The Somali Gospel. Mad Writings Of Dr Osman

Everything is knowledge 'fantasy, waali' they call fiction ur noahide jewish servants, cant we do the same in our somali gospel untill someone in our future see the 'waali' is actually 'cure' to rectiffy the current waali n flip it back to 5 year conditions of co-existence between clans, individuals, religions, countries. we may not have the 'answer' but at least they know 'direction' and ppl will come n contribute to it untill it becomes the NEW ORDER A 'GREAT AGE OF PEACE' UNTILL IT BREAKS DOWN AGAINST BY THE DAJJAL THEN ITS BEYOND OUR HANDS AND IN THE ALMIGHTY AND WE TAKE COVER ONLY .
You need to leave qabilism it has blackened your heart.


You need to leave qabilism it has blackened your heart.

I only revert to qabilism if i dont see hope in Somalia, so i want to save what i can and I always lean by the philosophy 'wixi yar aad haysatan ilashada' rather then dreaming of something that isnt urs 'like other somali matters or noahides or abrahamic' cuz jews want what isnt theirs niyahow and for 4000 years they r going thru hell 4 it, it leads nowhere positive and we entered that age for 30 years, im not prepared for us to wait till it scales to 100 years.

If we cant save humanity, u save wat u can is my philosophy im not 'god or infinitely patient' im a 'human and finite patience'. Ive seen all the nations, tribes who dont exists in afro-asiatic lands mainly, they thought waiting and hoping the other side in their nation would come, and it swallowed them all up thru external enemy wiping em out. Even Israel collapsed internally many time due to 'hungurinimo' and external powers wiped them out.
I only revert to qabilism if i dont see hope in Somalia, so i want to save what i can and I always lean by the philosophy 'wixi yar aad haysan ilashada' rather then dreaming of something that isnt urs 'like other somali matters or noahides or abrahamic' cuz jews want what isnt theirs niyahow and for 4000 years they r going thru hell 4 it, it leads nowhere positive

If we cant save humanity, u save wat u can is my philosophy im not 'god or infinitely patient' im a 'human and finite patience'
Where does your qabilism stop? Today it's Daarood vs Hawiye, tomorrow it will be kablalax vs Sade, next it will be MJ vs dhulbahante until its you vs your father or you vs your son.


Where does your qabilism stop? Today it's Daarood vs Hawiye, tomorrow it will be kablalax vs Sade, next it will be MJ vs dhulbahante until its you vs your father or you vs your son.

Tribe/nation isnt something I created it was created during noah time and abrahamic time created 'abtirsi' to develop clans within 'tribes' while nations were 'tongues' usually 'noahide'. I cant un-do what god created or noah, im not arrogant like u. Maybe it was created to ensure humanity is separate from each other at every 'scale' nation-region-towns, desert, coastal to give us hope we r not centralized to 1 silly KHAYRUL MASUL, has that crossed ur mind. Plus its from god so it has blessing/curse just like anything even petty oil has blessing/curse, even intelligence has blessing/curse, we are not 1 extreme 'state' of blessing u dummy. We r humans and flawed hence CURSES from the past n god for BAD ACTS.

Sxb u think everything has '2 dimension' right good n bad, positive/negtive, all or nothing. It's only like that due to 'noahide' tongues and why religion is presented like that. We r different poetic tongue, we know their is absolutely not the case. Negative could have dimensions within it and nests of states. All i see is humans heading towards 'negativity' and stuck within bad place to worse place dimension, so I suspect all 'sciences' has that dimension within it too. Blessing/Curse and then within itself has 'dimension, states, and nests'. So if u think action-reaction is it 'thats noahide tongue' level, not our 'level' of poetic dimension, reaction has dimensions within itself and opposite states within that and more nests. Not just that but all SCIENCE.
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Humans r fucked really. Universal law of 'decay' is real, thats all u see repeat itself with anything they have 'control' over, it just gets worse and then they sixir u with 'it can get worse so this is the best we have' kkkkkkk which isnt invalid 'id prefer siyad still here, it was bad for me and majerten' but at least my 'somali' name would have status/pride, its a trade off how i see it and tthen work slowly to make siyad see his 'gar iyo gar daro against us' and i wud make mjs see their 'dhaxaltoyo gar daro against him', meel dhex-dhexaad ayaa isu keeni laha to avoid 30 year 'dhar iska siib qaawanan politics'

