"The Somali Imam Gouri"

Omar del Sur

I like to read the website of this magazine, I was going through the history section and I came across this and read some of it. I thought some of the people here might enjoy it. This is from auto-translate so there will be some weird mistakes. I believe the magazine is from Saudi (the web address is UK but I think it's actually a Saudi magazine).

This is a long article but... I've heard his name before and he is very famous so maybe people would like to read it. None of the below are my words, they are the translation of the article.

( The most famous role of Ethiopian history whose news has remained preserved by Westerners is “ Ahmed Gouri al-Somali, ” who nearly crushed Abyssinian Christianity and brought it back to Islam as the land of Nubia .) [ French orientalist Rene Basse 1924-1855 AD ].

There are many Muslims who do not know anything about the jihad of their brothers in the Horn of Africa and the East of the Black Continent, and their many and great efforts and sacrifices in the face of the Crusades launched against them by the Abyssinian Empire, historically known as the Kingdom of “ Axum ” , for centuries, under the auspices, support and incitement of the Jacobite Orthodox Church In Abyssinia, the Crusades are old in this region, as long as the presence of Islam there .

Islam began to spread in East Africa and Somalia since the end of the first century AH, at the hands of Arab merchants coming from Yemen and the Hijaz, and as a result many Islamic emirates were formed in this region, which took upon themselves the spread of Islam within this country, as well as confronting its enemies. At their head is the Christian state in Abyssinia. These sultanates were known to Arab historians as “the emirates of the Islamic style.”

First : The Abyssinian Portuguese Alliance :

These religious wars were a dispute between the Abyssinian Christians on the one hand, and the Somali, Afari and Arab Muslims on the other. And it continued until the beginning of the sixteenth century AD / ten AH .

During this period, the invading Portuguese Crusader fleets reached the coasts of the Horn of Africa overlooking the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea, after they had discovered the Cape of Good Hope in the year 905 AH / 1498 AD, which enabled them to circle around Africa and reach the coasts of this region, including To India, for the first time in their history, as part of their deliberate plan to encircle the Islamic world from the south, and deal a fatal blow to it from behind .

The Negus, the king of Abyssinia, was overjoyed at their arrival, and hastened to ally with them, asking them for support and assistance in his war against the Muslims, and in purifying the Horn of Africa and East Africa from them . The Abyssinian Negus also showed great enthusiasm for the Portuguese plan, which aims to crush the Muslims, destroy the holy places in Mecca and Medina, and then march north to recover Jerusalem, and divert the course of the Nile to the Red Sea to turn all of Egypt into a barren desert. that plan . Therefore, it allowed them to consolidate their influence in the Horn of Africa, East Africa, the Red Sea, and the islands of Dahlak, opposite the port of Jeddah, to which they wanted to cross in preparation for reaching Mecca and Medina to destroy them . The Christian religion united them despite the great sectarian differences between them. The Ethiopians are Jacobites orthodox, and the Portuguese are Catholics..

In his letters to the King of Portugal and his conversations with the Portuguese ambassador, the Negus of Abyssinia focused on the following :

1 - Urging the King of Portugal to continue the war against the Muslims until they are completely eliminated, and until Bayt Al-Maqdis is captured .

2 - Asking the Portuguese to provide him with every aid and assistance so that he can stand before the Islamic forces surrounding him .

3- Asking them to send experts and technicians to help him in developing his country and in making weapons to fight Muslims .

4 - Al-Najashi believed that the countries of Europe should cooperate together in sending their forces to the Red Sea with the Portuguese and help the Ethiopian forces in capturing Jeddah, Mecca, Cairo and other Islamic cities, but this suggestion did not like the Portuguese .

Second : The brightness of the star of Imam Ahmed Juri :

During this period, the star of one of the heroes of Islam, one of the great mujahideen, in East Africa and Somalia, was Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al-Ghazi, the unifier of Muslims in these lands, and the feat of leader, the owner of wide conquests in the land of Abyssinia and the regions of East Africa . The birth of this hero, who was later known as “ Ahmed Gouri ” or “ Guri ” , which means the left-handed in the Somali language, was in the year 908 AH, and his birthplace was in “ Hobbet ” , which is located near “ Harar ” , the historical city established by the Muslims At the end of the first century AH . Harar was, at that time, one of the important states that make up the Islamic Emirate of "Justice", and one of the most important centers of Islamic science and radiation in East Africa, which allowed him to acquire a rich religious culture, and to acquire a share of science and jurisprudence, according to the doctrine of Imam Shafi'i, may God be pleased with him. May God be pleased with him, and it is the prevailing doctrine in this region and in Yemen and the Hijaz .

