The Somali Gospel. Mad Writings Of Dr Osman


Hell is true state that's why their is 'fire' on the SUN, yet it can be 'light' also, dual ying/yang. Plus their is non-existence 'black holes' and we all going there if god has 'mercy' and that's 'non existent state no pain no happiness, justs like numbness u feel as human and emptyness'. Their trillions of them suns some small, medium, large scale. 1 can consume trillion of humans before u go to the next one and it scales into infinity. While the others r in i assume 'light side' of the sun, dont hold me to it but universally thats what it looks like on our perspective, then u have empty blackholes thats 'mercy' ones.

Earth started perfect in bliss/happiness like 5 year old kids are, and we couldnt manage it is the truth and wanna point finger at each other as if that will change it. Listen we heading 'towards' a black hole in the future and their no 'happiness' there just non-existent but at least its not hell and its mercy. Even our universe cud be just in a 'calm black hole' with 'signs of gods power' showing us hell, black holes, and Sun LIGHT and LIFE. The numbness-emptyness is to universal in all of us to deny we got black hole effect in our genes causing this numbness-flatness universally and just existing NOT LIVING like 5 year old kids do among themselves.
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Im sorry Puntites but aduunkani the best it can get too by universal law is 'salam, shalom, peace' thats it, PEACE dont mean happiness, waa 'yaan lays laayin' waa 'noah' sidu rabay keliya ee rajo kale uu idin ka gabay ma jiree cuz ur all his kids, he had bad vision i guess and saw 'peace' is the best they can reach only and shouldnt pursue 'higher dimensions'


Accept peace for noah sake at least, god 'ciil' on humanity 4 that man has left behind all our tribal, national, language, color, politics, material inheritance and 'genocide' laws untill religion came to say go back to 'peace' goals only and scale all ideas inside those paradigm and 'concede' at all times, only allow ppl from all sides who have 'gifts' not 'hordes or oxes with titles' but true 'diplomatic gifts' that can achieve a world peace but also accept happiness isn't possible here by universal law and not pursue such unwise thing, just PEACE.

That's not a hard thing i dont think if u just accept what u have and extract 'value' from that rather then what 'trump has' or what 'jews' have or what 'arabs have' or what 'other clans have' it doesn't end well u can see those ppl in history, u shud count ur blessing u dummy, cuz universal law is IT GETS WORSE so what u have u start to lose is what we see with god, so protect what u have. My jifi has a few tuulos in nugaal, im satisfied with that, ill work with that and extract value i have something to start with, or else i know i cud lose it and become like 'midg1' kkkkk cuz if u seek wats not urs, god is also incrementally cancelling what u have but u dont see it u think ur getting more due to 'noahide hungry of our ancestors' but they didnt have knowledge of books U DO.

God fed up calling us 'adoon' even in quran not 'ibnul adam' and if he does its 'rare incidents to certain real humans', he calls us INSAAN, UMMAH, etc or MANKIND. Yes we are 'kind of men' kkkkkk 'creature' 'bahal iyo beast he calls us' and even 'hordes of feast' and many bad names 'hybrids' weeye if u understand old poetic hikma. Thats enuff sign to the wise get ur act together, ur losing ur ADAMIC status, ur name cud be erased and if u dont have a name u will be just among 'sheeps or goats' do we give them names. Wuuna tanasulaya wallahi we r far from adamic 'state' now and soon he will call us 'dajjal' and finally 'shaydhan'. Once u lose ur adamic name u no different to the status of a sheep or goat 'u can be many or million sheeps or goats' but u will all be called '1 name' kkkkk, some will be called 'beasts' but thats it 'no name' they can be million but thats all they r.
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We must tell the world the truth. None of u r 'brave' if u were 'god would've' mentioned u and he didn't as your pretty 'low' if not mentioned. PHUT is mentioned as 'warriors' yet only 1 man alexander was mentioned among all the indo-europeans n mongolian. Only 1 lol, u see why their 'beast of burden' given large weaponry. We r all 'alexander' in the bible for PHUT and he called pharoah 'to war' cuz no human cud deal with him. Trust me if weapon edge was done and somalis went to war, sxb it would be written all over human history, even god might send down a new WAR GOSPEL.

