The reality of whats going on in Europe

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And that is exactly what I was saying. Jews are essentially apart of the fabric of white society in most western countries today, which is in direct contrast to how they were viewed a century ago. If there is an alt-right resurgence in many of these countries, Jews will be safe. I was trying to convey this to that other girl who was trying to bifurcate Jews from mainstream white society like many Neo-Nazis attempt.

You really do love to argue for the sake of arguing, don't you? Buuq iyo balaayo. :faysalwtf:
I don't think anyone is suggesting that is the case. But it would be ignorant to deny the fact that for the past 70+ years, they were an instrumental part in stifling the rise of far-right neo-Nazism and nationalism across the west.
I responded to the conspiracy above. There is no super force of Jews secretly shaping European society to be good to Jews.
So nepotism and chasing ones interests are some kind of Jewish phenomenon? That literally happens practically everywhere, even on the company level. Just look around. How many lobbies and campaign finance pulls do you think exist in the US?

The mere and networking is not a buffer for your whack conspiracy, and so far you’ve produced nothing to support your position except that they exist. More to that point, your views are home to fundies and tin foil hat brigades, not the mainstream Conservative party, and likewise Liberals hold no such position.
Vixr my lovely but lost sister. They really have done a number on you and completely mindfucked you. Neptiosm and manipulation is jews 101. The reason europe is flooded with immigrants is jews work who is working hard behind the scenes to kill nationalism. You lack any critical thinking.....I think you are booksmart and have been completely been brainwashed by these people. Its shame you live in remote area with only whites. One day you will wake up to whats going on in this world and feel shame how lost you are.


Vixr my lovely but lost sister. They really have done a number on you and completely mindfucked you. Neptiosm and manipulation is jews 101. The reason europe is flooded with immigrants is jews work who is working hard behind the scenes to kill nationalism. You lack any critical thinking.....I think you are booksmart and have been completely been brainwashed by these people. Its shame you live in remote area with only whites. One day you will wake up to whats going on in this world and feel shame how lost you are.
Again, you’re not showing any proof for your claims, and you claim nepotism is purely Jew 101, but that’s categorically false. I can’t believe a Somali would even go so far as to claim such a thing lol. “You’re lost” isn’t an argument.
That’s your prerogative. Give your claims support or throw a tantrum, I guess.

Are you familiar with what a strawman is? You're clearly trying to make an argument out of something I never said. I never alluded to some conspiracy. But only an ignoramus would conclude that Jewish people as a community have no power or influence over the political systems in most of the major western countries.
Again, you’re not showing any proof for your claims, and you claim nepotism is purely Jew 101, but that’s categorically false. I can’t believe a Somali would even go so far as to claim such a thing lol. “You’re lost” isn’t an argument.
You basically want a video of group of powerful jews sitting and plotting world domination ala austin powers. Sorry I cant provide that. Smart schemers dont leave behind massive trail like that. For you to see these things you have be awake. But you are a sleep and you cant show anything to a sleeping person. Also it goes against your blind liberal devotion so even a video like that woukdnt convince you. All im gonna say is every group of people who lived with jews throughout history turned on them for scheeming behind the scenes


Are you familiar with what a strawman is? You're clearly trying to make an argument out of something I never said. I never alluded to some conspiracy. But only an ignoramus would conclude that Jewish people as a community have no power or influence over the political systems in most of the major western countries.
Well, if I didn’t I’d say it’s convenient that you included an example of a straw man in this very post of yours, bc nowhere did I claim the bold.

I mean ffs. There’s conspiracy thinking on this thread already, so if you do not allude to it, you’re clearly not my target.
You basically want a video of group of powerful jews sitting and plotting world domination ala austin powers. Sorry I cant provide that. Smart schemers dont leave behind massive trail like that. For you to see these things you have be awake. But you are a sleep and you cant show anything to a sleeping person. Also it goes against your blind liberal devotion so even a video like that woukdnt convince you. All im gonna say is every group of people who lived with jews throughout history turned on them for scheeming behind the scenes
How convenient.

So I guess that means you get to keep your conspiracy and I get to remain lost.


Qolana Janno qolana naar
The alt right can tolerate jews aand black skin as long as they can control them but never a muslim.

