They raised $3k in 21hrs for the mother of 8 that had was facing racism frm her fellow black Somalis

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Somali-Bantus are actually native to southern Somalia, they settled the juba river, shabele river before Somali nomads lay eyes on it. besides they have been in Somalia for generations, they have as much right to claim Somalia as Somali nomad. :ufdup:

All am saying is Somali bantus haven't done anything, leave them be in peaceful, whether they're former slave or natives it won't change the fact they're peaceful people. And don't tell they're not peaceful, they join Al Shabaab so on:lebronwait: while you somali nomads brought Al Shabaab radicals and in the process forced the minority to join the cult.

Ok I agree with but do not cry later from hotel Rwanda. It is your country sell it to Ethiopia, do whatever you want Somalis be happy the ships are waiting in Libya and Egypt because Bantu shabab kills us, Oromo and habashi are taking jobs and we Somalis have only options to leave the country. If you do not die from drought and jobless and hunger in north or run from Bantu Shabab in south and Amisom. Do not worry the sea is waiting for us and fish got to eat Somalis. This is your choice


I got boomer connections
They are not native. They came during the Slave trade. Some of them can even speak their native tounge. They're not Somalis

Aren't you seeking asylum somewhere on the planet earth? How could you be xenophobic towards minority group while you yourself hope to be granted safe passage wherever the hell you reside? Let's be realistic here and not hypocrite, I might have taken you bit seriously if you were Somali resident and not dwelling nomad in a same box "category" as Somali bantus Somewhere in a alien country. :diddyswag::chrisfreshhah:


I got boomer connections
Ok I agree with but do not cry later from hotel Rwanda. It is your country sell it to Ethiopia, do whatever you want Somalis be happy the ships are waiting in Libya and Egypt because Bantu shabab kills us, Oromo and habashi are taking jobs and we Somalis have only options to leave the country. If you do not die from drought and jobless and hunger in north or run from Bantu Shabab in south and Amisom. Do not worry the sea is waiting for us and fish got to eat Somalis. This is your choice

We can always out maneuver Somali bantus. But oromos and Ethiopians should be deported.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
I simply don't like these West African interlopers taking over our country. Damn they are probably 25% of Somalia if an honest census were to be taken.

There's nothing positive about them.


I got boomer connections
But we do not change the history and claim Norway or UK as my native country like dr or Omar Abu does

Everyone knows bantus migrated from morden day West africa, Omar anoow, claims are baseless and should be disregarded. But that won't change the fact Somali bantus being part of the Somalia diverse makeup!

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Madowweyn are nice ppl. Same with raxanweyn who they intermix with. They just want to farm, eat cambuulo and niiko their nights away but they're surrounded by evil deformed skinnies :mjcry:


สœแด€แด„แด‹แด‡แด… แดแด‡แดส™แด‡ส€
I have nothing but love for Beesha Madowweyn

In Tanzania



Southie pride
To be honest Xamar looks fuckt up big time, go and watch the TV they'll look a like Ugandan or Conglese, maybe what @Warabe says based on true. Waa idinka shakiyey.


King of Soomaaliya
Sad story but I will not support Bantus. They are not native to our country and instead of contributing to our country they've been joining Al Shabab. Inshallah one day when I rule Somalia each and every one of them will be deported to Tanzania and Mozambique. The land they occupy in Southern Somalia is not theirs, it belongs to Somalis

And with all of that said, I do not condone violence nor racism. Somalis are stupid, outside of Somalia you're a Madow too.
Wise words woman..
Ok I agree with but do not cry later from hotel Rwanda. It is your country sell it to Ethiopia, do whatever you want Somalis be happy the ships are waiting in Libya and Egypt because Bantu shabab kills us, Oromo and habashi are taking jobs and we Somalis have only options to leave the country. If you do not die from drought and jobless and hunger in north or run from Bantu Shabab in south and Amisom. Do not worry the sea is waiting for us and fish got to eat Somalis. This is your choice
I'm reer koonfur and can tell the difference 100% of the time. You just hate koonfur and therefor tries to paint us as Bantus. Just admit it. You're mind is delusional clouded with qabil.

Barni don't waste your time with these people, let me show you their delusion of grandeur.

This is the Congolese looking Isaaq Bantu featured, former Mayor of Berbera whom refused to take Koonfur Somali's off the boat, take a closer look at him, referring to him as Congolese is a grave insult which I take back, he is the most hideous looking thing I have seen.

