Btw I never said Golaha Sare were exclusively Marehan, I said he came into power with backing from multiple clans, i hinted at a coalition, and yes the MoD was real, especially during the eighties, you’d have to be blind or deliberately twisting the narrative to believe otherwise.Zero proof to what you said. Most members of the revolutionary council ''golaha sare'' were not merahan at all. All but Siad were a mixed group of officers hailing from several different clan lineages and they nominated him into the leadership that's how he came to power.
They had been planning the coup for 2 years before assassination happened and only acted at that moment to save Somalia which was reported to be on the brink of collapse. The assassination of Sharkmarke was not because of inter clan division no evidence of that either. You identify the perpetrators clan identity as Majerteeen to build this false assertion around it. Someone who happens to be of majerteen ancestry assassinating another Majerteen is automatically inter clan division . Everything is clan motivated. I'm convinced qabil centerist thinking is dementedness akin to the mindset of how a racist thinks.
Also the Mod is fiction, he had no alliance between Merahan Ogaden or Darood.
How do we know this? Because he withheld traditional subsidies and arms from Ogadenians and they consequently were angered spreading anti-government pamphlets he arrested a number of them and dismissed a number officers from his government. If he had an alliance with them, how would that had happened?
This is after the drought , where most of the governments attention was towards aiding Somalis domestically.
There are also cases where he dismisses several members and officers from Merahan and jailed them. Even his own family he jailed and dismissed. There was never an alliance.
The last part is also false he was a selfless, sincere man and a true patriot. A true testament to this was how he responded to the 1974 drought. Like i said with the Ogadeni examples he withheld support for them, to prioritize helping Somalis in need domestically
They spent much of the surplus budget that was meant to go to development and spent it on rescuing his own people and creating new job opportunities and housing for those affected.
A person who is sociopathic , mentally unstable, with a focus on enriching his own clan wouldn't be implementing rescue operations, improve the standard of life and quality of his people nationwide and improve education, health care for them, nationalize industry away from private abuse and capitalist exploitation to serve the needs of the people and try to change their ways for the better. He wouldn't fight to liberate them, even when he knew it could cost him support and make the world turn on him. Those are noble actions that reflect his good nature and sound practice.
Abdullahi Yusuf and all those other warlords and corrupt politicians you worship because they hail from the same clan as you never lifted a finger to improve the life quality of their people, only looted , killed them and did shady deals with foreigners to exploit Somalis and allied themselves with the enemy nation against their own and also create monopoly business practices and practice the most unfettered nepostism known to man.