You will be slaughtered for your deen no matter the color of your skin.
Well, if I didn’t I’d say it’s convenient that you included an example of a straw man in this very post of yours, bc nowhere did I claim the bold.

I mean ffs. There’s conspiracy thinking on this thread already, so if you do not allude to it, you’re clearly not my target.

How convenient.

So I guess that means you get to keep your conspiracy and I get to remain lost.
My conspiriscy is jews for small group of people have huge influence in politics, media and finance. Do you agree with that or disagree. Only when you answer this straight can we discuss how this happened


My conspiriscy is jews for small group of people have huge influence in politics, media and finance. Do you agree with that or disagree. Only when you answer this straight can we discuss how this happened
Huge influence in what sense. In that they work in these areas? So you think a high correlation in these kind of jobs translates to wholesale control of the culture?

There’s an awful lot of Filipinos in nail salons , and even more curiouser, a suspicious percentage of Indian software engineers and convenience store owners? Do you agree or disagree?
Huge influence in what sense. In that they work in these areas? So you think a high correlation in these kind of jobs translates to wholesale control of the culture?

There’s an awful lot of Filipinos in nail salons , and even more curiouser, a suspicious percentage of Indian software engineers and convenience store owners? Do you agree or disagree?
You are very good at deflecting. Huge influence in that a lot of them are in powerful decision making positions.
What powerful decision making positions? Hollywood?

I just want you to think this through.
government, media and finance. I mention 3 very influential areas in our society, but you decided to latch on one and mention hollywood when I never used that word.
think far ahead, first build houses back home and also start some kind business in one of the major towns and you can leave with someone you very much trust(you have to be real savy as there r too many crooks even among closest relatives),, I did relocate back couple yrs ago and make enough to just keep me goin for the time being and am looking forward to doin better in few yrs,have ups and downs and believe me its damn frustrating at times dealing with local people but I resigned myself to neva goin anywhere else except ofc for brief visits. most important thing you have to have a house while you still can afford even thou the real estate is getting out of control,expensive by the year.

know everyone not able doing that.
What would you say was the biggest problems with a "foreigner" starting a business.


government, media and finance. I mention 3 very influential areas in our society, but you decided to latch on one and mention hollywood when I never used that word.
Ok, that’s what you meant by media. What “power” positions, respectively? And what’s the percentage of Jews in the US govt? Media? Finance?


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
You're still not getting it. The average Jewish banker/power-broker/politician is seen as white man or woman by the majority of white society. Sure a bunch of neo-Nazi basement dwellers on Stormfront might think otherwise, but by western society's general consensus they are seen as Western.

Do you really think most people will see this man as a non-white?


Whiteness is a social construct.

Jews, Irish, Italians were not considered white 120 years ago in the US. Now they are.

I can actually see a future where more and more hispanics start identifying as white as they assimilate as well and they already they identify as white hispanics.
Ok, that’s what you meant by media. What “power” positions, respectively? And what’s the percentage of Jews in the US govt? Media? Finance?
Jews are 1.4% of u.s population. 15% of senators are jews. Those are the ones who are open.with it. I can give you many numbers..... But you you not interested in honest debate. You are constantly moving the needle and nitpicking words. The funny thing is you are not even subtle about your dishonest ways of adressing things. Im just not gonna waste more time on this. I dont even think you are naive or ignorant.....just dishonest


Jews are 1.4% of u.s population. 15% of senators are jews. Those are the ones who are open.with it. I can give you many numbers..... But you you not interested in honest debate. You are constantly moving the needle and nitpicking words. The funny thing is you are not even subtle about your dishonest ways of adressing things. Im just not gonna waste more time on this. I dont even think you are naive or ignorant.....just dishonest
Let’s stick to the numbers. I double-checked, and according to Ranker, 10% of the senate in congress have a Jewish background, as does 7% of the house in congress.

Congress (535 total) = Senate (100 members) + House (435 members)

Rough estimate per the above percentages:

535 = 10 (10% of 100) + 30 (7% of 435 rounded) + 495 (remaining non-Jewish)

That’s roughly 40 people. And Jews make up 2.5% of the US population. That’s still great representation for a small group, but hardly in “control” comparatively to our White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
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