Its clear ancient egyptian painted on walls men who r dark brown reddish like us and slim bodies as their 'charriots' we r the nuts they relied on. God doesnt respect viking, mongols only they do or he wud mention em, he calls em 'beasts' or 'gog iyo magog' not WARRIORS. God respect ppl like alexander great and we 20 million in reserve today. We dont fight like noahide beasts 'killing women, child, unarmed ppl' u wud be called a 'midg1' and expelled for fighting unarmed ppl n bringing shame to our name. Infact my dad said ppl we fought who we capture were taken to our camps in the desert and taught oral poetry we have, given camel/milk and traditions and we wud honor them not as guests but we honor them as 'superior' to us and some chose to stay with us and some left telling us their name/lineage as we hud honor only them for their brave attempt and honest warrior to come into our desert even GOD wouldnt come here only egypt which was only our 'america' front weji to the world not our 'secret backend' here in PUNT, we shower honor on those in our camps, becuz they came to face us man to man with no edge. The puntites/libyans of the past left the 'human status' and were EGYPT HOMELAND OF GOD, God relative to our human standards not the REAL INFINITE god. Where as they israeli strive only for son status, they need a 'daddy' cant stand on his own two feet at all times. PPL strived to be god during that age meaning 'god on earth' that was the race in all matters of life conduct, war, peace, poetry, knowledge, only think missing was 'infinite' god message which israel was given, due to NOAH blessing so he was mighty man i think cuz flooded the world for his 'ciil' thats massive shit not just a 'nation' or tribe level that even we will respect GENUINLY not on faith but as a man's man or 'rageedi' as 'raganimo' matters to us MOST and not say 'we earned it' not them. But the issue isnt on our side as we rise above and concede to 'weak' but not the 'duli' or 'beast' i doubt we will as we wont respect it. The beast has 'lots of food, money, weapons' but low quality beasts and we will fight them even with weapon disadvantage. Justice matters here for us like it did pharoah, we prefer punt becomes 'another ancient egypt'
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We got nothing to lose before god I suspect. Our tongue shows very little 'crime' words of Somali origin not 'transferred from arabic' they wanted to pass on their 'sickness' and they did slowly but we still kept our tongue 4 that reason as we are 'gods' of egypt thats say alot to god as they were the best ppl on earth based on LIFE MERIT their 'faith' dwindled due to who they saw as a 'token israelite' they rose 'moses', they equipped with him with all knowledge of his ppl at that time, but moses was like any desert tribal culture, we all upgrade or we all go mentality, 'tolka kama jano tagayo' mentality, becuz israelites were bondage at that time but 'humble' bondage not thiss 'financial slavery bondage' they didnt have even prisons as they were all civilizd, even slaves had no chains only 'war captures' sometimes did if they started to behave like an 'animal' the law was we will chain u like one. They still do put ppl in 'cages' in the west showing they know that some humans forfeit their humanity.

Our tongue only has adamic-noahide element crimes only, very little in scale to the 'midg1' cultures, they wud trojan themselves in society with less 'crimes' and infect it so 'it equalizes' and thats why israelites were 'strict' about non jews, we were also non puntites, non cushis, non egyptians etc. The desert culture mentality was back then 'anigo intan dambi' haysti 'tiina ma qaadi kari' ee halkina ku eekada even with 'clans' its the same as other clans r told 'stay where u r green line like galkacyo'. Noah taught us to carve LINES if we cant co-exist so we dont go into 'genocides'.
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Somalis I want u all to Win the universe and multi-verse but I warn u from times come by, don't become like the beasts of today full consumption on goods/services and cycles of dark age and feasting on humans, dogs, cats, and blood. God doesn't respect 'beasts' your a MAN and u must uphold these pillars from our old puntite-egyptian-libyan-cushite cultures.

They became gods on earth because of it and only were missing 'revelation' to ensure they can 'scale infinitely' with 'spirituality and their soul', do u know why spiritual was important? well ur 'soul' one and 2 u don't become an archaic human, creature, beast, gog n magog types. Their big bodies those ppl but their brain is 'pea' like david n goliath stories. U r 20 million 'warriors' of alexander calibre, u dont need to prove urself to others of weaker grade, improve on areas we need to equip our 'edge' with full advantage.

1. See psychologists and discuss with them how to deal with ur 'numbness' or 'black hole' and 'emptyness' u want to limit that 'hole' at all times, it's non-existent and u won't enjoy or learn in that state and will be 'lifeless' like an 'AI' and ur mind an 'ox'. Then discuss how u can access their noahide hikma across 'trust, fear, love, respect, loyalty, patient' those 5 pillars undergrounded our ancestors character and they worked on each one, taking it to dimensions so high that pharoahs said YOUR MY GOD. U won't get it PERFECT but u will be 'god' to anything in the multiverse.

2. Next work on your soul aspect thru torah-quran-bible. Bible is noahide level greek and simpler for u at this time, u see god as ur father but a WISE father. When u scale u go to quran and see allah as your WISE MASTER and you the slave(not chained, but willing). Then study Torah only MOSES becuz he married a 'cushite' so their wisdom there and 'solomon' due to sheba HONOR HER she was apart of our empire. At this level understand 'yahweh' is the existence(all forms black hole emptyness, happiness, hellishness) he is the owner. BEG him to keep it OWNING and not 'give it' away for our ppl sake becuz we are irresponsible.

PLS keep ur own Somali gospel of hikma like sayidka and oral about LIFE and our experiences and lessons learned for all mankind to review in billion years. The goal is to hold 'out' as long as possible untill god is satisfied, we cant tell him, we can ask, but asking is where it ends and doesnt mean anything.

