The main reason black men end up with white women.

Everything I’ve mentioned is indeed facts. If you stick to the points I made instead of inserting rubbish and focus on black men, that’s the facts on the table.
Why would I stick to your points when I accomplished what I set out to do by refuting your femcel propaganda and providing as much context as I wanted. If you're having trouble digesting the data/analysis take another look. Its clear your narcissistic ego is triggered to the point of eliciting the above ad homenim filled tirade because someone dared to challenge your propaganda :mjlaugh:

As for you, you’re a good for nothing gaal raac whose obsession with white skin has fried your brain. Honestly, it’s loser behavior.
You're the biggest misandrist on this forum. I'd be more worried if you approved of me 💀
I answered this. These are almost always low quality white women pairing with low quality Black men. The Black women who married out are of high quality; I'm sure only 1 or 2% of attached Black women are with men from other races. The data shows people of other races prefer their own kind and place Black men and women as their last or never option. You're not going to find a low quality Black woman with someone from another race. Even white wife/white husband marriages have much higher divorce rates than Black wife/white husband. Why did you leave that out? We are talking about literally the other 99%. That's your problem, @Angelina. You always focus on extreme, rare examples. That 1 or 2% will be judges and CEOs and business leaders.
Not true. If you go to any white school you will see Black guys swimming in white girls, you're acting like this shit is hard. The reason these rates are low is because most areas are still economically segregated. Living in the same areas, schools, culture etc will produce more inter-relationships. A lot of Somali people just never grew up with white people. So they have such naive views lol. You act like white people are majority high quality and that Black people have to become high quality lol its idiotic. You watch too much tv. Go to any local Wal Mart and you will see plenty low quality white people. You just dont see them because they just live poverty together. They are called rednecks. And Asians have them too but they live in mainland China, you never see them same with Indians. Degenerate behaviour is in all societies.

If its only about money why do Asian men have low IR dating? They are good quality and earn money mote than Black/ White men and they commit the least crime. So why? Culture is the reason. They aren't aggressive and tend to be more submissive. This is desired in the West. Asian men complain all the time that White men emasculated them to look more masculine. Since they feel emasculated next to Black men. Black men are the most masculine.

Black women who are educated are more likely to date out because ppl assume their more feminine. You think a regular white dude wants to be with Nicki Minaj (her personality) even if she successful? Yet the Supreme Judge woman (the Black woman) is less attractive than Nicki and she is married to a White Surgeon.

During slavery white men would get with black women. Most of the mixed groups of people come from that. The anti-interracial law was revoked for a black woman/white man couple. So why are you saying they are low quality and undesirable now? It's due to hip hop ruining the black community. Nigerian women are known to date IR.

And White men have a masculinity issue and their women even are turned off from it. That's why they are now trying become more masculine and worship men like Trump who acts like a Black man tbh. They are also the biggest consumers of rap music.
Nah those niggas just prefer snow bunnies. White women don’t date dusties
That's a lie. White women are the most forgiving when it comes to men not having money. More than Asian women and Arab women (those cultures are ruthless). They marry for love all the time. Hell the men do too.

Look at Prince Harry who fell in love with a garob who was in her 30s. Hell most Somali guys who drive trucks wont even touch a garob or a woman in her late 30s. Its madness. It's all for love with them.
I’ve got white friends who didn’t have jobs when they started dating their girlfriends right after they finished high school. They don't even want to date white women who don't work, or any women for that matter. Most European couples work and split their finances evenly in Europe; I don’t know about America. But in Western Europe, it’s the norm for couples to split their finances evenly, including rent and car bills. There’s no ‘me, me, me’ mentality within white Europeans; it’s both of them contributing. The Desi Muslims I know have a culture where the parents look for a girl who works in certain sectors, and one of the requirements for the girl is to have a university education. If she doesn’t, they’ll pass on her.
Bingo! Asian women (South East Asian) will not marry men who aren't highly educated. Their men are the most educated. They don't have a culture that marry for love. The families will pick the partner. They don't just marry for love even if their movies show that crap. The guys family image, career, etc all have to be steller especially if she comes from a top family.
Is all about status. If you got 1 black and 1 white at equal level looks. Most people will claim white women is more attractive.

You be programmed with the biggest propaganda earth has ever witnessed from birth. This thread proves you all eat it up
White poeples pr only works on dumb fools who aren't near white people. I grew up with them. It's funny because some of them were naive and were scared of black ppl lol. Or thought we were cool lol. They were brainwashed too. Imagine if they thought Somalis were all violent pirates or terrorists wouldn't you be like wtf? Were human.

