The Somali Gospel. Mad Writings Of Dr Osman


Have u seem somalis when they seen something spectacular or knowledge of great order or SHOCK or miracle they say 'yah' kkkkk the ppl of YAH were also same ppl, its the 'jah' ppl we dont like becuz the JAH in hamitic is worst thing 'JAHAL. Till today when study allah called abu jahl, jahl we r in AWE how it happened and where things went wrong lol, cuz we picking up 'losses' and working out formulas where all our cultures keep fallin back down before god. But as for u mankind, we are not interested with u , we WANT TO BE GODS we dont look at others and what their doing but want to keep our head down and worrying about own fate.

We wont even speak to those petty JAH ppl judah kkk, his not even proper jah of excellence but 'JUD' A jahil of HUD abraham father. Hud wasnt blessed with as much knowledge as abraham about spiritual-hidden aspects or god character, his measure is relative to what the had and what he did with it. Jud will then switch to JUJ and then mutuate into MAJUJ wll come meaning 'mercy abraham for juj jahil again'. Great wars in our planet and cosmo will happen. But remember muslims god quran was i think for 1 universe, if this breaks out into multiverse, we could be holding onto an 'old book gone past the universal scale' as that is the 'xad', we don't believe when quran says 'lord of worlds' he means multiverse but the 'planets, stars' in this world.

We r repeating the jahil of babylon tower looking up n scaling out to reach heavens nonsense, it doesnt end dummy, dont u get that 'concept' we stop focusing on japtheth-shem after babylon collapse and realized everyone is better of staying where they are and working on themselves first before we do any unity. Brown ppl were given shami, ham all north africa-arabia-horn. Japtheth got FARS and we all fought inside those dimensions. Thats why alexander kept fighting persia to prove himself as greek to indo-european first civilization, u dont stand a channce tho with hamites, thats why he buried himself in egypt cuz he knew it would be DISGRACEFUL EVENT of world order.

If any japtheth we talk to it will be PERSIANS not their offshoots at all, they also expanded intno middle egypt period thats BRAVE. Bring u afghanis i think their still their warrior class like punt was for egypt
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Pharoah legacy must not be tampered or twisted, god left signs of great magnitude for him like the sphinx and pyramids, and valley of the kings. Listen egypt was boqortoyo only at its beginning as 'fircawn' they were called 'ficaan' in our language means 'good' ultimate good, highest dimention of good u can get, everything we measure today as 'good' as based on 'ficaan' perspective. Then 'farcawn' came from persia then it was invaded again by 'israelites' and 'fircawn' came. Far means 'finger' in our tongue, it means 'pointed' of strong dimension tone. Fir may have also a meaning. I think 'far' part of far-awn was 'far ma saarin' persians even tho he couldve of called the puntites-sahelites-libyans-arabians that PERSIA HAS INVADED. Finger is smallest unit to them and it couldve meant 'if i layed even one finger' persia wud be no more in history but he saw it wasnt a FAIR FIGHT, they were still 'noahides' beasts, but they civilized after that and went back to persia with great knowledge and had up-down cycles but they wouldnt share with other europeans so GREEK got fed up. I think when he said 'finger' ma saarin he meant not even 'lowest rank' of warriors in smallest 'area' not even a 'town' worth of 'ragganimo' the RA WARRIORS. He must of meant that in old egyptian as it sits well with puntite understanding which it wud have too do same with old arabians. He had 10 faroods(flanks) far iyo ood means 'camps' division across north africa-sahel-arabia-horn. WE R HIS HORN. Farsi means in our tongue 'give finger' it must mean he donated and cut one of his FLANKS and gave it o PERSIA to support them to take over and take egypt, he must of saw something MIGHTY IN THEM, so i dont mind persian cultures, their more 'diplomatic now' unlike the beasts and ox minds in europe