Ahmed Gouri grew up in light of qualitative changes and major events that Muslims were going through in the Horn of Africa during that period. At that time, the arms of the Abyssinian Christians strengthened, and the balance of military power changed in their favor, especially after they obtained firearms from their Portuguese allies, which were unknown weapons at that time in the Horn of Africa. The Abyssinian and Portuguese parties launched a coordinated crusade against the Muslims in that region : the Ethiopians from the mainland, And the Portuguese from the sea, and the forces of the Abyssinian Negus Da’ud III managed, in 1516 AD, to inflict a crushing defeat on the Somali and Afar forces, affiliated with the Emirate of Adal, whose most important centers are located on the coast of the Gulf of Aden, including the capital “ Zilaa ” , and this emirate was the most important, and largest of the Emirates The Islamic State in Somalia, and the most responsible in the jihad against the Abyssinian Crusader, at that time .​
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Omar del Sur

While the Christian Abyssinians were burning Islamic cities and villages, and wreaking corruption in them at home, the Portuguese fleets were bombing the coastal cities, the Sultanate of Justice, and all the ports of Somalia, East Africa, and Yemen, without mercy or mercy, sowing death and devastation in them, and spreading terror throughout their territories. In the middle of 1517 AD, the historical city of Zeila - the capital of the Emirate of Justice - was bombed , burned, and looted after seizing its castle. In 1518 AD, the city of Berbera, the most important port of this Islamic Emirate, was subjected to a brutal invasion, and in 1520 ADThe city of Massawa was subjected to a similar brutal invasion, in which Mogadishu was also occupied by the Portuguese, one of the important trading centers on the Indian Ocean coast, and they did their actions as usual. What she was carrying of foodstuffs and valuables . Also in the same year (1520 AD ) , the Sultan of Adal, Abu Bakr bin Muhammad, was forced to move his capital from Zeila to Harar, in western Somalia, in the region currently occupied by Abyssinia, known as “ Ogaden ” , so that this city would then become one of the most important cities in Horn of Africa . It was proved at that time that the Mamluks in Egypt, the masters of the coasts of the Red Sea, were unable and weak to provide any significant support to those Muslims in their plight, let alone mobilize their fleets to help them, which made the Muslims in East Africa in a difficult and critical situation .

But despite that, and despite the fierce attack against the Muslims in Somalia during this period at the hands of the Abyssinians and the Portuguese, they did not surrender, and they showed unparalleled steadfastness in defending their religion and their country . The Mamluks, with great pleasure among the Muslims in the Somali emirates, and revived in them new hopes, in the possibility of confronting the danger of the Abyssinian-Portuguese crusader that attacked them from land and sea. The rulers of those Islamic Emirates rushed, so they sent messengers to Sultan Selim I (1512-1518 AD ) , recognizing sovereignty to the Sublime Porte, declaring their loyalty to the Sultan .

In the year 1520 AD , the Ottomans set up garrisons at the African Red Sea ports, which were exposed to the aggression of the Portuguese fleets, especially Suakin, Massawa and Zeila, and provided them with firearms. These cities became under the command of Pasha Jeddah, who appointed deputies to him there . Thus, the Muslims regained some of their confidence and strength, and the fighting and jihad spirit rose in themselves, and they regained some of the parts that the Emirate of Justice had lost .

Third : His handling of the affairs of the Emirate of Justice and its reforms :

One of the most dangerous consequences of the defeat of the Muslims in the battle of 1516 AD with the Abyssinian Christians was the killing of Prince Mahfouz, the leader of the holy war against the Christians of Abyssinia, and the actual responsible for managing the affairs of the Islamic Emirate of Justice, during the reign of Sultan Abi Bakr bin Muhammad (1518-1488). m ) , which led to the deterioration of the situation in this emirate and the intensification of the power struggle . There was no one to fill the void and restore things to their rightful place except for “ Ahmed Gouri , ” and he belonged to the same family as Prince Mahfouz, and it seems that he was also close to him and accompanied him in his conquests and the jihadist battles against the Abyssinians, and that is why he won the support of his supporters .