Below is the other Northern Arab claiming tribe Majerteenia,This is the Idi Amin looking former Mayor of Bosaaso, 100% Bantu looking.

Below is the "Hawdian" character from Merja and somnet another Isaaq, the chimera cross breed Xabashi loving, Bantu looking fucktard, look at his nose and the discolouration on his skin, even dermatologist wouldn't go near him


If you think that's enough take a look at this site below, they are the only Somali's that have been kept in Zoological gardens to be displayed to the world like Animals, the French did it, I will quote extract
In recent weeks the Parisians can see the Zoo an ethnographic exhibition of the most interesting: it is a caravan composed of twenty-six Somali men, women and children.

Through the kindness of well known Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, we were able to look closely and in detail the samples of a human race that does not often have in Paris. The description that we give here is prepared to the invariable plane that we set for our ethnographic descriptions.

The country. - All Somalis the Zoo come from this part of the African coast which is exactly above of Aden, they belong to the Habr-Auel tribes Habr-Junis, Habr-Gerhadjis, Habr-Toldjaleh,


Somali Bantu don't worry. every single time Jileecs have discriminated against you, you have been compensated for. Look at the people who took your people from their peaceful villages and brought you to a violent Nomadic country who's people have warrior culture and countless battle dances like dhanto diisow sar etc.... where are those focking disgusting greedy shits now??

Ajurans are garam-garam now and are getting bullied and karbashed by Degodia every single day. They are now slaves in NEP Kenya. :lol:
Look at Maay Maay and Cad Cads who participated the most in the humiliation and slavery of your people. They are absolutely nothing now!! They are at the mercy Hawiyes and southern Daroods :lol:

The number 1 reason all this is happening to you are these three fockers and this feels like justice for your people!! Your cuqubo and inkaar has reached them!


Suicidal men adore me.
Somali Bantu don't worry. every single time Jileecs have discriminated against you, you have been compensated for. Look at the people who took your people from their peaceful villages and brought you to a violent Nomadic country who's people have warrior culture and countless battle dances like dhanto diisow sar etc.... where are those focking disgusting greedy shits now??

Ajurans are garam-garam now and are getting bullied and karbashed by Degodia every single day. They are now slaves in NEP Kenya. :lol:
Look at Maay Maay and Cad Cads who participated the most in the humiliation and slavery of your people. They are absolutely nothing now!! They are at the mercy Hawiyes and southern Daroods :lol:

The number 1 reason all this is happening to you are these three fockers and this feels like justice for your people!! Your cuqubo and inkaar has reached them!

You're getting thrown out too.
Somali Bantu don't worry. every single time Jileecs have discriminated against you, you have been compensated for. Look at the people who took your people from their peaceful villages and brought you to a violent Nomadic country who's people have warrior culture and countless battle dances like dhanto diisow sar etc.... where are those focking disgusting greedy shits now??

Ajurans are garam-garam now and are getting bullied and karbashed by Degodia every single day. They are now slaves in NEP Kenya. :lol:
Look at Maay Maay and Cad Cads who participated the most in the humiliation and slavery of your people. They are absolutely nothing now!! They are at the mercy Hawiyes and southern Daroods :lol:

The number 1 reason all this is happening to you are these three fockers and this feels like justice for your people!! Your cuqubo and inkaar has reached them!

No they want to repeat Kenya and Tanzania experience. Kenya the Bantu killed and mistreated the Cushitic tribes in 1960 when Somalia got independence Cushitic tribes in Kenya requested to join Somalia but the British rejected and Kenya got independence at 1965. Tanzania we know how they killed people of Zanzibar and forced to join Tanzania till today Zanzibar wants to leave Tanzania. Now Somalia is the next.
You're getting thrown out too.

are you Hawiye or not?? :rollseyes: :lol:

If you're then I don't know why you dislike bantus when your cousins in Mogadishu have avenged the Bantu people for what the Cad Cads did to them. Hawiyes took their city and Karbashed them very well now they are a minority. :qri8gs7:

Hawiye and Bantus should be the greatest allies :vanlf9a: They have avenged their brethren

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Truth is bantu aren't 0.5. They are 1 or maybe even 1.5 in somalia and should receive just dues. Abgaal has whole subclans that are bantu, so do other hawiye and raxanweyn. Not only population wise, but they also have an army of 30k:yacadiim:
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