The Somali Gospel. Mad Writings Of Dr Osman


I urge those who are restricted to time due to the life-death under-pinning metrics of our world economic order, you are excused to go pursue that. As for those who want WISDOM, please stay, so at least this can be passed onto other Somali. Our Somali Gospel well the one we kept in oral recently was Sayidka, their were possible countless in history who for some reason didn't make it due to a casualty of our 'dead weights' who by the way are multiplying while the 'blessings' of god are dying at their hands, this is no different to all the prophets in the past surrounded and in absolute danger by dead weights. They were lucky tho god was with them, the other warners through out history don't enjoy that protection.

Somalis must know humanity didn't pop into existence during Islam time period, their was a preceding 'chain' that was developing humanity even tho they were book-less, but nevertheless they were crucial stages or else god couldn't provide us with knowledge thru books. The key ages we know is Adam-Noah-Abraham, they were just as legit prophets of their time, just under different 'convenants'.

Their legacies still live on in the world and co-exists with religion, it doesn't cancel each other but compliments each other, just like quran doesn't cancel out bible-torah but rather compliments it. As humans we assume one has to replace other mentality, that's never the case, in-fact it's always about complimenting-advancing-incremental growth and total 'co-existence' at all times.

The Adam age we inherited our ability of 'self and awareness' and knowledge of a 'greater god' outside our control, plus we inherited our first basic law 'clothes in leaves' and that's it, they couldn't even keep this for mellenias as it went back n forth as they started 'taking off their clothes' and possibly going into archaic humans or even other sorts of beast. Their were 'warners' who would come and say 'r u guys insane' let's protect what we have and keep marching on, these tend to die due to the dead-weights surrounding them, but their just as 'valid' to god as those who we 'record' or honor.

Then came the great age of Noah, he tried to protect what was inherited(self, awareness, god) but he told them, this world is ours by god and we should manage it not destroy ourselves or others or the earth as this our 'resume' before god. He didn't have confidence in them and said ok 'go' separate ways and stay there untill someone else comes to warn u. They went back n forth, warners came n went some recorded some not. In this age we developed 'nations, tribes' not 'abtirsi' that would come later in Abraham Age.

In The Abraham age we developed abtirsi-diet distinctions-circumision for both male/women plus most importantly 'poetic tongues' so god can come down later and reveal himself in those tongues since it's not 'restrictive in it's dimension as god isn't restrictable' unlike other noahide tongues(outside this promise). Many revelations came in different 'tongues' is predicted but was destroyed or else god wouldn't equip them with that blessing where it can take any wordsand apply his 'infinite intelligence' in their language which also 'scales' not 'trapped' in it's dimension such as noahide tongues.

Then came the full knowledge 'era' of God thru Torah-Gospel-Islam and that's only the ones we 'know' as in 'recorded' but their are others but due to their time or chaos something happened. As for us as Somalis we have our own adamic-noahide-abrahamic inheritances/convenants(separate to us) plus 'god knowledge thru Islam' on top of that which isn't yours but for all noahides-abrahamics.

In Islam many are noahides and many abrahamic(depending on their poetic tongue) and your equal and brothers in 'faith' but u have brothers in older convenats whether their noahides(indo european, mongolians) or adamic shared humanity. U must always at all times see yourself and others in those 'dimensions' I am warning u, do not go down the path of seeing 1 dimension, as god isn't 1 dimension.
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I also warn Somalis we are in terrible times/ages just like previous times gone by not just us but the whole world. We have proven as humanity we are 'xoolos' and this isn't going to change or get better but get 'worse' is usually the rule, infact it should be made a 'law' things only get worse and not better. Today any language grounded with poetic dimension(afro asiatic) will be eliminated by noahide hordes thru their jewish masters and why all wars r concentrated there, infact their using even arabs now to destroy other abrahamic tongues. So when u sit with Saud-Dubai, he sits with mossad 'indirectly'. Hada maba 'qarsan' they were in Mogadishu beach and outside 'socotra' lol.
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Rest assured as long as u protect our gift our 'tongue' and don't go down the way of previous holocausted abrahamic tongues by jews, u shall be fine. Protect and preserve at all cost or else u down to noahide tongues which doesn't 'scale due to no poetic ability' and therefore their hostage to whichever poetic tongue group is controlling them in the day. Other Sayids will come untill yowmul qiyaama to bring u back to sanity and not the 'global yahud sixir' thru their noahid beast of burden.


