The somali's at the Coli have failed us.

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Nice book kkkkkkkk

Stop acting like you can read, be honest who wrote that for you?

Aaaahahahahaah! and just imagine I was completely distracted and doing major league multitasking when I wrote that. If I were to really concentrate on you they'll probably find you in fetal position folded up like a pretzel in your bathtub and crying walaphuckinghi. Lol!
@isme grow some balls and go f*ck off

I sense you are a gentleman with huge balls but a small penis. Don't look now but that's a deformity.

Anyway..I have all the balls I need. But i'll take your second suggestion to heart and move on after a couple more posts. Can you point me in the direction of the Nigerians please. Looking for threads that are hateful towards us blacks in the west. Thanks.
Ok I will then @afrosomali

AAs that have literally been here for hundreds of years being outscored by a bunch of refugees that came here a decade ago.

Refugees, not even immigrants that are the cream of the crop, just a random mix of individuals, 1st generation kids whose parents don't speak a lick of English living in the same hoods, facing the same "odds", learning a new language and culture.

What do you think our second generation will look like?
Cherry picking stats from data gathered on secondary education standardized test in a city which has a very small African-American population to begin with is suppose support what stance exactly? It's not like we don't already know that students across the board , regardless of geography or race/ethnicity who are multilingual perform better on standardized test on average than those who are monolingual. ALL immigrant populations fit this bill. Especially in light of how this one anecdote of your's compares to actual all encompassing stats which we can use to see who's community brings home more (at least 4 year)college degrees in America(where your most successful diaspora is located). God knows what it would look like if we brought up how you people perform in Canada, UK, or Sweden.


African-American(US born black) bachelor degree holders- %16.3

Somali-American bachelor degree holders- %12.5

The latter chart also shows that immigrant populations perform better than their native counter parts across ALL groups, except for Hispanics, not just with "black people". This holds true for not only the US, but the UK, Canda, and Austalia as well. So I really don't understand where all of the hoopla about "zomg teh emmigrents R dooing bettur than tah black-muricans!!! hur dur" is coming from, as if this phenomenon isn't universal.

Furthermore regardless of how some grade school kids in Seattle perform on standardized test, when it comes down to it success is measured by the bottom line($$$) and it's here where you guys really do the poorest.

Screenshot (1).png

I mean with all of that education you all claim to possess, I have to wonder what it is you guys are majoring in. Applied Poverty?
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closer to god we africans
^I don't mean to be offensive, but if I could interject i'd like to point out that in all seriousness you're taking this issue far too seriously. At the end of the day, Somali people's beliefs are inconsequential to you, you're words not mine, so what's the point of this argument? You're fighting with a group of people who don't want to fight with you about beliefs that you've generalized onto the lot of us. You went out of your way to come here, and the first thing you did was attack someone, who was either jesting or wrong, and then decided to argue with people here about things that are incredibly easy to find out if you took your time to actually look up somali history and culture. If you need someone to spell it out for you, in that case, I will. The easy answer to your question is, Somali's don't like anyone! Anyone! You want me to repeat it again? They don't fucking like ANYONE! You want to know why that is? It's because the closest equivalent to the Somali people you can find is the Chinese. China was called the middle kingdom for a reason, in that the people believed they were the center of the world, and the term world is used loosely here because it's more akin to they believed they were the center of the universe. So imagine this. Take a group of heavily isolationist people who've done everything and anything to protect and maintain their sovereignty, add a whooole ton of tribalism, and thrown in all the pride and honor humanity can collectively muster. That's the volatile cocktail you want so badly to understand. But to see you come here and go after people just makes me think you want the approval of a group of people who dislike and stereotype people who look, act, share the same culture, speak the same language, and live in the same area of the world as them? And to that all i can say is really?
Ultimately if you want to understand how a group of people who straight up want to be left alone, and live their lives, and progress through their own means, wouldn't like those who bothered them, then i have a seriously difficult time seeing you as an intellectual in any way. Do you see any somali's going around asking why AA 's or other people's don't like them? No, cause Somali's don't care enough to interfere in the problems and lives of others. So i would suggest you take a good hard look at yourself and your understanding of Somali's in general before you speak about a people collectively. Because honestly it doesn't seem like you have a fucking clue.
Finally if you're caribbean, or half caribbean, or whatever, and you care about education and want a future for the pan african world, I would suggest you read the works of Stokley Carmichael and try to do something for your own people, because people in the caribbean's are facing as much hardship as those in Somalia.
My afterword will only be i can understand how derogatory comments about other africans can get to you, but honestly the entire world hates black people collectively, and africans stereotype and dislike each just as much as other people do about them.So singling out Somali's is ridiculous. That's beside the point of this afterword. But i need you to understand the world steals from us[Africans] our culture and valuables, and hate us in return for all our gifts. So don't take the harsh word of other africans to heart, it just creates a cycle of wanton and perpetual hatred, something we don't need any more of. And hatred never did anything for anyone. So don't misconstrue Somali's cultural inner workings for hatred cause honestly we don't hate anyone. We, like everyone else, want to be left alone to deal with our problems. But everyone else keeps fucking with us, and we're not having it.
everything u said is true but im more concerned w/ diaspora youth- bahal talking like ed norton from american history x on some 'u dont get its US against the ' lmaooooo
What I don't get is if Somalis so shit as you claim why you obsessed with what we think about you? Always gonna be a victim, got the mentality of the permanent underclass you always gonna be. Waah they don't like me, get over it sxb I don't like green beans what's the big fuss all about if you really think about it

