Tribal elder advises the father of Luul to forgive her killer and give him another wife.

Women are not innocent, here they are defending their tribal cousin who burned his wife. Admittedly tho, the usual suspects :jaynerd:
Yep, women aren’t innocent. Many of these disgusting misogynistic men are raised by low quality women whom you’ve posted. There is a huge element of Xaasidnimo in a lot of Somali women that is normalized in our culture and that is one of the biggest building blocks that stop us from eradicating misogyny. The same women would want their daughters to be treated well and educated whilst raising their sons to treat women like shit and encouraging their sons to be unjust to wives.

The issue we have is more than just the men and believe me, I think I hate those women that I have described more than the men. At least nefarious men act out of self interest and look at what benefits them despite being incredibly selfish, but what do these misogynistic mothers get out of it apart from just getting the satisfaction of stepping on other women whilst also crying about being mistreated by the men in their lives?!

Hodan from HR

Be Kind Online.
Staff Member
There’s no hope in this country

It mostly makes me sad 😢

The people back home are unfortunately, trapped in a vicious cycle where you can't pinpoint the blame to one person only. In a way, the misogynist men are merely products of their environment. One could say they themselves, are both the victims and the perpetrators.

However, those of us in the diaspora should invest our time and money wisely and not feel bad withdrawing our help if it is being used to enable unjust practices.
It mostly makes me sad 😢

The people back home are unfortunately, trapped in a vicious cycle where you can't pinpoint the blame to one person only. In a way, the misogynist men are merely products of their environment. One could say they themselves, are both the victims and the perpetrators.

However, those of us in the diaspora should invest our time and money wisely and not feel bad withdrawing our help if it is being used to enable unjust practices.
When that doctor who studied abroad and came back to Gaalkacyo to help his people and was gunned down purely for clan politics was the last straw for me,it’s better to just live in the diaspora and to completely switch off


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
This country is cooked I cant wait for the old gen to die out hopefully the new gen will be more progressive :kanyehmm: Its crazy how blood money and other similar cultures still exist and thrive in somalia we ironically live in jahaliya times even the arabs progressed from most of the practices we do :kendrickcry:


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
When that doctor who studied abroad and came back to Gaalkacyo to help his people and was gunned down purely for clan politics was the last straw for me,it’s better to just live in the diaspora and to completely switch off
There were way more other cases like this and the retards back home gun them down cause he is from so and so qabiil its like a dying old man slapping away the hand that wants to help him cause the helping hand is some other qabiil :snoop: I will keep saying this somalis back home are the most low IQ, smoothbrained, Idiotic cawaans in the world the reer magaal is a bit better but still qashin but the worst of the worst ones are the bedouins who sadly make up the majority those guys are sub human xayawaans who have no brain
It’s a messed up culture back home fr.

Has this come about because of the civil war? Did Somalis 50+ years ago still have such little regard for the sanctity of life? Especially a woman’s life?

Or is it because people over there are so desensitized to death, and so they don’t care if even their own daughter dies?

It’s so mind boggling. I can’t wrap my head around it
It’s a messed up culture back home fr.

Has this come about because of the civil war? Did Somalis 50+ years ago still have such little regard for the sanctity of life? Especially a woman’s life?

Or is it because people over there are so desensitized to death, and so they don’t care if even their own daughter dies?

It’s so mind boggling. I can’t wrap my head around it
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I think the years under a gov like the early days of Aden Cadde and then Siyaad Barre probably put a halt to it, but before we were a country, our society was mostly made up of tribal wars which would often result in an exchange of women and the kidnapping of wives like livestock. Women without brothers would often have their inheritance stolen under Xeer laws which clearly go against Islamic inheritance systems and the list continues.

Whilst I do believe that Somalis had a somewhat callous approach to life which could be explained by the harsh desert environment and life as a nomad required toughness and stoic disposition, I can’t for the life of me believe that our ancestors would have accepted a woman being burnt to death by a spouse. I think that would shock them to the core even though I do believe they had a very misogynistic outlook that most societies of that past had as well.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
It’s a messed up culture back home fr.

Has this come about because of the civil war? Did Somalis 50+ years ago still have such little regard for the sanctity of life? Especially a woman’s life?

Or is it because people over there are so desensitized to death, and so they don’t care if even their own daughter dies?

It’s so mind boggling. I can’t wrap my head around it

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You sure are a feisty qajac, sending threats to a woman online. Are you and your fellow losers going to jump me?
Yep, he is actually admitting with his chest that he can get away with jumping and abusing a woman for voicing an opinion that goes against animals like himself. We are finally getting a bit of honesty from our resident troll.

@TekNiKo everything you’re saying we know. If we say what we’re saying, not only can we be abused, we can have someone pour petrol over us and burn us and they can get away with it. Look at poor Luul, what did she do? Argue with her man? Maybe nothing? And her fate was to be burned alive and her killer is free with hordes of men defending him.

We know.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
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If we had our tradional daqan of a meritocracy that influenced parental excellence, we would be moving forward in every realm. But alas, most are either deathly obedient to something never proven to them, thereby robbed of a dream that accomplished could change the fate of our race, and others are desperately fighting the normality of this oppression without saving themselves.
Yep, he is actually admitting with his chest that he can get away with jumping and abusing a woman for voicing an opinion that goes against animals like himself. We are finally getting a bit of honesty from our resident troll.

@TekNiKo everything you’re saying we know. If we say what we’re say, not only can we be abused, we can have someone pour petrol over us and burn us and they can get away with it. Look at poor Luul, what did she do? Argue with her man? Maybe nothing? And her fate was to be burned alive and her killer is free and having hordes of men defend him.

We know.

This is not the first time he's threatened me with violence. Let me go ahead and report him.

You and her should be brave and go and preach your “misgony” crap there. Posting online from your hooyo’s basement won’t change anything.
Yep of course it’s ‘crap’ lol, a woman was burnt alive and a her killer is alive with many men defending him. You know society is so misogynistic there that you’re now threatening a female poster here by saying if she was in Somalia she’d be attacked by men.

I think you’re too dumb to understand you’re proving our point. Continue though.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Yes it’s crap, a woman was burnt alive and a her killer is alive with many men defending him. You know society is so misogynistic there that you’re now threatening a female poster here by saying if she was in Somalia she’d be attacked by men.

I think you’re too dumb to understand you’re proving our point. Continue though.
Majority of Somali men are against what happened to Luul and want justice. Only a few loud people online has lead you to the conclusion that Somali culture is evil and against women.

Wallahi I can attest to the fact that women here are honourable and dont take shit from no one. Remember they have male relatives that would be quick to defend their sisters and daughters. Your just peddaling western crap with your isms. God bless our women and May Allah protect them from abusive men and your gaalo raac filthy idealogy!
Majority of Somali men are against what happened to Luul and want justice. Only a few loud people online has lead you to the conclusion that Somali culture is evil and against women.

Wallahi I can attest to the fact that women here are honourable and dont take shit from no one. Remember they have male relatives that would be quick to defend their sisters and daughters. Your just peddaling western crap with your isms. God bless our women and May Allah protect them from abusive men and your gaalo raac filthy idealogy!

You are the plague that Somalis need to be protected from, as the biggest gossiper and slanderer on the forum. You are a miserable creep, and that's why you had to go back to Somalia, to foist yourself upon an impoverished miskeen woman, who tolerates your loser presence.

If you left the forum, evil and 'gaalo raac' idealogy would decrease, and that is a fact. Didn't you 'retire'?

