The main reason black men end up with white women.

It's so weird to go on a podcast and stereotype and shame your own community for the world to see. You're embarrassing yourself and bringing your people down. Imagine hating your own women so much you're willing to sink the ship you're both on.
Black people are typically impatient, selfish, incapable of delaying gratification, and think they're of the hottest value while having shitty attitudes. You usually can't build generational wealth or a legacy for your children with a Black partner since their priorities are different from other races. If you are mature and mentally stable like all other races, it's best to choose from one of them if you have the opportunity to do so. The fact that they have such low home ownership rates and savings when many had the means to do so is a clue that they would be terrible partners.
you should watch the racial wealth gap its an episode on explained on netflix

I used to think like this too for a long time white people would make sure they can't get own houses in the suburbs they had likes these zones and stuff it goes into detail you should watch it
We're waiting for the data

Mr Mayor Waiting GIF by NBC



I rarely make claims without having read them in studies. Here it is.

Black women and white men have the lower divorce rates than black men and white women. Guess what? As terrible as the divorce rates are for black and black couples, they’re better than black men and white women couples.

It will take time for me to find the study since I read it a long time ago, but mixed kids with white mothers are even more likely to be from single homes than mono-racial black kids.

Reformed J, how about you think logically rather than what is attractive to you? You’ve shown time and time again you can’t be trusted to be honest with regards to this topic.
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I rarely make claims without having read them in studies. Here it is.

Black women and white men have the lower divorce rates than black men and white women. Guess what? As terrible as the divorce rates are for black and black couples, they’re better than black men and white women couples.

It will take time for me to find the study since I read it a long time ago, but mixed kids with white mothers are even more likely to be from single homes than mono-racial black kids.

Reformed J, how about you think logically rather than what is attractive to you? You’ve shown time and time again you can’t be trusted to be honest with regards to this topic.
Your own study says once you factor in age cohort, region of residence, and citizenship status the divorce rates are much lower from the 1990s onward. Likewise when the husband has some college education. The normalized model 4 is the optimal model to use. And even so the data there is under much different levels of scrutiny as the authors use different p values.
Your own study says once you factor in age cohort, region of residence, and citizenship status the divorce rates are much lower from the 1990s onward. Likewise when the husband has some college education. The normalized model 4 is the optimal model to use. And even so the data there is under much different levels of scrutiny as the authors use different p values.
Which study? I’ve posted two. Also show me where it says that please. I’ve clearly missed that.

Divorce rates are simply lower for educated people. A middle class black-black couples are going to have a much lower divorce rate than a working class black couple.

I’ve seen a few studies and most say that black man and white woman marriages have ridiculously high rates of divorce.

Whats very interesting Reformed is that I’ve seen a lot of studies and black women and white men simply have a very low divorce rate. Why isn’t it the opposite if black women are the problem?

That shatters your whole point.
Which study? I’ve posted two. Also show me where it says that please. I’ve clearly missed that.
The first one, read around results section

Whats very interesting Reformed is that I’ve seen a lot of studies and black women and white men simply have a very low divorce rate. Why isn’t it the opposite if black women are the problem?

That shatters your whole point.
Low IQ analysis and interpretation. There's nothing low about that permutation. Every model shows that's the at the very the 3rd highest divorce rate of any permutation. It's still significantly higher than endogamous white, asian and hispanic marriages, along with any mixed marriages of the 3 previous groups.

The first one, read around results section

Low IQ analysis and interpretation.
Your whole premise is based on your feelings. Your views simply don’t fit the data.

The other study is in fact more comprehensive and is the best study out there that compares divorce rates amongst different IR couples.
There's nothing low about that permutation. Every model shows that's the at the very the 3rd highest divorce rate of any permutation. It's still significantly higher than endogamous white, asian and hispanic marriages, along with any mixed marriages of the 3 previous groups.
It’s still a lot lower than black H and white wife. Also, I’ve seen other studies that argue that black W and white H are in fact just as low and White wife and White husband.
Even when you look at this, no matter how you spin it I’m right. Black H and white wife have the highest divorce rate. Then it’s black and black and then it’s White husband and black wife.
Your whole premise is based on your feelings. Your views simply don’t fit the data.

The other study is in fact more comprehensive and is the best study out there that compares divorce rates amongst different IR couples.

It’s still a lot lower than black H and white wife. Also, I’ve seen other studies that argue that black W and white H are in fact just as low and White wife and White husband.

Even when you look at this, no matter how you spin it I’m right. Black H and white wife have the highest divorce rate. Then it’s black and black and then it’s White husband and black wife.
How don't they fit the data?

One moment you say they have a "very low divorce rate" another "well ackhusally it's just in comparison to this one permutation". While its actually the third highest by far and 7 other combinations are much lower lmao.

You're not right about anything. I know stats aren't your forte, but the numbers are literally both the same at the most normalized model (1.62) and that's before factoring in different p value thresholds.
Black people are typically impatient, selfish, incapable of delaying gratification, and think they're of the hottest value while having shitty attitudes. You usually can't build generational wealth or a legacy for your children with a Black partner since their priorities are different from other races. If you are mature and mentally stable like all other races, it's best to choose from one of them if you have the opportunity to do so. The fact that they have such low home ownership rates and savings when many had the means to do so is a clue that they would be terrible partners.
One of the lost logical comment on this thread. Im honored by your present @AbdiFreedom
The man talks a bunch of garbage and made a career off talking a bunch of nonsense. It has no value.

