Tribal elder advises the father of Luul to forgive her killer and give him another wife.

Yep of course it’s ‘crap’ lol, a woman was burnt alive and a her killer is alive with many men defending him. You know society is so misogynistic there that you’re now threatening a female poster here by saying if she was in Somalia she’d be attacked by men.

I think you’re too dumb to understand you’re proving our point. Continue though.

He is the leading misogynist, and gossiper on the forum, who makes TMZ look lazy by comparison. And he has the nerve to pretend to be a protecter of Islam, and most laughably, a protecter of women. If Somali girls/women back home, had more financial freedom, he wouldn't even had the chance to find a wife back home.
Majority of Somali men are against what happened to Luul and want justice. Only a few loud people online has lead you to the conclusion that Somali culture is evil and against women.
When I talk about a ‘misogynistic’ culture it isn’t a target attack against individual men. I’m talking about society at large that also includes brainwashed women. I know there are different types of men.
Wallahi I can attest to the fact that women here are honourable and dont take shit from no one. Remember they have male relatives that would be quick to defend their sisters and daughters. You’re just peddaling western crap with your isms. God bless our women and May Allah protect them from abusive men and your gaalo raac filthy idealogy!
I never even called my self a feminist but saying hey, women should get justice, hey women should get child support so they’re not crying on TikTok hoping their qabil gives them money, women shouldn’t be overworked like donkeys, 50+ yr old odeys shouldn’t be taking advantage of poor girls and their family by marrying 12 yr olds and the list continues is ‘gaal’ talk right?

You’re a filthy misogynistic man who doesn’t want the best for Somali women back home. You’re fighting us, rather than the system which means that your own flipping sister can get burnt alive and she won’t even get justice. What does your protection as Walis even mean when society at large is corrupt?!

Men being quick to defend their womenfolk means nothing if society at large is rotten and misogynistic because what happens to women with poor and weak fathers? What happens to women from tribes that are looked down upon? What happens to women who don’t have fathers? What happens to the women whose menfolk are over powered? What happens to the women whose men couldn’t care less about them?

Woman there are being r-worded by men of their qabil and their poor fathers are being shut up with diya money due to misogyny because the life of a man is worth more than an r-worded daughter.

F U and I say this with my chest.
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There were way more other cases like this and the retards back home gun them down cause he is from so and so qabiil its like a dying old man slapping away the hand that wants to help him cause the helping hand is some other qabiil :snoop: I will keep saying this somalis back home are the most low IQ, smoothbrained, Idiotic cawaans in the world the reer magaal is a bit better but still qashin but the worst of the worst ones are the bedouins who sadly make up the majority those guys are sub human xayawaans who have no brain
Did you see that Kenyan farmer who grows watermelons on the outskirts of Galgodob,meanwhile you have Somalis busy killing each other over there and not taking advantage of the opportunities


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
When I talk about a ‘misogynistic’ culture it isn’t a target attack against individual men. I’m talking about society at large that also includes brainwashed women. I know there are different types of men.

I never even called my self a feminist but saying hey, women should get justice, hey women should get child support so they’re not crying on TikTok hoping their qabil gives them money, women shouldn’t be overworked like donkeys, 50+ yr old odeys shouldn’t be taking advantage of poor girls and their family by marrying 12 yr olds and the list continues is ‘gaal’ talk right?

You’re a filthy misogynistic man who doesn’t want the best for Somali women back home. You’re fighting us, rather than the system which means that your own flipping sister can get burnt alive and she won’t even get justice. What does your protection as Walis even mean when society at large is corrupt?!

Men being quick to defend their womenfolk means nothing if society at large is rotten and misogynistic because what happens to women with poor and weak fathers? What happens to women from tribes that are looked down upon? What happens to women who don’t have fathers? What happens to the women whose menfolk are over powered? What happens to the women whose men couldn’t care less about them?

Woman there are being r-worded by men of their qabil and their poor fathers are being shut up with diya money due to misogyny because the life of a man is worth more than an r-worded daughter.

F U and I say this with my chest.
Screaming online wont change a thing, keep crying.
Screaming online wont change a thing, keep crying.
I’m not the one crying, it’s the women back home screwed over by laws that are upheld by you men who spend most of their time trying to argue with me and demonizing education for women which will literally alleviate a good % of the issues of women back home.

