"The US funding and arming of 2006 Ethiopia invasion of Somalia was another Netanyahu call," Prof. Jeffrey Sachs"

Zero proof to what you said. Most members of the revolutionary council ''golaha sare'' were not merahan at all. All but Siad were a mixed group of officers hailing from several different clan lineages and they nominated him into the leadership that's how he came to power.

They had been planning the coup for 2 years before assassination happened and only acted at that moment to save Somalia which was reported to be on the brink of collapse. The assassination of Sharkmarke was not because of inter clan division no evidence of that either. You identify the perpetrators clan identity as Majerteeen to build this false assertion around it. Someone who happens to be of majerteen ancestry assassinating another Majerteen is automatically inter clan division . Everything is clan motivated. I'm convinced qabil centerist thinking is dementedness akin to the mindset of how a racist thinks.

Also the Mod is fiction, he had no alliance between Merahan Ogaden or Darood.

How do we know this? Because he withheld traditional subsidies and arms from Ogadenians and they consequently were angered spreading anti-government pamphlets he arrested a number of them and dismissed a number officers from his government. If he had an alliance with them, how would that had happened?

This is after the drought , where most of the governments attention was towards aiding Somalis domestically.

There are also cases where he dismisses several members and officers from Merahan and jailed them. Even his own family he jailed and dismissed. There was never an alliance.

The last part is also false he was a selfless, sincere man and a true patriot. A true testament to this was how he responded to the 1974 drought. Like i said with the Ogadeni examples he withheld support for them, to prioritize helping Somalis in need domestically



They spent much of the surplus budget that was meant to go to development and spent it on rescuing his own people and creating new job opportunities and housing for those affected.

A person who is sociopathic , mentally unstable, with a focus on enriching his own clan wouldn't be implementing rescue operations, improve the standard of life and quality of his people nationwide and improve education, health care for them, nationalize industry away from private abuse and capitalist exploitation to serve the needs of the people and try to change their ways for the better. He wouldn't fight to liberate them, even when he knew it could cost him support and make the world turn on him. Those are noble actions that reflect his good nature and sound practice.

Abdullahi Yusuf and all those other warlords and corrupt politicians you worship because they hail from the same clan as you never lifted a finger to improve the life quality of their people, only looted , killed them and did shady deals with foreigners to exploit Somalis and allied themselves with the enemy nation against their own and also create monopoly business practices and practice the most unfettered nepostism known to man.
Btw I never said Golaha Sare were exclusively Marehan, I said he came into power with backing from multiple clans, i hinted at a coalition, and yes the MoD was real, especially during the eighties, you’d have to be blind or deliberately twisting the narrative to believe otherwise.
Instead of turning to insults and comparisons, here’s something to ponder on…. Siad Barre ran away and looted the coffers of the state, and plunged the south into lawlessness, GEN Abdullahi Yusuf spent that time building law and order in the north east, you say he’s done nothing for people of my ilk yet what do you call puntland? Doing all that while taking part in the peace process and working in his own deegan, you accuse of him of corruption and maltreatment of the general populace, yet once again where is the evidence?

I urge you to research him instead of generalising him and lumping him in with the other characters of that era.

I didn't insult anyone i gave my opinion that qabil centered thinking process where you assert behaviours, loyalties and motives through identifying someones clan is as irrational as how a racist thinks. and its true. Racists will link someones actions with their race.

My apologies if it sounded as if i was insulting you, but it's important to not jump to assert someone is motivated or biased towards their clan. And sometimes people are naturally supported by their family and people they background commonalities(from the same town for example) or connections to, this is true in most places where people don't have a kinship system, so it's not a clan thing. If my dad supports me , does that mean he supported me because we are from the same qabil? You see what i mean.

He didn't flee with the state treasury, it was looted by those who entered the office, he fled the country to dissuade the violence and looting.

His last speech when this happened he requested from the public to lay down arms, stop looting, killing and he was willing to give up power if that brings peace back. His thoughts and anger was also with them shooting innocent people.

He only stayed in place to prevent the country from falling into chaos and become destabilized.