Imagine thinking Indian people all look like Ashwraya Rai. Thats what this some of these ppl sound like. It's silly. They are just normal ppl.
In regards to African Americans I see black couples all the time. Most of the niggas that marry out are the ones that grew up in the suburbs surrounded by Cadaans and Latinos.

@AbdiFreedom @Angelina

We definitely have a bit more low class madow men with non black women. Usually though most of those women are low class as well. These chicks are either Fat, promiscuous, ugly or just single moms.

Majority of middle to upper class black men are with black women. We got entire communities here in the south packed with middle class black families.
Even when it comes to hookup culture most of these men are primarily sleeping with black women.

Ugly Madow women and broke madow men are the main ones struggling to find a partner. Ugly Madow men still have a bit more options because they can earn themselves a good income and broaden their dating field to low class non black women.
Exactly and in every group the most unattractive people will struggle in dating just like Dr. Umar. But in other societies the underclass don't have voices and out there doing podcasts they have to work to survive or die.

And exactly like I said ppl date in their areas. You relate more and have better connection. It's just the reality.

The people who overthink race are often black/white thinking and brainwashed by the media. They think the world is a movie. So they think black women are undesirable or other ideas they get from the media. Out in the real world it doesn't work like that. And many black men have even said they don't relate to other ppl when they grew up black. Remember Kobe (rip) grew up upper middle class and got hell for marrying Vanessa. Look at Allen Iverson or Shaq (they all married black, and I'm sure they could marry many white women).
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As long as a man shows he’s worth being that loyal to, a woman may consider him. If he’s not genuine or consistent with her that would be a huge gamble. It’s really a huge risk because it can change that women’s whole life doing this with the wrong man. Imagine the betrayal she’ll feel after sacrificing so much of her life for someone who isn’t as loyal as she is? It would wreck her.

He should in turn remember that she’s the one deserving of whatever he becomes instead of the next woman.

Not every man has ambition or drive so not every man deserves to be taken at his lowest. He will never be motivated enough to do better which is a highly sought after trait.
I’m curious how does this affect Somali marriages,I’m seeing lately young Somali couples building with each other.
That’s not the conversation. You’re changing the goal post here.

My point is, if black women are the issue why is it that when white women marry black men, they have incredible high rates of divorce and for black women married to white men have low rates? You didn’t address this.

I didn’t talk about which group have the highest intermarriage. That’s not the point of the conversation.

Yet, you used the stereotype that good black men are marrying white women since black women are a handful? Btw even when these black men are of a higher class they still have a very high divorce rate when marrying white women.

Now you’re contradicting yourself and digging a hole.

Even when of a higher income, they still have higher divorce rates but you’re right, black people tend to be just poorer but when black women marry white men they tend to be of a higher income and have more stability.
clearly the man and his income is what sets the tone in a relationship.
You’ve cooked him
I pray Somalis never end up like this.
This is why we need to remain a culturally and genetically homogeneous nation and keep building ourselves up.

Forget about these langaabs in America and the rest of the world with their shit daqan
Although we have a few incels and femcels who talk ill of each other but we are still good and respectful towards each other.


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴
Although we have a few incels and femcels who talk ill of each other but we are still good and respectful towards each other.
Somalis have a good culture and society, our only problems as a people come from buildings our state- Somalia🇸🇴
Not true. If you go to any white school you will see Black guys swimming in white girls, you're acting like this shit is hard. The reason these rates are low is because most areas are still economically segregated. Living in the same areas, schools, culture etc will produce more inter-relationships. A lot of Somali people just never grew up with white people. So they have such naive views lol. You act like white people are majority high quality and that Black people have to become high quality lol it’s idiotic. You watch too much tv. Go to any local Wal Mart and you will see plenty low quality white people. You just dont see them because they just live poverty together. They are called rednecks. And Asians have them too but they live in mainland China, you never see them same with Indians. Degenerate behaviour is in all societies.

If its only about money why do Asian men have low IR dating? They are good quality and earn money mote than Black/ White men and they commit the least crime. So why? Culture is the reason. They aren't aggressive and tend to be more submissive. This is desired in the West. Asian men complain all the time that White men emasculated them to look more masculine. Since they feel emasculated next to Black men. Black men are the most masculine.

Black women who are educated are more likely to date out because ppl assume their more feminine. You think a regular white dude wants to be with Nicki Minaj (her personality) even if she successful? Yet the Supreme Judge woman (the Black woman) is less attractive than Nicki and she is married to a White Surgeon.

