Things are boiling up with Ethiopia


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
those oromos weren't from my clan forget them being my ancesotrs lol and why you tryna engage in fkd wit me lil bro
You are of the same stock and blood lol and i am not trying to engage with you in FKD when you and your other oromo friend started crying and ranting about how its not true that ethiopia will balkanise soon when you and i know its both inevitable especially @GALAN over here try to restrict him bro is having a seizure from the fact his "great amhara overlords beautiful imperialistic empire which enforces amhara supremacy in other ethnic groups land is finnaly cracking" and idk if your separatist or unionist but most you oromos idolise and bootlick the amharas so i will doubt and think of you as unionist and wanting to continue staying under amharan supremacy, terror and regime but my people the somalis are tired of it and are ready when the time comes to be rid of that pitiful confederation :ftw9nwa:


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
this was the Jimma who were sold by oromos themselves.

it worked like this Abba Jifar used to capture and sell everyone that wasn't his clan and muslim, he would sell them as far as Zanzibar, also including somalia through the Borona-Jubba trade route.
"N-N-No! its not my clan therefore me not slave!"
the people he sold were from the Gibe region so really none of the large and main oromos today.
also these Gibe tribes have been heavily assimilated by Madows thats why they have a more omo look. these Gibe oromos live in the area between South Sudan and south eastern shewa


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
its true though?? my clan was literally documented by Richard Burton to be the frendliest somali clan, he noted us to be the largest out of the Isse aswell.
Brother what are you? oromo or somali?
You are of the same stock and blood lol and i am not trying to engage with you in FKD when you and your other oromo friend started crying and ranting about how its not true that ethiopia will balkanise soon when you and i know its both inevitable especially @GALAN over here try to restrict him bro is having a seizure from the fact his "great amhara overlords beautiful imperialistic empire which enforces amhara supremacy in other ethnic groups land is finnaly cracking" and idk if your separatist or unionist but most you oromos idolise and bootlick the amharas so i will doubt and think of you as unionist and wanting to continue staying under amharan supremacy, terror and regime but my people the somalis are tired of it and are ready when the time comes to be rid of that pitiful confederation :ftw9nwa:
your a arrogant weasel and you thought you did sum there when you did nothing you showed a source showing prices of enslaved oromo and bantu women if that's something to be proud about idk something is wrong with you and the oromos ruled yall in jubbland and the darood became rats and used the advantage of the orma disease epidemic Langaabsssssssssssss kkk
reer Galan always chasing Karanle out of MEYU, and destroying Karanle refugees near mieso. we cant let these people get to comfy they will say we are muslim walaalo or kushites brothers, then they will move into your land, marry your women and fully assimilate you, this happened to the Werra Hume who were fully absorbed into the Dir.

this is why you will see Somalis in Addisababa, Harar, Dire dawa, Mieso, Adama, Negele, Moyale but never Gondar, Mekelle, or Awi
reer Galan always chasing Karanle out of MEYU, and destroying Karanle refugees near mieso. we cant let these people get to comfy they will say we are muslim walaalo or kushites brothers, then they will move into your land, marry your women and fully assimilate you, this happened to the Werra Hume who were fully absorbed into the Dir.

this is why you will see Somalis in Addisababa, Harar, Dire dawa, Mieso, Adama, Negele, Moyale but never Gondar, Mekelle, or Awi
Man them Karanle niggas claim everything wtf is wrong wit them?


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
your a arrogant weasel and you thought you did sum there when you did nothing you showed a source showing prices of enslaved oromo and bantu women if that's something to be proud about idk something is wrong with you and the oromos ruled yall in jubbland and the darood became rats and used the advantage of the orma disease epidemic Langaabsssssssssssss kkk
I am proud of the oromo one but not the bantu ones cause the thing that differentiates you two is that the bantus in somalia (the somali bantu) are hardworking and respectful people and are model citizens in all of somalia while all you oromo do is destroy and breed and continue. look what you guys did to harar and tell me WHERE did you rule in jubuland? when we look at maps and migrations from your people you never even got through the entire ogaden? and another thing i wish that disease epidemic wiped you people out you truly are parasites and unlike other somalis on here who are neutral or see you as brothers i know the true enemy of the somali people and the true threats its your kind i am not naive.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
my paternal abtirsi is somali but leads up to oromo, and im maternally Ala, and Daga.
So you are somali? ok i will change my tone with you because i will assume that you are the assimilated somalis under the oromos if thats the case and if you found out i welcome you back and if you are just somali paternally but with oromo up the abtirsi and maternally oromo that can be changed brother and i hope you do just marry a somali woman to help clean out the impure blood (oromo) for your generations to come.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
reer Galan always chasing Karanle out of MEYU, and destroying Karanle refugees near mieso. we cant let these people get to comfy they will say we are muslim walaalo or kushites brothers, then they will move into your land, marry your women and fully assimilate you, this happened to the Werra Hume who were fully absorbed into the Dir.

this is why you will see Somalis in Addisababa, Harar, Dire dawa, Mieso, Adama, Negele, Moyale but never Gondar, Mekelle, or Awi
Half of those cities you said were previously somali btw dont try fooling me.
I am proud of the oromo one but not the bantu ones cause the thing that differentiates you two is that the bantus in somalia (the somali bantu) are hardworking and respectful people and are model citizens in all of somalia while all you oromo do is destroy and breed and continue. look what you guys did to harar and tell me WHERE did you rule in jubuland? when we look at maps and migrations from your people you never even got through the entire ogaden? and another thing i wish that disease epidemic wiped you people out you truly are parasites and unlike other somalis on here who are neutral or see you as brothers i know the true enemy of the somali people and the true threats its your kind i am not naive.
:ftw9nwa: :ftw9nwa: :ftw9nwa: Nigga Wardey was busy whooping Samaale ass in the 15th ce to the 16th ce then Darood rats came out of nowhere and asked the Great Aba Gada to live under Wardey hereditary they lived under them at least 40-50 years after they got conquered then the oromos fell off then more trial and tribulations came to the oromo race like Menelik invasion and our somali guests rebelling agaisnt us in oromia we getting back on our feet alhamdulilah


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
:ftw9nwa: :ftw9nwa: :ftw9nwa: Nigga Wardey was busy whooping Samaale ass in the 15th ce to the 16th ce then Darood rats came out of nowhere and asked the Great Aba Gada to live under Wardey hereditary they lived under them at least 40-50 years after they got conquered then the oromos fell off then more trial and tribulations came to the oromo race like Menelik invasion and our somali guests rebelling agaisnt us in oromia we getting back on our feet alhamdulilah
jubaland is far gone mate.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
which cities? btw they are all dominated by oromos and the only somali presence are refugees.
Harar? Dir Dhaba? idk about the others but i have a faint feeling they were i am not that good in the details of your peoples expansion


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
i could care less i can take defeat like a man can't say the same for you lot :ftw9nwa:
You recently took those places what are you on? jubaland was lost in like the 14th or 15th century but those cities were lost a few hundred years ago