1. Adam age they learned simple murder, being naked and not covering themselves, going into archaic beasts. Then this lasted in a cycle kkkk with warners slaughtered
2. Then Noah age came and he said take world inheritance, u take each parts of the world to his sons. They went off created their own little spot of inheritanace and started now 'nation to nation or tribe to tribe genocide' no more just 'simple murders' and many nations, tribes went extinct due to this. Warners came and went to remind them to hold onto their inheritance till someone else comes along and give us knowledge

3. Abraham era came. He said to his kids listen lets hold onto adamic-noah things and pray to god one of our descendants get 'full knowledge' not this 'partial stuff'. So he told em alright we got 'poetic' tongues so god can communicate to us thru someone without being 'trapped' since it has infinite dimension. He told em circumize urself both male/female, keep some 'diet laws' to know each other to be abrahamic, and he taught em 'adamic abtirsi' chains. They went back with all that 'plus noahide/adamic' inheritance and got greedy 'wanting' all earth inheritance thats why they wanted 'knowledge' not about 'after life' that only came thru 'torah, gospel, quran' finally and then they used that to control 'noahide' tongues which is wrong since its not there it's all 4 mankind while 'torah' is 4 jews only not us

3. Religious era began and then they starting getting noahides/abrahamic as 'alliance in faith' to 'gumaad' other abrahamics so they lose their 'tongue poetry inheritance'

4. Now were in the nation, tribe, religion, adamic, noahide stuff all combined with ppl being wiped out and displaced worldwide over this earthy inheritance plus now they think their getting 'after life inheritance' on top of it lol


U think I am 'tribal' right, I tell everyone gartisa iyo gardaradisa, except u only seem to 'tune' in when it's ur clan and play 'ignore' when its other clan, god will do the same thing u do in the after life as u play in this world. I slam MJ all the time my clan they need to 'stop this dhaxaltoyo' politic it has caused great harm to our ppl, we enjoyed better lives as langaab under siyad and could've grown much better under him if we didn't rebel. This dhaxaltoyo politics u think will make us STRONG and its only given us 30 years of chaos, u suffer far more then u gain inkasto u think 'u gained' something.

As somalis lets pursue a 'grand goal' how 5 year old co-exist who we know god 'said wa ehlu jannah' lets at least all sit down to achieve that just inside our 'tuulos, towns, regions' first and then we 'unite' and we slowly follow the same 'goal' and collect more answers for 'abrahamic' and then 'noahide' and 'adamics' and not waste our time 'if one of them keep us bogged down' their is more out there who just want to have happiness like a 5 year old child is, that idea to us is so 'removed' from reality u know we r conditioned in the HELL adults produce and I suspect thats what they will get in hereafter if god doesnt 'show mercy' and 'mercy' isnt guaranteed u didn't show mercy to each other for 30 years in somalia, why expect a god too? start being who u expect god to be so he doesn't look at u 'ina igaare iska hadlow' and give u what u 'sowed'.

Learn from Israel that played dhaxaltoyo game it caused 10 tribes to disappear lol, only 2 left for them, is that what u want to do with our 'inheritance' also by playin his madness knowing what they got. Do u want to hear 20 clans disappeared today in somalia like ancient israelis? we have the same abrahamic tribal system and values u dummy.