Yet in bible u see israeli crying over persia, yet we didnt even use a flank to fight them and we even HELPED THEM WITH A FLANK TO STREGHTEN THEIR HORDES WHO WERE 'RAG' WARRIORS OF POSSIBLY SAHEL NOT THE HORN, THE HORN ONLY COMES OUT JUDGEMENT DAY WHICH IS US. The ar-ab means 'revengee ra father' becus 'aar' means 'revenge' so it can be called RA AB, THEY CRY 'RAB' ALWAYS 'RA' KKKKK PATHETIC ISHMAELITE AND NOW PERSIAN VARIANT IS THERE WHO IS MIND OF OXE
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Sxb we must honor Ismael, Ishmael, it all started with him Islam, his the root, he threw out the 'quran' 4 all muslims noahide-abrahamic to share, he didn't conceal it for the 'ishmaelites. What happened is Ab-Ra-Ham chose Isaac and Ismael mother was an egyptian slave, yet that 'slave' is egyptian which means HIGH quality and 'sarah uncircumized' and barren woman. Abraham showed mercy by restoring sarah becuz hajar was already honored woman in RA society, but a 'slave' status only. Slave can have infinite more value then trillion kings over many time period. Ogaada.

Anyways God heard sxb hajar crying in arabian desert of BLACK ARABS and they didn't RESPOND and let her DIE for bringing a 'son of abraham' into RA COUNTRY. They were 'warriors' culture the black arabs. Anyways God heard the cries and rescued her with water, arabian desert for that reason was made HELL ON EARTH becuz thats not 'ragganimo' in Puntite culture, only 'midgan' is left to die in desert if he ate 'dead meat like scavenger' in their tradition, and even if hajar was slave status in egypt plus had an abraham child of LOW QUALITY too in those standards, the black arabs needed to DROP pride becuz Puntites would. Thats why phroah sing for PUNT. God intervened and the arabs took him in eventually and MANNED HIM UP AS A BLACK ARABIAN TRADITION. He became a mighty warrior by their standard and tradition the semites and he put in a motherfucker EFFORT which is all that counts, mightiest EFFORT is all that RA culture measure not OUTCOMES.

Then as time went the ishmaelite started looting land, killing baby girls becuz the girl isnt circumized like the 'hamitic women' and lower, eventually they earned a 'half circumision' sunnah only but not mandatory. their worth 1.5 their man n women but their sadaqo on the quran and their attempt in pure arabic was mighty effort also for abrahamic, his ppl were taught better arabic as time went on and higher varieties. Mohamed restored the honor of ishmael and 'sadaqo' the 'world highest form pure arabic' of god variant not even our human attempts, thats knowleedge for ETERNITY bro, noone hamitic arab wud do that, they keep it themselves also they only 'treat' u better but wontn share. Their worth 1.5 now ismail which israeli servant he came in as a servant ISMAIL..He is left hamite ISHMAEL...NOTICE THEE H. Illahi ayaa uu hiiliyo that 'reer' only 'quraysh and mohamed line' and 'ishmael' after ishmael EARNED HIS RESPECT AFTER BEING TAKEN IN AND TAKEN FOR WAR TOURS
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Ishmel wud respond in pure arabic to them 'the one to come, not only he be my line and honored and RA variant, he will give u all the universal knowledge' i'll also send a 'servant' type ismail he will come to u 'like i did' as 'servant' which mohamed did. The one to come will be all mohamed traits plus aall hams traits, that a brutal combination that wil unite the arabians/hamites again on shared shami-haami traditions to DISCUSS ISRAEL RESTORATION, ESPECIALLY 'AL AQSA'. The ishmael to come will be fluent in purest arabic of hamite variant and RA level hamite of the highest order not low order, he will go their ranks and prove to them, he can LEAD THEM LIKE PHAROAH WUD. Great epic porportion destruction will happen, as they try to save al aqsa as their not interested in ISRAEL LAND BUT THAT SPOT TO AWAIT THE FINAL ONE. When I say EPIC not this world wars or genghis khan or alexander rome n viking their 'beasts of burden' the bible calls them, were talking 'universal scale' plus at 'earth' scaale. were talking trillions planets/stars will die for either israel-ishmael and their side on who owns AL AQSA. The israeli will be told u take the land, we take the 'heavens' and hidden knowledge
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Somalis it's ur responsibility historically to restore the true boqortoyo of egypt and hold that place down. I warn u today but ur kids will read it 1000 years in the future. Egypt is named Masar. In our tongue god is showing us signs it means 'to cut up' in la jexjexo tarikhdisa oo la tirtiro oo ka bacdi si toos ah loo sheegto, which is a huge dambi of a criminal sort. How do u call urself men of punt and tolerate this when u wud name this man 'ficaan'.