When u encounter other intelligent 'creatures' yes we are CREATURES also and very low in god eye only greet on 'salam, shalom, peace' we r not here to seek happiness but hold a peace to advance, as this is universal 'decay' by law unless god lifts that law, dont pursue it, if u see things dying the disorders exist still is a sign to u TO ONLY PURSUE PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE. If u cant co-exist which is most likely as 'intelligence turn too a curse' resort to noahide principle 'xad iyo greenline' across the cosmos. But dont be fooled like babylon was, this shit 'scales into trillions of kilometers our known universe and scales beyond into infinity' do not place too much value on 'knowledge' like they did or the beasts DO. But dont devalue knowledge as 'jahal' is satan breeding ground. I warn u we will 'adapt' and we will 'merge' with new life thru evolution humans wont look how they do today and they will be added into 'mankind' just a 'kind of man' but ur aiming to hold your 'ibnal adam' status. I warn u now treat them as 'equals' in all ur 'creature' status before god. Always remember 'intelligence is blessing n curse' and wat we seen on earth its usually 99% a curse with 1% benefit, try to scale that ratio down bit by bit 1% each 100 years towards 98-97% and so on. We r nearly gonna be wiped out on earth by juj iyo majuj as god is keeping us 'weak with arms' so we will need to 'escape' the earth to the cosmos and other sayids will come with knowledge about how it will be done.
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This all the 'mad writings' of Bah Dubays clans-man, pls honor that as 'fiction iyo malaawaal' today but someone will come and implement it when he sees things on earth that match or universe depending on the noahide tongue empire he is in. He will come back to our desert to reconnect with the OLD CULTURE under tree and camels. He will know noahide languages have no knowledge dimension level besides opposite states, he will know semetic languages r only for 'soul' matters which will be important to them and they will keep loyalist among real ishmaelites that they can 'verify' not persian arabs who speak arabic and also yemeni-ethiopian jews they will establish ties secretly as its the same culture. Same with habash ge'ez bible we will help them cuz its ancient tongue and we will mutually try 'expand' its dimension as times goes on and warners come becuz mohamed said ur blessed for hosting early muslims when noone else did, KARMA is real. Let the juj iyo majuj capitalist product/services beast consume all those other noahid cultures under abrahamic religion whether its slavic ashkenaz, persian sauds, etc. Some noahides were given 'maskin' status so we can take indian cultures with us becuz 'maskin' idealogy and some 'wise' chinese-mongolians not the 'hordes' on consumption culture. PPL like confucious type of noahide is ok he saw the 'ying and yang' light/darkness on earth and cosmos and how sun has both fire/light dimensions

We must save solomonic/sheba line in ethio-yemeni so we gotta take christians/jews with their old type of judaism/christianity. We gotta save Ishmael, he came to arabia and was hosted by our cultures. They call u mud huts today, karma will happen, u will call em BRICK HUTS as ur in the cosmos and returning seeing how its degrading ecologically, religiously, culturally u will see ppl eating human sandwichees and u will say thank u allah-yahweh-father u saved us from those ppl. Only intervene to save 'mecca and jerusalem' then and also our 'ancient territory sites'. The devolution will take incrementally as u sseen slowly mutating back to archaic humans and becoming the next neaderthal. U will only intervene during major disasters on mecca-jerusalem and when a maskin group among them is unjustly genocided using noahide principles, u wont tolerate it. U will tho have noah duty to ur brother HAM and his areas to bring them with us as we TAKE PHAROAH CULTURE COSMOLOGICAL as we did bring it to egypt before but they looted it and destroyed n decay it with jahil arab and uncircumised greeks.

Waa loo 'aaray' gardaradi fircoon loo riday for these pathetic vermin noahid ashkenaz jews. Jew dhan loo caayi maayo noahide prick. Pharoah culture is going cosmo, but i bet they will follow us again. Plus this time we got solomonic jews to wait for true messiah in yemeni/ethio jew or ethio bible thru jesus awaiting and mahdi from ishmael line in the cosmo with us boys we will hold this universe for trillions of years
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We will have an obligation to Noahide cultures judging them how well they r to noahide law and bring those ppl to slowly/incrementally become pharoahnic gods in character and servants to god, they may leave behind large populations and go noahide again so u will need to 'watch' them carefully over time as pharoah did with israelite in his land. We will have cosmological laws with various intelligent life and will share what has been revealed to them in terms of universal knowledge/spiritual and also personal excellence standards of supremacy in love-fear-justice-trust-respect-patience-loyalty-charity as those r the 'characters' we must work on to reach perfection not WAIT n BEG 4 mercy that RARELY COMES.

Hamitic culture r pro-active, they wont sit around in chaos-disagreement like they didnt in SHAM and went to egypt, now were going to COSMO. Anagu 'go'an' ayaan gaadhna we dont have that mentality of 'suffering servant and sympathy and lovey doveey hug n kisses' kkkkkkkkkkkk. Our love value means 'growth' based 'maxaa ii soo kordhisay' as its race its not 'romance crap languages' or 'greek isgala culture' kkkk. Sex for us is only reproducing and we only have beautiful sex if u grow my human value in our vicious class system. Their no prison or cages in those societies, as everyone is excelling his growth relatively, cuz it doesnt matter if ur king or leader but if ur growth was lower then slave, he will be leading us for century. Everyone measured on 'value' not 'how much edge they had' even if a sheep or goat is smartests we have in term of value and society has devolved from cosmo standard, they will lead to rise us back up to those renaiisance standards. Everyone ragganimo ayay ku joggan not proving themselves to each other as the system is perfection guided for all and rewards are relative to performance only and EFFORT. At time noahide will sneak in like alexander did after jews hit pharoah. We musts watch the noahide type of jew also for that, his dna, his tongue dimension if he cant scale, he will be 'monitored' 24/7 and slowly we will attempt to help him as we did moses. But by then they will do trickery as their known for, god will come for them like usual, this will open the gates to cosmo to noahides and greeks will come as usual, then arabs and the cosmo will decline like the earth did. I pray it doesnst illahi naga ilali.