During slavery white men would get with black women. Most of the mixed groups of people come from that. The anti-interracial law was revoked for a black woman/white man couple. So why are you saying they are low quality and undesirable now? It's due to hip hop ruining the black community. Nigerian women are known to date IR.

And White men have a masculinity issue and their women even are turned off from it. That's why they are now trying become more masculine and worship men like Trump who acts like a Black man tbh. They are also the biggest consumers of rap music.
I don’t think Somali people really care about white people,we are mostly neutral to them and we don’t have inferiority complex like the madows in America
I’m curious how does this affect Somali marriages,I’m seeing lately young Somali couples building with each other.
Not really sure. I don’t ask others about their marriages or try to know the inner workings of their marriage dynamics. There may not be one overwhelming view on this though..
I don’t think Somali people really care about white people,we are mostly neutral to them and we don’t have inferiority complex like the madows in America
Nah Somalis use to and the ones in Somalia still do. But the diaspora is full of retards whose entire goal is to shit on either Somali men or women. Mentally challenged. But thank God we aren't like Asians. A regular white girl can go to India and be treated like Angelins Jolie with ppl taking pics, it's sad. The diaspora are becoming cucks for black and white.

I like liberal white ppl who give me jobs. They are nice. Overall I find most white ppl nice. It's not their fault the media shoves them down ppls throat. It has made ppl hate them.

One if these posters in this thread keeps saying Somali girls can only get madow guys or Somali but not White. Putting white (all whites) on a pedestal. It's dumb. One of the guys on here said white men get good quality Black women lol. I think white men probably wish what he is saying is true. He thinks all white men got it like Brad Pitt or something. Like go drive to a white town or Walmart.
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Nah Somalis use to and the ones in Somalia still do. But the diaspora is full of retards whose entire goal is to shit on either Somali men or women. Mentally challenged. But thank God we aren't like Asians. A regular white girl can go to India and be treated like Angelins Jolie with ppl taking pics, it's sad. The diaspora are becoming cucks for black and white.

I like liberal white ppl who give me jobs. They are nice. Overall I find most white ppl nice. It's not their fault the media shoves them down ppls throat. It has made ppl hate them.

One if these posters in this thread keeps saying Somali girls can only get madow guys or Somali but not White. Putting white (all whites) on a pedestal. It's dumb. One of the guys on here said white men get good quality Black women lol. I think white men probably wish what he is saying is true. He thinks all white men got it like Brad Pitt or something. Like go drive to a white town or Walmart.
You have something against diaspora, huh? Insecurity is the common denominator amongst the groups that white worship. Maybe it’s the recent group of people that hold cadaan to high regard? Cause folks born or raised here see them as average people.

You seem to know cadaan only on a superficial level cause that’s when they all seem mostly nice. They are deceptive to their core for the most part. Giving you a job isn’t a winning argument there. That benefits them ultimately. They look out mainly for their self-interests.
You have something against diaspora, huh? Insecurity is the common denominator amongst the groups that white worship. Maybe it’s the recent group of people that hold cadaan to high regard? Cause folks born or raised here see them as average people.

You seem to know cadaan only on a superficial level cause that’s when they all seem mostly nice. They are deceptive to their core for the most part. Giving you a job isn’t a winning argument there. That benefits them ultimately. They look out mainly for their self-interests.
I lived with White people and I never really mixed with them. So yes it's surface level since I was Special Ed in school. I wasn't really around them like that.

But I don't care about loving or hating them and like I said I like the liberal whites who push for equality because it benefits me. I don't give a f everything else. And they should look out for their interests just like I look out for mine. I like any ppl who are on my team and I didn't say I only like white ppl but other groups as well.

I don't hate the diaspora I just think they are less than/subhuman compared to Somalis in Somalia that's all. I tend to like the men in the west more than the women overall. The West Somali girls have been mentally colonized the most since the guys don't go to college that much. It's saved them alx.
I lived with White people and I never really mixed with them. So yes it's surface level since I was Special Ed in school. I wasn't really around them like that.

But I don't care about loving or hating them and like I said I like the liberal whites who push for equality because it benefits me. I don't give a f everything else. And they should look out for their interests just like I look out for mine. I like any ppl who are on my team and I didn't say I only like white ppl but other groups as well.

I don't hate the diaspora I just think they are less than/subhuman compared to Somalis in Somalia that's all. I tend to like the men in the west more than the women overall. The West Somali girls have been mentally colonized the most since the guys don't go to college that much. It's saved them alx.
You still special ed I see. Have fun with your liberal friends. You’ll be identifying as something else pretty soon in the future. We don’t want self haters in our midst. Y’all been sabotaging us for way too long.