Even those scottish do 'abtirsi n clans' nilotics do, these ppl r apart of abtirsi cultures vs noahide language culture. Bantu tho dont 'their noahide tongue cultures', those nilotes r just like 'clannish and abtirsi wild' and that means 'full of qiyaano' plus wud have 'poetic tongue' or 'dimensions'. We lucky tho we still got poetic tongue, plus the abtirsi culture, plus islam knowledge, plus our own 'gospels' of 'life' really thru many ppl. Scottish tongue has been wipd out u see why to make them noahides even tho they have abtirsi n clan culture left only. Is that what u want dummy? Scots dont preserve their tongue even like a typical nacas thru teaching mandatory dual/tongue language. I know the 'beast' want to eliminate 'poetic' tongues they know who has em 'by abtirsi/clan' societies as abraham 'marker'

I urge u learn a 'noahide' tongue like english but thats it, then learn some 'poetic' tongues, ur CILM will grow as u see knowledge now 'with full dimension'. Forget learning thousands of noahide tongues kkkkk its limited just 1 is enough. Learn 'poetic' tongues afro-asiatic mainly. Same with hebrew learn it from yemeni-ethiopian as they still know the old 'afro asiatic' mindset, not ASHKENAZ, They have 'slavic' tongue adaptation and wont understand its full dimension, but they were lucky as jews were spread out and certain areas still held onto all desert style judaism, we can get along with them trust me, its the one bring noahide beast mentality that causes conflict. Ashkenaz is 'weji' hore behind the scenes they get the older afro asiatic cultures in there to give em 'cilmi' which is smart idea, like put an 'eelay' as president. They know they cant fool 'desert' cultures which is essentially what israelites were.
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From Space neil degrassie said u see Israel during Day. Korea at night

That's the 'ying/yang' sign of their noahide mongolian cultures. This to me has significance in our 'way' of interpreting based on 'old somali' using our 'dimension' tongue.

Israel could be 'green with life barwaaqo' or 'barren desert like mars' from 'conflicts' in the future. Their is some truth to 'gog-magog' thing, once we switch that 'yang' to darkness, we will be in their 'world' as a whole, and they came out already 'genghis khan' to say 'wats up' waryaa. Those guys will not spare anyone in between them and Israel including us. I think it's due that 'temple mount' theories why israel is so central, im glad our ppl dont have to live like this, it's 'terrible territory' or 'dimension' to be in. I hope the mongolian nations the sections that took Islam control the other areas who r still down to 'earthly' matters like genghis khan, they will consume us all becuz their values r 'purely consumption' money, material, etc those cultures, ur 'just a feast' for them basically.

Wa bahal niyahow as they split off at 'noah age' so have 'all viciouness of noahide era' to HIGHER DEGREE as all of us were tamed thru gradual convenants and eventually religion. They are the 'beast' to be predicted and they could have 'allies' from other noahides if their 'atheists' that is as they will believe in his 'maxaa cuna mentality' that we all left behind in noah era. We will be compromised due 'abtirsi n clannism' tho due to our wild loyalties to it as israelites were since it's a dhaxal or inheritance but we cud play with them and think were winning if we 'control em well' without them knowing due to their tongue limitations. But u need to pray for more 'warners thru out the ages' for us how to 'ride' that global age. Those culture in noah didnt know all thiss 'barwaaqo' just gets shitted out or put into waste and thee 'law of eventual decay', thats why its not their fault. Their dumber but will be much more 'beast like in terms of maxaa cuna' kkkkk those ppl. But now we in abrahamic age destroying themselves due to clan loyalties n dhaxaltoyo lineage promises even in the HORN.

I dont wanna be around noahide laws r back, forget the 'dajjal' era
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Don't hold me to my 'prediction' which cud right, wrong, semi right/wrong kkkkkk like nostadamus is studied by the future. I warn u guys in the future. Lands could be 'wiped' our thru climate change and shift in geology incrementally and gradually and most will flee to new lands nearby untill their swallowed up untill all thats left is Israel and North Korea with big ocean in between. North Korea island most likely will host all the strong beasts across all societies and watever is left after 'noahide cirib tir' game is done. Israeli side all muslim-jews-christians will congregate.