U been lied to about Pharoah by the semites for an 'agenda' due to their limited knowledge, they could fool themselves within themselves but it's a shame their fooling us with it, our ancestors would be rotting at this shame and how we stand by idly.

Masar - Sapphire; Jewel; Emerald. Gender: Boy.

Their taking ur 'jewel' before god but he will make them 'swallow it' in the pits of hell, the lowest for the looting they do these 'naked ppl' without history. It could also mean 'mas-ar' if we took it today 'revenging snake' and bring pharoah of 'habash' variant since their 'habash hanash' even in old black arabia, brutal snakes, u wont know untill u biten.

Pharoah is very much persian dude the one in the quran, they were called 'FICAN' only be the hamitic tradition, he was all 'good'. If u see 'far' somewhere it's usually 'far si' the persian. God cursed that 'pharoah' over moses during middle period, not the founders in earlier period at all, they were all 'fican'. But the way 'masar' is going it looks like its being 'cut up' inside by outside force that's the current POSTURE it is in and the 'fellahin' lowest 'ox' minded arab is there.


Somalis only entered west in 90, u never had large scale contact with them in the past due hamitic traditions and even dont like 'semetics' of arabia as 'weak, servants' like how ismael came into arabia and stole it from ra-ab ppl who counted their traditions with the RAG cultures. All that oil there is due to their legacy and gods blessing, but we got africa and it started human history after conflicts in shami lands babylon tower.

These ppl in europe-asia-india we call them 'yaa fid' in our tradition 'expanders' and 'dad si fiidayo' and they still 'expanding' but their quality of human variant is of a very 'low standard' becuz they fled after noah thing where Ham apparently even lifted noah cloth to expose him as a 'futo' which is 'ceeb' in our culture exposing 'asses' but guess wat now we got women 'twerking' kkkkkkkkkk that would never happen in the old days, it's a sign of weakness ur 'ass' in that tradition so noah curse plays still in ways u dont ssee. It was biggest curse on mankind due to Ham, god even flooded the whole world for it.

This is an 'era' we ignore always but all our 'ciil, cuqdud, ceeb, neceb, dil, xoog crap' it was here where it 'scaled to nation, tribe level' and still is till today as 'marker of the shame' earned from NOAH, that curse is still on the world after such a long time and its only a 'man curse' a mighty man of his time but still a man. 90% of ur pain for all mankind is here.

We will return to him as 'shame' is our 'curse' when he sees us. Lets change to 'sarah ham' S-HAM and include Israel as SHAMI as one ppl sxb and slowly merge tradition EQUALLY yet balanced manner dont step down on ur 'rites' easily, the current sham are just in all honesty 'beggers of god' and thats a big problem in that 'ra' culture where u must be the god u want god to see us. Hamitic tradition dont rely on god untill '1 minute' to midnite and doomsday cycle is wat i noticed. Hajar issue needs solving also she was good noble slave woman and was 'sadaqo' from egypt to abraham as we get doing way too many charity to only be looted constsantly. She went on a 'hajar' to them and she was the best slave we had who we felt abraham status deserved. Ha jar means 'yes cut' meaning 'cut the house of abraham' waa 'hub loo diray' so we sent the smartest 'slave' we had and they 'threw her out' and eventually GOD rescued her and the hamitic arabians took him into arabian tradition, then they looted that again, now persians r sitting there.
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Somalis this all my mad writings in madness right now. I hope only the future honors it becuz it's beyond the scale of our time, so at least accept it as my 'fiction' or 'myth' like u do 'hollywood movies'.

