"The US funding and arming of 2006 Ethiopia invasion of Somalia was another Netanyahu call," Prof. Jeffrey Sachs"


General AY drove out Hutu Al Qaeda terrorists and brought law and order to the south, his only mistake being he allowed Hutus into the government, now look what’s happened

U don't see the long game being.played but the symptoms post abdillahi yusuf. The long game is irir samaale nation, 2 cities dictating to 90 cities. They know they can't achieve that immediately their leaders so they destabilize the nation thru corruption, demonising Federalism, conflict, terrorism, Secession or any jambal just so the hope and dream of irir samaale nation doesn't die.

Go speak to fuckin any terrorist and ask him his political model and I can bet my last dollar he wants two capitals with Amirs and 90 towns who are nominated from those Emirs. It's irir samaale just in a damn Islamic shaati.

HAGS and SNM both hold cards on each other such as centralism and secession but deep down they will negiotate so Federalism can be ended on an irir samaale pact.


@The Oponian Guild

U Somalis are not addressing root causes but chasing after neverending symptoms which won't end but will only change over time for centuries and mellanias untill the people are finally extinct.

Why don't u guys address the root cause and cancer why are u chasing after the symptoms of the cancer?
@The Oponian Guild

U Somalis are not addressing root causes but chasing after neverending symptoms which won't end but will only change over time for centuries and mellanias untill the people are finally extinct.

Why don't u guys address the root cause and cancer why are u chasing after the symptoms of the cancer?
We know the root cause, I’m sure half the frickin country knows the root cause of the nations stagnation and deadlock. But it’s polite manners to keep politics out of your daily interactions with other Somalis.
There are a few people missing on this thread that I would have expected to be more active here on this topic. Seems like their issues are only reserved for one group

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi

The air superiority of our adversaries was the key in the defeat of ICU. We even won open battles against the ethiopians when they entered Somalia, only to be bested due to US air support. What a shame man.


I just clocked that ICU surviving would have meant return to somalis being governed by religious organisations, similar to what we have seen the last couple hundred years.
There are a few people missing on this thread that I would have expected to be more active here on this topic. Seems like their issues are only reserved for one group
This is just pure revisionist history sxb nothing to pay attention to. Comes up every once in a while.Why would Netanyahu care about shithole Somalia of all places instead of Khaliij for example? ICU were expansionists who threatened to take over the whole region hence the invasion. Well known fact. If these people love ICU so much why are they fighting shabab, isis, etc? Just another hutu nigis.
This is just pure revisionist history sxb nothing to pay attention to. Comes up every once in a while.Why would Netanyahu care about shithole Somalia of all places instead of Khaliij for example? ICU were expansionists who threatened to take over the whole region hence the invasion. Well known fact. If these people love ICU so much why are they fighting shabab, isis, etc? Just another hutu nigis.
netanyahu is not stupid, he would find an ethiopian run somalia more advantageous for israel

The air superiority of our adversaries was the key in the defeat of ICU. We even won open battles against the ethiopians when they entered Somalia, only to be bested due to US air support. What a shame man.


I just clocked that ICU surviving would have meant return to somalis being governed by religious organisations, similar to what we have seen the last couple hundred years.

You know whats interesting during the intitial invasion the ICU tried hard to avoid implicating the civilians and destroying mogadishu by withdrawing from the city instead of making into a battle zone.

They later entered the city anyways and attacked innocent people and shelled the place. Then the ICU regrouped and bunch of volenter insurgents and they got smoked, i think it was like 200 ethiopian soldiers was dying every day and then they eventually withdrew from all their bases being destroyed. Some Ethiopian soldiers fled to Yemen even.

Initially it was a bunch of separated localized courts but then they all united into a single government entity with political parties, it would have been interesting to see what it would have evolved into. But there is no denying they operated like a real effective government more than the TFG and the current FGS.
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What sane Somali thinks the 2006 invasion was a good thing? I have never heard of anyone claiming that.

There are many, including Abdullahi Yusuf’s tribe.

Thats not crazy though. There are ‘people’ who support Godane and say he brought Islam to south Somalia. This is the man who raped and stoned a child and her mother.
The usual suspects trying defend this have finally come out of the woodwork, now dont misinterpret this as an attack but a genuine question.
what is the reasoning.., the rationale behind your support of a brutal invasion that involved traitors other then qabyaalad.