But this is END TIME shit is my prediction but it could 'tweak or go down other routes or factors' but remember both sides will have equally noahide-abrahamics depending on who they believe and what matters to them some could be interested in their 'hunguri and earth inheritance' and dhaxaltoyo and align with 'koreans' it cud happen depending on thee macangag of the day and his agendas i pray we 'think long n hard' dont think 'god will intervene' at all, were all his ppl he doesnt intervene for good/evil, we decide since he gave us this world, even tho we r totally irresponsible. I hope we gamble wise as PL or Somalia depending on the 'age' it is, it will bee cold war but at 'planet' scale, lets make suree we 'put' both eggs in both sides cuz i dont trust 1 side extreme policy. Thee noahide side of mongolian or allies across the world be it atheists-macagags-tribalists is possible scenario, but pls note if they win the world 'noahide' principles will only remain or u need to keep ur shit a secret as crypto jews did in that world order.

Somalis u adjusted to 'going backwards' as u now know progress can be forward or backwardss, store ur tactics now in book how to survive in backward world wheree abrahamic diet, circumision, poetry language dimensions meaning no warner can come their gone, abtirsi is gone, plus dhaxalka 'religion' will be erased or 'watered down' to fiction, everything will be grounded on a world of 'noahide values' and 'cirib tiir' not 'war' hadad is waashid iyo 'xaa cuna like beast product/services'. But noah will shower blessings to send them warners and slowly give 'dimension' to their tongue but not 'full' at like abraham as abraham will say 'ha igu soo xadgudbin'. The deeni aspect will be theree but will be treated like 'viking lores' all 'impossible fiction'. Then i suspect mahdi/dajjal will come cuz the conditions are ripe for global noahide level disaster as their essentially 'earthly xaa cuna beasts' of burden
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Just like mad mullah is hated cause he was military strategist, spiritualist, poet of high dimension. He wud have his limits and go qabyaali but that doesnt negate his wisdom, its all tongue in cheek wisdom but with 'reality n warnings' for u embedded in. An Isaaq after goojacade wipe out sent out tupac noahide 'rhyme' remember the noahide rhymes are 1 dimension just word match, not nests-dimensions-states-ying yang and complexity to it and on top of that a pure rhyme. Quran is highest form due to 'god' so its always measured against it in desert tongues. For jews its their hebrew their measure of eloquence meaning(dimensions)

I responded back to Isaaq who spat out pac rhyme of hit em up and overlays. I fire back as son o bah dubays in 'same' format using his 'weapon' of choice noahide rap songs. I gave him the song 'krazy'

30 years goes by, chewin' on lye
Hopin' that it gets SL high
Got a Idoor goin' crazy
Oh yeah, I feel crazy

That was our style of ancestors just way 'more dimension' of AWE inspiring. U cant do it on noahide tongues, cuz its not primed for 'infinity' dimension, thats only afro-asiatic tongues. Thats why they cant translate qurani or hebrew in its pure dimension. Thats afro asiatic created all the knowledge u see in our lands dummy. We apply same formula to all our fields.

Thats why solomon married sheba not a jewish uncircumised woman same with moses cushi women. We will take their hebrew or arabic to the highest LEVELS they get jealous. The prophet wanted circumised women not those noahide women uncut
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Go back to watching 'ur useless' 'kabal entertainment' to 'dull' out ur 'dead boredom' cuz ur in prison u just dont see it, if u werent u wud be in identical state as 5 year olds plus god said their direct janno not u cuz u wanna be xoolo and wont read. U just want to be BEAST as god said, u cant be helped DUE TO YOURSELF.


God left a sign in egypt the sphinx facial structure this our continent inheritance and greeks n arabs took, thru bililiqo and greed we have great patience tho we r wiser then them but not infinie patient as we had nimrods, pharoah, hitler all our dna e1b1. U dont see us massacring them on getting greeks out noahide culture and arabs go back to arabian desert we dont say that like their doing in israel.

E1B1 is a pool in every old civilization whether israel-all arabia-greeks we brought them knowledge from egypt and then they came to loot it and even deny it. Thats why pharoahs rejected moses saying 'ur ppl r not wise' like us we know the language of infinity and wat u say WE CAN BEAT. We at god level knowledge weeye, we not interested in ur cultures to bring us down, so god had to intervene NOT THEM their 'fuleys'. In our afro asiatic cultures its a sign of weakness hadu illahi ku xiiliyo it means U CANT STAND ON UR FEET, we call em 'magan alles' as insult till today 'beggers of god' kkkkkkk they got nothing worthy to report back on their merit and balls except 'begg for sympathy' and pharoah were to proud to bow down. They twisted that around to 'we r loved by god' yeah right pal tell that to ur noahides. God made it clear everyone stay in his territory and work onself, family, community, tribes, nations and the earth, not come n bait other ppl land becuz ur FAILURE and trying to disguise it.