I warn u as all warners in the past did. U have strayed very far from the 'tongue' of Somali and it's standard which is loyal to 'RA' cultures not 'HA'....HA waa Ham maba ku 'aqri' kare with ur 'loot' of his son 'dhaxal' if u dont obey those 'RA' traditions, u will only FALL even further, ma hayn kari dheh oo umaad kale luqadisa qaata oo jilicsan. The HA culture waa 'yes' absolute obedience ma jira muran becuz its about absolute perfection body-mind-soul-earth-universe they see this as their 'resume' and perfection is only good to them. Dont try to slither like snake and infect it cause u cant, their locked into that 'HA' world. Yes at all times to the creator not 'muslims, mankind, noah, abraham, adam'. Now semites took the HA 'yes' and gave it to shem. Ha SHEM. Ha culture only knows themselves as GODS as their no 'element of maya' or 'reaction'.

HA JAB BAY UU SOCOTA SIDAY UU SOCOTO CUZ SHEM WAAN HAYN WAAYAY 'TALADA'. Once it goes to HA JAB THE HA JAPTHET PPL..U only in gog/magog world. HA-JAP might also come 'ha prince of perfect as they await some white jesus they say'. Beware 'ha' is perfect 'state' and it scales into infinity like our universe.. so that 'ha' is god....if pharoah returns and establisshes himself as HA, u r finished kama soo bixi kartid no more allah iyo jesus iyo 'wax ka si wayn'. Their no yes or no allowed in perfection and perfection is impossible here in our exisstsence it will only be their image

U polluted the 'ra and na' or rag iyo nag...equals at all time 'no difference in their status' or else the word wud show it, that culture strives for perfection. U r now even lower and just 'dumar' the societies who rely on MERCY and begging, if u think mercy/begging is guaranteed when its 'rare' very 'rare' u relying on ur own stupidity n worshiping other 'failed tongues'
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Somalia I hope I live to tell u three books in my life

1. Knowledge(seen/unseen) and that's 'word' based one. I will also teach u the secrets of numbers so u 'honor' the 'greeks' who honored 'egypt' but 'west' 'black' it out and will 'fall' for this reason, if u don't honor other societies, u have no honor and r midg1 and god hates MIDGO just like u DO.

2. Spiritual Dimension not 'religion' which is a 'kabal' itself to 'trap' ppl for the upcoming 'beast' ama 'dajjal'. Spiritual book will introduce u to what 'spirit' is first so u know/feel/see/hear/touch it. It means 'unheard, unseen, unfelt, unknown, its all the UNKNOWNS'. It's an extremely complex force of 'perfection' is the closest I can put to it in our limited 'eve world' we r in 'eves man world which we call nag rageedi dunya' so it won't be perfect but have elements of error due to our curse of 'tongues' and those tongues developed 'hadal' meaning 'birth' of 'words' and we r in the 'universe of words'. Words r 'sixir' of the mightiest order that is trapped in books and ppl read it going into 'kabal like state' even 'quran, bible, etc'. Those 'true' books r 'hidden in this dimension' not the 'kabal' 'idol' u see today ppl bowing too, that the 'DUJJAL'. Dujall means Jahl. DU means 'destruction of universe', way 'la socodan' so prepare and always 'welcome unknown wisdom' to protect us, like habash king did 4 mohamed.

