorce rates than wealthier people. You find this across the board. Black people are one of the poorest demographics hence it’s of no surprise that they have high divorce rates. White women with black men and white working class people in general also have high divorce rates.
The average Black home is where the woman is the head of the household. Of course they're going to be the main breadwinner. Who else would be?
Even whilst married, they tend to be the breadwinner or in egalitarian marriages in which they contribute just as much. I’m not talking about single mother homes here. The PEW data clearly illustrates this.
Did you know the percentage of Black men making over $100K is higher than the percentage of Black women (the gap is even wider for Somali men from my experience)? You have claimed on countless occasions that Black women don't have men at their level when this is demonstrably false.
On average are black men earning more than $100k? No, that’s like the top 5% and those men are a very small minority hence that’s a moot point. Clearly there isn’t enough of those men to go around.
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Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
I’m a stickler for facts. If they’re going to claim something, they need to back it up. These men are purely motivated by their lack of attraction for black women. As for @AbdiFreedom he’s homosexual hence I believe his argument comes from a place of disliking all black people including the men.

Also, a point I need to add is, working class people generally have higher divorce rates than wealthier people. You find this across the board. Black people are one of the poorest demographics hence it’s of no surprise that they have high divorce rates. White women with black men and white working class people in general also have high divorce rates.

I'm married with kids.

If I hated Black people, tell me why I am one of the very few Somalis on this site that embraces his Black identity and capitalizes the word Black while I don't capitalize it for those of other races? Why is it that I claim my Black identity before I claim a Somali one? I have never once seen you claim the Black identity on this site.
I'm married with kids.
That’s beside the point. Unless you’re trolling you’ve said you’re into men and your wife is a closet lesbian. I’m not judging you, I’m just saying that you probably don’t have a specific dislike for black women. I think your negative views of black Americans also includes the men.
If I hated Black people, tell me why I am one of the very few Somalis on this site that embraces his Black identity and capitalizes the word Black while I don't capitalize it for those of other races? Why is it that I claim my Black identity before I claim a Somali one? I have never once seen you claim the Black identity on this site.
I think you have subconscious self hatred and glorify whiteness. You’re a smart man but you clearly couldn’t care less about the facts on the topic. Most data shows that black women in relationships are married to or connected to men who earn less than them or around the same and that they’re much more likely to be breadwinners or egalitarian relationships. They also contribute the most to their households as well compared to white women which shows that in the real world they’ve even less hypergamous than white women. Everything I’m saying is in the context of a relationship. I’m not talking about single mothers here.
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Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
Even whilst married, they tend to be the breadwinner. I’m not talking about single mother homes here.

On average are black men earning more than $100k? No, they’re like the top 10% and those men are a very small minority hence that’s a moot point.

There is a higher percentage of Black men making over $100K than the percentage of Black women. Black men also have higher median wages than Black women. So the narrative that there were no eligible Black men available is not true.

I’m just saying that you probably don’t a specific dislike for black women. I think your negative views of black Americans also includes the men.

Of course I don't hate Black women or any woman for that matter. I appreciate you see that compared to others who have said the opposite.

What you got wrong is that I hate Black people; I dont hate Black people. I actually prioritize their hiring in the industry I'm in even when I know a cadaan or an Asian would be a better fit due to the nature of the roles. Black people from my experience don't hire other Black people and are xaasid. I hate their culture though. This goes beyond Black Americans but all Blacks.
There is a higher percentage of Black men making over $100K than the percentage of Black women. Black men also have higher median wages than Black women. So the narrative that there were no eligible Black men available is not true.
People making more than 6 figures are a very small minority compared to the general population, hence that’s a moot point.

Even if black men have higher median wages, the gap is smaller amongst black people compared to other races and actual studies show that only 40% of married black women are married to men who are the breadwinners. 1 in 4 black women are the breadwinners in their marriages which is much higher than white women and other races of women and the rest are in egalitarian marriages at a higher rate than any other demographic of women. These are the facts so how could you say what you’re been saying when it’s at odds with everything you’ve been saying?
Of course I don't hate Black women or any woman for that matter. I appreciate you see that compared to others who have said the opposite.

What you got wrong is that I hate Black people; I dont hate Black people. I actually prioritize their hiring in the industry I'm in even when I know a cadaan or an Asian would be a better fit due to the nature of the roles. Black people from my experience don't hire other Black people and are xaasid. I hate their culture though. This goes beyond Black Americans but all Blacks.
Hats off to Angelina for rebutting lies, but I fear the same anti-black women tropes will be reprised in a very short period of time
Put your pompoms down you purple simp :kodaksmiley: She's just spewing her madow femcel talking points.
If that was the case Abdi then the divorce rates for white women and black men would be low since the culprit is black women right? Yet, funnily enough white women and black men have the highest divorce rate yet black women and white men have low divorce rates.
Not true. Black marriages have the highest divorce rate. Asians have the lowest divorce rates.
The thing is, I’m talking from a place of pure statistics and data, and you’re talking from a place of emotions fueled by societal racism.
So confident and yet so wrong.
Put your pompoms down you purple simp :kodaksmiley: She's just spewing her madow femcel talking points.
I’m not a femcel. Far from it. Also, I’m not AA but Somali.

Everything I’ve said can be backed by studies.
Not true. Black marriages have the highest divorce rate. Asians have the lowest divorce rates.
White women and black men divorce rates are even higher. Black and black is second lowest.
So confident and yet so wrong.
Nope I’m right. White women and black men have the highest divorce rates.
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It's really simple, black men suffer from extreme self hatred and they have the biggest chips on their shoulders. It's not just the ones from America, UK, Canada etc.., even the ones from west Africa are the same, they'll jump ship and marry/date any women who isn't one of their own as soon as they find one willing. It's insane! Some of them make up excuses like black women being loud and "masculine", well guess whose fault that is? Them! You can't abandon your children and let the women raise them and then expect those girls without father figures to grow up and be feminine like cadaans when they have had to be strong to survive. All feminine women have one thing in common, and that's they grew up in a house hold with a father figure where they were provided for and protected until they became adult, hence they never had to step out of their feminine side because they had no reason to.
I’m not a femcel. Far from it. Also, I’m not AA but Somali.

Everything I’ve said can be backed by studies.

White women and black men divorce rates are even higher. Black and black is second lowest.

Nope I’m right. White women and black men have the highest divorce rates.
Correct, you're a radfemcel. Share the studies please.
You’re a self hating incel married to a gaal.

You have no leg to stand on.
We're waiting for the data

Mr Mayor Waiting GIF by NBC