The deadweights multiply the blessings of god are 'rare' in each ummah is a FACT. The dead-weights are everywhere in noahide-abrahamic societies, the only difference is the noahide tongue isn't workable with 'infinite knowledge from god cuz its not grounded in poetry'.

They will forever be beasts of burden whether for good or for bad depends on the abrahamic tongue society in charge. I mean today their being convinced their 'primates or archaic' human, tommorow someone will come from another abrahamic tongue and tell them their 'HUMANS' u damn filthy jew son of satan and our brothers in NOAH. Plus god blessed them to multiply not you or even US and it seems their the ones who got the worst start but will finish the mightiest.

But with us and other languages grounded in poetry a gift to abraham kids, he will only WIPE out cuz he cant control them sxb cuz they know his game and they know their language is primed to get warners to wake em up on the 'yahudi' or 'crypto yahudi' or the 'noahides beasts of yahudi' he will always use one of those 3 tactics, now tho he has penetrated 'arabians' which i never imagined in my times, their up for 'jewish holocaust' of torah on previous abraham tongue societies, and then what-ever left in our part of the HORN.


Why u think they call us 'horn' the 'horn' is a bad sign for yahudi in their torah. Geed yahud is famous in our desert, they came into the desert with some trojan in the past is what I suspect, talk about 'BRAVE' and 'Intelligent' now their outside 'socotra' openly. Socotra will be renamed 'geed yahud' once we eliminate them and their arab trojans now(which i never expected, mohamed is absolutely depressed in hiss grave at these ppl) or noahid muslims are help-less without a 'poetic' tongue nation(afro asiatic) guiding them for Islam.
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I am warning u Somalis do not entertain yahudis, crypto yahudis, or noahide servants of theirs, this is all predicted in their torah and want to see it thru. Be a man and civil and never ever show ur enemy your 'emotional or angry or happy' just be totally 'aware' but 'civil' and 'even deceptive' but it's not 'deception' if he knows.

For example in capitalism tell him to 'copy each other' in business tactics, replicate each other, they will just head down path of the 'over supply' path but he thinks its a 'good' thing and ur a friend 4 not really telling him wealth is about 'rare' not oversupply but being 'different' at all times. Thats the type of deception our ancestors do, not this shit you see today. Its only deception if he thinks ur 'good' and 'both agree' to his 'caqli yari', if u find urself back n forth it's not deception. U want to reinforce hiss 'caqli yari' and 'add towards' it for him so he remains emboldened and un-aware.
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I warn Somalis 'knowledge' is about 'growth' if u r not growing from where u were yesterday and tommorow and upon ur death u only saw 'small growth' u fell for 'jewish sixir' who they use noahides in tv using 'fancy, technical gibberish words since its noahide based tongue' which is 'sixir art' but if u get no 'growth' it's not knowledge, infact it's a 'marker' of the beast inu 'sheeko kugu maweeliyo' yet nothing tangible has changed in ur growth, that's the agenda. So don't listen to westerners who r noahides also if i were u and only listen and 'review' yourself after a few days 'maxa ii soo kordhay' and if its nothing, move away from him, waa 'sixran yahay'.

Cant u see how they use the media headline with 'word sixir' crafting the hamas-israel conflict as a 'war' so u think it's 'valid' first lol yet all ur eyes is seeing is dead babies yet he still has u discussing it as if it's a 'war' and ur 'entertaining' it lol so he WON not YOU, u can see with ur eyes are 'babies war combatants' so why r u entertaining discussing it's a war with him.

Their implementing torah law 'wipe out all babies-women-men' is all u shud say to them, we see the same holocaust they did in their torah in the past which they(honor and want u to honor with them) being commited today. It will scale and they want all 'afro asiatic' countries who were given 'poetic tongues' removed from the face of the earth whether it was in the past or today is their ultimate goal. All they want is to enslave everyone as noahides, thats why allah said 'lacntullah alaykh' yet he 'blessed them' also wayna isla watan lacnatulahi iyo barakada, like intelligence waa barako it can do good yet waa inkaar it can create nukes and wipe ourselves out. Infact if these noahides r not controlled or managed by poetic language nations they will turn into the xoolos the noahides were in the past is 'valid'.

