This is why Israel has sympathy and Palestinians don't

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The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is now spreading political messages in grocery stores. Leaving bright yellow notes on Israeli food products.



Your superior
AbdiJohnson, don't concern yourself with foreigners. Your small qabiil is suffering from lack of a good body lotion, their skin is dryer than a dadaab swimming center


No dictator can imprison a population forever.
We have a lot in common with Palestine. The British gave our land away as well and we have been in conflict a long time. I would also prefer jeresulem to be held by Muslims.
I remember back when people where boycotting Danish products the prices fell really down for some good products it was a good shopping period
We have a lot in common with Palestine. The British gave our land away as well and we have been in conflict a long time. I would also prefer jeresulem to be held by Muslims.

You have nothing in common but faith. There are Chinese Christians and Congolese Christians. There are Russian Jews and Ethiopian Jews. There are Fijian Buddhists and Somali Buddhists.

I prefer Jerusalem be held by anyone but the Arabs. The Arabs would destroy Jerusalem. There is history in Jerusalem. The Arabs have destroyed relics in Syria older than the Abrahamic faiths.
You said I was from gabilay last time :ulachen001:

I guess my vast green lands must confuse you

I've been to Arabsiyo. Its not green, at least it wasn't when I visited. It's a disgusting dirty hellhole.


The highlight of my 1 hour trip there was seeing a falcon or eagle in the sky.

It looked like a nuclear bomb hit that place

Arabsiyo residents are also barbarians. They threw rocks at our car. Very backward. Your lands are not only not green but full of savages
Why do so many countries worry about little biddy Israel. Israel is nothing more than a right wing sh!thole that hates black people. The Jews in Manchester UK, and on the whole in the US are pretty cool - I buy my bread from Manchester UK Jews when I'm in Broughton Park but they are mainly left-wing. Jews in Israel are mainly right-wing and that is why they bombed the f*ck out of the Gaza strip when Obama was in his transition period just before his inauguration IMO. Israelis aren't sh!t unless there is a right wing gov in the Whitehouse IMO.
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Why do so many countries worry about little biddy Israel. Israel is nothing more than a right wing sh!thole that hates black people. The Jews is Manchester UK, and on the whole in the US are pretty cool - I buy my bread from Manchester UK Jews when I'm in Broughton Park but they are mainly left-wing. Jews in Israel are mainly right-wing and that is why they bombed the f*ck out of the Gaza strip when Obama was in his transition period just before his inauguration IMO. Israelis aren't sh!t unless there is a right wing gov in the Whitehouse IMO.

Stop bootyclapping

The conflict is between Arab and Jews it's war between cousins unless you want your black ass to be caught in the cross fire you should stay out of it you fucking xoolo
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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
The conflict is between Arab and Jews it's war between cousins unless you want your black ass to be caught in the cross fire you should stay out of it you fucking xoolo


But brain dead Somalis think it's their cause to fight.

f*ck Arabs and f*ck Israelis. I don't give a shit if they ceased to exist tomorrow.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Israelis hate Africans. They mistreat and abuse Eritrean and Sudanese migrants, and Ethiopian Jews.

Arabs are notorious for hating on Africans, including Somalis as well. We all know about that. The feeling of hate is reciprocated from me at least.

Both Arabs and Israelis .can jump off a cliff and die together.


I've never liked most Arabs. Especially Saudis. I'm saddened that Saudi supports Israel because that means they'll never get destroyed by USA. But kicking down those Pallys who lost their country is pathetic. You guys should punch above your weight.
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