Hence, Ahmed Jouri took command of the army of the Emirate of Justice, and raised the banner of jihad against the Abyssinian Crusade, succeeding Prince Mahfouz, and he was at the time at the top of youth, vitality and enthusiasm . After he married the daughter of his predecessor, Prince Mahfouz, and led the emirate, politically and militarily, he took the title of imam for himself, and became famous for it without other titles .

This feat was able to eliminate all the factors of sedition, discord and disturbances that occurred in the Emirate of Justice, after its defeat at the hands of the Ethiopians, the killing of Prince Mahfouz, the literature of the outlaws and bandits, and he seized control of all matters in the Emirate of Justice with firmness and seriousness, and he followed a successful policy that brought people together from around him and united the tribes, made them on one word, established the rites of the true Islamic religion, spread justice among the parish, worked to provide a decent life for them, distributed zakat to those who deserved it, took great care of his soldiers, and fair in dividing the spoils among them, and stopped books of science on Scientists and mosques, and thus earned the love of jurists, scholars and sheikhs, as well as the love of the people, in addition to the love of soldiers .

During this period, the Islamic call expanded greatly in East Africa, at the hands of local and Arab preachers, who came from Cairo after graduating from Al-Azhar Al-Sharif. Mosques and schools for memorizing the Noble Qur’an. In short, this country witnessed, at that time, an unparalleled Islamic awakening .

Imam Ahmed Gouri completed his efforts in this regard by persuading the leaders of the Emirates and the Islamic forces in East Africa to join forces and unite their efforts, and then direct their forces together to their common enemy - the Abyssinian Kingdom - and by severing relations with the latter and isolating it politically, especially since some of these leaders were flattering the Abyssinian kings And pays the royalties to them . Ahmed Gouri also contacted the Ottomans, and informed them of the reality of what is happening in the Horn of Africa .

There was tangible cooperation between the Islamic Emirates in Somalia, especially the Emirate of Adal and its leader, Imam Ahmed Gouri, and the Ottoman Empire, to confront the Portuguese crusaders and the Abyssinian invaders, and that cooperation grew and flourished during the reign of the great Sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566 AD ). The Sublime Porte paid attention to the Sultanate of Justice, which was the main base for offensive operations against Christian Ethiopia, as well as the strategic location it occupied at the entrance to the Bab al-Mandab Strait . The Ottomans followed the development of events in the Emirate of Justice with interest, and admired the zeal of Commander Ahmed Gouri and his unifying efforts, and gave him support and encouragement militarily and politically, especially through the Wali of Egypt .

Throughout that period, Ahmed Guri did not spare any effort to reorganize the army, strengthen it, and encourage it to wage jihad for the sake of God, and in his war with the Abyssinians, at that time, he did not depart from the framework of skirmishes and the border war . With the help of military experts from the Ottoman Janissaries, he was able to form a small but disciplined army, made up of Arabs and Somalis, and equipped with firearms . As for the Ottomans, they remained far from this army, as they did not actually participate in the war on its side, and their role was limited to sending weapons and ammunition, and the formations of volunteer Mujahideen from the Wilayat of Yemen that belongs to them .

Fourth : A new stage of jihad :

After Imam Ahmed Juri completed the necessary preparation and preparation, over several years, he soon launched a new stage of jihad against the Abyssinian Christians; Beginning in 1526 AD, a fierce war broke out in this region under the banners of the crescent and the cross, unprecedented in terms of its violence, cruelty and ferocity, and the Somali, Afari and Arab mujahideen, led by Imam Ahmed Gouri, succeeded in breaking the power of the Ethiopians, expelling them from the coastal areas, and depriving them of any port. On the coasts of the Red Sea, and then isolated them in the Abyssinian plateau, and continued to encircle them, tighten the noose upon them, and indoctrinate them with defeat after defeat, after they moved the battlefield to their homes .