I wud prefer to be cursed by my parent or father or other humans but for god to curse u is next level 'evil' shit only they have as 'marker'. They have jewish conscious issue thats why their so 'migo1' not a man OWNING IT, plus their stiffheaded as f*ck. Cursed in 3 different revelations be it their own torah-gospel-islam, 3 strikes u out(trinity of god revelations ayaa loola jeedo not jesus is god as noahides dont understand hikma cuz hikma needs understandingn of poetic dimension). Their probably cursed in other revelations that didnt make it whether oral or book as they would 'corrupt' it so ppl dont ssee it. I suspect 7 revelations due to 7 day theme of god, 4 possibly gone whether oral or book due to dead-weight xoolos of their time.

I urge Somalis leave jews alone, illahi ayaa 'quustay' wat cud u ever do with such 'vicious conscious' ur talking next level shit with them outside 'human related matters'. Illahi has tried and u think u r somewat wise? u need to know how to pick ur fights as somalis, thats not a fight u will win. Only talk to them about human related matters never religion or previous convenants(noahide, abrahamic, adamic) thats not ur business anyways. We just need to worry about our adamic-noahide-abraham convenant and religious convenant of islam, i just wanna win for us sxb, i dont care what happens to them, im selfish 4 my ppl im 'qabyaladi' like afro asiatics so where 'ancient jews' we have same tribal culture due to abrahamic thing. But i pick my fights wisely and the trade off isnt good with them. Somalis will entertain a ppl 3 revelations countless prophets couldnt do, thats the act of a damn 'noahide beast' not an act of an 'asliyan desert culture'

Total 'ignore' works with them which I think god does too. Cuz if u fight them, their emboldened their gods ppl and u hated, if u listen to them they will want to enslave u or remove u from face of earth like they did afro-asiatic tongues in their area read their torah dummy pluss where are all wars concentrated today dummy, so u do not ever have 'higher level tongue' which is how knowledge is transmitted. Total ignore is beautiful state with them.
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I urge Somali every possible human ability has been tried with Yahudis for 4000 years. The strong-hard man approach such as Pharoahnic other Afro-asiatic Groups of the past in Mid-east are now wiped, they even call 'nimrod cushi' sxb that tells u alot. We tend to do the cycle of pharoahnic-hitler solutions on them always which they record on 'torah' and they develop mighty cuqdud 4 us.

Even hitler was E1B1, so was Nimrod, So was Pharoah. The nice route the jesus route of 'love' has been attempted, they try to hang him. Mo tried with 'lets just co exist' u keep ur thing and ill keep our blessing to abrahamic tongues and noahides in Islam and they couldnt accept that also and trojaned themselves in islam while being crypto jew at heart working 4 israel to destroy them from within. They r now sitting there with mossad on saud today in 'secret' and openly with UAE in socotra.

So what does that tell u? nice/love wont work with them, hard man and wipe outs wont work, and fuckin 'reason' wont work. So only solution iss 'neutral' posture of the world total 'ignore' will work, lets try that now. Even the ppl they acknowledge ayaa 'ka quustay' in torah. God cursed them 3 times over in 3 revelation. They r pretty much our 'satan' on earth and u see why god has nitemare issue with 'satan above'? wat do u do with them u dont know. If we cant handle satan 'agent' the yahud, why u guys think u can handle the real 'satan' above? u r really 'arrogant in ur own skin'


I hope Somali pass on this among themselves. U can call it the 'mad writing of ina majerten-bah dubays' just honor the origin dont loot or go midgo like 'yahudi' do or 'noahides' like they called sayidka the mad mullah, and inshallah more mad 'writings' will come 4 u to ensure ur somali gospel whether oral-written grows and isnt lost and u got something to discuss with god about ur time on earth and experience and tactics and 'lessons learned'. Remember u gotta be 'mad' in this world since nothing is fkn SANE, deadweights multiplied dummy if the world is sane the rate of deadweights wouldnt be how it is, that why the 'few' who r gifted get SLAUGHTERED.