You’re screaming feminism and gaal raac because I’m against the satanic practices of some Somalis back home. You know it as well which is why you threatened violence against a female poster by saying she should come to Somalia. You know that hyenas like yourself can get away with harming her. But alas being against that is gaal behavior in your books Authobillah! Such a manipulative Shaytan who spends most of this days peddling gossip.
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He is the leading misogynist, and gossiper on the forum, who makes TMZ look lazy by comparison. And he has the nerve to pretend to be a protecter of Islam, and most laughably, a protecter of women. If Somali girls/women back home, had more financial freedom, he wouldn't even had the chance to find a wife back home.
Yep, I mean what sane woman wants to be with a man that posts Twitter incels and redpillers and losers like Xaaliye a nasty slanderer who would be whipped under Islam for lying about a man’s wife (Chunkz). Then he has the audacity of acting like he even cares about Islamic values. No he cares about male supremacist values that includes lying about women and people’s wives, sitting there and believing and looking down on any form of education for women and just being overall hateful.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I wonder what that same Sheikh would say about men who lie about women’s chastity like your idol Xaliye. That man should be whipped and is worse than any feminist.
Wtf does Xaliye have to do with this thread? You were just disparaging my nation and called it a cesspool of women haters. You paint a picture of hell for our women that simply does not exist. You have lost this argument and gone into an ad hominem frenzy by personal attacks. I am done with this thread, you simply cant be reasoned with.
Wtf does Xaliye have to do with this thread? You were just disparaging my nation and called it a cesspool of women haters. You paint a picture of hell for our women that simply does not exist. You have lost this argument and gone into an ad hominem frenzy by personal attacks. I am done with this thread, you simply cant be reasoned with.
Xaaliye has to do with reminding you of your lack of morals and how you pick and choose. You slandered Sheikha Mona for saying don’t go for overly poor men, but Lapp up Xaliye when he commits Qadaf which is a major sin in Islam. It is a stark example of how your religiousity is performative and based on male benefit.

As for personal, your point against me is personal since you questioned my Islamic morals and views and its insulting coming from a man who lacks any form of moral principles.


I do think that Somalis need to sit together and discuss HG behaviour at some point. At some point when you are always the 'common denominator'. It means there is a huge sickness within the leadership of this clan/organisation. I don't think there is a clan in Somalia that has the same track record when it comes to crimes. Even unarmed minority girls didn't escape their clutches, till this day, they squat in stolen houses across South Somalia. And they have forced themselves into towns and cities they never inhabited prior to the civil war. Look at the demographics, and political and clan conflicts in Marka and Barawe for god's sake. It's 2024, and they're still at it.

Even when you discuss the civil war, within Hawiye, they tend to point the finger at HG when it comes to rape and stealing houses/land.
How extremely tribal of you to say HG is the common ‘denominator’. Thats like a white person pointing at a muslim and saying ‘common denominator’ all because theres trrorist groups that some people indulge in. Within hawiye no one points the finger at hg. Also, these cases are extremely isolated and sensationalised. ESPECIALLY when it comes to hg.
Habr gidr are miskeen bro leave them alone🙏
Wtf does Xaliye have to do with this thread? You were just disparaging my nation and called it a cesspool of women haters. You paint a picture of hell for our women that simply does not exist. You have lost this argument and gone into an ad hominem frenzy by personal attacks. I am done with this thread, you simply cant be reasoned with.
The laws are a reflection of society. What do you call it when a man can r-word a girl and get away with it because his qabil will pay diya on his behalf and he can be on merry way? Say Wallahi that I’m lying? Is this a society that is benevolent to women? And what makes you think I think most societies around the world are benevolent to women?


The laws are a reflection of society. What do you call it when a man can r-word a girl and get away with it because his qabil will pay diya on his behalf and he can be on merry way? Say Wallahi that I’m lying? Is this a society that is benevolent to women? And what makes you think I think most societies around the world are benevolent to women?
Isnt that not halal to do though?
Isnt that not halal to do though?
So it’s halal for a rapist to walk free whilst he pays nothing at any personal cost and can be on his merry way to r-word other women. Do you honestly believe that the safety of women is of little consequence in our religion? What deterrent is that for r-word?

Is that what you’re suggesting sis? Show me where in the Sharia in which r-word is dealt in this way. The punishment is death and it’s seen as mischief and corruption of the land.
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So it’s halal for a rapist to walk free walks free whilst he pays nothing at any personal cost and can be on his merry way to r-word other women.

Is that what you’re suggesting sis?
Girl im not suggesting anything. You rewrote what I said and tried to demonise me along with it. Paying diyo is halal regardless. Its in our deen and it can be followed. To go against allahs laws is to go against him. Islamqa is free sis🙏
Girl im not suggesting anything. You rewrote what I said and tried to demonise me along with it. Paying diyo is halal regardless. Its in our deen and it can be followed. To go against allahs laws is to go against him. Islamqa is free sis🙏
Where does it say that a r-word can pay diya and get away Scot free with someone else paying on their behalf? Where?

Learn the conditions of diya before lecturing me please and where did I say I’m against Diya?


Where does it say that a r-word can pay diya and get away Scot free with someone else paying on their behalf? Where?

Learn the conditions of diya before lecturing me please and where did I say I’m against Diya?
i didnt lecture you abaayo. Google is free🙏 have a good day x