3. I will leave behind the 'architecture' for u to 'crack' written 'words' which is 'art' since it's 'written'. I will also leave to u the architecture rules to analyze ppl 'speech' to see if it's just 'sixir' like the current world or 'reality' whether our dimension or another dimension in reality and outside of it. U must also look at 'paintings n music' to see if they left us 'clues' to add to our 'arsenal'. U must go on historic tours to FIND THE GODS of the pagan world and honor them for their struggles, waa niman tarikh reebay which means they were high standard of ppl if their history remains which is 'rare'.
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The 'architecture' I leave to u guys is for all Somalis. So hadi talada darod ka xumato, hand it hawiye, then dir, rahanwayn and god help them as some of those maybe here or gone by then or others 'penetrated' inside our 'ra' tongue. Quraysh is gone today, only ppl 'claim' it but they went on 'missionaries' to non muslim world especially asia/Habash/somalia, not remain in arabia. Some went into 'levant, persia' also but it was smaller group. Persia was sent 'lowly soldiers' only, only a 'ignoranant' will arise there is what I suspect but I could be wrong. But the architecture and the rules I show u, will ensure u know he is the 'MAHDI'. Quraysh followed whre the prophet told them to go and 'hide' among the world. They knew our land was the best since mohamed told them to go directly. Only lowly soldiers were sent to egypt-levant-persia


Remember this. The 'tongue' is eve curse on all of mankind. We r the 'snake' as judah kissed jesus with 'snake tongue' as a 'sign' they knew also the 'game', we r all 'nag rageedi' not the pure adam u dummy, we r always x/y at all times, the pure adam maba na arki kare, its impossible in that state with 'snakes', we will bite him and destroy all adam forever


The biggest one u want somalis to focus on is 'music, paintings' becuz that's the 'feeling/hearing/seeing' dimension level of 'knowledge'. U will grow ur 'senses' to know if it's sixir or not if u see its dimension, beauty, scale, infinity, rhyme n test it on the 'hear' n 'listen' metric scale principles of the books or the 'sight metric' of beauty, and the feeling index perfection rate. U must set a 'standard' for beauty but u will find that thru the architecture rules, but usually it has to be 'rare' like gold not high 'quantity'. Omar ibn khattab told 'slave' to enter jerusalem first, he knew the 'slave' was higher quality then any ARAB, even prophet told bilal go on kaabah to make it pure. Hamites r from 'ra' culture its PURE 100% PERFECTION, lakin waxaa ka xumaday 'illahi dimension knowledge' so god wud come down always to fight them. He doesnt come down to fight semites or ya fiid ppl. yaa fiid dont even get a mention except as 'beasts' runti they 'feast' in capitalism like swines-beast, and then go into 'barbarianism' feasting again on blood-murder-ignorance
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Somalis when the True Jesus returns he will come to u to be 'annointed' with 'frankincense' he shall take some of you so be more loyal, he will come as 'hasus, xaasus, jasus' or some variant of 'remember me' in ur tongue. His name in greek is 'jesus' this one will 'kill' the pig which is yafiid thing so they can be cleaned of their 'yafiid' faith diet problem. This jesus will restore all mankind 'faith' before god. But ur 'bodies, mind' u will need to strive to protect and purify but ur 'faith' give this to man to stand before u in god. He will read the quran to u in the puntite tradition and he will ask u to bring ur best 'poet' to challenge him in 'word play and dimensions'

I urge u to know the 'mahdi' will come to establish 'saving' of the world, becuz the world then would be in a 10 laws of moses only and he will bring 2 more 'mercy, forgiven' or other sequences like 'love, mercy' and the 12 laws of israel will be established. Ur faith/souls then is saved, u will need to restore ur issues at 'noah' level/curses before he comes and ur own 'adamic' dambis of 'self', u will need to rectify those 7 laws, so he only carries 3 laws of israel and 2 laws of Islam for the 5 number.

