The Somali Gospel. Mad Writings Of Dr Osman


@Inquisitive_ u were right after my investigations. Jews control the currency and who controls it they also controls the private banks and even govt monetary policy. Jews were homeless so couldn't work with the 'metals' based currency world which needs land to extract(useful land) which they were banned from holding land, so their torah allowed them to spread their 'currency based interest system' to non jews only not themselves, The american federal reserve is just a 'front' for jews as they report to jewish founder intellectuals in 'economic' field to ensure the 'goys' remain un-aware. They also send in crypto jews who r middle-class to upgrade by penetrating 'goy' families so they get rich thru goy inheritance and add further into 'jewish pool' of wealth thru 'indirect marriages' ironically 'tooda looma soo gali karo'.

What I have found is Adam wasn't able to keep 1 law, noah 7 laws to end the madness between adamic and noahide age of 'crimes/sin', they now have 'libraries' sizes of pagan/man made laws on top of it, moses gave israel 10 laws, no 613, he won't recognize them and say get away from me u 'dambiilayaal' i aint carry 613 laws before god when I struggled with only 10. All the prophets sent to them tried to send back to the old way of moses but they started to kill them too due to 'politics' tho as the 'judah' ppl believe their kings niyahow thru david-solomon, they think 'israelites' ama bani israel 10 tribes hold the religious side, and judah the KINGDOM.

Wat they did essentially was try to fight 10 tribes to take the religious control and their mess then started to 'expand' from there thru occupations, slavery, discrimination, genocies and now have adopted 'crypto jewish currency cartel' beast system to financially 'slave' ppl thru 'work 4 money' which is worthless 'money' it from 'tree' resources lol, us goys r wasting our lives to put a roof over our heads and food on essentially 'paper currency' or 'electricity' if its online, now we have gone 'digital' and their doing the same thing their on measuring ur financial value across 'electricity vs financial worth'. This also confirms their 'later judaism' lies about 'goys' moses never said it, only their 'lying kabal' did about 'financially enslaving non jews'. Now it's electricity tommorow it will be 'oxygen vs ur financial measure and reward' as they create a system 4 that.

It's sad but mark my words it will happen not now tho but in the future when the beast comes. Im warning africa, stay away from jews, we don't like them and never have, their now enslaving 'indo euros' who they want to prepare as their 'gog n magog' which they did look at ww2 and how 60 million allied died, do jews honor em? nope, cuz their beasts to them only the 6 million jews r to be honored in their 'sick twisted' minds thru holocaust memorials and anti semite laws.

They don't even participate in coalition wars for the west like afg-iraq-etc nor anywhere cuz in their mind a 'jew' must not die for 'goyim' interest, it must be the other way around like ww2 and now currently MID-EAST thru their aipac lobby and jewish financial cartel lords. Media-Hollywood-Academics r also other areas this 'slithering animal' has 'strong presence' so what u study or watch take with a 'BIG ISRAELI GRAIN OF SALT'. U know why Haiti is fucked n eating mud biscuits? look at the jewish billionaire who has stolen their resources while controling their puppet leader with 'petty bonuses' not even much money, im suprised they got into black lands, cuz our ppl shouldnt be so CARELESS n STUPID, their 'harami' on our lands since pharaohnic times.

I love Ilhan Omar GET THEM JEWS BABY, DONT STAND DOWN OR LET THEM SCARE U ON LOSING UR ROLE AS THEY DO WITH OTHER GOYS. Sheet electricity or 'trees' r in abudance and infinite resource yet their creating financial worth-value for goys on an abudant resource and laugh as they slave away for a 'piece' of a tree bark looooooooooool, or piece of 'electricity' output and they die generation to generation thinking their 'winners' talk about 'wild sixir' and that's jewish level sixir, im afraid the dajjal will be even far more wicked then that, let alone 'satan', satan is just sitting there 'laughing' u think he will expend effort on humans when he knows how 'petty jews or dajjal' can get them.
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@Inquisitive_ don't underestimate their 'media' power, they have u niggas glued on rap idols, movie stars, beauty models, etc, u need to keep the low live goy busy on petty matters dee

The academic circles they ensure what u 'learn' is acceptable to the 'idol eco system' they set up financially-media IDOLS. Even the chinese r wise to block this tiktok poison shit which they created from their nations even tiktok which they wont allow for chinese, its poison for ur ppl to waste life on no threat on them ever having any human value or 'return'. China knows 'poisons' r not 'drugs' anymore, it's INFORMATION/DATA, the war was declared in 2000 when the DOT.COM BOOM happened.

The 'military' shit is only to keep low life goys busy on 'violence', but the war is to set up 'financial n media' idols in each country to control thru reporting to their local or regional or global 'academic' HQ. The age of 'violence' ended when the world created a UNITED NATIONS, smart leaders updated, others kept to 'useless war' lol 'clueless'. Hada gumaysiga waa thru media-academic-financial 'means' thru 'peaceful' means due to 'UN' being there, that's where the war is happening, while u niggas running with petty aks made 100 years ago which is useless, they have 'upgraded' their weapons while u chase urselves on their left overs.

IDEAS-MONEY-MEDIA-Branding POWER is the 'war' declared now, if u not in it, at least dont be stupid chasing their left over ak47 and old weapon stockpile sold to u thru their arms traffickers in black market.
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@Inquisitive_ I am sorry to tell you but things look grim religiously. PPL only worship god due to fear or desires(love) it's not a genuine relationship, they don't know him once fear/desires are no longer present. They fear death so much so they only turn to god for that. Death will come my friend but u don't waste ur life worrying about something u have no control over, u try to avoid it as much as possible, but once it comes, then let it be.

Don't spend ur life away in slavery to fear and desires becuz that's exactly what satan wants, he wants to say to god they only want you becuz of fear of ur punishment or their desires of paradise, and god will say to satan take all these losers with u who don't know any better. The true believer is the one who turns to god not 24/7 but the one who turns to him when he doesnt have any desires such as love or paradise or fears of punishment, that's the true SERVANT of Allah.

Allah has many roles he can be a father-child relationship if u so desire like christians but that also mean 'strict' guidelines but judging by how christians neglect their own parents when they don't need them due to their desires of 'love', im certain god who is a father for them will throw them out also.

I prefer servant-master role with my god, im not good with relationships generally, but understand 'rules/laws' as between boss and employee. I am investigating old hamitic cultures and their relationship with the creator as it may be vastly different to master-slave or father-child model. Ill report back if I do find it. I do know master-slave component is present across every culture that is 'fuedal' based and present in everyone lives the second they leave their 'house'. I've conditioned to that for so long and know no better. I haven't seen great family models either so im not entertaining father-child model.

Maybe I will adopt the 'elder' model relationship which are like 'coaches, mentors, advisors, architects' I prefer that type of god who makes me grow and also corrects me(whether punish or reward) in the spirit of continual growth. This king n subjects, master/slave, manager/employee, leader/follower, family model like trinity doesn't cut it for me. My relationship with god is he is my 'elder'. If god decides my judgement is hellfire, how can that be bad thing since he is perfect, maybe hellfire will make me GROW. I dont wanna sit around in happiness but have no 'growth' that is hell, i prefer to be in pain/suffering/isolated but growing. Thats true happiness knowing u r better then who u were yesterday.
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