This is why Israel has sympathy and Palestinians don't

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Then why don't you know about this information I just posted? The Somali Jewish mentorship program he co-founded with a few other Jews and Somalis? Or the fact he is a good friend of a Zionist who helped him get elected?

I know about the Somali Jewish Mentorship program and I've spoken about it online before.

Just please shut up.
Did you see an older Jewish man in his campaigns with a big white beard? That's him. But I doubt you have any connection with the Liberals or even campaigned for them. You have provided no proof of this connection while I am a card carrying member.

No I didn't see an old Jewish man with a big white beard. Now you're just posturing.

You are a supporter of Harper and you've made threads before the election praising Harper simply because of his stance on Israel. Now you want to turn around and claim the opposite. Stop the lies
No I didn't see an old Jewish man with a big white beard. Now you're just posturing.

You are a supporter of Harper and you've made threads before the election praising Harper simply because of his stance on Israel. Now you want to turn around and claim the opposite. Stop the lies

A picture says a 1000 words

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So why would he disgusted about me having no problem with Jews?

If you don't understand what I'm telling you, then you're too stupid to have a conversation with.

How is a Jewish mentorship program have anything to do with what's going on in the Middle East?

And why the f*ck do you care so much about Israel/Palestine especially since you're not Jewish, not Arab, and not even Muslim. What does it concern you for, you sick f*ck?
If you don't understand what I'm telling you, then you're too stupid to have a conversation with.

How is a Jewish mentorship program have anything to do with what's going on in the Middle East?

And why the f*ck do you care so much about Israel/Palestine especially since you're not Jewish, not Arab, and not even Muslim. What does it concern you for, you sick f*ck?

You claimed he would be disgusted and I responded how could he and I gave you evidence he wouldn't.

Kaafiye you admitted to almost breaking a Somali guys face for being indifferent to Palestine. I don't think you should talk
You claimed he would be disgusted and I responded how could he and I gave you evidence he wouldn't.

Kaafiye you admitted to almost breaking a Somali guys face for being indifferent to Palestine. I don't think you should talk

If you had an ounce of self-respect, you would at least be neutral on this Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But you've chosen sides and shown how shameless you are.

Your obsession with Arab males is probably coming from some latent insecurity or sexual frustration. I don't think you should talk.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
@Kaafiye are you angry because they're atheist or because they dont like arabs?
because I see alot of blasphemous threads around but you're only crying here

The latter mainly (though he does hate Atheists)

Notice every time Arabs are mentioned in a thread he runs in to defend them like


People can mock and insult Pakis for their culture or insult Bantu Muslims and he doesn't say shit. But the moment his masters are mentioned he gets angry and booty claps for them.
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