God love these ppl cuz noone gets that many chances, many of our ppl r dead for MINOR fractions in comparison, yet the hatred and jealousy of other ppl inheritance has made them use god religious books to control other societies, his a dog act sxb, u got a blessing cuz ur WEAKKKKKKKK, we dont get blessing cuz we stand on our merit u dog of hell satanic bastard. I dont mean solomonic line jews like yemen/ethiopians, i mean the other horde noahides of them. Wax ma fahman, plus this sneaky ishmael we host after he gets kicked out is blessed then he take the world and PROTECTS THEM we wouldnt protect any hamite who did that sort of crime, but they do, and hence relations decline and hatred increase between mankind. Then we stuck in arab age of cosmo of 'spiritualitiy building' only untill 'noahides' keep growing and growing and revert to hunguri of cosmo products/services there culture, then a GREEK will arise among them, and then Roman, and then Germanic is the cycle. We r in Germanic tribal era, the lowest of europeans, the british r even more intelligent then them and were calmed down when they went to that island to get away from this senseless barbarism, ur body focus shud be ur mind focus dummy and ur soul focus which they slowly started learning and had their mini renaiisance thru latin-roman left overs.

We wud never even go to ROME our ppl, 'cages' we wud laugh u backward fucks. We did kinda help thee 'greeks' among them tho and sent princesss of ethiopia. We preferred indian as their maskin noahide and want knowledge not barbarism, and 'china' depending on their cyclical barbarism n consumption era. Their in consumption feast era now on products/services, tommorow its human beings/rats/dogs. We didnt use to go to europe as 'white' wasnt a color to us we call it 'cas' meaning 'red' is where it ends for us..brownish red tone ppl only. Our order was 'brown reddish highest, light brown next, darker black nilote if they invaded and thats it'. The only white that was accepted was semitic but they were slaved n insulted as moses talks about his hand turning white and he was cursed. White didnt work cuz 'cold' is death in cosmo, its not life in our language. We separated at noah whites got white and neatherdal thru europe, no life there sxb, mid-east is the gold standard spiritually but not CILM aduun, thats why we didnt like their CHARACTER as a man. They will use rabbi/sheikh card to 'sixir' ppl about 'souls' fix ur futo first is wat we say and leave. We do tend to talk about 'asses' so that noah thing is real with ham, exposing his ass means your 'beast' or as we 'wax qaawan' now. We see arabs as 'weak' culture they oppreess women, our women are equal andd we send them as EMPERORS. We dont oppress women we give them all of it becuz we dont need to prove our ragganimo and in true battle field he is a coward not as coward as europeans but not hamitic variant standard of all 'warriors' that god mentions, god doesnt call em warriors anywhere in quran. Thats why 1 hamitic in arabian desest warfare there wud be remembered for mellenias wayna og yihin. Its all in arabian poeetry but persian arabs r 'noahides' dee dont understand it. Even allah had to protect them from lowly general abraha, not even pharoah or put or cushi. Just habesha. They cry 4 allah like jews cry 4 yahweh when a WAR HAPPENS WITH US and it equalized. All their best eloquent poets learned thru us how to take the arabic dimensions. They even took our camel culture which is SHEBA which she went with to jerusalem. Faras is indho-europeaen/mongolian alexander the great honored it for them only, he wanted to be honored with camel but couldnt cuz he didnt face us sxb, ur talking millions of alexander great as lowest rank notice its always 'black arabian horse' they cherish for blk ppl warrior profile.
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Somalis of the future, if allah/yahweh/father/prophets/warners thru out all ages permit this to reach u in ur cosmological travels, I am here in a noahide existence world, the beasts today are feasting on goods/products/services, tommorow i expect the cycle to be humans-babies-cats-dogs-pigs and it will come gradual as evolution teaches, in incremental adaptations, right now in our time in 21st century their being entertained their 'bahals' or 'beasts' and 'primates' and being primed to lose their sense of adamic name and be tied as 'beast of burden'.

They will tie them to financial system and declare all names r banned and ur all like sheep now and ur only name iss ur financial class poor-middle-rich, billions of noahides from indo-europe-asia will populate especially the tongues with no poetic dimension whether universal or spiritual, lots of abrahamics at the 'top' will be with them from noahide cultures. I warn Somalis u have two types of energy your bodily energy and soul/spiritual energy.

But we are in the feast age of abudance and u lose ur spirit and that's why u feel 'just existing, numb, flat, no interests' for the bulk of ur life with 'spikes of joy, fear, sad' states, ur like a life support machinee with minimal 'spikes', your all about to 'die' in the black hole u r in and u will be put into black hole.

Let me warn u spiritual means 'life force' u dont feel it now, but everything u feel is a life force not 'bodily' one only but most importantly the 'spirit one' the spirit one is happiness-sadness-fear-worry-ciil-cuqdud those ones when u feel it anytime in great spike PRAY so u can transfer that energy to god so he can send infinite life force for u and wake u up.