Abdullahi Yusuf didn't build peace in the Northeast it was the local elders that did, he was busy fighting over foreign aid, practicing corruption and fighting political opposition that democratically unseated him. It's almost ironic to call his insurgency SDF Somali Democratic Front, when he did the most undemocratic thing and instigated the Puntland crisis. Brought Ethiopians to fight his own kinsmen.
Mr. Yusuf’s government also was weakened by internal struggles. Mr. Yusuf was operating far from his power base in the semiautonomous northern region of Puntland. Clan squabbles and public disagreements with his prime minister over foreign aid led many Somalis to see the government as divided, corrupt and ineffective.
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Btw I never said Golaha Sare were exclusively Marehan, I said he came into power with backing from multiple clans, i hinted at a coalition, and yes the MoD was real, especially during the eighties, you’d have to be blind or deliberately twisting the narrative to believe otherwise.

How was it a MOD coalition when his vice presidents were Isaaq and Tumaal, his foreign minister was Isaaq? Others ministry positions were hawiye and majeerten etc.

Those were simply officers within the military that came together and planned for a regime change. This was not clan coalition at all and they didn't get backing from clans. Their whole operation was top secret not shared to the public.

You can read more about their motives and their rise here

The Historical Evolution of the Somali Revolutionary


Especially in the 80s you say. This is a cia document report from the 80s after the Ogaden war where he deliberately appoints non-Marahen clans to serveral high level positions.
Some groups, such as the Issak, threatened to oppose Siad and his policies openly unless they were given a greater share of important posts. Siad has attempted to respond to their demands, especially with the establishment over the past year of a number of "democratic institutions." Seats in the new parliament, for example, were "unofficially" proportioned among the key clan groupings, and non-Marahen have been appointed to cabinet and high-level party posts. Through these methods, Siad hopes to give the clans a feeling of prestige and a sense of participation in the government and its decision making process.

You can also see from this that his appointments were more about loyalty and service to the regime than of clan kinship.
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I didn't insult anyone i gave my opinion that qabil centered thinking process where you assert behaviours, loyalties and motives through identifying someones clan is as irrational as how a racist thinks. and its true. Racists will link someones actions with their race.

My apologies if it sounded as if i was insulting you, but it's important to not jump to assert someone is motivated or biased towards their clan. And sometimes people are naturally supported by their family and people they background commonalities(from the same town for example) or connections to, this is true in most places where people don't have a kinship system, so it's not a clan thing. If my dad supports me , does that mean he supported me because we are from the same qabil? You see what i mean.

He didn't flee with the state treasury, it was looted by those who entered the office, he fled the country to dissuade the violence and looting.

His last speech when this happened he requested from the public to lay down arms, stop looting, killing and he was willing to give up power if that brings peace back. His thoughts and anger was also with them shooting innocent people.

He only stayed in place to prevent the country from falling into chaos and become destabilized.

Abdullahi Yusuf didn't build peace in the Northeast it was the local elders that did, he was busy fighting over foreign aid, practicing corruption and fighting political opposition that democratically unseated him. It's almost ironic to call his insurgency SDF Somali Democratic Front, when he did the most undemocratic thing and instigated the Puntland crisis. Brought Ethiopians to fight his own kinsmen.
I do not count his tenure in xamar to be a success mainly due to the costs it incurred and how it allowed for SL to wrestle Lascanood away, but pre 2007 he was the only viable leader with enough on the ground support, hence why he was chosen. He did take part in state building in the north east, it was him who came out of the Cairo conference with the idea for PL, contrary to what you claim. I simply believe you’re blaming him for outcomes or situations he had no control over.
How was it a MOD coalition when his vice presidents were Isaaq and Tumaal, his foreign minister was Isaaq? Others ministry positions were hawiye and majeerten etc.

Those were simply officers within the military that came together and planned for a regime change. This was not clan coalition at all and they didn't get backing from clans. Their whole operation was top secret not shared to the public.

You can read more about their motives and their rise here

The Historical Evolution of the Somali Revolutionary


Especially in the 80s you say. This is a cia document report from the 80s after the Ogaden war where he deliberately appoints non-Marahen clans to serveral high level positions.