I urge u to do good for 'mother nature' she is the only 'sane adam' and has no 'life' becuz its supporting your 'life energy', mother naturre may get her 'revenge' on u for abusing her under your control and she may be given control over u for revenge. To god we all 'Kun faya kun' we are of equal status so those animals may be given your 'adamic' life hadi talada ka xumaato and judging by the books of old it looks like its going that way as allah calls u 'creature, insaan, etc' and 'beasts' in bible and even u call urselves 'animals now' as ur losing ur name in adam line and going into another 'creature line' like neaderthal. The mahdi to come will be from Isaaq line siiba 'ciidagale' thats why their name that as it signifies 'going into the soil becuz jesus will die this time properly' to get 'peace' untill yowmul qiyaama. Yowmul qiyaamo will have many phases, maybe a 'yowmul qiyaano' first before 'yowmul qiyaama' but ur hamitic n semite traditions by then will have 'excellent' grade system to 'judge' if its 'illusion' or the 'real one'
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These atheists think their is 'nothing to something' which is impossible, something always existed first and then thru that do all exist as a dependency. There is no 'zero' state, everything is energy and will transform into 'soil' or 'hell fire of the sun' or 'light' from the sun, when hellfire sun dies it converts to 'black hole' to purify them again and they will 'be resent' in the world to do their time like buddhist teaches. Noone is leaving here untill you got 100% faith without 'shake' ground, plus ur faith will be measured if its guided by 'desire, fear, love' all satanic traits. Try to work on ur 'trust, loyalty' those r 'abraham, moses traits' and during 'existence' apply 10 laws between urselves and pray for 2 gifts mercy, forgiveness. Work on your adamic fall inheritance and crimes at a 'self' level, then treat ur body as a 'temple' of solomon, and ur 'faith' put into 'perfect one'
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The Mahdi will come thru the line ciidagale 'he will need to be buried', this will be jesus-xasus. He will answer ur hamitic tradition to show u how his gift 'love' can answer all your loyalty-pride-patience-trust-fear grounding principles plus ur semetic convenant of charity. He will present to u how 'love' can capture all those dimension and purify your ppl and nation. He will do thru body-mind-spirit to show u


Somalis keep this wisdom from me son of bah dubays majerten.

God started this world around us in stability yet disadvantage or minus that sign means minus in numbers and stability as in the ground - We fell after adam ate that 'apple' called 'knowledge' which wisdom/words were contained he 'ate' it and gave us the 'apple adam'. Then we landed in 'garden' 'gar means justice in our tongue'...We fell again due to eve and the 'snake' and we inherited 'tongues' physical ones...we only report to this 'stage' 'eve adam' but 'gods adam' waa sheeko kale. Eve adam gave us all the men/women of the world who have 'hawo lineage' physically/spiritually. All of us 'ibnul hawo' first not 'ibnul adam'....we r ibnul adan only in 'eve' lineage. So we all 'naago' men/women


Please remember this...we must establish relationship with god first or 'laws' u must honor 1 or the other or both if u can. If u want laws stick to man made laws or natural laws and quranic-hebrew-buddha or any pagan system. If u want relationship 'u need to establish it like family' father/son/friend/sister/mother. This will be measured like this....minus, plus, equal, division. This is the 'scale' god uses on the 'laws' and 'relationship' whether natural-spiritual, and yes all the invisible beings/forces are under strict laws or relationship, their all 'creation'.

If u cant hold TWO, stick to 1 area, dont try to scale beyond your 'capacity' as ur limited being. The laws and/or relationships seem to be under a 'strict measure' for 'value' only not 'quantity' so dont assume 'many useless prayers' will get u to janno when 1 prayer can if it has 'value'. Remember this as im in deep pits of madness..Infinity has no beginning/end it scales 'all directions' whether forward-backwards-sideways and even inside 'angles'. For example remember this a 'line' can go any direction or curves or bends

I suspect that god measures value on 'dimensions' even a 'grain' vs 'quantity'

