No they want to repeat Kenya and Tanzania experience. Kenya the Bantu killed and mistreated the Cushitic tribes in 1960 when Somalia got independence Cushitic tribes in Kenya requested to join Somalia but the British rejected and Kenya got independence at 1965. Tanzania we know how they killed people of Zanzibar and forced to join Tanzania till today Zanzibar wants to leave Tanzania. Now Somalia is the next.
Many Bantus have returned to Tanzania but the Bantus that remained are a minority and will remain a minority unless Maryoleys stop procreating all of a sudden. They don't have the numbers to oppress anyone the way they do in their ancestral homelands of Tanzania and Kenya. You need to stop worrying about them. They are outnumbered 10-1 and Somalia's population will boom and when it reaches 50 million in 2050 they'll be a pathetic 5 million against 45 million then.
Still wish the people who brought these people to this place mixed with them so they didn't stand out and be discriminated. but focking racists didn't want that. Let them be Karbashed by Hawiyes, Daroods and Degodia for their Xasidnimo