Only pray those times of emotional state, allah wants emotions only, if ur flat-energy dont pray u not giving him those life forces whether good/evil life force its LIFE. All life forcees good/evil is LIFE, the real hell is no 'life force' thats no energy state thats called 'jahl' ABU JAHL. Dont join that dude horde, his in black hole rite now. U cant work with abu jahl life force its empty quota itss all gone-its dead. U can work with evil life force so hell isnt the real hell but abudant with life forces.

So see good/evil as life forces and its better then a coma, ur still fighting allah will help. Im in my own 'hell' now in 'mental' state on earth, so hell itself has good/evil life force but im just in 'evil' dimension and its abudanant with life as they get along and prefer it then 'black hole numbness, flatlining on a fuckin lifee machine' with no energy in it. They only pray when their 'evil' and allah gets them all out for that life force. I learned from them 'evil' is a life force and just as strong as good life force, so always balance it out depending what 'era' u enter in the comsological age. PLS dont do prayers with no life force as its waste and going into the black hole and 1 prayer with a little life force cud go into heaven while u went into black hole and prayed all ur life. I seen them their 'abu jahal' army, their 'ignorant' thinking their prayer is helping them. As a cosmological ummah we will pray on 'sharci' life forces must be 'felt' between us, we must feel it whether its evil or good before u come into our mosque and keep the 'no life force fakers with no energy out' so they dont pollute our islam-judaism-christianity. PLS find the 'warners' in noahide era, adam era, noah era, abrahamic era, restore them, allah has kept them hidden they r the true BIG WARRIORS as allah kept them to himself not TO U. Even find the philosophers of noahides as they were closest to prophet in noahide culture, keep it all in ARDUL HAM. Dont care for the bahal among them or even 'kings' waa 'boqortoyo' iyaga samayste bahaladu 'king' means 'kin' kkkkk waa 'qoys' isaga ismagacabay oo ka bacdi xoog uu isticmalay bahaladu wuuna gumeeye magacooda maba abtirin karan to 2 generation. Hada 3 magac ayaa lo yeelay only 3 names..we have illa fircoon illa ham magacooda iyo willashsooda dhan. Our name is longest in universe as wee usse universal poetic tongue knowledge to extract ideas in all fields, plus we have good semites ishmaelites who we hosted and solomonic thru sheba inside of us to help with our LIFE FORCES good/evil. Plus the philosophers of all mankind we 'will find' even the 'lowest' to see how he managed in his time and society.

But remember work on ur personal character thru out life on TRUST like moses, FEAR like Mohamed, LOVE like jesus(love of growth not the noahide version), Loyalty like Noah, Patience of all warners who disappeared due to the bahal of their age, Respect like adam yes RESPECT for all and 'measuring value on relative advantage/disadvantage and outcome only' to ensure JUSTICE remains and PEACE is kept. Plus do 'charity' around 'strategic' ummah who r slowly rising and help them mutuate quicker and adapt. Try to bring solomonic line jews thru sheba yemen/ethiopia with the ishmaelites of arabia u have links both ways to mediate at all times to RESTORE ABRAHAM. Notice Ab means father, RA is our ppl, and HAM wa ham ayaa 'badbadiye' inkasto ham ayaa la inkaaray. Noah cursed us as we have 'rageedi' culture man-man culture in value, we dont believe in pity-charity much as everything has to be earned first but religion has helped with charity part now. U need Ab RA HAM...RA IYO HAM...AB-RAH tried abbysinian in mecca to restore KACBA for him from abu jahl arabians.

This time we need ask noah for forgiveness, god will forgive ishmael/isaac jews cuz he is infinitely merciful..but NOAH he is even more rageedi plus more sympathy, lets not FLIP out and go back into that cycle of inkaar. Cuz the human inkaar is harder to fix not god. Abraham will deal with SHEM to bring whatever left of the 'japtheth' ppl india-europe-asia. Adam will deal with the aborigines-native indians etc their isssue is 'personal crimes' level. Adam iss about 'respect' their culture is all about respect. Respect father/mother is real universal value.
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The crime against NUUH was the biggest mistake HAM made. The world destroyed. No abrahamic clan ever got it that far only nations-tribe BUT THEY GAMBLED OUR SPIRITUAL FORCE N SOUL BECUZ OF YAHUDA, ABU JAHL, AND MANY MORE, and japtheth between nations but he went feast mode capitalism and then barbarian savages cycle. So when u meet Noah 'dont have any ciil' about how inheritance will be split or play qiyaano game, u tried that shit and we saw wat happened.

Let it be split 3 ways we all marched on and carried humanity in different time periods and helped each other indirectly to keep our memories heree and lessons learned alive and have a LAUGH OVER IT. Let ham/japeth/shem all bring their best case forward and let NOAH decide and just accept watever it is even if UNJUST cuz now we know GOD we didnt then, we didnt have issue with GOD so much but we want our inheritance thats it.

