Top 5 ignoramuses on SSpot

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Anger and frustration I see your projecting your own weaknesses unto other people, didn't you say not long ago that you were a loner ? Markaa since your a loner you think every one to be like you a lonely feeble minded person in denial of his homosexuality o habeeyn yo maalin xaashishad is la daaco, and if you say xaashishad ma caabii then I say the doctor at your birth was a kotdamn xaasiid for dropping you too hard on the floor with your 5 forheads cos nobody can be this retarded and repetitive and be normal
:ftw9nwa: Have I struck a chord.
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:ftw9nwa: Have I stroke a chord.

That came straight from your subconscious spitting subliminals, it's either strike a chord or struck a chord how the f*ck can you stroke a chord madaax buur waxiid btw


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Racer what kind of cowards talks about another mans looks yet they haven't got the testicular fortitude to display their own picture? Are you insecure about the way you look? Why are you not confidant in your own skin? If you going to make fun about the way I look atleast display your picture, unless you're a coward, my gut instinct tells me it's the latter.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
except your definition of a traitor and other peoples definition is different, no hard feeling ofcourse how can i be mad at you is like me being mad at a 12 year old who is autistic
Autistic kids are blessed masha Allah.
Bro, these fools will never accept you and some nutjobs will even advocate for our deaths (@Kaafiye). I've invited these lot to debate numerous times but they're wise enough to know they'll get their asses handed to them.

I've been involved with Atheists numerous times on the internet. I've watched plenty of debates between Muslims and Atheists, and the Atheist "intellectuals" get their asses handed to them by Muslim scholars and preachers.

Don't think that I find it a worthy investment of my time for me to spend hours discussing Islam with an uninformed and anonymous Atheist I'm meeting on the internet. I really don't give a f*ck to convince you of anything, since your mind is already made up and your heart is closed. Continue to believe in your irrational stupidity and we'll see who comes out on top on Yawmal Qiyamah.
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