1. Pride
2. Justice
3. Equality
4. Patience
5. Trust
6. Love
7. Mercy
8. Loyalty
10. Wisdom

I only 10 and their is '2' hidden from me and possibly coming with the MAHDI

This can be co-joined into 'nests' or scale 'horizontal' like 'genders' do with male or female and be measured again on the 'grain n quantity' value. If u have 1 value among them all ur life u will be fine, just 1 and even at smallest 'grain' level or at the largests 'quantity' level it dont matter. We have 'scaled' very far from the 'garden of eden' standard let alone 'adamic' scale and it's going into INFINITY and further and further away from god in all directions whether up or down or side to side, we r now 'humans' or a 'type of man' man-kind, So be prepared for the age of the 'JINNS' as we will merge and unify as some sort of 'man kind', plus remember 'nature' is a 'word' and demands u do 'cadalad' for her or else u wouldnt be ALIVE without it. Even 'eve' adam wont be able to recognize thee BAHAL her kids became and mutations across universes, she will say 'war iga wada bahalkan' anigu ma dhalin if god doesn't intervene, she will say 'my dambi' didnt go into INFINITY scalee. U started pure with adam and then flawed with 'eve' and within even u developed 'snake tongues' and that snake tongue is creating all these bahal ages u r growing thru, u will soon merge with 'jinn' thru evolution also
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What a crazy world I was in Madness but I also was fully aware it's 'madness' and can see reality in a ying/yang type of dual reality. lol

Waryaa Mark my OWN quote on my 'gravestone'....I regreted yesterday becuz most of it I don't remember so it 'satan fooled' me into his 'qiyaano', Today in the present however I only make 'go'ans' and decisions lookin for 'satan deception', but tommorow I only pray and hope god takes me outta this 'greenery lookin hell planet called earth' which is only one grain in the cosmo among a multiverse of ininity universes. It's like your whole universe is a fuckin 'screen' in youtube channel, and theres more infinite amount of videos, you guys over-rate ur importance. f*ck ALL U NIGGAS, mark my grave as 'jinni boqor' in the after life but in this life u will know me as YOUR AF NAAREED as I spit my knowledge in PURE FIRE all over u. Ima prepare myself for after death n pray for a 'deep sleep' or 'intelligent' species that I can join thru evolution. I dont believe in heaven or hell f*ck ur lies...heaven will always 'scale' into better and better u will never be fully satisfied and go into the 'rott' of chasing shit.

Their will be an ultimate 'end' i suspect and a proper 'yowmul qiyaama' but till then their will only be 'rebirth and evolution' and yowmul 'qiyaaNo' an 'illusion qiyaama'. U will have 1 life but in that 1 life u may have to do ur time in 'reincarnation' in different existences but it's still one 'life' or u may go to real 'janno' where u 'rest in peace' till 'universe' really ends and that day u shall answer for ur life, experiences, memories on a fine 'line' of justice where there no hands out, u can pray all u want, try praying now for the sky to drop money, see how far that gets u, u think u can pray in the real judgement day. U can 'cry jesus' too if ur christian but he cant help u cuz your 'life result' will speak against u fools too. They try to convince themselve of a 'false' security lol, made up in their own 'little finite capped brains' but will wake up to TERROR IN THE FORM OF 'LOVE' which can be switched into 'terror mode'. There is no good or bad in this world that is birthed and dies, good n evil is itself 'haram' becuz 'perfection' isnt born.

Im marrying one of those 'asian' tribes who developed 'stronger genes under water' cuz the world will eventually be impacted by rising sea waters and lands will sink, those guys r already 'adapted' to live under water more then other human groups. I want to slowly merge with 'octopus' who has 8 brains in their 'arms' we only have 1 brain. I'll also prepare marriage with 'nomad' if shit turns like mars like condition. Plus one from 'icy cold region' if the planet goes that way. Dr Osman gene will survive thru intelligence not thru @Libaax-Joore oo wax kasto iska waso lakin tirtiri doonaa
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You guys can experience my 'trip' just take psychedelics or some mind altering drug, u will see reality more deeper, but mine comes 'natural' not thru drugs tho. U will need to not 'immerse yourself into the trip either' but watch it 'rationally' in 'dual mode' and if u cant then u wont even REMEMBER it
You guys can experience my 'trip' just take psychedelics or some mind altering drug, u will see reality more deeper, but mine comes 'natural' not thru drugs tho. U will need to not 'immerse yourself into the trip either' but watch it 'rationally' in 'dual mode' and if u cant then u wont even REMEMBER it
Get yourself a diary, sir.


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