The u.s should ban Niqaab.

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Habar Magaadle
They are a collection of perverts. They are against women breathing if it moves their chests. They need to lower their gaze and end their fixation on Muslim women.

Trust me, their movement has no roots with the early Muslims, they source their knowledge from a "scholar" in the 18th century who made his name by writing treatises on how the majority of Muslims are mushriks unless they follow him, you can even smell them from a mile away with their self-righteous crap..

I mean look at the wisdom behind Allah's creation, every human face is different, it's almost like our faces are natural identifications, don't you think Allah did this for a purpose?

I understand if pious women covered their face with a niqab, but the niqab isn't what made them pious, it was just a cloth, the same way wearing a thawb or a 'imama won't make you a pious man either.
The salafis are hell bent on getting every woman on earth to cover from head to toe , even their fingers because apparently that can turn some men on...

Wallahi I despise Salafis, braindead khawaraj mongrels.

It's funny that the modernist camp refers to me as a salafi while the salafis refer to me as an innovating sufi. I am a classical sunni that is traversing the middle path of Ahlu's-Sunnah wa'l-Jama'ah that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam spoke about. The path least traveled these days unfortunately.


Habar Magaadle
Do you even know the characterstics of Khawaarij.Dont just throw terms you don't understand :ufdup:

I do brother, one of them is leaving the Jama'a, or the Sawa'ul A'dham, as your man Ibn Abdal Wahhab did. Splitting from the majority of the ummah is a sign of the khawaraj, just as they split in the time of Ali, when they declared the sahaba of being kuffar, same ish with your man ibn Abdal Wahhab declaring everyone to redo their shahada because they were Mushrikeen.

I know my history brother, have you read Sawa'iq al-Ilaahiya by Sheikh Sulaiman ibn Abdal Wahhab? The brother of Sheikh An-Najdy? You should, and turn off your peace tv, that ish won't help.


Of course this is the only time certain people want to get into heated discussions about Islam. Diablos is only concerned with women. He joined the site just to tell it was haram to be concerned for the welfare of female domestic workers in Saudi Arabia. He doesn't share his 'cilm' on any other subject.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I can imagine when the boys in blue kick in that door & ask idol are you Muslim? Idol in a single blink reminiscing about all the things she likes about America, her beloved Starbucks :ftw9nwa: I wonder what her reply be.


Habar Magaadle
The ninja outfits as well should be banned as well as the hijab in government buildings (passport office, schools, hospitals)

Your going a bit too far now, the hijab is harmless and it doesn't obstruct identification. But then again AbdiJ always goes a bit too far.
I do brother, one of them is leaving the Jama'a, or the Sawa'ul A'dham, as your man Ibn Abdal Wahhab did. Splitting from the majority of the ummah is a sign of the khawaraj, just as they split in the time of Ali, when they declared the sahaba of being kuffar, same ish with your man ibn Abdal Wahhab declaring everyone to redo their shahada because they were Mushrikeen.

Shaykh muhammad ibn abd al-wahhab rahimahullah had made many mistakes and may Allah forgive him for it, but how can you disagree with him on what the people were doing at the grave sites and at the sites of dead trees?!? Or are you one of those lost souls who make no distinction between tawassul and istigatha???


Hijab just hides your neck and hair. You can tell hijabis apart without any problems. Just like telling two bald guys in turtlenecks apart.
Your going a bit too far now, the hijab is harmless and it doesn't obstruct identification. But then again AbdiJ always goes a bit too far.

The government should see your hair for identification purposes. But it should be allowed anywhere else

Queen Carawelo

Leave zayd alone. He's speaking the truth. You are all hypocrites, sexist pigs. I spit on all of you.


People die their hair, shave it off etc it's not a feature you really identity people by. If you're not white you can guess what their natural hair looks like.

Hijab cannot change your identity.


Habar Magaadle
Shaykh muhammad ibn abd al-wahhab rahimahullah had made many mistakes and may Allah forgive him for it, but how can you disagree with him on what the people were doing at the grave sites and at the sites of dead trees?!? Or are you one of those lost souls who make no distinction between tawassul and istigatha???

Forget about what he did to the ignorant ones at the graves, what was worse was his systematic takfir of the Ulema, sending them missionaries that invite them to Islam as if they were not Muslims for the last 50 years of their lives..

Your salafi historians say Sheikh An-Najdy was in jihad for 50 years, against who? He never left Arabiya in his life! It was against the Muslims. The way he cut himself off from the majority and then with arrogance indirectly proclaiming himself having the truth, is a sign of the khawarij.

Allahu Akbar that his grandsons were beheaded in Istanbul along with other Khawarij who were captured after they caused havoc in the Hijaz, his last grandson Abdulrahman ibn Hasan made "tawba" and was spared, he later was in prison in Cairo where he began teaching once again and the filth was then re-emerging, it will end soon with also that plague of a state Saudi Arabia.
Of course this is the only time certain people want to get into heated discussions about Islam. Diablos is only concerned with women. He joined the site just to tell it was haram to be concerned for the welfare of female domestic workers in Saudi Arabia. He doesn't share his 'cilm' on any other subject.

You are a despicable liar who places words that were never said in people's mouths. I am innocent of the vicious lies you have attributed to me. I have never said it was haram to be "concerned for the welfare of female domsestic workers in Saudi Arabia". All I said was I didn't believe the propaganda stories fabricated by the enemies of the deen. Bring forth your evidence I said any of the things you accuse me of you dirty liar!
Drifting off topic onto a man's features, yeah sign of defeat, go back and ask IslamQA another question, ama Sheikh Google smh.
Cut off your hair walaal...why do you want hair that long? You wanna look like a metrosexual New York model? It's not a nice look.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Drifting off topic onto a man's features, yeah sign of defeat, go back and ask IslamQA another question, ama Sheikh Google smh.
You got caught up in the cross fire my statement was aimed at idol so I may get her railed up & answer my question but she's avoiding it like a plague.
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