The somali's at the Coli have failed us.

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Oh I forgot to add in my last post @Haze, Stokeley Carmichael is a product of the same island that I was born on. He was one of the many Caribbean people who were hand in hand with AAs during the civil rights period.

And yes no where is utopia....Caribbean islands have their challenges as well....but Somali's have redefined dysfunction.....and taken it to a whole new level. You all stand alone at the pinnacle of dysfunction. Again I think I can say that and not be worried about your fact you all would find my words complementary.
Oh I forgot to add in my last post @Haze, Stokeley Carmichael is a product of the same island that I was born on. He was one of the many Caribbean people who were hand in hand with AAs during the civil rights period.

And yes no where is utopia....Caribbean islands have their challenges as well....but Somali's have redefined dysfunction.....and taken it to a whole new level. You all stand alone at the pinnacle of dysfunction. Again I think I can say that and not be worried about your fact you all would find my words complementary.

@isme how does it feel, when a Land in our country is packed with oil, double the size of your country.
The difference is you generate over 1 billion a year for other communities, what have you got to show for it? Every nation had their time of war & famine, even your European masters suffered in Europe, as for Somalis, they're still investing in their communities & send money back home.

Let me get this straight. Your people reside on the most resource rich continent(Africa), in a country that hands down has the most strategic location for commerce and tourism with borders on both the gulf aden and the red sea and all you have to show for it is piracy, terrorism on hotels, illiteracy, and abject poverty? And you're lecturing us about resource mismanagement.

Do you know how many world leaders would love carpet bomb the hell out of somalia to displace your population just to have your prime real estate and generate trillions off your land. In fact, there were a couple of attempts by other nations doing just that weren't there? Hell, even your dumb Arab overlords managed to make billion dollar lemonade off of tourism, natural resources, and foreign investments alone. So, your current condition says a lot about your people.


Bored to death
Let me get this straight. Your people reside on the most resource rich continent(Africa), in a country that hands down has the most strategic location for commerce and tourism with borders on both the gulf aden and the red sea and all you have to show for it is piracy, terrorism on hotels, illiteracy, and abject poverty? And you're lecturing us about resource mismanagement.

Do you know how many world leaders would love carpet bomb the hell out of somalia to displace your population just to have your prime real estate and generate trillions off your land. In fact, there were a couple of attempts by other nations doing just that weren't there? Hell, even your dumb Arab overlords managed to make billion dollar lemonade off of tourism, natural resources, and foreign investments alone. So, your current condition says a lot about your people.
:damn: How can any Somali recover from this?
We even use coli smilies, we have no shame. :jcoleno:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Let me get this straight. Your people reside on the most resource rich continent(Africa), in a country that hands down has the most strategic location for commerce and tourism with borders on both the gulf aden and the red sea and all you have to show for it is piracy, terrorism on hotels, illiteracy, and abject poverty? And you're lecturing us about resource mismanagement.

Do you know how many world leaders would love carpet bomb the hell out of somalia to displace your population just to have your prime real estate and generate trillions off your land. In fact, there were a couple of attempts by other nations doing just that weren't there? Hell, even your dumb Arab overlords managed to make billion dollar lemonade off of tourism, natural resources, and foreign investments alone. So, your current condition says a lot about your people.
Yes indeed it does say a lot, for one, that we're a resilient people, who stand up against Goliath's (corporations) masquerading as countries. Before we can continue this conversation, can you tell me who own the US federal reserves? Is the American president elected or selected?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I never really understood how a group of people can be so docile & subservient, I can't seem to get my head around the fact that one is getting killed in the United snakes of America by the police yet you'll find a buck dancing coon joining Uncle Sam to die for another mans war.

Tell me, why does one call himself black? When that's an English word which has many negative conatation? Would you find any group of people today who identitify with a label given to them by another group of people?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Cherry picking stats from data gathered on secondary education standardized test in a city which has a very small African-American population to begin with is suppose support what stance exactly? It's not like we don't already know that students across the board , regardless of geography or race/ethnicity who are multilingual perform better on standardized test on average than those who are monolingual. ALL immigrant populations fit this bill. Especially in light of how this one anecdote of your's compares to actual all encompassing stats which we can use to see who's community brings home more (at least 4 year)college degrees in America(where your most successful diaspora is located). God knows what it would look like if we brought up how you people perform in Canada, UK, or Sweden.