Meanwhile, the Portuguese tried to intervene to relieve the pressure on the Ethiopians by bombarding the Muslim ports with cannons from their fleets at sea, so their brutal raids were repeated on the ports of Zeila and Massawa during the years 1526 and 1528 AD .

However, their attempt did not succeed in terrorizing the Muslim Mujahideen, and had no effect on the course of events at home, and their communication with the Ethiopians became very difficult, so the Muslims were ready to confront any sea landing operation carried out by the Portuguese on the coast of the Red Sea or the ocean. Indian . The Muslims continued their advance into the depths of Abyssinia, capturing the provinces of Shuwa, and the cities of Daaro and Tigray in the years 1531-1529 AD, and Amhara 1533 AD. The Muslim forces invaded the whole of Upper Ethiopia up to the Sennar border, and dozens of Ethiopian cities became in the hands of Muslims, including their capital, Aksum in Tigray region .

By 1540 AD, the entire southern and central part of Ethiopia, along with a number of northern regions, became under the control of this zealous Somali conqueror, who was about to end the conflict in this region for the benefit of the Muslims once and for all .​

Omar del Sur

At that time, the Negus could not withstand the attacks of the Muslim armies except with great difficulty, especially since the masses of toilers in Ethiopia, which were suffering under the yoke of the church, feudalism and the outdated monarchy, abandoned it, and many numbers of the population embraced the true Islamic religion, and sided with the Muslims in the fighting. against the rulers of Christian Ethiopia, and did everything in its power to expedite the achievement of the Muslims' victories .

Meanwhile, the Emirate of “ Adl ” expanded to include all what was known as “ the principalities of the Islamic style ” and most of the Christian provinces of Abyssinia, and it became a prominent landmark for the glory of Islam in these lands .

Fifth : The Portuguese Intervene :

In September of the year 1540 AD, the Negus Da’ud III died of his grief, alone and scattered, after losing power, the army and the supporters, to be replaced by his son Claudius (1559-1540 AD ) , who succeeded in stopping the final collapse of the Abyssinian Christian army, “ The fate of the war changed with a blow from the Magic , ” as one of the Western historians said .

In fact, this change would not have occurred without the arrival of Portuguese military aid to the new king, who had been urgently requested by the previous king, after the succession of the victories of Imam Ahmed Gouri, and even the Abyssinian Church itself had sent a cry for help to the Pope of Rome and offered him subordination and submission to his authority, but While maintaining the orthodox doctrine .

The intervention of the Portuguese in the war on the side of the Ethiopians, by land and sea, came in those decisive moments, after their role before that was limited to acts of sabotage and looting in the shores of the Gulf of Aden - it came to form a lifeline for the Jacobite Christianity in Abyssinia, and its worn-out monarchy, which was about to be destroyed. He breathed his last under the horses of the Muslim Mujahideen horses, at a time when the light of Islam was about to spread throughout the rest of Abyssinia, and the rest of East Africa .

As a result of the direct Portuguese intervention in the war on the side of the Abyssinians, armed confrontations flared up again, and Imam Ahmed Guri - after an Ottoman rescue and his arrival from Yemen, made up of the Janissaries and Arab knights - managed to inflict a new crushing defeat on the allied Abyssinian - Portuguese forces, in the Battle of Anasi in 1542 AD, in which the Portuguese and the Ethiopians suffered heavy losses in life, and their forces were scattered and torn apart, and they fled in every direction . Of the Portuguese alone in this battle, more than two hundred were killed and wounded, and this number was too large for them, compared to their size, and among the dead was the commander of the Portuguese forces in Abyssinia “ Don Christophan de Gama ” son of the famous Portuguese navigator “ Vasco de Gama ” .

But after this victory, the unexpected happened . The Somali conqueror, Ahmed Gouri , for some reason , returned the Ottoman force to its positions in Yemen, and only two hundred soldiers remained, only to be surprised - after that - by the return of the Crusaders to war again, and then he had no choice but to confront them with the remaining forces with him .

Sixth : The Battle of Zantar and the Hero’s Martyrdom :

Thus, the fighting broke out again between the two parties, and the confrontations began intermittently, in the form of skirmishes and hijackers, until the great clash occurred in February 1543 AD in a place called “ Zantar ” near Lake Tana ( the source of the Blue Nile ) , where it took place. Between the two sides, a terrible and cruel battle took place, which ended with the defeat and martyrdom of the army of Imam Ahmad Gouri, may God have mercy on him. The banner was raised after him by Prince Nur al-Din, his nephew, and the war continued between him and the Ethiopians until 1559 AD .