Our e1b1 n afro asiatic tongue language built all mid-east-greece-and ourselves plus we spread it out thru travels and then they came back to loot, deny, deface, typical midg1 act, even when islam came it was us primarily going out knowledge transfers to china speaking arabic as we speak english now. We didnt violiate their noahide level systems we let them be in co existence. If israel had us all there as WE EARNED IT where as them THEY BEGGED FOR IT and impure as f*ck. Its mismatch of god and not earning it.
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Keep believing pharoah iz bad n evil, i think he was a HERO, as I hate injustice and will not even believe in god if happens. I wud walk away immediately, he looked at 'moses' and said 'waryaa' dadkaga oo eelay uu eek miyaa 'hikmad illahi haysan kara' go fix them buu yiri anigu ha ii soo gamban, he couldnt believe that they worked hard and on the account of 1 man and all that deadweight israeli while he had 100% pure perfection society, it didnt make sense why this guy is telling him about god. Imagine when u see wrong person in power u lose faith over just earthly system or ppl with empty suits n titles and brains of a fkn OX. Only god broke pharoah cuz he was literally god level hikma compared to the others in the world. While these cowards r broken by mere men for 4000 years, pure cowards at heart, beggers of god not chosen at all.


Im not cheerleading but moses had a case, tolka kama janno tagi karo, i wouldnt if my tol where in that time period and i was only in pharoah temples while their rotting, u aint shit without tolkaga in that world or even today. So he had valid points, but so did pharoah, everything has co-existent validity, not demonize 1 side.

Plus god clearly helped them out of pity for moses not cuz of their own merit unlike pharoahnic society who were all pure male/female not just MALES like his society thats why they married ethiopian woman(lowly one in their society not their high class) but they did send sheba who had huge WEIGHT back in old days to solomon, so that dude must of 'meant' something, the rest were just 'local' heros that jews give greek western type of branding too but not much 'real weight' to it lol.

They knew their women werent fit for prophets, cuz their not circumized, thats why their using noahide beast to 'ban' it so they make all our women as worthless but god 'knows' who's who beyond any 'sixir' they try cuz its all 'just dystopia' and 'facade' cuz its fkn hell here waryaa it just looks 'nice' doesnt mean thats what u experiencing u r fooled by ur eyes and ignore ur experiences. We r in open air prison at all times. Plus note that god did split the red sea, u see the SPLIT between them to 'separate' them. Red sea is the most historical channel in the world, longest history, means it's the 'rarest' of all channels like an 'age of wine', but in the future i predict their will only be 2 lands left mongolian korea and its small island and israel, everything else will die to climate change. So humanity will return to TINY population if we dont stop ourselves.

It's been called 'red sea' thats not good sign for future, that means lots of blood, and we r on the 'bosaso' end of it, god have mercy on us. We call it 'badda cas' to us 'cas' meant 'red' not white ppl. Reddish brown type of hue, like the pharoah wall paintings
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Qabiil baad jeceshin keliya as sayid knew so he conveyed hikma to u guys thru ur madness so u listen. War bosaso iyo jabuti ogaada berbera waa tuulo wax wayn gaadhi maysee, idinku maxad halkasi isu gaysan dhaqaalahina. Waxa idin geeye waa khayrul masul oo aan aragti fog lahayn oo malintasi ah keliya waana ku sixray ee waana uu sacab tunteen kkkk

Badda hindiya ayaa no ficna hikmadu fahma 'badda hindiya' waxa loo yiri waa 'bad maskin ah'. Atlantic-pacific waxaa loo xusaya 'greek' siiba alexander the great tarikhdisa kkk inkasto dhulka africa iyo faracinta ayuu aad uu jecela iyo ragganimadooda thats why his buried there in alexandria not in greece kkkkk and greeks came after to steal knowledge not citin sources like the west does to greece. Knowledge doesnt come from empty vacuum, their chains. His the only noahide with a big name, but we dont know him anagu so he isnt that big universally his just branded, he couldnt even enter arabia sxb n died let alone us. Wrestling didnt come from him we got it from other brothers in old masar thru trade, cuz we respected them also not this NEW MASAR OF GREEK/ARABS.