If Noah gives us bad deal their may be hikma why he wanna make us suffer cuz WE CAN HANDLE IT, we are MEN, their BOYS Japeth and Shem is 'begger of god'. We will insult each other cuz heaven is split on faith united and then ur inheritance NAME, tribe, nation, etc. All that has to remain, thats why we are tribal-nationalistic-etc, we not stupid sxb. Then we go before adam as a whole and let him have what he wants, but i think he is just about 'respect' like aborigines-native indian not inheritance so we need to send them before adam to earn his respect back and pray before our mother hawa. I wish we enter that age of RESPECT SOCIAL ORDER. The prophets are lucky and dont need our help sxb as god has them, its the rests of mortals. Hopefully adam-noah-abraham-mohamed-tribes-warners can do a proper prayer and hand it back to god to decide our life story. All us mortals will pray as good or evil it wont matter its lifee forcee, and prophets next on trust-love-fear-patience-loyalty..and Adam/hawa on respect to god. then respect plus all that life forcee i hope explodes into happinesss. I hope so thats my fantasy tho and limited. Respect will restore our HONOR first. God damns honor before him, before judgemeent.
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Old Head πŸ‘΄πŸΏ
I ain't reading allat.
Eddie Murphy What GIF by Amazon Prime Video


I ain't reading allat.

Of course ur not reading god made ur spirit forcee dead, ur just existing-numb-flat, watching all ur idols in 2 minute junk as ur spirit is dead and u rinse n repeat it like a dead soul thinking the numbness gets better. Ur numbness is a black hole, do black holes have 'life' in universe, u r like on life support with no signals. Get energy we transmit it, even if it anger-hate anything so god can keep u alive


Muslim say jesus wasnt killed, Christians say he died for them. The difference is noahide tongues dont know death isn't just physical/spiritual 'sense' as every tongue has different dimensions to 'death' some say killed or died. In our tongue we say geeri vs dhimasho, etc. Waan kala dhimanay 'yahud' weeye i think jesus death in their poetic tongue but it cud have other dimension local to their hebrew as its language of god and can 'scale. But he asked god the father to forgive them but him only god knows, as christians say he wants vengence, where-as islam says 'patience' and that can flip back n forth. Everyone wants to save MOSES he was a mighty man that god spoke too, not thru angels-spirit either. So islam may call 4 mercy for moses sake, jesus call vengence, while god was asked to 'forgive'....thats 3 difficult states a trinity a 'pyramid' basically of vengences-forgiveness-mercy. I hope thee 'vengence' ama 'ciil' one scales down over time, ciil is a nasty human n god trait. God is all wise tho, vengencee has a place n time for 'great injustice' to justify those 'maskins' who's soul was compromised due to spiritual moryans trying to use god book for their own ends of power n dynasties.

Their is 2 great judgement coming. Yowmul Qiyaamo and Akhiro..I dont get 'akhiro' but i suspect it means 'akhi' brothers somehow possible of 'faith'. Where-as Yowmul Qiyaamo is the 'trick' one cuz in our culture habash-somali 'qiyaano' means 'trick' judgement as ppl rush for inheritance and bililiqo but thats 'qiyaano' and 'facade' and then Akhis emerge in Akhiro only Brothers allowed. In our culture we r vicious at wat 'qiyaano' habash hanash, etc, satan will use our nations to DECIEVE MANY. Its our job to stop this great tragedy cuz our qiyaano is vicious level not 'mankind' level but 'satanic level. We smile, walk among u, think we u r friend, we encourage u even if ur wrong, etc for 'ulterior motives' we have planned. We have good somalis-habashi who will save many noahides-abrahamic-adamites, but just as many will emerge who r not 'willing' to do that becuz as they see it 'your the xoolo' and the 'amount that die' is all they compete on such 'JUG BA DHACAY' SCALE. THUNDEROUS MASSACRES NOT HUMAN LEVEL.
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We tagged 'qoymul qiyaano' meaning 'noahide' era 'vengence as it named 'qiyaaNO' N signifies the NOAHIDES SHEM-JAPTHETH AND THE GOOD HAMITES. Where as another section will focus on stopping this 'trick' beast that fools u with the beautiful words in all tongues and knowledge and spiritual forces. Then their 'YOWMUL QIYAAMO' THATS NOT US...THAT SSAYS 'M' MOHAMED N MANKIND. Man kind by then so heaps of different hyrbids in cosmo aliens evolving. I dont think its moses cuz he is only for israel. We will deal with noahides penetration for mohamed whether to save or the other side may do the 'trick' if its in the interest of saving others. Some may diee for many to live, many may die for 1 worthy life to life. They think different somalis/habash about 'value' so at least in the final judgement we cleaned out the onees who trieed to come across