Their are previous human groups niyahow, we are also in a 'chain' as science teaches, but they didn't make it niyahow nor were even 'aware' let alone 'know about creator' that is a sign to all when u see the fossil age, lets not put humanity in that state also, that's why were so sick of each other we even call ourselves 'animal and xoolo' and entertain it with each other as 'legit' as god would call us 'wild beasts' for that reason as he knows we r even 'lower'. I was lookin at 'park' the other day seeing kids of all background co-existing in peace, i saw the 'wisdom' even they can manage themselves among themselves at a far higher scale/degree then the adults who think their 'better' that's sheer arrogance speaking only not actual 'life results' that's why god said 'kids go direct to heaven' as a 'sign' to us their more 'intelligent' then we cud ever be, it's us who he think will turn into 'archaic humans' even wipe out all 'earth' and our place in the cosmo.

Sxb the whole goal in life and the next life is to replicate 'how kids are today among themselves' nothing else is the goal 'pure blisss/happiness' yet wat we see is 'hell on earth' conditions with these ppl who call themselves children of adam but are children of a 'archaic human variety'. God pulled out one 'section' of archaic humans and blessed that section with 'awareness' and 'god knowledge' to continue the march to allow us to be here, u dummy. We r nearly ending that chain process. If that didn't happen that 'miracle' we wud be no different to 'lack of awareness' archaic human, just like '1 month old baby condition' in full body baan noqon lahayn, it was that edge that allowed us to take the planet
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I don't waste my time on other ppl home/inheritance whether adamic, noahide, or abrahamic. Plus religion is 'faith' to me only with them but we have different 'blessings/curses' that co-exist not replace each other. I just care for my ppl, my lineage, my tribe as that's who got me where I am today including my nation the 'poetic tongue' of somali to only enhance their interests, so I have a 'resume' to go before our creator not waste my time with 'dad aadan isku shaqo' lahayn where adamic-noahide-abrahamic, everyone carries their own 'markers' and has to answer 4 adam ciil, noah ciil, abraham ciil, as god will not forgive/forget, someone has to justify the struggle they went thru.

We all have our own 'damn burdens' niyahow is the reality, im not khayrul masul worrying about another ppl burden markay kaygi ayaaba loo yaaba. Im sorry im not going to rely on allah naxaris as that is 'gamble' that can go anyway, i see naxaris doesnst work becuz 'charity aid' is naxaris u cant rely on such system. I am banking on us doing our bit and having resume of life. We cant even escape 'siyad' inkaar as were stuck in 30 years chaos as he predicted.

Thats just SIYAD. Imagine noah, adam, abraham, prophets(NOT just written ones only unwritten ones way buuxan thru oral transmision we didnt exists when books came dummy), and countless warners we dont record due to being slaughtered by dead weights in all those various ages. The jews have 3 inkaars from god thru 3 religion, plus every prophet inkaar from israel or outside and every warner too. Thats next level shit, we cant handle just a few inkaars from adam-abraham-noah as it effects all of us. We cant handle even fuckin siyad inkaar kkkkkkkk. U can BANK on naxaris I AINT PAL. I hope siyad is lookin down, just shower forgiveness on us and let move us on. Abraham-noah-adam-prophet hanoo dambaysee. Qof la fahmi waayay oo umaad deadweight gar daro ku samaysee hadusan la dhiman 'waan idin caafiye' GOD will ensure u pay the price, even if he does forgive u, doesnt mean god has too

Let it be known somali i am af naareed thats where it ends on earth to restore us from this 30 year crap were in, i am not wishing ur harm and have any grudges or unsettled issues upon death, i dont want the chaos to get further is the only reason to save my descendants and urs is my main motivator. When I die, I am going to 'say thank god im outta that hell and pray it doesnt result hellish dystopia 'awareness and existence' cuz the pattern i see 'things never get better' is the universal law in our existence, hence im worried for my own ass. The earth is deceptive niyahow 'it looks beautiful' but underneath it all 'its sheeps clothing' and all we see is 'hellissh characteristics' only our eyes decieve us tho not our actual 'experiences'. Our ancestors wud use a 'tree' as an example as we sit around the desert 'do u see that tree ina hebel hebel' waa qurxon yahay lakin imagine hadad dimensionkaga 'noqon laha' an 'ant' and u lived in it and it was totally 'hellissh experience' yet 'tree looks beautiful'.
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@DR OSMAN I agree with you boowe
Somalis don't have their priorities straight due to the development of 'herd mentality' and cos MSB killed off all the wise garaads & sultans; the kind of men who could solve their problems verbally. The spiritually corrupt men like aideed, took power and compartmentalised all his followers sending somalis to the 1600s