Alexander isnt respected by us or afro asiatic cultures cuz he only fought noahides, god killed him off not to face raggeena thru MERCY. Plus remember he was noahide and didnt have bible-quran so 'gay' was ok for them not afro asiatic poetic tongues or abtirsi, circumision, morality, etc. U need to let them choose faith bible or quran the noahide nations n tongue they dont have to be forced into anything, war wax ka si daran ba dhici jiray like bahal archaic loo gali jiray, even they eat cat-dogs is ok 4 them, we all did during noahide era. War anigu kama baqayo red sea bloody sea inay uu bixiyan bay ahayd not the 'nice red' nonsense, thats just abrahamic and then the MONGOLIAN/INDO EUROPEAN who only know 'feast' products/service and 'cirib tir' noahide conditions if u f*ck around is coming guided by 'poetic tongue nation' and then comes Dajjal era. Remember the universal rule 'decay, disorder, chaos' is the norm, nothing gets better, so u can assume akhiro has same 'status'

It wont happen over nite but gradually/incrementally humans need time to adapt like u adapt to murders on tv like its fun, well murders is not a big thing in the gog-magog era of noahides its a 'ritual' for babiees, cirib tir n barbarism of noah era is war to their adults and if any poetic afro asiatic is guiding them u can imagine the scale. Plus in times of peace all they know is 'hunguri' products/services waxna ma deeqo waa bahal he always chasing more like your own tail never ending sequence. The banking will be controlled 4 him tho by afro asiatic tongue im certain of it, plus areas of 'ideas', he will be kept in in the middle class hordes with sheriffs merchant hordes. Its financial slavery sxb but they will brand it to him as this is 'ur life' and normal like they are now. The ones who wake up will homeless n untouchable status and the ones who become violent more noahide police there 4 him, and if he questions the financial slavery he will be said he has mental illness and chain him up there. Plus the ideas ppl r working in economy-mental areas to identify these 'souls god woke up' before they infect the bahals. Its kinda a good thing 4 them look at murder-rape-pedofilia rates even with peace, yet warzones only kill for power not for 'bahal matters', if u unleash these ppl with no order they will be dark ages. So its naxaris u dont see but u also dont see universal law things get worse thru changes 99% of the time, these guys will go viking or mongolian
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Somali keep this in mind in ur own philosophy

1. Adamic era caused all the personal guilt we have, like how most of us numb/blackhole, numbness is like a black hole in space inside ourselves, we merely 'exist' but not 'living' state due male/female issue. God doesnt answer our calls 4 that reason, just like we r inside an empty void n black hole its total IGNORE state and he does the same.

2. Noahide era created tribe/nation issue and this era doesn't acknowledge nothing but 'genocides' if differences occur. This era is the 'era' of ciil bin adan and thats why it was flooded by god unlike abrahamic era. This 'ciil' exists in all of us now. Ciil isnt 'xanaq' anger isn 'ciil' their is dimensions. Anger is annoyance u forget, ciil is 'deep seated' shit and god has CIIL too judgingn by noahide flood. Ciil is 'wrath' of epic porportion we do it to each other always at our 'scale'. This era caused nation, tribe pride, color, language pride, etc

3. Abrahamic era created the age of knowledge. 1 went down the hand of arabs/israeli and others who dont exist, this is spiritual knowledge only and is poetic of god level standard. But other knowledge of this dunya or universe was given to other afro-asiatic tongues thru their poetic tongue. This has caused friction between us and within us for a long time. Both try to use each other blessings and combine religion element. The restorer of god knowledge will come thru hebrew-arabic line but thats just 'spiritual dimension to rectify our impure state' not 'knowledge' as we know it. It's rectifying saving our souls, while our poetic tongues focus on saving our earth/body/universe. It wll merge thru a messiah who will have both or one and wait for the other