Rest assured Somali 'value' isnt 'how big or small u r or how much u have or dont have none of that matters' quantity laysku mayssto becuz everything is infinity and babylon towere is enuff hikma for u. Its about 'value' and 1 adamite, shem, ham, or japtheth has more value then all ur deadweights, U PAY THE PRICES IN MILLIONS, if 1 among somali have more value then all noahide-adamites-abrahamic, then millions of them die. Plus it 'scales in groups, nest, islands, its a mix n match of all groupss to ensure maximum value and precision of justice'. Infact u maybe put an island in cosmos for time being as quaratine if they feel the chance of 'repair' is possible. Their is only 3 outcomes based on jesus 'ciil' for yahud...vengence from torah, forgiveness from gospel, mercy from islam. The yahud played around with 3 curses from god in 3 books a trinity of curses n prophets all 4 power n dominance, many will be good and many will be bad its just sad how many noahides-abrahamic-ham souls have to die in the process becuz he is stiffheaded to admit HE FUCKED UP, U CANT FIX PRIDE OR SATAN UD BE FIXED. I urge u Somali beware of the YAHUD his got 'ciil' only but not our 'trickery' gift n deception. But be 'just n wise' balance trade off on mankind losses and that judah crypto-noahide burden of beasts he will use. Always be 'wise' like god is, if 1 high value person among them dies unjustly due to ur miscalculation or corruption, god wont be happy cuz moses will be 'like thats unfair' and god friend is moses
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God isnt even happy with 'jesus niyad xumo n saying to judah waan kala dhimanay' but god titled him 'son of god' sxb not how noahides interpret it, 'wuxu uu dhigma wiil hadi aan dhali laha' lakin moses arinteeda waa ka wayn tahay 'he said waa saxib' a son n saxib plus mohamed he said waa his reason for universal mercy, he called him his 'mercy'...mercy means alot something we dont understand where u dont seeK REVENGE. Moses is 'god advisor' wuu la tashta before go'an on his 'life' n 'struggles' and moses loves tolka kama jano tagayo hadi hal la badbadin karo and 'yahuda' know this weakness, so calculate a measurable 'solution' without pissing off MOSES. His wife is ethiopian also for that reason, he trusts us the most the brothers of egypt. Bank on jesus forgiveness for israel, moses loyalty of extreme porportions, and mercy of mohamed but 'mercy'.

Judging on NASA only israel-korea will be on 'two island' with a big sea in between as all land will be gone by then, most of us will be in cosmo 'save' from judah using these noahides who r no religion and just need to be fed consumption products-services-goods or 'feed them muslims, christian, abrahamic, ham, europeans, indians'. They will come n do the same into cosmo following like they did in babylon 'ill reach u allah, yahweh, father' as he screams in rage im swallowing up your mankind who will be called 'creatures' by then due to merging with intelligent life as he screams but doesnt see its 'infinity' dummy, u will just run out of fuel and refuel
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Old Head πŸ‘΄πŸΏ
Of course ur not reading god made ur spirit forcee dead, ur just existing-numb-flat, watching all ur idols in 2 minute junk as ur spirit is dead and u rinse n repeat it like a dead soul thinking the numbness gets better. Ur numbness is a black hole, do black holes have 'life' in universe, u r like on life support with no signals. Get energy we transmit it, even if it anger-hate anything so god can keep u alive
tha GIF


666 beast dajjal is real. It comes to signify Judaism 613 laws, when it hits 666 Laws, he will arrive. His current 'sixir' is 'currency, money, ribbah' and financial slavery of noahides in europe-asia-india, where-as in hamitic/semetic areas he executes nothin but 'genocide' cuz u know it's 'sixir' money just man made idol but its real to those with no belief above. Our job is Israel the 10 tribes of Moses not Yahuda who has his own 'Judaism'. Moses left 10 laws and his tribe was named 'laws' not 'levi' that's judah system. The 10 laws r in ethiopia with them in secret and will come out inshallah when solomonic dynasty returns to take the 10 laws and ask for 2 laws, mercy/love for judah/benjamin tribe who created 'judaism kabbal sixir' to control the world indirectly thru crypto jews-noahide servants of their thru 'currency'.

666 laws is not intended for israel, he couldnt even hold 10, that's all 'made up' due to 'guilt' of judah but noone can do 666 laws except the solomonic king lines that will master it for them and then they will take 10 laws of israel and reunite judah/benjamin to end their beef, then ishmaelite arabs. Then the hamitic nations. Then noahide nations. Then Adamic nations. 10 laws will reunite israel to judah thru 2 laws mercy-no revenge plus solomonic line king rulers of Judah to rule the israelites with '10 laws only' and what moses taught, not create ur own kabbal laws. Some judah want 'vengence' law and 'ciil tire' and they will get it to give them more life force, some want mercy and no revenge stipulations, some love. saw mohamed line thru solomon/sheba line as lion of judah, the second to come will come thru same line but islam message give em mercy the merciful crowd, the love line of 'pure growth' not 'gentile romance' will most likely be solomonic lines and the love from 'jesus' lines of greeks who indo-europeans report too maybe most likely 'india' as their maskin culture.

Hamitic sheba prefer vengence life force and so do we as cushite, egyptians, punt, yemen. It will be closest to perfection vengence tho even more higher in nobility then pharoah thats why god spoke about him. Not hitler beast model of killing unarmed kids-women-men, his from our line but he was germanic tongue less dimension n knowledge, he isnt welcome in our culture using beast tactics not WARRIORS. Noah law of 'genocide' is only allowed if that society was in noahide language-culture and they were slowly upgraded thru religion due to mohamed-jesus, its not abrahamic thing, it sure as hell not hamitic thing
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Their up to 613 law judah, 613 is sign when mohamed only began preaching in Islam, this age will continue and only preach to the ones among them with sense and if their slavs/noahide dont waste ur time, speak at noahide 'dimension' so they understand better, where-as hebrew tongue ones speak at poetic dimension. 622 tho, lines will be 'drawn' thru 'peace age' only and just basic laws between us at noahide level-abraham level, but not religious level. Noah thought us if u cant resolve issues 'draw borders' and survive and wait for other warners. 632 its over 'mercy' route it may last 'mellenias' each 1 year in our time.