Our primary respnsibility is to our kin (clan), then tribe (all somalis), then abramics (banu israel and banu ismaeel), then noahides (indo-european/afro-asiatic) and lastly adamites (all of humanity)

Wise somalis need to come together and reconstruct our society. Our problem isn't a political one but social


Go see psychologist Somalis, 'measure' their 'hikma' how it can 'add' to you, don't get there for 'image, or sheeko' either, but how u can 'extract value towards ur life' thru their 'academic wisdom' as their studying ppl and have patterns and knowledge and can save u from 'unwise' decisions. Dont adopt noahide cultures posture of just living and repeating the same thing over and angry at their life. Iyagu at least their culture wasnt blessed with poetic tongue, so they will get lots of 'balancing' to weigh up what result they did with their trade off disadvantage, everything is just, u get what u DESERVE nothing more nothing less. Those who have edges will be measured on thosse 'edges' also and what they extracted from it.


@DR OSMAN I agree with you boowe
Somalis don't have their priorities straight due to the development of 'herd mentality' and cos MSB killed off all the wise garaads & sultans; the kind of men who could solve their problems verbally. The spiritually corrupt men like aideed, took power and compartmentalised all his followers sending somalis to the 1600s

Our primary respnsibility is to our kin (clan), then tribe (all somalis), then abramics (banu israel and banu ismaeel), then noahides (indo-european/afro-asiatic) and lastly adamites (all of humanity)

Wise somalis need to come together and reconstruct our society. Our problem isn't a political one but social

Bro. Somali kama baxayan inkaarki siyad by blaming siyad, it will just 'extend' be a 'man' own ur fault not be a 'yahudi' it doesn't resolve anything to boast n blame siyad. We need to all seek his forgiveness as a collective nation or else remain in floods-cyclones-drought-famines cycles with no solution ever, plus our leader will multiply into 'khayrul masul with no aragti power even for 1 week let alone mellenias and on top of that a macangag' will remain and grow with a 'multiplied' deadweight xoolo lakin 'wax ma soo kordhin karo' inu dadka illahi idin soo diray to save u inu dilo mooye like 'liban boqor killing in garowe by reer shirwac issa mahmoud' and I dont blame them only, we all do this killing the 'gifts' god gives us and the 'hordes' just increase not the 'gifts' tho. If u guys behave with such 'cuqdud and hate and revenge' imagine 'god cuqdud and revenge' u cant demand of god or adam-noah-abraham-prophets-unsung hero warners-the gifted ppl what u r not its illogical, thats 'hypocrisy' of the greatest order.


U guys dont show any signs of forgive/forget and move on rationality, u r just as arrogant as the jews only difference is ur dimensional arrogance is here and noah inheritance(world). If u dont show to urselves what u expect from god, that's 'jahil' and 'jahil' is satanic. We must teach our ppl 'jahilnimo' is satanic and spread education to all at all times. Ur jahil has been kinda of 'conditioned' to be acceptable by you guys. I suspect u reap wat u sow, ciilka aad isku gabtan, the same ciil awaits u in after life, u can pray all u want but your actions dont align with ur petty empty words.


All I demand in our Somali gospel is we store our oral-written knowledge no matter wat form it takes, I suspect 'oral' is in abudance in our culture, while the 'written' is for 'noahides' to upgrade, try to keep our 'cilm' for us if its only for Somalis and our shared tribal responsibility to ensure this 'gifted tongue' exists till akhiro.

We must only attribute our knowledge to 'clans' within our 'Somali gospel' and keep it for 'us' and 'only us' and wixi naga dhaxayo adam children-noahides-abraham only deal with it each at 'each level' with 'distinction' and those of 'faith' are 'faith' but those 'blessings/curses' for each ummah has to be 'accounted' for with their own 'gospels' so we can actually present something tangible about time-edge-disadvantages and value extraction to our creator to 'weigh up' cuz even 'down syndrome' who extracted most value could be the true champion not 'how much u know or have' it's about 'relative value extraction' metric and it's always 'consistent n just to ensure u reap wat u sow' not get 'more' which somalis loves(waxaysan lahayn inay cunan a 'calamad' of wixi yahuda loo inkaaray'.