We have a problem within us at personal dimension, family level, tribe/nation level, knowledge level, and soul level. We must work on personal-family-tribe/nation level, the soul cant survive in such impure state. As for mahdi era the jews await someone who can fix their issue, while christians/muslim wait for someone that can fix mankind issues at SOUL level. Noone knows which way it will go, christians/muslim predict a FINAL OUTCOME on Israel, while jews predict a 'unifier' of humanity and jews. It can go either way. Till then ur in abrahamic era of using noahide gog-magogs(all they know is feast whether product/services or humans even) yes they will feast on humans their being preped by 'dawkins to accept slowly adding human meat into their diet' u will see in that dystopia human bodies cut up in butcher like u do meat today. U will see them drinking 'blood' like we do water.

Hala yaabin some r very good some bad like all of us but they are easily 'controlled' due to their language being limited in its capacity to extract any 'infinite' knowledge, so they will rely on afro asiatic order whoever it flips too. Some predict jesus will emerge thru them to shock the afro asiatic that god blessing isnt limited to u guys only, thats one BIG HIT on us if that happens he will have juj-majuj in absolute 'faith n obediencee' and he is coming for afro asiatic especially us first and then the arabs and then israelis. I hope we can hold out as 'cushites' we been around for a while due to not being 'extreme' mindset of pharoahs perfection expectation even tho they had mad respect for us and called us their GODS and im certain they want cushites running egypt if their not there. We got mohameed blessing thank god in our zone plus solomon/sheba, lets do our bit tho and not expect 'mercy' always.
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Lets honor mohamed, judging by space god has only two islands left when u look at the sign. Only Israel and North Korea which will have all noahide strongest variant not the weaker ones all in their feast n mayhem cycle. Israel is ours also as we need it to ensure Islam isn't gone and is stored in Al Aqsa. Their will be just two 'islands' and a huge sea in between, that time is just about 'souls' not knowledge/power over the dunya as their nothing left but water and two islands. We dont understand the 'soul' and limited like other mankind, remember that which pharoah didnt calculate, that can only be understood by someone fluent in hebrew-arabic which cud be 'cushite' who knows that has mastered it, or gog-magog led by jesus since his son of maryama is wat predicted who is 'jewish' since its thru their women that jewish thing not males 'as thats only abtirsi'. PPL predict with 99% certainity destruction in the second coming as the love route was tried, and judging by universal law of chaos most will believe it, but some may see 1% as 'hope' that something else happens but it will be far n few between. The dilemma israel faces is they expect 'jewish messiah thru solomonic' line as promised and jesus is only 'jewish thru mother' not 'judah' line by male. Its judah vs Jesus cuz judah wants his 'dhaxal' based on abtirsi and jesus said the dhaxal is 4 all israeli not u only. God works in mysterious way and will resolve their abtirsi dhaxal vs deen dhaxal dilemma, noone else can no mankind can. If judah isnt taught we all brothers in the highest form of hebrew into infinity and impress him to 'share' he cud be given our souls is what he wants. He will be taught about 'dhaxal masuliyad' problems thru hebrew in many dimensions, states, rhymes, and extraction of future wisdom based on great nations who played that game. He will be told all about personal ciil of adam-noah curse ciil-abraham sorrows-prophets-etc in the most 'crazy level dimension' not this good n evil perspective, he will be shown the NESTS inside each state is HELL. He will be told u can choose 'void' black hole numbness in universe and in all our souls and is like 'sleep state' just non-existence or trust in god. As they dont have hell just 'non existence state' dilemma.