The full vengence route begins 632 too 666 laws when they reach there, and their will be 'ages of love' in between all that and final jesus attempt cause his ciil can only be resolved thru gentile love. Adamic law the person-family is another 'law' u must respect between urselfs noahide-nation-tribes, dont violate it and piss adam more off. If ur noahide tongue-culture its only 7 laws, if ur moses ppl its 10, if ur judah 666, if ur muslim its 'choice' for u only if ur noahide or abrahamic(is different). Remember hebrew ancient form is related to us, 'yahweh' means 'yaa waye, ya weeye' but it got lost in meaning as different nations applied their tongue dimension. He asked god who are u when he revealed himself. Jesus called him 'abba ama father symbolic' also as gentile/noahide culture only understand 'wise fathers' not 'creators'. Muslims call him the ultimate 1 creator master and want to be 'slave' to his perfection. U can be all if u want also. We remember noah as 'wise father' in all cultures so remember 'father' and 'god' must be same they thought due to no books revealed yet. Moses told them keep 10 laws only or else pharoah is justified in his anger/wrath, they taken that further with countless 'sixir laws' financial slavery plus 'spiritual slavery' thru 613 laws on ppl. Thats alot of dembi 600, u just needed to keep 10, see always count ur blessings never look 4 more. Mind u financial is just human art which they call a science 'art converted to science is when they apply it' stage and becomes REAL TO u but its 'artform' creativity. Much worse is to come and more deceptive 'qiyaano age' of 'trickery' of dajjal higher intelligencee being in cosmo. Its no way as elegant and deceptive as pharoahnic arts/science its 'jews n greek science' lol.

Pharoanic arts/science GOD had to intervene it wud last 'infinity', the ultimate art of deception is 100% satification of ur all ur subjects whether happy/sad/worry/angry is irrelevant as long its 100% so nothing can question it, once it starts to breakdown into satisfication camp its infnity scale will break down and they dont know any better thats phroanic scale, dajjal is even 'craftier' with 'qiyaamo qiyaano level'. But we hamitic wud never use god books that isnt ours thats all mankind, thats 'no man's man' culture.

Pharoah were our leaders on this continent on 'man's man' respect order 'earn ur keep' and 'value' not 'who has more or less but value extraction measures'. Thats why we sent our slaves to others, to lift them up and they did, we didnt want their KINGS let alone slaves. We wud send our slaves to be president/generals/poets/knowlege bearers 4 them. They hated being there were sent due to violatins in our system, we dont keep the weak in our society, its stains the order principle as justice breaks down. Our role as PUNT Is 'warrior 'excellence higheer then alexander but levels of 'our highest warrior standard' which is god level, we only came out for pharoah when GOD came, pharoah wud call us their war gods. Ultimate vengence of sophistication and mastery not that viking barbarism, thats what noahide beasts do. But we told pharoah we wont intervene on human nations as its unfair edge, as we want to improve not have it easy, we want to keep the wars at the god standard. Pharoah knew our pact was minimal trade not corrupt our man here in desert. We wud give 'wacad' if GOD comes, we coming then so another NOAH/MOSES LEVEL BOOK IS WRITTEN FOR ALL MANKIND. WE WANT THEM SEE GOD RESPECTS US ON OUR MANHOOD, THIS WAS THE AGE BEFORE DEENI, THEY STILL HAVE CULTURE EVEN IF ISLAM IS THERE TRYING TO WATER IT DOWN, BUT CULTURES/TRADITION DONT DIE EASY,TONGUES, DIET, CIRCUMISION, ETC. Somali will die before he eats 'bakhti' which is anything outside CAMEL MEAT, SLOWLY WAS SHEEP ALLOWED, GOATS, THEN HORSES LATER THRU ARABIANS. Sheep/goats its for weakest desert culture at the time, israelite, so it was terrible death status for them. Farming was 4 servants to get rain from god and plow the land lol. Servants have different classes depending society, lowest is indo-european-mongol due to their 'noahide' cilm. Oceean was LOWEST ACT too us it meant u got pushed out of the LAND and among 'water' food, so those ppl r even lower to us dietary customss. Our 'fellahin 'peasants' sxb r 'like gods' to their best GREEK GOD worship. Our 'water' ppl r next lower AND SLAVES but our slave is THEIR GENERAL/MUSIC ARTISTS/SPORTS STARS/PRESIDENTS/INVENTORS...our DESERT BOYS r highest standard cus POETRY/SONGS r kept in their tongues as the prophets books were all poetic to MATCH US.

We only sent our WOMEN to solomon or Moses, cuz they worth it, but not israelites or other noahides only our servants. Their anti black n slaves cuz they know old cultures we WEREE INSULTING THEM. Their histories 'record them' more then all their kings let alone avg person, so even god THEIR HIGHER IN QUALITY as its recorded and their kings kept them to get 'secrets' in knowledge, they only stayed so they CUD GO BACK AFTER DOING THEIR TIME. We dont even want their PROPHET only send women, u think we care for their kings
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