Top ceebhub search results for women.

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Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
Lmao. So men in the world in all but the four random ass countries of Somalia, Madagascar, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan are heaving collective sighs of their size anxiety dissipating, whilst a third of the world's men are contemplating how to broker a threesome with their female population of lesbian watchers.
False, false, false! Most people surf these sites without signing up let alone identifying what gender they are. This is very fake. Not saying Somalis are above such things, but it looks very fake to me.


False, false, false! Most people surf these sites without signing up let alone identifying what gender they are. This is very fake. Not saying Somalis are above such things, but it looks very fake to me.
Which is why they probably based it on the very few registered people. Whether they've actually got Somali IPs or not is probably not taken into account. They most likely use the set location which means this could include anything from arbitrarily selected accounts to bot accounts.

It's fake anyway because there's no way Best Korea would ever succumb to Hentai degeneracy like the Japs and South Korea did.
Which is why they probably based it on the very few registered people. Whether they've actually got Somali IPs or not is probably not taken into account. They most likely use the set location which means this could include anything from arbitrarily selected accounts to bot accounts.

It's fake anyway because there's no way Best Korea would ever succumb to Hentai degeneracy like the Japs and South Korea did.
So many of these false stats these days man. It is getting ridiculous.
Simply some virgin girls in Somalia got some curious to see (what is the big dick). they are virgins or could be married to one guy and didn't have benefit of whoring/sleeping with more 10 or 20. Take easy guys.


Simply some virgin girls in Somalia got some curious to see (what is the big dick). they are virgins or could be married to one guy and didn't have benefit of whoring/sleeping with more 10 or 20. Take easy guys.
I think most people shocked at this thread forget these results were based on female searches. Compared to the rest of the world Somalia is blessed. What else would women look up:what1: Lesbians? No thanks:westbrookwtf:


So many of these false stats these days man. It is getting ridiculous.
It was made to circle around on social media just to gain traffic. I doubt there was ever any real intention to release properly sourced and collected stats
Kkkkk at "big dick". This is probably the only ' word' they know anyway.

Somali women are just like any other women. To say some dont watch is dishonest since many back home have sex before marriage.

What's with Somalis and always denying stuff like this? There's a billion things that Somalis do that is more shameful than watching


Your superior
Kkkkk at "big dick". This is probably the only ' word' they know anyway.

Somali women are just like any other women. To say some dont watch is dishonest since many back home have sex before marriage.

What's with Somalis and always denying stuff like this? There's a billion things that Somalis do that is more shameful than watching

Why do you hate s? You are a too

Langaab foqol langaab


Gaalkacyo Gangster
>mfw I let a cousin in Somalia borrow my iphone for awhile, and when I got it back I saw he searched for on google and youtube in Somali:mjlol:
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