He will be line of solominic kings direct line thru dna plus 'tongue' match, he will be of 'sheba' so our 'cushites' who r either jew or christian is what ppl suspect, maybe muslim also or maybe 'all faiths' he will hold true in co-existence. We must be 'wise' anagu then, thats knowledge in noahide tongue greek of gospel, arabic, plus hebrew he will know in it's most eleqouent form, i suspect we will be impressed by his arabic somalis, while ethios will love his 'greek' form of bible, and jewish ethios will love his HEBREW. Pls note this isnt a 'gamble' time its about 'souls' thats shit is 'forever' no more coming back or god help, we lack a-lot about 'akhiro' as islam says 'trust in god'
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I didn't know PUNT was in the bible? The name Put (or Phut) is used in the Bible for Ancient Libya but a few scholars proposed the Land of Punt known from Ancient Egyptian annals

Other biblical verses consistently refer to the descendants of Put as warriors

PUNT must have 'spanned' into Libya also. This modern day Libya is 'biliqo' done by arabs, the names of nations by 'god' can't be looted or done with 'sixir' on dunya, u wasting ur time, it's one of the reasons why god is angry with us, chasing after inheritances that isn't ours.

Plus I read Canaan was cursed by Noah, they r said to be the ppl that were most likely going to inherit israel-syria as they lived there untill israelites took it and were being prepped for god revelation, untill 'ham' went WILD on NOAH and 'dharku ka siibay' for wat 'reason' isnt provided and we know 'shit doesnt happen' wat did he 'miscalculate', he was 'youngest' they say so could've been due to 'inexperience'.

Ironically it's a human level 'curse' thank god and I am sure Noah-Ham have resolved it, but the 'curse' remain along with their blessings, thank god their doesn't seem to be any 'curse' from god other then pharoah, they got their 'act' together and rebuilt stealthy focusing on self-family-tribe-tongue-nation. Plus their 'nearby' still in terms of 'regions' not 'distant' like 'japtheth' kids showing u how 'far removed' they become and primed to be gog-magog beast as they r large in numbers and will always be controlled by a 'semite' is what the bible says 'shall be in the tent' of SHEM is forever.

We r loyal to 'Egypt' and restoring them is what I suspect whether PUT or Cush in all our WARS. Dont fear 'juj iyo majuj' when indo-europeans go down that age as their stuck in financial slavery of semites for now. Their 'beasts of burden bala yiri' no 'real aqli' which we are blessed with as GOD had to intervene for MOSES is reality. Even their alexander preferred to be buried in egypt which shouldnt of happened cuz its not his inheritance. We got the ishmaelite line of arabia(minimal) most r the persian arabs today. Ishmaelites will ensure Islam remains plus i dont think they want 'jews' gone due to tribal 'deals' which will cause rift and great division in islam as we revert to nation/tribe interests, while hamitics work on 'pharoah' final solution. They will write 1 million books for ages about it, cuz even GOD wrote about it and was stunned at their might

We gotta deal with these cananites in 'sham' today who speak arabic only but are hamitic to let it go, god is protecting them cuz they cant stand on their own 'two feet' like men and noah only gave it to them becuz 'ham' was hot headed but he wasnt cursed all his other nation r fine kkkkk but noah cursed his '4th' son that's a sign they say noah got 'his dick chopped off' by ham kkkk in anger. But that was the noah age, we didnt know nothing but that law it was his time. Beware they have 3 'curses' from 3 religions the jews, plus all the prophet for their not letting go of their cuqdud also, where-as japtheth is down to atheism-archaic human level-being primed for human meat as dawkin slowly wants normalized cuz sxb we all feel shame/guilt at some level whether noah level, abraham level, or within the religious level or even 'adamic level and personal to u'
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The arabs argue most cananites r gone in sham only small remnants left and most r semites and part of the inheritance at a shem level kkkkk. Lets preserve our other hamitic inheritance, canaan is EXTINCT or near extinct and lets bring back to HAM who isnt cursed all religious knowledge plus universal knowledge, he will share it with his brothers this time around im sure and noah will finally be PLEASED. God name 'flow' even at noahide 'level' al-lah means the 1....yahweh means He Brings into Existence Whatever Exists...In greek he is the 'father'...he is 'father' to noahide indo-europeans as their language doesnt 'scale' beyond.
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