Knowledge is for all our ppl so our 'team' all upgrade and move fast. I dont demand 'personal recognition' cuz the cadow cud use that to make u 'worship' the kabal in a trance and why prophets didnt want to be known. All they want is to replicate how 5 year old are as their proven to be guaranteed heaven 'due to their higher intelligence' then us, so as an adult or any warner his goal is those '5 year co-existence conditions' but at an 'adult level'.


I just watched our 'faysal ali waraabe' that brotherhood loser 'ali haji warsame' wa ninki 93 dhinaca islamka loogu soo galay by dahir aways si uu dadkisa uu laayo kkkkk wana ninki illa manta raba in siyasad kale loogu daro, waa kaa khayrul masulki iyo inkaarki siyad is talking about, plus this 'somali wide' not just majerten. War ali hajiyow iyo kuwi kula lamidka ah(mangaabyada) illahi ayaaba ku diidan, shacabki way arken 'sidad uu liidato maankagi' ma waxad rabta in puntland lagu dhiibo ama inaad 'dhinac kale wasiro ka soo gashid'. Waxasi waa 'stiffheaded yahudi' dhaqan


Are you ok?

It's the 'mad writing' dummy so of course im not OK, u gotta be 'mad' not to be in the 'kabal sixir deadweight' who r called 'sane'. The mad writing is intended for the future not the current 'generation' dummy who r in 'sixir' but dont know it and call everyone outside of it MAD.


Are you ok?

Everything is knowledge 'fantasy, waali' they call fiction ur noahide jewish servants, cant we do the same in our somali gospel untill someone in our future see the 'waali' is actually 'cure' to rectiffy the current waali n flip it back to 5 year conditions of co-existence between clans, individuals, religions, countries. we may not have the 'answer' but at least they know 'direction' and ppl will come n contribute to it untill it becomes the NEW ORDER A 'GREAT AGE OF PEACE' UNTILL IT BREAKS DOWN AGAINST BY THE DAJJAL THEN ITS BEYOND OUR HANDS AND IN THE ALMIGHTY AND WE TAKE COVER ONLY, It will come, its universal law 'everything turn to shit n disaster' so thats why we know but not who or when only.

The great dajjal pattern is 'elb1' hitleer, pharoah, nimrod was cushi, i fear when he comes cuz he will have poetic tongue knowledge/dimension thru our language and arabic and all afro-asiatic tongues and combine it all together for WHOOPING INTELLIGENCE. He wud of had enuff of the jews crap by then telling 'em u aint holding noahides hostage' anymore they will teach 'the beast has come' to their ppl. But allah with us as we call them 3 LACNATULLAH HAPPENED TO THEM THRU 3 RELIGIONS NOT US. Unless god intervenes which i doubt highly, someone HAS TO GO. Forget all adamic-noahide-abrahamic and prophet nacalads on them and all the 'warners' trying to bring reason u WONT TAKE THE BLESSING N INHERITANCE OF THE WORLD whether directly as yahud or indirectly as crypto yahud oo noahide servant trojans that u TRICK

That end time scenario and our side pharoahnic-cushi-hitler dnas will come and say we have had enuff with jews and say 'even god gave up on satan' and removed him, so he will conclude its for the sake of humanity so we dont join them as thats what they want cuz 'wax ka xumatay, kaagina ayuu raba inu ku daro'. All i know preaching ends with islam, end days is SOMEONE HAS TO GO, their no im trying to convince u anymore nonsense. 8 billion ppl will not be held by 10 million who just fuckin 'change or just own his problems' thats the sign of 'satan' PRIDE-ARROGANCE and their no cure for it no religion can cure it, it has to disinfected from our shared humanity so we can continue without them or else let them take us down with us.

But i can see why its hard for god to let any human go, its like me saying 'ill cutt of bah dubays' from mj/somalisto survive and be at peace and happiness, its HARD 4 GOD sxb he sees as the same, he doesnt wanna let go off them in some respect. So i doubt world will ever end untill every JEW IS happy so their not left behind on watever GROUND except violating noahide inheritance, cultures, languages, and equality or abrahamic religions, and even adamic humanity as their ppl of adam too. Noah wont tolerate 90% of his ppl gone for 1 little section, their all the same to him, even abraham is the same dilemma, where-as jesuss-mohamed wanted all humanity noahides too not left behind, he wasnt qabyaali like us tho he couldve been. But i doubt the one to come in the future will be 'balanced' he will hot head and see 1 final solution
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