Again...I will be phucking off in the next few minutes but this sojourn was more of a probe of your community. I find you guys to be bizarre in so many ways not the least of which your automaton-like loyalty to religion on the one hand and your hate for each other and the world on the other. You guys are living breathing oxymorons.

...and about somalis not liking me...come on dude....really? Is that what you and the other Somali chaps see in my words. Nigga my life could not be any better. I'm successful, from a loving family, have great friends from all cultures (not Somalis of course), have a hot SO. I'm on the most beautiful beaches sipping on exotic drinks at least three times a fact life's a beach for me.

Now what were you saying about obsession with Somalis? Oh yeah...I want you to like me.............bwaaahahahahahahahahahah! One thing about you guys is your imaginations are off the charts.
@ghost and @Bahal We done triggered the heck out of him, he probably couldnt sleep at night with this thread stuck in his head.

@afrosomali is multinicking making like 50 accounts just for us and alternating between incoherent Hood language.

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
These Buck dancing coons have no morals, honour, principles in your neighbourhoods most business are controlled by Asians, Latino, Arabs. The only race of people who are known for killing eachother for a pair of sneakers, that willy Lynch chip got them chasing women from every race except their own, suffering from extreme inferiority complex. They generate billions for other communities, Asians where they get their hairhats & nails done, the Arab shop for their's a sad state of affairs, most black neighbourhood don't even own their own business in their neighbourhood.
^I don't mean to be offensive, but if I could interject i'd like to point out that in all seriousness you're taking this issue far too seriously. At the end of the day, Somali people's beliefs are inconsequential to you, you're words not mine, so what's the point of this argument? You're fighting with a group of people who don't want to fight with you about beliefs that you've generalized onto the lot of us. You went out of your way to come here, and the first thing you did was attack someone, who was either jesting or wrong, and then decided to argue with people here about things that are incredibly easy to find out if you took your time to actually look up somali history and culture. If you need someone to spell it out for you, in that case, I will. The easy answer to your question is, Somali's don't like anyone! Anyone! You want me to repeat it again? They don't fucking like ANYONE! You want to know why that is? It's because the closest equivalent to the Somali people you can find is the Chinese. China was called the middle kingdom for a reason, in that the people believed they were the center of the world, and the term world is used loosely here because it's more akin to they believed they were the center of the universe. So imagine this. Take a group of heavily isolationist people who've done everything and anything to protect and maintain their sovereignty, add a whooole ton of tribalism, and thrown in all the pride and honor humanity can collectively muster. That's the volatile cocktail you want so badly to understand. But to see you come here and go after people just makes me think you want the approval of a group of people who dislike and stereotype people who look, act, share the same culture, speak the same language, and live in the same area of the world as them? And to that all i can say is really?
Ultimately if you want to understand how a group of people who straight up want to be left alone, and live their lives, and progress through their own means, wouldn't like those who bothered them, then i have a seriously difficult time seeing you as an intellectual in any way. Do you see any somali's going around asking why AA 's or other people's don't like them? No, cause Somali's don't care enough to interfere in the problems and lives of others. So i would suggest you take a good hard look at yourself and your understanding of Somali's in general before you speak about a people collectively. Because honestly it doesn't seem like you have a fucking clue.
Finally if you're caribbean, or half caribbean, or whatever, and you care about education and want a future for the pan african world, I would suggest you read the works of Stokley Carmichael and try to do something for your own people, because people in the caribbean's are facing as much hardship as those in Somalia.
My afterword will only be i can understand how derogatory comments about other africans can get to you, but honestly the entire world hates black people collectively, and africans stereotype and dislike each just as much as other people do about them.So singling out Somali's is ridiculous. That's beside the point of this afterword. But i need you to understand the world steals from us[Africans] our culture and valuables, and hate us in return for all our gifts. So don't take the harsh word of other africans to heart, it just creates a cycle of wanton and perpetual hatred, something we don't need any more of. And hatred never did anything for anyone. So don't misconstrue Somali's cultural inner workings for hatred cause honestly we don't hate anyone. We, like everyone else, want to be left alone to deal with our problems. But everyone else keeps fucking with us, and we're not having it.

