The Unspoken Obession with Horn of African features


Plotting world domination
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When I was a teen some fat madow chick asked me if I identified as black because some Ethiopian she dated before told her that he wasn't.

These chicks see a few niggas online and irl not accepting their blackness and decide to generalize all of us.


Old Head 👴🏿
When I was a teen some fat madow chick asked me if I identified as black because some Ethiopian she dated before told her that he wasn't.

These chicks see a few niggas online and irl not accepting their blackness and decide to generalize all of us.
It works in my favour.
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
We’re not monoethnic. 15%(potentially even more) of Somalia’s population are only Somalis because the Italians said so. It’s very obvious in the south. but that doesn’t matters.
I travel often. Back home/black Africa? There is only Somali experience.
But when u leave black Africa u will definitely experience a black experience. Phenotype is like height. But black is black regardless.
I think you did not pick up on context. This discusses (1) Somalis primarily in the diaspora and (2) specifically ethnic Somalis. Who are, as you guessed it, "monoethnic." I'm afraid I have to disagree with the notion that Black people have a monolithic experience. You are treated according to how you look. If that results in persistent questions about your background, then I suppose that would not be the same as someone who is Black but rarely is questioned about their origins, heritage, or genetic makeup.
This is a rinsed and lame topic. Looking "exotic" or whatever hasn't given any somali notable priviledge. We stick out as prominent dark muslim people. Some of you need to stop jacking off to being somehow superior to other africans. Even if you are better looking according to some criteria beauty is not skin deep and only distracts you from god and important matters.

If you jump on the wave of self fetishising yourself you're only supporting a racial hiearchy were YOU'RE NOT ON TOP. How brain dead:trash::farmajoyaab:
I don't think any of us regard ourselves as exotic. Who is self-fetishizing exactly? This topic seems to resurface time and again.

This artificial beauty hierarchy isn't even something Somalis created but stepped into in the West. And they are not the ones exclaiming they are benefactors of featurism or texturism ad nauseaum. I don't see Somalis creating video essays on this topic.

The creator of the video is not from the Horn of Africa. That is what I wanted to call attention to. The self-identity of Somalis seems to be an on-going topic.
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When we deal with ajnabis, I presume most of us do. Some of them may or may not have interacted with a Somali. They are the ones who make assertions about us. We don't tend to bring it up. Even Ethiopians are not free from these sorts of questions. Also, there is no universal Black experience or a universal Somali experience. People treat you according to what they see and your self-presentation. There is no need to deny that. There are various layers to one's experience.
I understand your sentiments. And agree with the bolded. Let’s be real, the body and beauty appreciation community only uplifts those they feel pity for or they don’t feel competition’s not meant for us.

These ladies have every right to discuss their lived experiences. If it helps them feel seen or understood by those like them, more power to them.

I’m sure there are people all over the world who appreciate the natural beauty of the dark skinned and unambiguous black women though. Why don’t they discuss going where they are celebrated and how to not dissect all the reasons why they aren’t the beauty standard. It’s like they’re stuck in a mental loop that keeps them stuck in a victim mentality. They are acting as if having our features will suddenly open every door for you. As if we profit in life simply for looking a certain way. They need to start appreciating their own without mentioning us.

I honestly worry that some mentally deranged person who views this sort of content will develop a deep seated hatred of us that’s rooted in envy.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I don't even blame Western dark-skinned and unambiguous black women. There is a tendency for meanspirited people within their in-group and out-group to diminish their beauty. However, I have noticed a trend of them putting women who largely don't exactly resemble them at the forefront of conversations on beauty. You are correct in that it brings unwanted attention from fetishizers, as, sadly, many of the women posted as representations are from the HOA.

Also, the beauty politic is sadly neverending as even dark-skinned women with keener features are said to benefit from featurism within the beauty industry even when they are 100% SSA. I have seen people calling out South Sudanese models for this reason. Along with West African models with a similar aesthetic.

I agree that this industry is toxic and exploitative. These women would feel better if they didn't revolve their sense of self-worth around attempting to be beautiful or convincing others of that. Once one moves away from trying to conform to the fickleness of the male gaze and shifts away from hyperconsumerism, which exclaims that no one is enough from any race. Then, there will be a natural progression away from competition for a scarcity of attention and time spent on more productive activities.
I think you did not pick up on context. This discusses (1) Somalis primarily in the diaspora and (2) specifically ethnic Somalis. Who are, as you guessed it, "monoethnic." I'm afraid I have to disagree with the notion that Black people have a monolithic experience. You are treated according to how you look. If that results in persistent questions about your background, then I suppose that would not be the same as someone who is Black but rarely is questioned about their origins, heritage, or genetic makeup.

I don't think any of us regard ourselves as exotic. Who is self-fetishizing exactly? This topic seems to resurface time and again.

This artificial beauty hierarchy isn't even something Somalis created but stepped into in the West. And they are not the ones exclaiming they are benefactors of featurism or texturism ad nauseaum. I don't see Somalis creating video essays on this topic.

The creator of the video is not from the Horn of Africa. That is what I wanted to call attention to. The self-identity of Somalis seems to be an on-going topic.
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When we deal with ajnabis, I presume most of us do. Some of them may or may not have interacted with a Somali. They are the ones who make assertions about us. We don't tend to bring it up. Even Ethiopians are not free from these sorts of questions. Also, there is no universal Black experience or a universal Somali experience. People treat you according to what they see and your self-presentation. There is no need to deny that. There are various layers to one's experience.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. I don't even blame Western dark-skinned and unambiguous black women. There is a tendency for meanspirited people within their in-group and out-group to diminish their beauty. However, I have noticed a trend of them putting women who largely don't exactly resemble them at the forefront of conversations on beauty. You are correct in that it brings unwanted attention from fetishizers, as, sadly, many of the women posted as representations are from the HOA.

Also, the beauty politic is sadly neverending as even dark-skinned women with keener features are said to benefit from featurism within the beauty industry even when they are 100% SSA. I have seen people calling out South Sudanese models for this reason. Along with West African models with a similar aesthetic.

I agree that this industry is toxic and exploitative. These women would feel better if they didn't revolve their sense of self-worth around attempting to be beautiful or convincing others of that. Once one moves away from trying to conform to the fickleness of the male gaze and shifts away from hyperconsumerism, which exclaims that no one is enough from any race. Then, there will be a natural progression away from competition for a scarcity of attention and time spent on more productive activities.
Was with you and even clapping until one turd "male gaze" in the fruit punch ruined it for me.

Why always the big bad "male"?

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