View attachment 3537
View attachment 3538

African-American(US born black) bachelor degree holders- %16.3

Somali-American bachelor degree holders- %12.5

The latter chart also shows that immigrant populations perform better than their native counter parts across ALL groups, except for Hispanics, not just with "black people". This holds true for not only the US, but the UK, Canda, and Austalia as well. So I really don't understand where all of the hoopla about "zomg teh emmigrents R dooing bettur than tah black-muricans!!! hur dur" is coming from, as if this phenomenon isn't universal.

Furthermore regardless of how some grade school kids in Seattle perform on standardized test, when it comes down to it success is measured by the bottom line($$$) and it's here where you guys really do the poorest.

View attachment 3541

I mean with all of that education you all claim to possess, I have to wonder what it is you guys are majoring in. Applied Poverty?

kkkkkk it's not cherry picking, if anything the African Americans of Seattle purportedly have the highest IQ of all Aframs. I'm not surprised whatsoever by these results, I'm quite certain this repeats itself throughout the country. There seems to be some cultural issue among African Americans that inhibits their educational attainment.

Somalis are not a self selected immigrant group like the Nigerians or Indians whose cream of the crop reach America. We're refugees, the sons of wealthy officials and the sons of hicks all on the same boat. The fact that our first generation, many who've been here for a decade or less, seems to be performing above expectations bodes well for our future. I don't know if you can say the same.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Aaaahahahahaah! and just imagine I was completely distracted and doing major league multitasking when I wrote that. If I were to really concentrate on you they'll probably find you in fetal position folded up like a pretzel in your bathtub and crying walaphuckinghi. Lol!

LOL ayy my nikka why you be threatin me and sheit?



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Your music is owned lock stock & barrel by the Jewish community who own most of the entertainment industry. With that being said I admire men like Malcolm X who wanted to wake you brothers up & get you back to your roots which Islam believe it or not. I admire the Nation of Islam, the black panther movement & any movement which will benefit your community.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Again...I will be phucking off in the next few minutes but this sojourn was more of a probe of your community. I find you guys to be bizarre in so many ways not the least of which your automaton-like loyalty to religion on the one hand and your hate for each other and the world on the other. You guys are living breathing oxymorons.

...and about somalis not liking me...come on dude....really? Is that what you and the other Somali chaps see in my words. Nigga my life could not be any better. I'm successful, from a loving family, have great friends from all cultures (not Somalis of course), have a hot SO. I'm on the most beautiful beaches sipping on exotic drinks at least three times a fact life's a beach for me.

Now what were you saying about obsession with Somalis? Oh yeah...I want you to like me.............bwaaahahahahahahahahahah! One thing about you guys is your imaginations are off the charts.

You're on a Somali forum bragging about your supposedly great lifestyle at 9 in the morning on a Saturday my friend.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Imagine how powerful your community would be if your women stopped using hairhats to emulate their master & instead invest it in to schools & businesses? You will find a whole community of African American neighbourhoods yet you will find typically an Asian or Latino running the businesses smh


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Just to summarise, you fight for others, you entertain like a knuckle dragging jive turkey coon yet the Jews are eating off your buffoonery. You portray your women in music videos as harlots, superhead, you have no remorse for them cause you suffer from inferiority complex & prefer & venerate women of other races. Due to that your women have started imitating their white counterpart with the hairhat, you spend billions on hairhats nails owned by mostly Korean, your local shops are run by other races. You fight for the enemy that oppresses you & in-turn enable them to oppress you some more. Your celebrities that you idolise & worship, are the biggest brown nosing coons, who don't invest in their communities, who 9 times out of 10 marry out & move to the white suburbs, the black boule makes sure that you keep dragging your knuckle & remain totally oblivious to it all, on the ground while you praise them as they solidify your enemies control over you, have I missed anything out?


closer to god we africans
cognitive talking all this mess all the while he got a crisp fade in his dp listening alternately to biggie smalls nd beenie man

cognitive dissonance alright:draketf::drakegrin::drakelaugh:
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