You can also see from this that his appointments were more about loyalty and service to the regime than of clan kinship.
As for siad barre and the supposed assertion of merit based promotion, I have to counter that these positions were of little significance or importance, what use is the office of deputy prime minister when you’re serving a dictator? They were nothing more than money making and embezzlement schemes. That’s the cold hard truth of the matter.
I do not count his tenure in xamar to be a success mainly due to the costs it incurred and how it allowed for SL to wrestle Lascanood away, but pre 2007 he was the only viable leader with enough on the ground support, hence why he was chosen. He did take part in state building in the north east, it was him who came out of the Cairo conference with the idea for PL, contrary to what you claim. I simply believe you’re blaming him for outcomes or situations he had no control over.

They are not only talking about his tenure in TFG, read the whole article. They talk about his time in Puntland. He jailed and killed people, clashed with many inside puntland, was deposed from office and brought Ethiopians to regain control over puntland.

He undermined not only the Northeast regions attempts to uphold democracy but also undermined several other attempts at forming governance in other parts of the country.

They are not only talking about his tenure in TFG, read the whole article. They talk about his time in Puntland. He jailed and killed people, clashed with many inside puntland was deposed from office and brought Ethiopians to regain control over puntland.

He undermined not the Northeast regions attempts uphold democracy but also undermined several other attempts at forming governance in other parts of the country.

This is simply not true but at least the article you linked has cleared up the allegations of warlordism, in my books I don’t consider political manoeuvring to be akin to “undermining democracy” or something that places you among the likes of Aidiid or Ali Mahdi, the man was simply a shrewd politician. Now you’re more than welcome to disagree with my viewpoint but it’s disingenuous to attribute to him deeds or actions he had no part in.

As for his actions outside of PL, he was simply maintaining the status quo, men of caydiid/Ali mahdis ilk could not be allowed to form a government and therefore hold sway over the north east. it was a time of chaos and frantic political manoeuvring, hence why he refused to recognise or accept a government of warlords and extremists in the south.
As for siad barre and the supposed assertion of merit based promotion, I have to counter that these positions were of little significance or importance, what use is the office of deputy prime minister when you’re serving a dictator? They were nothing more than money making and embezzlement schemes. That’s the cold hard truth of the matter.

There is no proof that Siad Barre ever embezzled money. Those who did were often arrested and jailed. The fact that were being punished made them hate the regime and Siad Barre. He took many measures and steps to reduce corruption and smuggling.

During his first 8 years before the post-ogaden war economic crisis that made people desperate for cash. His regime significantly decreased corruption, the proof to this is that the regime prior to the coup was always at a budget deficit and often squandered foreign aid, investments/financing that was meant to go to development.

When SRC took over they had a budget surplus that was meant to be used as self-financing for development expenditure , but they ended up using it instead for the 1974 and 1975 drought relief efforts. And they mobilized domestic resources efficiently for development.


The regime of 1960 was the opposite ,the corruption was really bad and it was what set the stage for the coup.
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This is simply not true but at least the article you linked has cleared up the allegations of warlordism, in my books I don’t consider political manoeuvring to be akin to “undermining democracy” or something that places you among the likes of Aidiid or Ali Mahdi, the man was simply a shrewd politician. Now you’re more than welcome to disagree with my viewpoint but it’s disingenuous to attribute to him deeds or actions he had no part in.

As for his actions outside of PL, he was simply maintaining the status quo, men of caydiid/Ali mahdis ilk could not be allowed to form a government and therefore hold sway over the north east. it was a time of chaos and frantic political manoeuvring, hence why he refused to recognise or accept a government of warlords and extremists in the south.

He was a warlord for many years that entered through an ethiopian proxy, and he was traitor as well.

Aidid and Ali Mahdi were the same as him as well. They were traitors and warlords, they did everything undermine to Somalia's stability, progress and unity. So they were competiting with eachother for power and to sell Somalia off to to the highest bidder that would help them achieve it.

Also you conveniently leave out how he literally initiated the puntland crisis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puntland_crisis_(2001–2003)

After various attempts of rejecting term limit, despite disapproval . Started fighting his own officials. This how self-serving and power hungry he was.

He falsely accused a democratically elected president of being a terrorist and exploited ''War on Terror'' to get backing to appose him.