People like to make fun of self haters but they are a product of a society that teaches people hate themselves.

If Black women were actually doing what he said they are doing, there wouldn't be black people. His mother had to have gotten with his dusty dad to make his dusty ass. Once second black women are baby mamas getting with pokie and Ray Ray and have no standards. The next second they aren't investing in men and white women are. It always black women's fault.

What do black women have anything to do with a grown black man choosing to be with a white woman? Even if a black woman invests in a broke black man she is told "when he get on he gonna leave ya ass for a white girl" lol so why bother? It sucks being black in America man. It's hell.

Only woman who can have say is his mom that's it. No one can or should be able to tell u who to be with unless it's your parents.

Imo I black men pursue white women because they want mix looking kids who get treated better and are considered better looking. That's what I think is the driving factor. And white women find black men attractive. It's simple.
How don't they fit the data?
You’re a self-hater who argues that black women are the issue when even black men married to white women have higher divorce rates than black-black and black women and white men. You’re using one study and only model 4 and you’re ignoring the rest when other studies also indicate that white women and black men have the highest divorce rates amongst all.
One moment you say they have a "very low divorce rate" another "well ackhusally it's just in comparison to this one permutation". While its actually the third highest by far and 7 other combinations are much lower lmao.
The other study clearly says their divorce rate is 44% lower. I’m using more than one study Reformed. Whilst black H and W wife more than 50% higher.

Also, we are comparing black men and black women in IR relationships and NOT different racial groups hence you need to stop trying to change the goal post.

You're not right about anything.
I am. According to the other study which you conveniently ignore simply because it goes against your self-hatred.
I know stats aren't your forte, but the numbers are literally both the same at the most normalized model (1.62) and that's before factoring in different p value thresholds.
It’s still higher than white H and Black W coupling. Even in model 4.
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「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
Is all about status. If you got 1 black and 1 white at equal level looks. Most people will claim white women is more attractive.

You be programmed with the biggest propaganda earth has ever witnessed from birth. This thread proves you all eat it up
The other study clearly says their divorce rate is 44% lower. I’m using more than one study Reformed. Whilst black H and W wife more than 50% higher.

I am. According to the other study which you conveniently ignore simply because it goes against your self-hatred.
The study you're referencing says its a function of very low marriages rates lmao


It’s still higher than white H and Black W coupling. Even in model 4.
Yes and by far the 3rd worst rates of all combination. Now show me the marriages rates, how much of that combination actually makes it up to marriage.


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
I pray Somalis never end up like this.
This is why we need to remain a culturally and genetically homogeneous nation and keep building ourselves up.

Forget about these langaabs in America and the rest of the world with their shit daqan
The study you're referencing says its a function of very low marriages rates lmao

You have severe comprehension issues. They’re saying that when they do marry, they tend to be more selective.

We know that black men marry white women more but any study worth their study are going to control for that when making comparisons.
Yes and by far the 3rd worst rates of all combination. Now show me the marriages rates, how much of that combination actually makes it up to marriage.
Black men and white women also have higher rates of low marriage since a lot of kids from mixed backgrounds are of cohabitation as well.
You have severe comprehension issues. They’re saying that when they do marry, they tend to be more selective.
No, they're saying they don't marry that often, the small number of relationships that make it through the threshold are more stable because they're incredibly selective.

We know that black men marry white women more but any study worth their study are going to control for that when making comparisons.
No, both of your studies were using stats relative to cadaan divorce rate, nothing to do with marriage rates and they also used differing sample sizes across demographics. Neither study focused on marriage rates.

When comparing pure incidence of marriage and divorce per population you get this


Black men and white women also have higher rates of low marriage since a lot of kids from mixed backgrounds are of cohabitation as well.
Doesn't matter. This is in comparison to black females' rates of marriage. After all relationships don't begin on the onset of marriage. And it's typically men that initiate legal union of marriages, whereas it's women that typically initiate legal dissolutions-divorces. When (marriage rate per unit of population - divorce rate per unit of population) guess which one has the higher surplus.


Plotting world domination
In regards to African Americans I see black couples all the time. Most of the niggas that marry out are the ones that grew up in the suburbs surrounded by Cadaans and Latinos.

@AbdiFreedom @Angelina

We definitely have a bit more low class madow men with non black women. Usually though most of those women are low class as well. These chicks are either Fat, promiscuous, ugly or just single moms.

Majority of middle to upper class black men are with black women. We got entire communities here in the south packed with middle class black families.
Even when it comes to hookup culture most of these men are primarily sleeping with black women.