Whether we are daljoog ama qurbojoog, we are walaalo. No seeds of division shall be sown amongst us.
You still special ed I see. Have fun with your liberal friends. You’ll be identifying as something else pretty soon in the future. We don’t want self haters in our midst. Y’all been sabotaging us for way too long.

Whether we are daljoog ama qurbojoog, we are walaalo. No seeds of division shall be sown amongst us.
What are you talking about? I said I got hired by a white liberal. Who said anything about being friends? She's a 55 year old white woman and unless you plan to give me a job, you can keep your judgment. You plan to play my bills warya? I'd rather work for her over some far right lunatic who wants me on a one way ticket back to a warzone. I'm going to work nice with the white people in the meantime.

I don't have a issue with the liberals as long as they don't want my kids to be a different gender and shit. We use to like them when all they did was give citizenship and welfare. They went too far now I agree.
What are you talking about? I said I got hired by a white liberal. Who said anything about being friends? She's a 55 year old white woman and unless you plan to give me a job, you can keep your judgment. You plan to play my bills warya? I'd rather work for her over some far right lunatic who wants me on a one way ticket back to a warzone. I'm going to work nice with the white people in the meantime.

I don't have an issue with the liberals as long as they don't want my kids to be a different gender and shit. We use to like them when all they did was give citizenship and welfare. They went too far now I agree.
You don’t seem to grasp the depth of my words and for that I’m truly sorry. May Allah ease your affairs.

"The fact of that matter and I’m 100% right is that white wife and black husband marriages are the most unstable marriages. Have the highest rates of kids in single mother homes."

Like I said earlier most middle to upper class black men are with black women.

We don't really have a huge group of black men who are "marriage material" settling down with white women.
Thats across the board for most black people and white people. White women of higher socioeconomic backgrounds tend to only marry white men. Black middle class men tend to only marry their women. However, black women married to white men tend to be of a higher socioeconomic background and tend to be more educated it seems even if such a pairing is a small minority but so are white people and black people marriages in general.

I’m not trying to point the finger at anyone per say, but people simply don’t have a leg to stand on when with regards to black women when divorce rates are incredibly high for black men whether they’re married to a black woman or a white woman.
Why would I stick to your points when I accomplished what I set out to do by refuting your femcel propaganda and providing as much context as I wanted.
You didn’t. The study I’ve posted literally made it clear:

1.Black men and white wife marriages are the least stable.

2. Black and black marriages are also unstable but more stable that Black H and white W

3. Black W and White husband are more stable than the Black-black and White W and black H

You’ve struggled to refute the facts and the fact that you’re calling this femcel is a form of mental illness caused by your obsession with white women.

As for ‘context’ the context you choose to include wasn’t even the full picture as even they noted this was beyond the scope of the study and that the context doesn’t explain by white wife and ajnabi pairings resulted in the highest divorce rates whilst the same can’t be said their male counterparts.

That’s my issue, you refuse to read the whole study and simply pick and choose. That’s dumb shit

If you're having trouble digesting the data/analysis take another look. Its clear your narcissistic ego is triggered to the point of eliciting the above ad homenim filled tirade because someone dared to challenge your propaganda :mjlaugh:

You're the biggest misandrist on this forum. I'd be more worried if you approved of me 💀
I really don’t have trouble digesting data. That’s a dumb point as by extension you believe that the data scientists who’ve put out these papers have trouble looking at data as well. Their conclusion if you’ve bothered to read the paper is this:

Black H and White W marriages= the most unstable union.

Black W and White H more stable than the other two.

Your inability to accept this shows how screwed up you are.

To argue that I can’t come to the same conclusion is to argue that the writers of this paper also can’t digest data as well.
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Doctor Omar is into white snow bunnies.
That’s news to me bro, I shared this clip for the exact opposite reason.

I pray Somalis never end up like this.
This is why we need to remain a culturally and genetically homogeneous nation and keep building ourselves up.

Forget about these langaabs in America and the rest of the world with their shit daqan

Somalis are already like this bro, how else do you explain the low marriage rates in millennia’s and generation z.

Look at the amount of men and women who are single past the age of 25, Somali women are raised to pick already made men just like black women.

Where as white, Latina and Asians are taught to seek out men with potential and value and invest in them from the ground up. Instead of trying to trap a simp with wealth or hold out for a 5% until their mid/ early thirties, when reality hits and they marry the losers they use to friend zone or ex thugs starting life anew.