This is not political maneuvering at all, this is rejecting democracy and disrespecting not only the people of Puntland but also the elected office. He sought to divide people in the Northeast and bring chaos and instability to them.
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ICC ruling was not some Muslim left alliance conspiracy to take down Netanyahu and Isreal.

There was literally Isreali Judges and legal experts part of that ruling.

Wasn't the whole premise of Isreal that they didn't feel safe in Europe to begin with?

There is no Muslms targetting Jews in Eurpe, but there is a whole far right white christian nationalist movement that is targeting them. Muslims are not the neo-nazis.

The air superiority of our adversaries was the key in the defeat of ICU. We even won open battles against the ethiopians when they entered Somalia, only to be bested due to US air support. What a shame man.


I just clocked that ICU surviving would have meant return to somalis being governed by religious organisations, similar to what we have seen the last couple hundred years.
Almost 6k xabashi were sent to the after life, and ICU lost maximum 3k soldiers.


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He was a warlord for many years that entered through an ethiopian proxy, and he was traitor as well.

Aidid and Ali Mahdi were the same as him as well. They were traitors and warlords, they did everything undermine to Somalia's stability, progress and unity. So they were competiting with eachother for power and to sell Somalia off to to the highest bidder that would help them achieve it.

Also you conveniently leave out how he literally initiated the puntland crisis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puntland_crisis_(2001–2003)

After various attempts of rejecting term limit, despite disapproval . Started fighting his own officials. This how self-serving and power hungry he was.

He falsely accused a democratically elected president of being a terrorist and exploited ''War on Terror'' to get backing to appose him.


This is not political maneuvering at all, this is rejecting democracy and disrespecting not only the people of Puntland but also the elected office. He sought to divide people in the Northeast and bring chaos and instability to them.
Nope, what happened was simply political manoeuvring, it was a crisis but it didn’t lead to any deaths or large scale fighting. He wasn’t an Ethiopian proxy, if he was PL would have Ethiopian troops, he simply used Ethiopian support when convenient. Be it in his days in opposition or during post 91. Ali Mahdi and these guys you’re comparing him to are responsible to dumping toxic waste in the sea, killing thousands, destroying and looting multiple cities and creating all sorts of havoc, I really do not understand how he’s comparable to them.
Nope, what happened was simply political manoeuvring, it was a crisis but it didn’t lead to any deaths or large scale fighting. He wasn’t an Ethiopian proxy, if he was PL would have Ethiopian troops, he simply used Ethiopian support when convenient. Be it in his days in opposition or during post 91. Ali Mahdi and these guys you’re comparing him to are responsible to dumping toxic waste in the sea, killing thousands, destroying and looting multiple cities and creating all sorts of havoc, I really do not understand how he’s comparable to them.

SDF was an ethiopian proxy group, that was housed , trained, armed by Ethiopian and took direct commands from Mengistu and Colonell Moges

They even arrested him switched him out with someone and came back to reinstate him later.

He became an ethiopian proxy and did combined invasions with Ethiopians on the Somali government

Ended up replicating the same behavior with his own people and invading using ethiopians troops to reject the will of the people. Local people from all clans in the northeast elected their candidate and he rejected it .

Abdullahi Yusuf killed his own country men, supressed the local people, partook in corruption, but he is also the one that did shady dealings that prompted illegal fishing activity and depletion of Somalia's maritime resources.

The local Puntland people often complained against him.

''If he is getting money for building up his warlordship, biodiversity is not an issue for him. If he will stay in power constitution or democracy has not meaning for him''

Warlord Urged To Stop Depleting Somalias Tuna Resources​

He has also admitted to being an Ethiopian stooge as well in his final years, working with Meles and Mengistu to undermine Somali unity and destabilize Somalia

Read what he wrote:
Just like the SNM/former SNA colonel realizing he got played by Ethiopia to use him to take revenge against his own people, when the Ethiopian confessed to him.

Abdullahi Yusuf had a similar realization that he was the was used by Meles and Mengistu to screw over his own people.

He directly facilitated this, do you know how embarrassing it is to admit this? To admit that you are a traitor and an Ethiopian stooge only nearing your death, you own up to it?


And here today you have ignorant people making defenses on his behalf. Talking about selective sources kulaha