Ugly Madow women and broke madow men are the main ones struggling to find a partner. Ugly Madow men still have a bit more options because they can earn themselves a good income and broaden their dating field to low class non black women.
No, they're saying they don't marry that often, the small number of relationships that make it through the threshold are more stable because they're incredibly selective.
Make it? What proof do you even have that black women are entering into relationships with white men at the same rate as black men and white women but aren’t able to get married? Also, the point you’re raising is also beyond the scope of the study and they make it clear if you read on. Also they say:


It doesn’t explain why white females have higher rates of divorce when married to non whites but white men don’t have that issue.

Their explanation doesn’t hold that much weight since even they admit it’s beyond the scope of the study.

Also black H and white W don’t marry that much as well. Granted it’s more than black women marrying out but IR amongst whites is low, and it’s even lower when you look at their marriages to black people in general. Like wise only small amount of marriages between black men and white women go through the threshold when comparing it to mono-racial marriages and even other IR marriages of other groups. Hence, Why aren’t they selective as well?

Every study even Model 4 which YOU regard as optimal still lists such a marriage as the highest rates of divorce as well and since you’re arguing higher barriers will mean more selectivity that theory doesn’t for some reason hold for black men with white women. It’s only when comparing their unions to black women and white men does it seem as though they have high intermarriage but in general white women and black men marriages are still incredibly low.

There is no escaping this and I’m tired of your nacaasnimo and your idiocy fueled by the fact that you’re a sick self hater.
No, both of your studies were using stats relative to cadaan divorce rate, nothing to do with marriage rates and they also used differing sample sizes across demographics. Neither study focused on marriage rates.
Im talking about divorce rates here.
My whole premise is, if black women are the issue, why are black men’s relationships just as unstable when they’re also married to white women? You can’t deny this or get away from this you manipulative shit.

No matter how you spin it. The divorce rates for black men and white women is either the same as black-black marriages or higher.

I’m focusing on black men. Yet you’re trying to change the goal post.

When comparing pure incidence of marriage and divorce per population you get this

You’re so manipulative and think people are dumb. This graph isn’t focusing on black people in IR. When looking at same race relationships black women have the highest divorce rates we know this and i’m not denying this and never have. Thats going to be obvious since the overwhelming majority of them marry black men which YOU have also pointed out.

When IR data is added to the mix, there is a massive shift. White women have low divorce rates since the majority of them marry their own men. But when IR rates are included,

Even the study I posted makes this clear:


Divorce rates are higher in IR when the wife is white. It seems for white wife and white husband marries, white men are the stabilizing factor since when white men marry other races of women, their divorce rates aren’t as high as their female counterparts. The same cannot be said for black men.

And it's typically men that initiate legal union of marriages, whereas it's women that typically initiate legal dissolutions-divorces. When (marriage rate per unit of population - divorce rate per unit of population) guess which one has the higher surplus.
It does matter. We’re comparing black men in IR relationships compared to when they’re in same race marriages. The fact of the matter and that’s the conclusion that the studies have made that I posted is that black men on average have higher divorce rates in IR, even higher than Black and Black marriages. Thats simply my whole point you can’t dispute.

Thats the conclusion the last study I posted have made and they’ve made it clear as well. You can email them and tell them they’re come to the wrong conclusion. Are they dumb as well when they’ve indicated several times that black H and white W marriages are incredibly unstable? They even said that IR relationships are unstable when it’s white wife and ethnic husband. Are you trying to deny this you color struck madow. Uff nothing makes me sick than a man governed by his lower regions.

You’re manipulative and delusional and you have a very bad habit of breaking down studies and not taking the study as a whole when it doesn’t fit your incel and self-hating ridden agenda. Also, you love to change the goal post.

It’s funny how you zeroed in on the point that black W and white H marriages have lower rates of marriages due to probably higher barriers when the same study has mentioned that if can’t be used as
A proper explanation since white women and ethnic minority men marriages simply have high divorce rates than their male counterparts. Comprehension is definitely low when it comes to you.
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@Reformed J

The fact of that matter and I’m 100% right is that white wife and black husband marriages are the most unstable marriages. Have the highest rates of kids in single mother homes.

If the issue is solely black women you’re trying to hark at mixed kids wouldn’t be in single mother homes more, nor would the rates of divorce be higher in those households.

Everything I’ve mentioned is indeed facts. If you stick to the points I made instead of inserting rubbish and focus on black men, that’s the facts on the table.

As for you, you’re a good for nothing gaal raac whose obsession with white skin has fried your brain. Honestly, it’s loser behavior.


Plotting world domination
@Reformed J

The fact of that matter and I’m 100% right is that white wife and black husband marriages are the most unstable marriages. Have the highest rates of kids in single mother homes.

If the issue is solely black women you’re trying to hark at mixed kids wouldn’t be in single mother homes more, nor would the rates of divorce be higher in those households.

Everything I’ve mentioned is indeed facts. If you stick to the points I made instead of inserting rubbish and focus on black men, that’s the facts on the table.

As for you, you’re a good for nothing gaal raac whose obsession with white skin has fried your brain. Honestly, it’s loser behavior.

"The fact of that matter and I’m 100% right is that white wife and black husband marriages are the most unstable marriages. Have the highest rates of kids in single mother homes."

Like I said earlier most middle to upper class black men are with black women.

We don't really have a huge group of black men who are "marriage material" settling down with white women.

