The offensive against Al-Shabaab in Central Somalia


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
Bullshit. FGS was willing to aid every clan that wanted to liberate their land. But unfortunately Murusade and Duduble are pro AS clans.

My town worked with the FGS and today we are recognised as a degmo and police station, hospital, school , district HQ have all been built and opened in the space of two years. So don’t blame Murusade failure on FGS.

august 17 2023
“eliminate al Shabaab from the country in the coming five months” or diminish the group to a point in which it’ll be harmless

a study done on this has shown that all he has done is give our IC partners donor fatigue and given dangerous false expectations to those who believe in Somalia. His stall on the war has fallen short of what was promised to international donors and the Somali people.
“Much of the challenges surround the lack of funding to train the army and pay salaries, as well as political difficulties in convincing federal members states to integrate their regional forces into the national army.” According to Harun maruf in the same study. This is FGS’s responsibility.

so your completely wrong when it come to this not being the government’s responsibility, it’s why they are even elected

In December 2023 in new york Hussein Sheikh Ali said by the the end of 2024 Somalia will have

“30,000 land forces, 40,000 police at the federal and regional levels, and 8,500.” On a federal level

Westpointedu said this is unrealistic to achieve within a few months, as something like this needs sustained talked with federal states, and we can see how that’s going.

-Laftagareen openly saying today that if this continues, “somalia will return to its worst days” while dropping the common Somali and returning to af maay (he always used to use normal Somali in respect to the federal system)

-deni declaring autonomy

-madobe about to hold his own elections.
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august 17 2023
“eliminate al Shabaab from the country in the coming five months” or diminish the group to a point in which it’ll be harmless

a study done on this has shown that all he has done is give our IC partners donor fatigue and given dangerous false expectations to those who believe in Somalia. His stall on the war has fallen short of what was promised to international donors and the Somali people.
“Much of the challenges surround the lack of funding to train the army and pay salaries, as well as political difficulties in convincing federal members states to integrate their regional forces into the national army.” According to Harun maruf in the same study. This is FGS’s responsibility.

so your completely wrong when it come to this not being the government’s responsibility, it’s why they are even elected

In December 2023 in new york Hussein Sheikh Ali said by the the end of 2024 Somalia will have

“30,000 land forces, 40,000 police at the federal and regional levels, and 8,500.” On a federal level

Westpointedu said this is unrealistic to achieve within a few months, as something like this needs sustained talked with federal states, and we can see how that’s going.

-Laftagareen openly saying today that if this continues, “somalia will return to its worst days” while dropping the common Somali and returning to af maay (he always used to use normal Somali in respect to the federal system)

-deni declaring autonomy

-madobe about to hold his own elections.
It’s over


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
It’s over
We can easily defeat sandal wearing terrorists with a military leader taking over Somalia or a national army that’s our top priority. Right now that’s not the case. Somalia needs real leader. Hassan Ali khaire and his advisors have created many reforms for the SNA that remain relevant today. This is just a dark period in our history.
In another blow the only FGS stronghold of South East Mudug has fallen as another macawisley clan withdraws
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After 2 years of fighting we are back to where we started after all the deaths promises and resources spent

Begs the question will anyone be held accountable? Will tactics change?
Can clans be blamed for not trusting the FGS war?


After 2 years of fighting we are back to where we started after all the deaths promises and resources spent

Begs the question will anyone be held accountable? Will tactics change?
Can clans be blamed for not trusting the FGS war?View attachment 344456View attachment 344457
Safe to say this whole promise is done. The issue of Al shabaab will roll over to the next generation and then the generation after that. Till the somali ethnicity is all but extinct.
How do you know when Hassan Dhiiqo is lying? His mouth is open. It's their own fault for believing anything that guy says. Is that supposed to say 'Waceysle' militias? Maybe that is why they believed him lol.
I think Cali jeyte governor of Hiiran did a similar thing and Xawadle has shown a lot of success every qabils Businessman and politican should do a similar thing gonna motivate the khathead addict militias HSM has already armed and invested in his Hawiye clan at least his corrupt for his people
I think Cali jeyte governor of Hiiran did a similar thing and Xawadle has shown a lot of success every qabils Businessman and politican should do a similar thing gonna motivate the khathead addict militias HSM has already armed and invested in his Hawiye clan at least his corrupt for his people
Cali Jeyte is a legend, laandheere Cali Madaxweyne. You can't just replicate legends sxb. You need quality people and great leadership.

Schitts Creek Comedy GIF by CBC
They forgot the s before the L but it's not surprising they didn't spell check considering this very "news network" claimed that the president died back in 2014 💀
Social media has been a disaster for the Somali community. Mostly lies, qabyaalad, threats of violence and ceeb.
FGS campaigning against AS continues to falter. Lot of resource and even drone support to take a single village only to lose it within 24h. Back & forth. Back and forth.

Best wishes to the soilders/ macawisley