Thanks for trying friend.....but really i'm not that important. Your dissertation doesn't clarify sh*t though......for example you started off by saying that you don't like anyone and ended by saying that you don't hate anyone. I know you're trying to be nuanced but....

I still find it strange that a people can boast about how religious they are and how hateful they are in the same phucking breathe. WTF??

I also find it strange how a destitute people fleeing their homeland in such huge numbers and literally dropping dead by the hundreds as they flee their homeland can find the time and temperament to shovel sh*t all over the internet about other groups and by virtue of that seeming to find some sort of pleasure in expanding their dossier of enemy groups in the world. Makers no phuckin sense to me.

So my take on Somalis in general is that....well....its like watching a car know there is mangled metal and bodies in know what you see there won't be a good look.....but something in the back of your head...some devilish proclivities that seems to be within all of us...compels you to go take a look. Yep to me you guys are a phucking appallingly mangled bloodied car wreck....and I can say that because I know that you won't give a sh*t.

Anyway with that i'm out.
When one private equity investor has more in assets than your entire country's gdp.
robert f smith.jpg

The hate is understandable.
Thanks for trying friend.....but really i'm not that important. Your dissertation doesn't clarify sh*t though......for example you started off by saying that you don't like anyone and ended by saying that you don't hate anyone. I know you're trying to be nuanced but....

I still find it strange that a people can boast about how religious they are and how hateful they are in the same phucking breathe. WTF??

I also find it strange how a destitute people fleeing their homeland in such huge numbers and literally dropping dead by the hundreds as they flee their homeland can find the time and temperament to shovel sh*t all over the internet about other groups and by virtue of that seeming to find some sort of pleasure in expanding their dossier of enemy groups in the world. Makers no phuckin sense to me.

So my take on Somalis in general is that....well....its like watching a car know there is mangled metal and bodies in know what you see there won't be a good look.....but something in the back of your head...some devilish proclivities that seems to be within all of us...compels you to go take a look. Yep to me you guys are a phucking appallingly mangled bloodied car wreck....and I can say that because I know that you won't give a sh*t.

Anyway with that i'm out.

You hate Somali people, you hate our religion. What's your point?
Other races own business in our neighbors? Ehh Still, not as shameful as having a fractured country where the only real central government control lies in a city that has routine terrorist attacks on hotels. Everywhere else is under the military protection of neighboring Kenya, Ethiopia and other AU states, being built from the ground up by turks and chinese firms, and reliant on UN food rations to feed the people. In effect you guys are as stateless as we are.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Other races own business in our neighbors? Ehh Still, not as shameful as having a fractured country where the only real central government control lies in a city that has routine terrorist attacks on hotels. Everywhere else is under the military protection of neighboring Kenya, Ethiopia and other AU states, being built from the ground up by turks and chinese firms, and reliant on UN food rations to feed the people. In effect you guys are as stateless as we are.
The difference is you generate over 1 billion a year for other communities, what have you got to show for it? Every nation had their time of war & famine, even your European masters suffered in Europe, as for Somalis, they're still investing in their communities & send money back home.
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