Its starting to get ridiculous.
There are many, including Abdullahi Yusuf’s tribe.

Thats not crazy though. There are ‘people’ who support Godane and say he brought Islam to south Somalia. This is the man who raped and stoned a child and her mother.

The guy brought Ethiopian troops to fight his own qabil and fight an elected Puntland president. Accused him of being a terrorist with zero proof to justify it because he wanted to stay as president. So they are morons for slandering ICU with those false claims to defend his honour, man had no honour.

He came out admitting he was an ethiopian stooge as well in his last waking hours.
Abdullahi Yusuf had a similar realization that he was the was used by Meles and Mengistu to screw over his own people.

He directly facilitated this, do you know how embarrassing it is to admit this? To admit that you are a traitor and an Ethiopian stooge only nearing your death, you own up to it?


The reason why he attacked and tried to undermine Puntland president Jama at the time , TFG that the ICU supported that formed in 2000 and the Islamic Courts Union. He feared they would unite together as one and dislodge him along with the coalition of warlords he was apart of.

Also while he supported the invasion, most of Puntland was against it and many actually defected to join the ICU to fight to defend the south. Prior to this many from Somaliland also joined the ranks of the ICU and people from Puntland help fund them and provide them logistical support
The guy brought Ethiopian troops to fight his own qabil and fight an elected Puntland president. Accused him of being a terrorist with zero proof to justify it because he wanted to stay as president. So they are morons for slandering ICU with those false claims to defend his honour, man had no honour.

He came out admitting he was an ethiopian stooge as well in his last waking hours.

The reason why he attacked and tried to undermine Puntland president Jama at the time , TFG that the ICU supported that formed in 2000 and the Islamic Courts Union. He feared they would unite together as one and dislodge him along with the coalition of warlords he was apart of.

Also while he supported the invasion, most of Puntland was against it and many actually defected to join the ICU to fight to defend the south. Prior to this many from Somaliland also joined the ranks of the ICU and people from Puntland help fund them and provide them logistical support

Are you Hawiye? And please don't give me that 'Ani Somali baan aha'




The air superiority of our adversaries was the key in the defeat of ICU. We even won open battles against the ethiopians when they entered Somalia, only to be bested due to US air support. What a shame man.


I just clocked that ICU surviving would have meant return to somalis being governed by religious organisations, similar to what we have seen the last couple hundred years.
The ICU lost but the Islamic insurgent won and forced the Ethiopian to withdrawn from Mogadishu.

unfortunately, AS killed the unified resistance due the lack of pragmatism.


The usual suspects trying defend this have finally come out of the woodwork, now dont misinterpret this as an attack but a genuine question.
what is the reasoning.., the rationale behind your support of a brutal invasion that involved traitors other then qabyaalad.

Its starting to get ridiculous.
It's super weird considered most of these People despise the FGS too.


Are you Hawiye? And please don't give me that 'Ani Somali baan aha'


What is your angle? That her analysis and criticism is motivated by qabyalad? Or is it your projecting your own mindset by reading that into it?

Check out her post history on the warlords. She speaks extensively of all of them including the warlords in Muqdisho and the warlords SNM.

In the first regime there wasn't really a real political representation, like i said it was those groups with wealth & connections that monopolized the political process and was heading the decision making. This is the illusion of choice that democracies create, even in America we can see this blatantly.

There was no MOD , its fiction. In the first 10 years of the Kacaan regime, virtually every clan who was present in the urban centers were represented. He actively disarmed and jailed many proponents of Ogadenians and other clans, because he rightfully didn't trust people with arms and they were anti-siad as a result of it. There was never an alliance.

There was no qabilist agenda in reality, only during the early 80s did he start to surround himself with family members he could trust out of pure reaction to betrayals and conspiracies agains them but this was not qabil based. You can see this to be the case because he kept certain people loyal to him that was not related to him in positions.

People also see the make up of the army and say that certain groups were over represented, but that is also not the case, the army reflected the urban population of Mogadishu at the time and not the general country.