In this year, the two parties decided to incline to peace, after the continuous war for more than thirty years, which ate everything . And ended a long phase of the conflict between Muslims and Abyssinians, which had begun four centuries ago .

Since that time, the Muslims' threat to the Christian Abyssinia has ended, and both parties have left to take care of their own affairs and internal problems .

There was no fundamental change in the balance of power between the two sides, except with the advent of the European colonial legions in the latter half of the nineteenth century, when the Christians of Abyssinia got stronger again, due to the generous support of the Europeans, so they resumed their crusade against the Muslims, with Western European support and encouragement. , in order to avenge their dignity, which Imam Ahmed Guri trampled in the mud, in the sixteenth century, and in the meantime, they seized the Islamic emirates in the Horn of Africa, which are the emirates known as the Islamic-style emirates: the Emirate of Harar, the Emirate of Ifad, the Emirate of Justice, and the Emirate of Hadiya, one after the other. .

What is happening in Somalia at the present time is only one of the manifestations of the Crusade that resurrected at the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Siad Barre regime in Somalia in 1991 AD, after which Somalia entered into a cycle of conflict and internal fighting, with the planning and support of the enemies of Islam and the enemies of Somalia, who are represented in Ethiopia, the Crusader countries and the Christian missionary church institutions, who are working hard to ensure that a strong Islamic state with a central authority does not exist in this African Muslim country, which has a strategic geographical location, through which it can regain its importance and role in spreading Islam in Africa, and in the face of the Ethiopian and Western Crusades. Which he played in the Middle Ages and the Modern.That is because the crushing blow suffered by Christianity in Abyssinia and the lesson taught to it by the Conqueror Somali Mujahid Ahmed Gouri, Abyssinia has not yet forgotten, and the Crusader West in turn has not forgotten him yet.​
What is happening in Somalia at the present time is only one of the manifestations of the Crusade that resurrected at the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Siad Barre regime in Somalia in 1991 AD, after which Somalia entered into a cycle of conflict and internal fighting, with the planning and support of the enemies of Islam and the enemies of Somalia, who are represented in Ethiopia, the Crusader countries and the Christian missionary church institutions, who are working hard to ensure that a strong Islamic state with a central authority does not exist in this African Muslim country, which has a strategic geographical location, through which it can regain its importance and role in spreading Islam in Africa, and in the face of the Ethiopian and Western Crusades. Which he played in the Middle Ages and the Modern.That is because the crushing blow suffered by Christianity in Abyssinia and the lesson taught to it by the Conqueror Somali Mujahid Ahmed Gouri, Abyssinia has not yet forgotten, and the Crusader West in turn has not forgotten him yet.​
Facts! 💯. I just wish our idiotic Somalis who worship these confederation tribal systems would wake up and see all that is happening in East Africa, especially in the horn, was set up and planned by foreigners and sellouts. #EndTribalism #OneUmmah


for ppl who were interested in the thread about the Ethiopian, here is a more recent thread of mine.
Didn’t you say you were gonna quit SSpot? Here is an even more recent post of yours disrespecting Ogaden war shaheeds
These two (Mutombo and the Puntite one) are like rabid dogs wallahi.

Following Omar into a whole another thread just so they can continue their little disagreement

Subhanallah, I guess that quote "hell has no fury like a woman scorned" couldn't be anymore true.

Just ignore these dan-daans and continue on saaxib @Omar del Sur
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These two (Mutombo and the Puntite one) are like rabid dogs wallahi.

Following Omar into a whole another thread just so they can continue their little disagreement

Subhanallah, I guess that quote "hell has no fury like a woman scorned" couldn't be anymore true.

Just ignore these dan-daans and continue on saaxib @Omar del Sur
I’m not a woman I’ve posted my dna results on here.+ my YFull results are pending. I have relatives that fought in that war so I’m not letting a disrespectful comment by a Mexican who’s been talking shit sh*t for years go unchecked. Some of you niggas on here need to get your T levels checked.

