Somali-Bantus are actually native to southern Somalia, they settled the juba river, shabele river before Somali nomads lay eyes on it. besides they have been in Somalia for generations, they have as much right to claim Somalia as Somali nomad.
All am saying is Somali bantus haven't done anything, leave them be in peaceful, whether they're former slave or natives it won't change the fact they're peaceful people. And don't tell they're not peaceful, they join Al Shabaab so onwhile you somali nomads brought Al Shabaab radicals and in the process forced the minority to join the cult.
Ok I agree with but do not cry later from hotel Rwanda. It is your country sell it to Ethiopia, do whatever you want Somalis be happy the ships are waiting in Libya and Egypt because Bantu shabab kills us, Oromo and habashi are taking jobs and we Somalis have only options to leave the country. If you do not die from drought and jobless and hunger in north or run from Bantu Shabab in south and Amisom. Do not worry the sea is waiting for us and fish got to eat Somalis. This is your choice