All the insurgent groups that wanted to take down the government existed before Kacaan entered office, they all were foreign supported, especially by Ethiopia who plotted to use the North and had aspirations of removing/destroying the government from the very beginning. Luckily at the time Ethiopia didn't have the arsenal of military equipment and arms to give to those groups and any attempts by them was thwarted, but that quickly changed when Soviet flooded billions of dollars worth of military aid to them and now they had lots of it they coud give arms freely. They used them even against their own to commit autrocities.
Siad Barre up until that pointed wisely disarmed and gave no weapons to any Somali faction or clan groups, knowing that it would spill disaster.

Those insurgencies groups had zero government, political or policy agenda and one of their public mission statement announcement was to destroy Somalia , like literally. They weren't even opposed to Siad Barre's regime specifically, but rather the concept of a united Somali nation altogether. They were at war with the Somali people.

His socialist positions at the time was the right thing. It was done to take back control of our economy from colonial and private abuse and as well as somalinize education and key institutions. As a consequence it spawned development to benefit the people.

The Ogaden war didn't actually tank the Somali economy, it was the IMF structural programs that did.

Luckily the economy could have recovered from it, because by this junction they had discovered oil and gas , they was looking for ways to explore it. That could have been used to rehabilitate the economy but also there was economic reports launched that made recommendations.
The foundations of infrastructure and power generation projects would have also spawned growth in the 80s.

Also like i said Somalia would have just transitioned into a mixed -capitalist and socialist economy in the end. Much like how the Nordic countries did in end , after experimenting with socialism and it would have also transitioned into a democracy later on, i believe with Siad Barrres passing, kinda like Singapore did after decades of Lee Kuan Yew as the head. There was already talks about a regime change in the early 80s after his accident.

The 1960-1969 regime could best be described as a ''banana republic'' and if it had kept up that way it would have been sustained underdevelopment like what you see in other African countries and would have been swallowed a whole by Ethiopia, who was btw trying to claim more Somali territories. But what that regime succesfully proved is that Somalis are quite capable of an electoral democracy and passing down the mantel to another leadership.

Because Abdullahi Yusuf was one of the biggest traitors known to man. I hope he burns in the deepest pits of hell fire.

It never was a civil war to begin with. It was foreign proxy agents aka warlords that emerged out that of foreign insurgency groups that invaded Somalia and started brutalizing, looting the local populous and fighting eachother at the same time. All while being entirely being sustained by Ethiopian and US backing.

Civil war refers to a war between citizens of the same country, not a fight between foreign proxies. So it's more accurate to describe it as a proxy war.

But yeah you are right the war itself against these foreign backed criminals ended in 2006, after the ICU rooted out and defeated them.

At least with Libya, Syria and Iraq people people often acknowledge how foreign intervention played the biggest role. With Somalia they present it as endemic and as a civil war between clans, when it never was. It was just a series of foreign inverventions/invasions, foreign backing of groups, occupations and meddling to sustain a protracted conflict.

Tell me how is Piracy and Terrorism endemic to Somalia when it never exist much before 2007 and exploded right after the united states backed Ethiopian invasion. How is clan conflict even a thing when all these insurgencies were not headed by traditional local clan leaders, but organized and funded from abroad?

How is sustained conflict a general Somali thing when the 2 northern regions of Somalia that did not witness successive foreign interventions and meddling just stabilized itself in a few years after? And in the south the kneejerk reaction was to set up Islamic courts right after the war broke out in order to stabilize and bring order.

The only political leader i have seen that has a full grasp of the reality of Somalia is Eritrea's president

Sometimes in rare cases you have foreign political analysts that seem to understand the real situation


change x to twitter to embed the tweets


One of the first posts on this thread I shared was tweets from walaalwhoops sharing evidence of the CIA/Mossad backing the warlords of Muqdisho, they were Hawiye.

It is all of them of that era, they all had the same backers for the same aims.
You know whats interesting during the intitial invasion the ICU tried hard to avoid implicating the civilians and destroying mogadishu by withdrawing from the city instead of making into a battle zone.

They later entered the city anyways and attacked innocent people and shelled the place. Then the ICU regrouped and bunch of volenter insurgents and they got smoked, i think it was like 200 ethiopian soldiers was dying every day and then they eventually withdrew from all their bases being destroyed. Some Ethiopian soldiers fled to Yemen even.

Initially it was a bunch of separated localized courts but then they all united into a single government entity with political parties, it would have been interesting to see what it would have evolved into. But there is no denying they operated like a real effective government more than the TFG and the current FGS.
Your telling they were losing two hundred people a day what the hell